The Huron Expositor, 1962-06-21, Page 16' 16;' MON 1 X1?Q.I TQ p W+0013:41# QNT„ JTJ 1 1,962 ro Yogi Bear and his friends at Jellystone National Park are all aware that "June is Dairy Month". Yogi is preparing to start things off ..right by resolving to drink milk at every meal. WESTFIELD UC ENTERTAINS AREA SOCIETIES AT MEETING. Westfield United Church Wo- men had as their guests Wed- nesday evening, UCW af Au- burn, Blyth, Calvin, Brick, Don- neybrook and Belgrave, also friends from the Baptist, An- glican and Presbyterian wo- men's organizations of Auburn, to meet and thear Mrs; Bert Al- ton, regional president of Unit- ed Church Women. Mrs. Alton said she had chos- en a wide subject for her 'ad- dress, "The Church and What It Means To a Community." The speaker noted that the Church is spoken of thirteen times in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, and stated "in part: "The Church is made up of a great many people, but we have far too many holiday "Just think of 'it!" exclaimed a romantic newlywed. "A few words mumbled over your head and you're married." "Yes,' answer i the cynic, "and a few worlds mumbled in your sleep and -you're divorc- ed." churchgoers — Christmas and Easter, and sometimes Thanks- giving—when the church has a very good congregation." We have too many critics of the church. She spoke of a family discussing a morning service. One thought the ser- mon much too long; one didn't like -another woman's hat; one could play the organ much bet- ter than the organist, but with a child's candor the six-year- old boy voiced his opinion by saying, "I thought it was a pret- ty good show for 10 cents." It is in the small communities the church is •needed. The church is the body, of Christ and there- fore is sacred, for Christ went to the synagogue to worship on the Sabbath day, so think of the church.:as a place for peo- ple to assemble to worship God. • Mrs. Charles Lewis, of Au- burn, sang, accompanied by the Auburn church organist, Mrs. Norman Wightman. Following the meeting lunch was served in the schoolroom, where covers were laid for 75 guests. • DUBLIN HEIS OF THE WEEK A party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vandenberk,,--.,tlewk, weds, of ItR 1, Dublin, when their neighbors presented them with twq woollen blankets and a mirror. Mrs. Earl Trutter read the address andWil- lard Bennewies made the pres- entation. The evening was spent in playing progressive euchre, Mrs. William Flanagan, Sr., and William Radscherdt were high scorers, and.low were Mrs. Leo Kromen and Lorne Flanai.an. Lunch was served by those in charge. Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and Bernadette attended the gradua- tion exercises of Victor Dant- zer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Dantzer, at Windsor on Sun- day. Mr. Joseph N. Krauskopf in Ferndale, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krauskopf and rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles John- ston and family have moved to 94 Bay St., Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gaffney, of Eagle, Wisconsin, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland. Miss Betty Anne Butters has secured employment at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for the summer months. Rev. Father Gordon Dill, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ma- lorley in Sebringville with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Kelly. Mr. George Holland with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holland, Scar- boro. Mr. Charles Friend, of Eng- land, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coun- ter and Mrs. Dorsey, Seaforth, with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs: Ron Butters and family, St. Thomas, with' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morri- son, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Don Heard, of Newmarket, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hql- land and David, Scarboro, with Mr. and. Mrs. George Holland. Mr. George Holland returned home from Scarbop. Miss Beatrice Maloney, Oak- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle and Linda, Stratford,, with Mr. and' Mrs. Michael Nagle. . Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, Sr., Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. John' Evans, Jr., Margaret and Patricia with, Mr. and i+rlrs. Frank Evans and relatives, Mr. and 1ti1rs. Ed. Dean, Deb- bie and Mary Helen, Sarnia, called on• friends. in the vil- lage. James Eckert and sol}, Dan- iel, with Mrs, Theresa Eckert. Miss Marie Krauskopf; Ham- ilton, with Mrs. Catharine Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rowland and family moved Saturday to the home purchased by Pete Maloney from the Ryan Estate. CONSTANCE Constance United Church Sunday school will hold their anniversary Sunday, June 24, at 2 p.m. Mr. James Kinkead, of Goderich, will be the guest speaker, and the junior choir will supply special music. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson at- tended the centennial of Turn- er's United Church on Sunday and visited with Mrs. Les Law- son, of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brig- ham, of Chesley; Miss Lenore Brigham, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ern Roseborough, of Durham, visited with Misses Joyce and Elaine Brown. Miss Jeannie Watson, of Strat- ford, spent theweekend with Miss Margie Whyte and went to Toronto with the pupils of SS 3, Hullett, and returned home with her mother and sis- ters on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Laurence visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds, of London, on Saturday. Mrs. Lorne Lawson, accom- panied by Mrs. Reg Lawson and Mrs. Jack Busby, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hannah, of Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson attended both services of Turn- er's United Church centennial and visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Huron Farm News Periodic rains are curtailing haying operations, although the rains are good for all other crops, with the exception of late planted beans, which are showing the effects of high moisture. Pastures are looking particu- larly good, and milk production will be above average to this date for the year. IMPERIAL OIL and its partner Union Gas Co., are increas- ing production from the Grand Bend oilfield by injecting water into the field to force out. oil which otherwise would be left in the ground. .Above, Emile Okrucky, of Watford, adjusts a valve on the well used to inject the water into the oil-bearing formation which is 1,800 feet underground.In the background is the "purification plant where water used in the project is filtered to remove sediments and treated with a chemical which prevents corrosion and kills bacteria. Sedi- ments and bacteria could plug the injection well and thus prevent the recovery of additional oil. ONCE COVERED HURON, USE SALT WATER TO UP PRODUCTION Salt water that covered south- ern Ontario more than 200 mil- lion years ago is being used by Imperial Oil engineers to in- crease • production. from the Grand . Bend oil field located about five miles southwest of that village. The water, which was trap- ped in low-lying areas of an- cient sea beds and left behind when the seas receded, is be ing pumped to the surface from a formation about 450 feet un- derground., It is then forced at the rate of 80 gallons a minute through an injection well into the oil-bearing formation about 1,800 feet down, driving out oil which otherwise ,would be left in the ground. ' Known as water -flooding, this technique is widely used in Western Canada and other oily producing regions. Water is sometimes taken from streams but in many cases oil compan- ies drill deep water wells as Imperial has done at Grand Bend. The Grand Bend field—con- sisting of five wells, straddling a country sideroad—was dis- covered by Union Gas Co. in 1955 and developed by Iinper- ial in partnership with Union Gas. Since then the field has produced more than 250,000 barrels of crude oil. However, last year production began to decline and it was estimated that unless recovery was .aid- ed, the field would produce a total of about 381,000 barrels. By using the water -flooding technique, Imperial hopes to. prolong the life of the field and produce a total, of about 762,000 barrels. "It's 'as good as finding a new field that you don't have to spend time and money look- ing for," says Gordon Colpitts, manager of Imperial's Eastern Producing Division at Chatham, Ont. SAVE MONEY with EQUIPMENT MASSEY :FERGUSON ELECTED! "MINTON" has been elected' by a large majority as "The World's Most Beautiful China ! - SAVAUGE'S are happy to announce their appointment for Seaforth and District as exclusive agents of MINTON CHINA MINTON SONE CHINA MADE IN ENGEAND MINTON "6-2•/y ll )O ff.. 'ti vcy PATTERN "THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CHINA" Minton china is made to last a lifetime—and longer, And you'll never tire of "Downing's" clever design of Turquoise, pale Blue and Grey on white, on the famous Minton Fife shape. Adds charm to any type of home— and so economical to town. Drop in and See this Lovely English Bone China Dinnerware SA VA UGE'S Jewellery - Gifts ' - Fine China SEAFORTH by FULLY MOUNTED IN 1 MINUTE No more time -wasting, back -breaking labor in hooking upo, sir, not with the new MF 31. It's on and off so fast, you'll hardly believe, it possible, and without even using a wrench. Adjusts to 3 Tractor Tread Widths—In seconds, you can adjust the new MF 81 to match any tread width on your tractor . .. and the mower's inner shoe.will•be running. right down the line where you want it for a full cut. No more "Happy Medium" Knife Speeds—You can choose the knife speed you want to suit your crop by simply adjusting the Variable Speed Pulley. Improved Dyna -Balance Drive for Smoother, Faster Mow- ing—This is the pitmanless drive that minimizes wear - causing vibrations. Cuts way down on clogging while it lets you mow faster and better than ever before. MASSEY'FERGOSON 31 DYNA-BALANCE MOWER. eive BOYES' Farm Supply Phone 110 SEAFORTH NEW: WINDROW - GULPING BALER MASSEY-FERGUSON Ea r lily �..... ..7_415.',,5.",,.'4 l/ moi. • • • 74;• //` ','°4, '. .�",rte j Ever increasing numbers of area farmers are finding that MASSEY- FERGUSON IMPLEMENTS save time . and money in increased production .. . low first cost . . . low upkeep. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS • NEEDS NO DAILY GREASING! IT'S HERE! The Massey -Ferguson 10 ... the new high-capacity profit -maker that eliminates daily greasing, makes you first in the field, and gets the job done in record time! The MF 10's oversized 56" -wide pickup handles the heaviest windrows with ease. You can adjust the size or weight' of the bales fora just the right "heft" you, want. This new Massey -Ferguson 10 Baler is faster, more dependable and trouble-free— for years of •economical, high -profit baling! Come in today — See -for yourself! Phone 55 BRUSSELS r A • r •