The Huron Expositor, 1965-06-24, Page 12awtoNpcp9srtort, swolay, di T•,Atig,plop6 FUNER,ALS tiff i Ri ME FERGUS FEENEY Jerome Fergus Feeney, 5$, 'of Hibbert Township, died in St. Joseph's HXospitaI, London, on Tuesday. He was born in Rib- bert and was a lifelong resi- dent there, He attended Dublin Continuation School. - He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney. Mr. Feeney was a member of a fam- ily of six, and is survived by four brothers, Joseph, Clinton; Thomas, London' Louis and El- mer, at home. He was a mem- ber of St. Patrick's Roman --Catholic Church, Dublin, and of the Holy Name Society. The body is at flie W. J. Cleary funeral home, Seaforth, from 7:30 p.m. Wednesday un- til 9 a.m. Friday. Requiem High Mass will be at St. Patrick's Church at 9:30 a.m. Friday. Reg,. Remi • Durand wiII offici- ate, and burial will he in St. Patrick's cemetery, Dublin. . MRS. SOPHIA KERR Mrs. Sophia L. Kerr, 87, Sea - forth, died Saturday at Kilbar- chan nursing home. The for- mer ' Sophia L. McGavin, she was educated in McKillop, and was predeceased in 1937 by her husband, John, L. Kerr, She was a member of Northside United Church. Surviving are two sons, Gra- ham J., Seaforth; William A., Callander; a brother, Issas Me - Gavin, Seaforth. • • Funeral services were ' held from the Box funeral home on Monday,' at 3:30 p.m., with Rev. J. C. Britton, of Northside Unit- ed Church, officiating. Pallbearers were Gordon -Mc- Gavin, Gordon Elliott, Charles • McGavin, Harry'Palin, Con Ec- kert and Ken Murray. Flower - bearers were Les McClure, Geo,. McGavin, Tom Govenlock and_ Fred McGavin. Burial was in Maitlandbank cemetery. - MRS. LORNE. T. ROE Mrs. Anna Jane Roe, 67; Hul- lett Township, died. Saturday in Scott Memorial Hospital. The former Anne Jane Nicholson, she was the widow of Lorne T. Roe, who predeceased her. in November 1964. 'She was a member of Duff's United Church, Walton, and the Unit- ed Church Women. She is survived by four daughters: , Mrs. Roy, (Kathleen) Williamson, Walton; Mrs. Geo. (Grace) Pethicl;, McKillop; Mrs. Lyle (Marjorie) Racho, Sea - forth.. Mrs. N. G. (Loreen) Hu- 'bent, Seaforth; a brother, Wil- liam J. Nicholson, Seaforth, and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday ,from the Box funeral home at 2 p.m. Rev. A. Higgin- botham, of Walton United Church, officiated, with inter- ment, in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Archie Som- erville; Ivan 'Shannon, Charles McGavin, Harvey McClure, Nor- man Nicholson and Ernest Toll. Fiowerbearers were Walter Somerville. William Thamer, Robert Holland and Tom Stev- ens. HARRY C, CHESNEY Harry 'Charters Chesney, 70, Seaforth, died Saturday in Scott Memorial Hospital. In his early- life he was a farmer and Too Late r with to etepress my sincere appreciation and thanks to all who sent cards and treats etc. and to all who visited me while a patient in Scott Memorial - HospitaUL Special thanks to .a,B the nurses • and to Drs. Brady and Malkus for their excellent cane. — J. Roses M'urdie xl Wow cannot express our t'h a. n k sl and apprleciatien to neighbors. friends, relatives and , the Seaforth Women's Institute who sent floral tributes, words Land cards of sympathy, or help:- ed elp-ed in any way during our recent betreavementt. Thanks to pall - b e a r e• r s and fllowerbearers. Special thanks to the nursing staff of 'Scott Memorial. Hospitt- a1, Dr: Stapltetbin and Dr, Mul- kus, Rev. J. C. Britton and Mr. G. -A. Whitney. — Mrs. Thomas ° Pryce and family. xl I would like to thank everyone who was so nice to me while I wnas in Seaforth Hospital and sent me gifts. cards, treats ,and games. Special thanks to Dr: Stapleton and Dn. Oaketsr and al- so to Fr. Coughlin and Fn. Me - ,Connell. I would_ also like to thank my teacher, Mfrs: Melody and ail the pupils of S.S.S. No. 4 Hilbert for elver3thing.— Gary O'R .. -1. FOR SCALE -- 8 pigs, 8 weeks old, Dale Nixon,, Seaforth. -1 FOR SALE — 'one. Hol Sbefn cow, caixiyunrg second calif; bred healp- folyd. Due one Week.. Robert 13e1!P, plivne 282-5271 HOlean. -1 FOR SALE —1; HeJls'beg nt heifer, .tersey be& ehs, all second calf. - Due tits weeek. J!erisey!, bulli, 2 years old, and thirty pigs.' ,Her-• beet Van Niekerk, R R 3 Kippen, phone. 527.0166.• -1 „WORK WANTED -- Summer work for thigh school girl and boys. Fined Rose, phone 527-1987, R R7 Wal!tlo1n, -1 WANTED TO BUY — hundred or more red • rug brick. Walter Murray, -1 FOR SALE -- one three -paint hitch —Ferguson- !spring boon, sxtufiilfemi 'two row with shields, Heir Gribbings, phone 482.7419, Gpn!flonn, • -1 irE of it 4 - Ir -,St, Joseph s 'tt'b i,t}l(, Una*, &,"t'tte2d,`ya,,y,, a teamster. He was a member of Egmondville United Church and of Branch 156, Royal Cana- dian' Legion. Mr. Chesney is survived by his • wife, the former Jennie Cline; three daughters, Mrs, C. J. (Ethel Peggy-) Lemon, Sar- nia; Mrs. Kenneth (Margaret) Hart, Galt; Mrs. Jack (Dorothy) Clark, Lapeer, Mich.; two sons, H. Pearson, Port Arthur; Wil- liam A., Seaforth; two sisters, Mrs. W. J. (Eva) Kerr, Sea - forth; Mrs: Harold (Alice) Gil- christ, Detroit; a brother, Hec- tor Chesney, Seaforth; also 10 grandchildren. A son, Harold, predeceased him in 1945. Funeral services were held from the Box funeral home on Tuesday at 2 p.m., with Rev. A. Scott, of l gmondville Unit- ed Church, officiating. 'Inter- ment was in -Maitlandbank cem- etery. • Pallbearers were, Paul Doig,'. James Brown, Mike Williams, Lloyd Haney,,Alex Chesney and John Oldfield. Flowerbearers were Roy Kerr, Pearson Char- ters, Wilson Allan and Arthur Nicholson. THOMAS PRYCE Thomas Pryce died Saturday in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, in his 81st year. He was born in McKillop " Township, where he farmed all his life. His wife, the former Theresa Armstrong, survives, along with two daughters: (Efiva) Mrs. Har- old Bolger, of Morris Township; (Olive) Mrs. Earl Papple, .Tuck- ersmith Township; and two sons, Oliver and Harold, of McKillop Township; 16 grand- children; two- sisters, -Mrs. Mary Bolton, McKillop Township, and Nellie, of Seaforth; also two brothers, Edward and John, both of Seaforth. Funeral services were held from the G. A. Whitney funeral home on Monday, • at 1:00 p.m., with Rev. J. C. Britton, of Northside United Church, of- ficiating: During the service, Misses Joan and Christine Pryce sang,, 'Only Shadows." ,The pallbarers were Rus- sell Bolton, Lewis Bolton, Har- old Bolton, Irwin Trewarthaf William Little and Wilson Lit- tle. Flowerbearers were Mur- ray Pryce, Tom Papple, Larry Bolger and Robert Pryce. Bur- ial was in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. • MRS. HARRIET HARVEY Mrs, •.Harriet. Harvey, 84, of Seaforth, died Wednesday, June 16, in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where she had beep a patient two days. Born in Chicago, she was married to John Harvey in- Toront8, who predeceased her in 1948. In 1959 she came t,p Seaforth to live with her son, Dr. John D. Harvey. She was, active in the Women's Augiliary of the Anglican Church and a - life member of 'the Red Cross 'So- ciety. and had an honorary life. membership in the Canadian Girl , Guides. - Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. H. W. (Joanna)' Smith, To- ronto; Mrs. J. L. (Margaret) Seaborn, Winnipeg; Mrs. w: T. (Janet) Gundy, Unionville; Mrs. - R. R. (Ann) Eade, Halifax; one son, John, ' Seaforth two sis- ters, Mrs. G: G. • (Margaret) Prupner, St. Catharines, ' and Mrs. J. A. (Isabel) Dunn, Tuscon, Ariz.; four brothers, Paul, Toronto; Joseph and Gor- don, Surrey, B.C., and Donald, Vancouver; also 13 grandchil- dren and four great-grandchil- dren. The body rested at the R. S. Box funeral home, Seaforth, un- til Friday, June 18, at 11 a -m. at St. Thomas Church here,. when funeral service was held with Rev. Barry Donaldson 'of- ficiating. Burial was in West- minster Memorial . Park, North Toronto, with the service be- ing conducted by Rev. J. W. Tiber. Pallbearers were C. C. McDonald, Guelph;" G. E. C. iaCkson, Milton; C. G. Weston, Toronto; W. A. Gundy, Union- ville; B. T. Winning, Windsor, and L. W. Palin, Toronto. MRS. ROSE McCONNELL Mrs. Rose McConnell, 88, Sea - forth, died Thursday in Scott Memorial Hospital. The former Rose Carpenter, she is survived. by three daughters: Rev. Moth- er St. David, Ursuline Mother House, Chatham; Mrs. Harry (Jeanne) Dingeman, Detroit, Mich.; Sister Mary Janet, Mont- ero, Bolivia, three sons, Joseph and Patrick, Seaforth; Rev. John, MaryknoU Seminary, New, York. The body rested at the Cleary funeral home until Saturday morning, when removal • was made to St. • James' Roman Catholic Church. Solemn Re- quiem High Mass was celebrat- ed by her son, key. John F. Mc- Connell, New York, assisted by Rev. C. E. Sullivan, Seaforth, and Father J. Donovan, of De- troit. Burial was made in St. James' cemetery. - - The pallbearers. were David Dingeman, Detroit; John Dinge- man, Traverse City; Paul Dinge- man, Dayton, Ohio;- JohnQ F. Daly,, Toronto; John McConnell and Donald L. Stewart, Sea - forth, John Flannery was flowerbearer. , EDWARD J. BROOKS Edward 3. Brooks, Staffs, died in Scott Memorial Hospital Tuesday following an illness of two years: Born in Hardy Town - Atli, in the Wolf River Drs - .i III IT WAS OPEN ' HOUSE last week at the new automatic Bell Telephone exchange on. Chalk Street. • Hundreds of area residents crowded the building and watched the automa- tic switching.equipmentin operation, as 'company representatives explained details. The building came' into use last November, when Seaforth was switched to dial. NEWS OF CONSTANCE Mr., Mrs. Howard Armstrong.. Mark- 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arm- strong were honored' at a fam- ily dinner held at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hopper, Sea - forth. The couple were married at the bride's home, con. 5,.,lot 2, Hullett Township, by the Rev. C. C. Kaine, on June 23, 1915, and have lived in the commun- ity since their marriage. Mrs. Armstrong is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William' Clark, and Mr. Armstrong is a Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matt Armstrong, alI of Hullett. The couple have four daugh- ters: Mrs. Stewart (Hattie) Dale, of, Hullett;-Mrs. Ron (Edna) Col- lison, of Wheatley; Mrs. Harold (Stella) Bauer, of Bornholm, and Mrs. Neil (Blanche) Hopper of Seaforth. There are thirteen grandchildren , and ' two great- grandchildren, all of whom were present. The• family pre; sented them with a eouple of chairs and other small gifts: The directors and their wives of the Clinton Spring Show held their final 'meeting .of the year at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Dale, Friday eve- ning, Mrs. Paul McMaster and Car- ol, of Ridgetown, spent a few days last week with her par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. ,Geo. Hog- gart, "while Mr, McMaster at tended the golf tournament at Grand Bend, and came fourth out of the 200 golfers. They returned home Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molen, Paul and Mark, of Kit- ZION Mr. ,and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gor- don, Seaforth, and Mr. • and Mrs. Harvey Hyde; Hensall, at- tended the funeral of Mr. Wel- lington Henderson in. ;ucknow on Sunday. Mr. Henderson is the father of Mrs. William 'Gra- ham and Mrs. Don Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, Joan and Ken were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burchill, Mitchell, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb, Sherrie and Linda, of Glencoe, called on Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm Sunday '• evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vipond and 'Mrs. Gladys Balfour, of Mitchell, were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Wed- nesday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKinnon and family on Sunday were: Miss Margaret McKinnon and friend Dale, Michigan; Mr, and Mrs. Jim McKinnon and family, Terry and Jackie, Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flood, London; Mr. and Mrs, Brian Rastin and fam- ily, St. -Marys; Miss Marilyn and Doug McKenzie, Mr. Bob Hicks, Ilderton; Mr. and Mrs. Dave- Mc- Kenzie and family, Glen, Oliver, Delaware; Miss Jean McDonald, Stratford. A family reunion of The cousins was held, and a lovely afternoon was spent at the McKinnon home. • • trict, he was in his 60th year. His wife, the • former Verna Wallace, survives, as well as a son, George A. Brooks, at home. Funeral services will be held from the G. A. Whitney fun- et'al home, Friday, June 25, at 2 p.m., with interrnent°in Stat fa cemetery. Rev. A. H. Day - nerd officlating. ' • chener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Mrs• Van der Molen and family are staying for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Gregory, and. Mr. and Mrs Robert Woods, Debbie and Michelle, all 'of Ajax, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley. Mt. and • Mrs. George Hart, of Brussels, spent Saturday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. Wed Buchanan and family. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGre- gor were Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacGregor, of Chatham, and Misses Mary MacGregor, of Kit- chener,, and lvlargaret MacGre- gor, of Molesworth; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth, Marion and Muriel, of Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart were on a motor trip around Georgian Bay and Northern Lake Huron over the weekend. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ken Preszcator were Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Webb ' and family, of Dashwood; and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Credi- ton. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale were Mr. and Mrs. Erik Fogt,• of Brampton, and Mr. and Mrs, Murray Dale and Deborah. - . Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Crozier and soils, of Listowel, , spent Sunday' with Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Mcllwain and Mary. Mrs. Ella Jewitt and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Dowson and fam- ily, • of Varna. Mr. and Mrs, William Dale attended the baptismal service in Blyth United Church on Sun- day of Karen -'Lucille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don GIousher, of Blyth. Mr. Bert Barwick, of .Strat- ford, renewed old acquaintanc- es in the village on Sunday af- ter being away .for some 25 years: .• Misses Mary and- Margaret MacGregor and Messrs. David Medd and 'Gary- Jewitt, of the Karim Group of Clinton, were some of the group who were in charge of a program to en- tertain the patients at the On- tario Hospital, Goderich on Sun- day. , Mrs. Effie Stephenson, of Sea - forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson on Sunday eve- ning. Mr. Sam Mel:twain, of Gode- rich, spent Sunday with and Mrs, George McIlwain d Mary. • • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited with Mr. arid Mrs. Alf Buchanan, of Clint* on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glott- sher, Stewart and Barbara were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr Austin Dexter, of Blyth, day evening,' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald and sons spent tiie weekedd with Mrs. Robert Ja}niesti Mrs- Donald, 'Bob, Ian and B ry are remaining for a week., Mrs. Harvey Taylor spent t weekend in London visiting -her husband Mr. Taylor, in Vict6"r is Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Britt. of Seaforth, ' visited with and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt arid family, on Sunday evening. I. Miss Janice Jewitt has se- cured a position with McCoh- nell & Stewart, of Seaforth. Mr. Clifford Trot, of London, spent the _ WWeekend with It r,. and Mrs. Robert Grimmoldby. Mr. and 1Glrrs. Horden Brop ri and Elaine visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Roseborough, both patients in the Durham Hospital, recently. Mr. and I rs. Fd, Jorritsma and family, of Burlington, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and family on Sun- day. William and Ed. Jorritsma are remaining for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Vander-Heuval and family, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs; Adolph Ot- ten and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and_ Elaine spent Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Brown, of Hanover. Mr. John Mann and Mrs. B. McTavish, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grim- oldby on Monday, Mr. Bill Hoggart has accept- ed a position with the Burns Food Ltci., of. Kitchener, and started on, Monday. t' The young people of the Lon- desboro, Burns and Constance enjoyed a wiener roast at Ball's.` bridge on Monday -evening. Communion service will take place` next Sunday, June 27th, at the usual time. Misses Gertie Vienstra and Janie Roest, of Clinton, visited, with their friend, Miss Agnes Haverkamp on Sunday. We are 'pleased to report Mr. Joe Riley is somewhat improv- ed at time of writing. LOCAL- BRIEFS Miss. Ruth Morrison; of Thorn- hill, spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Reg Kerslake. Mrs. Gladson Campbell, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, last week. Mrs. E.' P. Chesney visited her brother, Mr. James Sher- wood, arid Mrs.. Sherwood in Ottawa last week. i Mrs. R. K. McFarlane ,has re- turned from Guelph, where she, visited her cousin, Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Dn. and Mrs. Glten Wily i,v a r, Leann and Mir !spent a few days with, the! former'st weeks Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver, Jphn St. before leaving for Boston where, Dr. Oliver has been ac- cepted inn r e se a r e'h with the Retinal Foundattion,. Mir. and Mrs. John C, Fraser of ,Basswood, Manitoba are vis- iting at the trome of Mrs. Bell and Miss Fraser on, John S8. They attlernded.t!lue. McTavish re- unieru at 'thee park on Saturday and ares enzawtte to Nova Scotia and Prince. Edwrd Isllancl. Mrs,. Thos. M. Connors from Santa Cruz, California and Mrs. Richard Scott from. Satcramtentio, California spent two weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Martha Corbett. Miss Bea Wtattson of Gant is the guest of her itr stbers, Mr. James Watson and Mrs. Wat son-, and. Mfr. Robert Watson and Mrs. Watson, and its also visit- ing . Mists Jean Scott and Mrs. Nellie Dorranloe. • Mrs. Geta, CaMpbelf of Me- ,Killolp and Mists J!enn Scott were in Toronto last -week attending the General +Asstemblty- • off . the. 11;ebeka+h Lodge, Dr. and •Mrs. { P. L. Brady cellebrated t h e ism twenty- fifth wedding anniversary on Tiles-• dap' .They entertained their or- iginal wedding party -at a din - Tier at the 'Seaway Towers in Toronto. iVtr, and Mrs.. R, M. Scott Mr. an'd Mrs. Alex Smith spent the. weekend at r•Iiumchburiger'sr Camp on Lake Nipissintg. Harveyi Giver of gdattottttli .htas teed titl!telrvi ,'vek at tale Batik adE 11 sancta., Tool*, a}l• s ,a NI ti E9MONDVILLE A Religion, and Life Badge, blessed by Father C. E. Sulli- van,. was presented to Mary Anne MCGratit, by her Guide Captain; Wilma MacLean, . of the First >rgnmondville Guide Company on Mpnday evening in St. James' Church. Mary Anne is the first Guide • -of St. James' .parish to receive such, an award. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Alex McBeath were surprised when members of their family, relatives, friends and neighbors met at their home Monday- evening to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They were pre- sented with a number of gifts, and on Tuesday evening a family dinner was held at the Iroquois Hotel, London. Mr. Frank Wright is a pa- tient at Clinton Public Hospi- tal. L ed for a position on th!* staff at their branch in Exeter., Miss Ginger Chamberlain of Kitchener is visiting with Mr. and Msec. Wm. Brown and Carol, Jarvis St. Mrs, Henry J. Neteb, Tavi- stock, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Win, Brown, Mtn • Brown, and Carol, Jarvis St., this past week. M2;.. Wlllmer Broadfoot was in Toronto least week attending an IOOF convention. • McKILLOP IQUOR LICENSE VOTE Wednesday, June 30th THERE ARE TWO -BALLOTS (Pale Pink Background) Beverage Rooms For Men and Women • x is !h,t Are you in favour of the sale of beer -only under a public house licence for consumption on licensed premises to which women are admitted? YESX NO (Pale Yellow Background) Beverage Rooms For Men Only 111111111111111111111111111111111.1 YES` Are you in favour of the sale. of beer only, under a public house licence for consumption on licensed premises to which men only are admitted? ' NO To vote in favour, it is necessary to mark BOTH ballots only with a plain X, as shown above. DON'T USE A CHECK MARK Sponsored by the Vote "Yes" Committee M. J. BROWN, Chairman Wilkinson's for Steak Savings STEAKS "or Roasts Round _ � Rib andit 11 • • 79 Ib STEAKS or ROAST Ib. 89c Whytes Packers Small — Partly Skinned For Your Bar-B-Que . • PICNIC HAMS—Whole or Half Ib. 59c STEAKETTES Tablerite Ib. 59c Coleman's Bacon and Liver Sticks Ib. 59c FEARMAN'S VARIETY PACK ,,,,,.,. Ib. 65c COLEMAN'S WIENERS Ib. 49c rEAVER (Pieces and Aeolis) Savoy SHIRRIFF GOOD MORNING MARMALADE DORIC — SAVE 12c - CREAM HONEY CATELLI SAVE 4c SPAGHETTI 10 -oz Tins • 2 -Ib. • Plastic Chum' c 59 35 CILUN KING - DINNERS . • M• Beef us roof 23-oz, Chicken Tim59 r. CNUN KING CHOW MEIN MIX "P',7159 UNCLE B'EN'S — SAVE lBc CONVERTED RICE zpk9. ' 5 5 LEAVER (Whole Choice) -' MUSHROOMS 2 i ALPO ASST DOG FOOD 2 10 -os,, Tins 69 'Tin 4 s.' Tihs POST — SAVE 6c CRISPY CRITTERS 19 35 STUART HOUSE— SAVE 6e FOILWRAP SAVE 4e 4SARAN WRAP.- WHITE SWAN COLORED - . SERVIETTES .SAVE 2e SOS PADS la Pef Pig. 2 18" Roll 59 50'Regular Re Roll Pkgr, of 60 - 37c,a Save '18e —• Fortune Fancy 28 oz. PEACHES 3 Tins 99c Save 4c — Top Vale', BLEAC11--32-oz. Container • • • - . 19c ` Kraft •— -Save 6c — Casino - Catalina - DRESSING -8 -oz. Bottle • 59c Save 4c — Lyon's Discount TEA BAGS-100,per Pkg., 15 Free 75c TOP- YALU' • 48-oL YIN 1 no , TOP VALU -4A-rim -A C JUICE In.. INSTANT CHOCOLATE if.a.•, TOP VALU ORANGE JUICE, t' TOP,NALU BLENDED . JUICE %%t4 c TOP VALU �vE 294 on ifjPOWDERED MILK 4 UU •A lc TOP VALU 2 -LL -An ifj BREAKFAST PRUNES qv — FRESH. PP1tOnUCE , - ba1,3c H aping Quart Basket sh PEACHES 590 • Ontario Grown No.,1 Grade — Jumbo 45's CANTELOUPE CORN . ON .THE -COB 6 Cobs for dill it i Detergent 27c Oft KING OXYDOL SIZE SAYE 15c -CABBAGE No. 1 Solid . 2 Ms( Kraft Save,18c, , . TOMATO MIRALrWHIP 18cSALAD JUICE D S� i1 HEINZ SAVE 8c 33 32•O'L JAR.. OM, TIN , Ever ay At Seaforth SGA t 39c 15c You 'Save- Everyday - a 4- , •