The Huron Expositor, 1962-06-14, Page 6svv MON UPOSIT6i, SPA QIt'RI , Q 41J.NV 14, %KM. GIR .S' 'SOFTBALL HITS WINTHROP LEAGUE SCHEDULE DRAWN UP Winthrop Wingers, of the North, Mixon Ladies' Softball • 1:4ague, open their schedule in . Winthrop Park on Tuesday, June 19, when they play host to Londesboro. Game time is 7:0Q o'clock. The league consists of five teams: Londesboro, three Clin- ton teams and Winthrop. The winner of this group go on to meet the winner of the south- ern division which consists of teams from Brucefield, Exeter, RCAF Clinton and RCAF Cen- tralia. The schedule: June: 19—Londesboro vs. Winthrop 19—Clinton A vs. Clinton B 21—Clinton C vs. Londesboro 21—Winthrop vs. Clinton A 26—Londesboro vs. Clinton B 26—Clinton C vs. Winthrop 28—Winthrop vs. Clinton B 28—Clinton A vs. Clinton C July: 3—Clinton B vs. Clinton C 3—Londesboro vs. Clinton A 5—Winthrop vs. Londesboro 5—Clinton B vs. Clinton A 10—Clinton C vs. Londesboro 10—Clinton A. vs. Winthrop 12—Clinton B vs. Londesboro 12—Winthrop vs. Clinton C 17—Clinton B vs. Winthrop 17—Clinton C vs. Clinton A 19—Clinton C vs. Clinton B 19—Clinton A vs. Londesboro 24—Londesboro vs. Winthrop Assessment Up (Continued from Page 1) insured indigents in relation to provincial grants, Mr. Berry said: "We are going to receive a grant somewhat less than be- fore, but it will apparently cover 100 per cent of our in- digent costs as far as hospital- ization ets concerned. The point I have brought to the attention of Mr. "Cass, through our mem- ber, Mr. MacNaughton, is the fact that we carry the hospital- ization account here and have something like 90- on that list. What I want to see is that we get reimbursed for having that group, otherwise we will drop the group and charge all the costs against the province, which does not sound practical. The account involved is $3,000 a year, and there is no point in having that coverage if they do not 'consider that part of our expense; but that matter is un- der consideration." Council accepted an offer of hospitality from the town, ten- dered through Reeve Walkom, for the afternoon of Wednesday at Legion Hall, tentatively be- tween 4 and 6 p.m. At the opening, Warden Mc- Cutcheon welcomed the mem- bers and commented that rural members would be content to leave the farms with a rain making their crops grow. "I hope at this session you will get all the information you wish from the reports," he said. "Take all the time you need, and anything you do not under- stand, ask. We do not want to skim any report, and if neces- sary will sit an extra -day to be sure everybody knows what is going on." KIPPEN 24—Clinton A .vs. Clinton B 26—Londesboro vs. Clinton C 26—Winthrop vs. Clinton A 31—Clinton B vs. Londesboro 31—Clinton C vs. Winthrop August: 2—Winthrop vs. Clinton B 2—Clinton A vs. Clinton C 7—Clinton B vs. Clinton C 7—Londesboro vs. Clinton A Extensive damage was done to a barn on concession 4, Hay Township, on Sunday. A freak. wind lifted part df the roof and turned it upside down on the roof. The barn is owned by Ed- ward McBride. Mrs. Edgar McBride and Sharon left Sunday morning for a holiday in the States. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Storey, -of Seaforth. A proud little boy was • John Thompson, aged nine years, of Kippen, who won first prize as winner of the Hensall spring. show weight -gain competition, and also won this year's trophy. His sister, Mary, aged 'eight years, won third prize for the best calf, and John won fourth. Their father, Bert, won first and second in the grade butcher steers. . Kippen East WI meeting is to be held at SS No. 9, Tucker - smith, on Wednesday, June 20, at 8:30 p.m. Hostesses are Mrs: Vivan Cooper and Mrs. Jack Thompson. Roll call will be, "A cure for insomnia." Guest speaker is from the Cancer So- ciety. A demonstration, will be given by Mrs. V,ivan Cooper; a poem by Mrs. Ken McKay; con- test by Mrs. Ross Chapman, and music by Mrs. Cooper. Lunch committee will be Mrs. William Kyle, Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs. Verne Alderdice and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. • Mr. and Mrs. William Franks, Mrs. V. Winder, Mrs. Sadie,Win- der, 1Vliss Margaret Winder, of London; Mrs. Foster Bennett, of Seaforth, and Mr. Lloyd Dow - son, also of Seaforth, visited Mrs. Dowson during the week. Mrs. John Gibson and Mrs. Tom Burke, of Wroxeter,. spent the weekend with the former's daughter, Mrs. W. L. Mellis, and Mr. Mellis. Miss Shirley Reid is spend- ing the summer at Muskoka. Sympathy is extended Mr. Alan Johnson and family in the loss of a dear wife and mother, the late Mrs. Johnsoit. '.eV. D. A, MacMillan, of Ilderton,. visited Sunday with friends in the village. , WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Clark, Keith and Anne and Mr. Wm. J. Leeming vitsited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton at Byron. Forty-three ladies, including members of the Walton WI and ladies of the surrounding dis- trict, enjoyed a bus trip to CA- lingwood, Midland and Midhurst Park last Monday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hibbert on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roth and family, of Stratford; Mrs. Bella Neeb and Donna Lyn, Wellesley, and Mr. Ronald Brenneman, Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moore, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ennis, Cathie and Beth, of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Fred Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Law- less, Dianne and Murray, of Burlington, were weekend gue Burlington, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryans, Linda and Barbara left on Fri- day by car for a trip through the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hesk and family, of • Goderich, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Turnbull. Seaforth Site For Jr. Farmer's Meet The Perth - Huron Junior Farmer Field Day is being held at the Seaforth Lions Park and Seaforth District High School, on Saturday. A full program of sports has been arranged for the day. There are field events for both boys and girls, which will'commence at 10:00 a.m. Team events on the program will include softball, basketball, volleyball and tug-of-war. A square dance competition will be held at the Seaforth District High School at 8:00 in the evening. All of the events are open to Junior Farmer and Junior Institute members in Huron and Perth Counties, and the winners will be competing fn a regional field day at Guelph on June 30. General chairman for the Perth -Huron Field Day is Fran- cis Hunt, Seaforth. -P rope rty -Changes Three property changes are listed this week by Joseph Mc- Connell, realtor. The sale is announced of the Ross Mont- gomery property on Sparling Street, to . Ronald Dale, Eg- mondville, with immediate pos- session; the residence of Bed- ford Dungey, Centre Street, to Sol Shannon, Blyth, with pos- session August 1, and the farm of Mrs. Joseph Stapleton, sec- ond concession of Hibbert,, to James •O'Connor, of Hibbert, with immediate possession. CUB NOTES At the Cuboree at Sebring- ville last Saturday, Seaforth Cubs scored highest. Seaforth 'A' pack under leader Mrs. Ann Carnochan, won the plaque with 81%. Second St. Marys ..came in second with 79%, and Seaforth 'B' pack, under leader Tom Wilbee, third with 74%.' The boys did semaphore, com- pass reading, exercises, first aid, carrying messages, etc. Seven districts were represent- ed. A thank -you to all parents who loaned cars. 'A' pack will meet Monday night, June 18, at 7 o'clock 'at Baloo's 'place in full uniform for a campfire and marshmal- low roast. There will be a first star investiture. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Members of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary had dinner recently at Mi,netta Menard's in Grand Bend. Forty members were present. In the evening's entertainment were included games and contests. During a short business meet- ing, the treasurer's report re- vealed that following a canvass of the town there were 320 members. A point which was stressed was the gratefulness of the auxiliary for the warm re- ception during their visitation. The bride presented her hus- band with her first meal. "The two best things I cook are chicken pie and strawber- ry shortcake," she purred. "Well," said her husband, "which is this?" Maybelle: "How's your boy friend's English? Did going to night school help?" Shirley: "No, he still ends every sentence with a propos', tion." MORE THAN 1,000 PERSONS attended the 75th Hensall Twilight Spring Fair' and Implement Show at Hensall on Fri- day night. Shown here is the winner of the Hensall Feeder Calf Club, weight gained competition, John Thompson, of Kip - pen, with his prize animal. Hensall Show Draws Record Attendance The Hensall Calf Club had a very successful night as part of the South Huron Agricultural Society Friday night, June 8, in Hensall. There was a showing of 57 calves, all Hereford steer calves, weighing up to 1,000 pounds. The top exhibitor was Don Carter, RR 2, Seaforth, with Paul Passmore, RR 3, Exe- ter, for finish. The top exhibitor for senior showmanship • w a s Margaret Jean Broadfoot, RR 2, Kippen, with Gerald Finkbeiner, Exe- ter, as junior showman. The judge for finish was Bruce Glenn, of Canada Packers, for- merly of Hensall, and Ivan How- ett and Murray Scott, of Bel - grave, for showmanship judges. Harold Jackson auctioned off the calves, with very brisk bid- dipg that made the average price over 26 cents a pound. The Hansen Sales Barn pur- chased the grand champion for finish at '29%c a pound. Alf Scholl, of Hensall, bought the reserve champion at 29c a pound. For the champion gain went to John Thompson, RR 2, Kippen, with 568 pounds of gain,, with reserve champion to Paul Passmore, RR 3, Exeter, as runner-up with 520 pounds gain since November 7. The following donated tro- phies: Mickle Trophy, gain, John Thompson, RR .2, Kippen; Exeter Times -Advocate, f o r finish, Don Carter, Seaforth; W. G. Thompson trophy, champion shdwmanship, ' Margaret Jean Broadfoot; Hensall Co-opera- tive, for senior showmanship, Margaret Jean Broadfoot, RR 2, Kippen; Bank of Montreal, for junior showmanship, , Ger- ald Finkbeiner, Exeter. The splendid support receiv- ed from all the buyers who at- tended the fair was much ap- preciated by all calf club mem- bers. Following are the buyers: Hensall Sales Barn; Alf Scholl (Hensall Super Save Market); Exeter Frozen Foods, Exeter; William Rinti, RR 2, Woodham; Stuart McCall, Walton; Ferg Turnbull & Sons, Grand Bend; Bill Ellerington, Exeter; Robt. McGregor, Kippen; United Co- operatives of Ontario, Toronto; Whyte Packers, Stratford; Ster- ling Meat Packers, Toronto; Wm. Puddy Packers, Toronto; Canada Packers, Toronto. Doug Miles, agricultural representa- tive, master 9f ceremonies. The fair was officially opened by Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, Ex- eter. Other speakers' were El- ston Cardiff, M.P., Brussels, and Ernie Fisher, Mayor of Gode- rich. M. L. "Tory" Gregg, Lon- don, was master of ceremonies during the ' heavy and light horse judging and other events. Results were as follows: ' Holsteins Only entry in the Holstein section was made. by Karl Deck- er & Sons. Prizes won by Mr. Decker were: heifer under six month; heifer under one year; heifer over• one, under two; heifer over two, under three, and cow, three years and over. Shorthorns Nine first and five second prizes were won by Russell Parker In the Shorthorn section. Classes competed in were: aged bull; -biill under 1 year; bull under 2 years; cow, any age; heifer under 2 years; heifer under 1 year; get -of -sire; best bull, any age; herd. Herefords Aged bull, W. Coates & Son; Harry Watson & Son; bull, un- der 1 year, Coates, 1st and 2nd, Hoffman Bros.; bull, under 2 years, Coates, Hoffman, Harry Watson, Hoffman; cow, any age, Coates, 1st and 2nd, Hoffman, 3rd and 4th; heifer under two years, Coates, 1st and 2nd, Wat- son, Hoffman; heifer under one year, Coates, Watson 2nd and 3rd, Peter Kraft, Hoffman; get - of sire, Coates, Barbara Wat- kins, Hoffman; herd, Coates, Watkins, Hoffman; best bull, any age, W. Coates & Son. Market Cattle Grade butcher steer or hei- fer, Bert Thompson & Son, 1st and 2nd, Margaret Broadfoot, Jack Cooper. Groups of four fed calves, Reg Dick, Jack Crozier, Wayne McBride. Horses Biggest event of the fair was the horse show, with 20 exhibi- tors. Winners were: Carriage, Wallace Monro ; Percheron team Orville Best- ard, Andy Catto, 'Bestard, Cat - to; Belgian team, Orville Ban- nerman, Len Bok; wagon team, Allan Knill, Jack Fitch, Fitch, Bannerrpau4 road team, Monro, Aldren < Graven; heavy draft team, Peter Graham, C. F. Hal- liday & Sons. Pony team, 44" and under„ Fred Jones, Mrs. P. Caldwell, Harold Clark; light draft team, Halliday, Graham; Hackney pony team, Don Walters, Wal- ters, Lyle Hislop, Harvey Moore; best saddle horse, Jones, Caldwell, D. A. Finkbeiner, W. Preszcator; fine harness pony team, Jones; single roasted, 15.2 and under, Monro, Cravan; four - horse tandem hitch, Graham, Halliday, Bestard, Knill, Fitch, Bannerman. Single pony, under 44", Clark, Jones, Caldwell, Jones; Lady driver, Jones, Monro, Walters; Hislop; roadster, single, 15.2 and over, Monro, Cravan, Mon- ro; single wagon horse, 1500 lbs. and over, Bannerman, Fitch, 1500 lbs. and . under, Knill,. Knill, Fitch; fine harness, sin- gle pony, Jones, 1st and 2nd; Hackney pony, single, Hislop, Walters, Walters, , Hislop, Moore; Hackney pony, single, 15.2 and over, Monro; gentle- man's turnout, Monro, Cravan, Willis Linglebach, Walters, His- lop; Palamino, parade class, Ed. Brady, Fred Darling, Brady, Finkbeiner. Parade Winners of the school par- ade, SS No. 7, Hibbert; SS No. 10, Hay; SS No. 1, Tuckersmith. Als parading were Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from sHensall School. Baby Show A feature attraction this year was the baby show. Winners were: Under six months, Mar- ilyn Irene Pepper, Hensall; Nor- ma Streeton, Lucan; Robin Dar- lene McLellan, Kippen. Other entries were Karen Elizabeth Ford. In the over six months class, winners were: Teresa Marie Ducharme, Jeffery Harvey Cor- bett, RR 1, Exeter; Paul Thean- der. Other entries included June McKenzie, Hensall; Mich- elle Kimberley Riley, Kippen; Alice Brawn, Parithill; Kimber- ly Ann Stewart. Winners of the cash draws were: $5, Lillian Eggert, SS 10, Hay; Laverne Harburn, Hensall; $2, Kathie Henderson, Peter Bisback, ' Keith Roszel, Grant Jones, all of Hensall. won County Remises Construction Program Huron county council has adopted a road program, "1962 version," cnvering 48.5 miles of construction in nine projects. These are listed in order of deficiency. The number was cut by the road committee from 15 considered on points, with traf- fic count a primary factor. The work will be done as funds are available, and may not be com- pleted until 1970, County En- gineer James Britnell told council. Following is the sche- dule: 1. County Road 6 (600 an- neal average daily traffic), High- way 4 to Winchelsea, commonly known as the St. Marys road, five miles; present surface, cold mix. 2. County Road 4 (1,200 a.a. d.t.), Crediton to Khiva corner, five miles; existing surface, cold mix. 3. County Road 16 (600 a.a. d.t.), Brussels westerly, five miles; present surface, gravel. 4. County Road 4 (1200 a.a. d.t,), Khiva corner to King's Highway 81, five miles; present surface, cold mix. 5. County Road 12 (300 a.a. d.t.), Highway 86 to Highway 87, near Wroxeter, 2.5 miles; present surface, gravel. (This may yet be assumed by the province as a development road.) 7. County Road 13 (700 a.a. d.t.), Clinton westerly, known as the Bayfield road, 5.5 miles, to be 'completed into Clinton. Present surface, cold mix. 8. County Road 8 (250 a.a. d.t.), Summerhill to Auburn, 6:5 miles; present surface, grav- el. This is known as the Base Line. 9. County Road 27 (600 a.a. d.t.), Nile to Lucknow, 11 miles; present surface, cold, rp,ix. The St. Marys road, the en- gineer said, "is failing fast, and the cost of repairing would be extreme. The Crediton-Khiva road is in about the same con- dition. In fact, we have about 100 miles in the same condi- tion, but we cannot build them all." "Low count "' on the Base Line may be due to the condi- tion of the road. It is well be- low the desirable standard• and is a good connecting link be- tween Auburn and Clinton." "It is a bad road to drive on„” remarked Reeve Tom Leiper; of Hullett. "Even this spring there have been a number of accidents. I would like to see it higher up the list, but. it may not, be possible." "It will take between six and nine years to build these roads, depending on the funds avail- able," Mr. Britnell said. "Our county assessment is up, and if the cost of road construction does not rise, we may gain and Get Busy On (Continued from Page 1) better than the other and said to give 80 per cent protection— with both, 95 per cent. "There has been a decline in rabies, although foxes in Turn - berry and Howick were found rabid, but as far as I know no humans were involved." Reese Glenn Webb (Stephen) asked: "Will there be clinic set up for. oral vaccine in the fall?" He was told: "We hope so." "I think we should take all possible steps," said Reeve Ball of Seaforth. The public health nurses get married off so rapidly that Dr. Aldis has trouble keeping up the staff. "They seem to make good wives," he concluded. The one who last departed to get mar- ried, sent him a postcard: "I have seen Niagara Falls." Reportof the .Children's Aid Society,- presented by Miss Clare McGowan, director, men- tioned a Bruce - Grey - Huron meeting to discuss a tri -county plan for a joint' foster home for teen-agers, with possibility of detention rooms being provid- ed in the same house. Huron has no detention home. The foster home for teen- agers is "only in the thinking stage," according to Reeve Clarence Hanna, of East Wa- wanosh, who attended the meet- ing. The idea, he said, would be to have' somebody report to the judge on these,juveniles, so they would gemedical treatment or , be sent to the right institution. Huron has one such case, Bruce five, Grey two, but the numbers keep chang- ing. Ex -warden William -Jewitt, president of the C.A.S., was in- vited by Warden McCutcheon -to speak- on the report. "We have enough money," he said; "it is interest we need, from the county , council and all the people of the county. Some people still talk about Children's Homes; their minds are back in the years when we had orphanages. There is a need all the time for homes. They talk about one for juven- iles hard to place, and that is a thing we are going to look into. Some children we deal with had a horrible start, and we spend our money hoping it will be well spent." Reports were received from weed inspector Alex Chesney and county forester Larry Scales. the assessment make it pos- sible to do more than the miles planned. Otherwise we must say that in 1966 we will build nin miles and when the time coma- levy to pay for it. That has not been the practice, and the committee has not recom- mended it at this time, but it is the only practical way. There is no average cost for road con- struction; $200 will build four to five miles in the south, where gravel is expensive, or five to six miles in the north." Reeve Glenn Webb, of Steph- en, road committee chairman, said in his . report: "Our sys- tem of budgeting makes it dif- ficult to strike a five-year plan with any accuracy, since the construction program usually must fit the funds available, and this amount could vary from from year to year. For the plan to work properly, we should set the program, and then each year raise the funds by tax levy to meet the cost. Rather than recommend a change in our method, it was decided to present a list of pro- jects in the order in which they will be constructed. At the pre- sent rate, five to seven miles could be 'constructed each year. It is essential that a long-range plan be adopted to make it pos- sible to carry out property pur- chase, pole relocation and pre - engineering in advance of the construction year." Council took no action to change the financial method. In a question period that followed presentation of the report, Mr. Britnell said: "There are likely 200 miles below standard we would like to do, perhaps not lower than the standard in oth- er counties, but Huron always has had a ' good road system and to keep it up to standard we would have to construct 200' miles. We had to select 48, and it was no easy task when the funds are not available for more. A lot of soul-searching Was done, and this is what the committee came up with." Valentine Becker, reeve - of Hay, noted that his township was not listed. "No considera- tion was given," Mr. Britnell explained, "to location, but as to public need." Reeve Becker said '21, miles of the road between Varna and No. 84 had been left open. RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dupee (nee Dorothy Flynn) FRIDAY, JUNE 15th Londesboro Community Hall 'Music by Cec Maxwell and Hensil Lights Dancing from 9:30 to 1:00. a.m. Ladies, please bring Lunch EVERYONE WELCOME"! Perth-Hui=on Jr. Farmers' Field Day DANCE ' Seaforth Community Centre Saturday, June 16 Dancing 9:30 to 12 Ian Wilbee's Orchestra 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RECEPTION - for Mr. and Mrs. James Souter Brucefield Friday, June 15th Legion Hall, Seaforth Ladies Please Bring Lunch NORRIS ORCHESTRA 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I I STRAWBERRY & HAM SUPPER NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH TUESDAY, JUNE 19 5:30 to 7:30 ADULTS $1.25 CHILDREN (under 12), 60c MONCRIEFF Gard,ene Party TUESDAY, JUNE 19 Supper 6-8 o'clock One -Act Play by Seaforth Junior Farmers Admission — 85e and 40c DANCING Every Saturday . Night Circle 'B' Ranch Highway 8 West of Sebringville Music by The Nighthawks (Standard Time) "We admit there is a section in there nqt constructed," the engineer replied. "There is a paved section 21/2 miles west, and o1�'' traffic count .is not high. This is 21/2• miles of the 200 that need building. There are many miles that do not warrant paving. Many people would prefer to drive on good gravel road if it were not for the dust. There is no sense in paving a road .-With a traffic count of 100 when an 800 road needs it. Where are many roads that if kept slightly above town- ship ,Standard would be quite satisfactory. As soon as a road is carrying over 500 vehicles a day it is difficult to maintain a surface." • To Reeve Walkom, of Gode- rich, Mr. Britnell said the Car- low -Nile road would be given grading, gravel base and cul- verts for paving next year. In discussing a 'bridge for which designs could not be pre- pared in time to build this sea- son, a member mentioned win- ter work. (Continued on Page 7) Too Late to Classify 23 ACRES choice hay. JACK LANE, RR 5, Seaforth. 22-1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE Organist June 17, 1962 WORSHIP — X1:00 A.M. 9:45 a.m.—Minister's Class 10:00 da.m.—The Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Junior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Nursery BLUEWATER DANCELAND DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCI NG LIONEL THORNTON AND HIS Casa Royal Orchestra Every Saturday BROWNIE'S Drive -II Theatre LTD. CLINTON, ONT. Children under 12 in cars, Free ALL SHOWS DOUBLE BILLS Please Check Times THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 14.15 Hit No. 1—Shdwn` at 9:45 only "ON THE DOUBLE" Danny Kaye -- Dana Winter (Colour — Scope) Hit No. 2—Shown at 11:15 "TIN STAR" Henry Fonda - Tony Perkins (Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 16-18 Hit No. 1 --Shown at 9:45 only "THE BUCCANEER" Yul Brynner -- Charlton Heston (Colour) Hit No. 2—Shown at 11:45 "TEN WANTED MEN" • 'Randolph Scott (Colour) (Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 19-20 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:45 only "NORTH TO ALASKA" John Wayne - Fabian (Colour — Scope) (Adult Entertainment) Hitr No. 2—Shown .at 11:45 "SECRETS OF THE PURPLE REEF" Richard Chamberlain (Colour — Scope) (Cartoon) Coming— "THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS" "DAYS OF THRILLS AND LAUGHTER" ANNUAL TURKEY AND HAM SUPPER' and GARDEN PARTY Wednesday, June 20th St. Patrick's Church CWL, Dublin 5:30 - 8 p.m. ' ADMISSION: Adults $1.25 — Children 50c TAKE-OUT PLATES — 25c EXTRA r . .CHICKEN . BARBECUE SUPPER and PROGRAM ,Sponsored by the East Huron Agricultural -Society, Brussels Wednesday, June 20th At the Fair Grounds, Brussels In case of inclement weather, at the Brussels Arena Supper served from 5:30 to. 8 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults $1.50 -- Public School Children 75c A DANCE will be held in the Agricultural Palace after the program. TURNER'S UNITED CHURCH Tuckersmith CENTENNIAL' SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 17th and 24th June 17th Thanksgiving Service 11 A.M. Guest — Rev., A. Glen Eagle, Sarnia Music by Turner's Choir and Quartette 2:30 P.M. , OPLN HOUSE AND TEA Cutting of Centennial Cake Display of Centennial Quilt and Photos depicting the Church's History 7:30 P.M. Rev. A. Glen Eagle Music by Harbouraires, Goderich EVERYONE WELCOME!