The Huron Expositor, 1965-06-24, Page 7• • 4' by. �o- AREA WEE; • • HUFF--TROUTBECK; Cascades of daisies, larkspur, trailing ivy and candelabra. graced the chancel of St. Thoniast Anglican Church, Sea - forth, for the wedding of Mar- garet Anne Troutbeck and Hugh Franklin buff, 'on Saturday, 0 i • • • r • • • Jtll a 19, ,at 4 p,m. Bev. H.1)on- aldson officiated at the care- many, -The .Bride is the dough- ter of Mrs. George - R. Trout - beck Seaforth, and •the late Mr. Troutbeck, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank guff, Sta.Marys. • • Mc IULLOP Liquor Licence Act Vote For Information or Election Dray Transportation CALL M. J. BROWN HURON HOTEL Phone Dublin 100 SPONSORED BY.THE VOTE "YES" COMMITTEE NOisW the TIME to think about preparing Vacation dlothes ready for Summer holidays and cleiling school clothes, so the will be fresh anti like new when school rolls 'rol;l& again in September. Dry. Cleaning Saves You Money! Call: FLANNERY CLEANERS,. Phone 527-020 Seaforth' Custom -ars are urged to pick up their completed work. We are not responsible for garments after 30 days. • SEE OUR BIG SELECTION FOR SAVING ON\ REFRIGERATORS BOX FURNITURE. Plf one 527-0680 Seaforth 41, • 4 '1 M. Bl�'tor #ready, of Byron, was organist and accolnpi nied the solo(iat, DAvi4 Bolton, St. Marys, as .he sang "The Lord's Prayer", "Wedding Pray-- er" and "Father ,of Mercy." During the strains of Purcell's trumpet tune, the bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. W. E. Southgate, came dawn the aisle. She chose a floor- length gown of peau de faille with a fitted bodice, styled with a scoop neckline, having elbow - length sleeves . banded with Swiss lace and bows. The semi controlled skirt also was band- ed with Swiss lace and hews. A floral headpiece held the purse' silk illusion floorrlength veil. She carried a cascade of California daisies, orchids and ivy. ' The bride was attended by Miss .Hawley Johnston, Bramp- ton, as maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Lynda Mawson, Parkhill; Miss Susan McLean, Seaforth, and Mrs. Phyllis Armitage, Montreal. They wore similar floor -length gowns of pastel aquamarine op- en cotton weave over taffeta dresses, styled with square necklines, empire waists and el- bow -length sleeves. They car- ried cascades of daisies and trailing ivy. The groomsman was Mr.. Rich- ard Plant, of St. Marys, and the guests were ushered by Mr. W. E. Southgate, Jr., Seaforth; Mr. Robert Johnston, Brampton, and Mr. •Ross R. Huff, St. Marys. A reception was held at The Little Inn, Bayfield. For the wedding trip the bride chose a pastel yellow linen two-piece suit with matching accessories and a corsage of daisies and ivy. M. and Mrs. Huff will re- side in Hamilton, RANNIE—ROWE A lovely wedding was solemn- ized in Thames Road • United Church, when Ann Marie Rowe, Woodham, and. Howard Douglas Rannie, London, exchanged marriage vows before the Rev. Hugh Wilson amid a floral set- ting of pink gladioli. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Rowe, RR -1, Wood- ham, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie, Hensall. Miss Agnes Bray, RR 1, Kirk - ton, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. William Cann, RR 1, Hensall, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Wedding Prayer." The bride, given in. marriage by her father, wore' a formal gown of peau de soie with el- bow - length sleeves; •hallow scoop neckline and empire waistline. The A-line skirt had a detachable train extending from the waist by 'two:. roses of peau : de soie. "Her shoulder - length veil 'of 'silk illusion was held by a wedding band -.head- piece. She carried a cascade of pink roses and gardenias., • Maid of jtonor, Miss Janet Rowe, RR 1, Woodham, sister of the bride; and bridesmaids, Miss Suzanne Rannie, Hensall, sister of the groom, and Miss Linda Glover, Hamilton, were gowned alike in floor -length seafoam crystal charm, and carried pink gladioli. Flower - girl Joanne Ronnie, Toronto, niece of the groom, wore white eyeliet trimmed with turquoise ribbon_ She carried a 'basket of pink 'glads. Donald Bender, brother-in-law of the groom, was groomsman, and Ross Rowe, brother of the bride, and Gerald Rannie, To- ronto, brother of the groom, ushered. guests. For receiving in the church parlors for the reception, the bride's mother wore aA pale green linen dress with lace top and .matching jacket with 'cof- fee accessories and yellow ros- es corsage. The groom's• moth- er chose a two-piece blt{e linen dress with adcessories in white, and pink rose corsage. For travelling to the United States the bride wore 'a blue linen two-piece dress with white accessories and..corsage of pink mums. The young couple will reside in London. WALTON Mission Band met Sunday morning with an attendance of 59 and opened with the hymn, "Jesus Bids Us Shine." Heather McDonald acted as pianist, Tom Leeming gave an invitation 'to worship from Psalm 66:1. 'The hymn, "Jesus Love Me," was sung. Mrs. Walter Bewley discuss- ed the 'Ten Commandments— how and .why we, should obey them. .Gordon Mitchell read the Scripture from Leviticus 19:11, 13, Dent, 5:32, I Kings 8:16, with Mrs. Bewley making ex- planations between, each verse. Tom Williamson led in prayer. Connie Coutts ,and Brenda Bewley collected the offering, and Tom Leeming dedicated it with prayer. Connie gave the treasurer's report Karen Mc- Donald read the minutes and Tom conducted the business.. There will be no meeting fn July. Janice Houston and Pa- tricia McDonald will assist with the worshili and Sharon Marks will act as pianist for the ,Au- gust meeting. All went to classes with teachers Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Mrs. William Coutts, Mrs. Nel- son Marks and , Mrs. Bewley. After classes, ' "Can a Little Child Like ,Me" was sung and all repeated..the Mizpah bene- dietioit.. • WEEK -END SPECI STEWART n: MEN'S DEPT. CLEARANCE Reg. ' 10,95 to 12.95 MEN'S SUMMER JACKETS • nvE envn Jessie Joan lioyd, . daughte Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, RR 2, Walton, exchanged vows wit John Richard Oke, son of Mrs Lorne Oke, RR 3, Exeter; an the late Mr. Oke, in a cere mony in Cavan United Church Winthrop, on• Saturday, Jun 19, at 3 p.m. Rev.. J. C. Brit ton officiated at the.. double ring ceremony. Candelabra and potted white _mums, with yel low bows, decorated the church Miss Jean Hillen was organ ist and Miss Margaret Hillen was soloist and sang "0 Per feet Love" and "Wedding Pray en"' . The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She wore a floor -length gown of silk or. ganza over tulle and taffeta ac tented with appliques of gui pure lace. The fitted bodice was fashioned with short sleeves and a scalloped scoop neckline The bouffant skirt swept to a brush train. Her bouffant veil was held by a • headpiece of seed . pearls and. sequins. She carried a , bouquet of yellow roses and trailing ivy. Miss Edith- Boyd, of Kitchen- er, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Miss Faye Little, of. London, was bridesmaid. They chose identical gowns of floor ::length organza;; with bo- dice of Alencon lace, styled er. with scoop neckline and bow at front. They featured three - h quarter length sleeves and bell - styled skirts. Their headpieces were yellow organza over taf- d feta with short veils. Crescent - bouquets of white Shasta mums e completed their ensembles. Flower -girl was Karen Dale: - The groomowas attended by - Mr. Charles Mackborn, of Kit- chener, as groomsman, and Mr. Douglas Boyd, brother of the • bride, and Mr. Allen Oke, bro- - ther of the groom, were ushers. A reception was held follow-` ing the ceremony in the church - ..parlors. The bride's mother re- ceived in a pink linen sheath -• dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses and white mums, 'Yhe bridegroom's - mother chose an aqua lace en- = semble with matching hat and white accessories and a corsage of white roses and mums. • For a wedding trip to North- ern Ontario the bride travelled in a printed silk sheath with mandarin style pink linen dus- ter with matching pink flower- ed hat, white accessories and a corsage of pink roses and white mums. Mr: and Mrs. Oke will reside at RR 3, Exeter. ' Guests were present' from Kitchener, Toronto, London, Ex- eter, Clinton, Brussels, Sea - forth, Hamilton, Winchelsea and Hickson. WALTON NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Beverly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Currie and family and Mrs. W. H. Cur- rie, Hamilton. Mr: Harvey Bry- ans accompanied them, spend- ing the day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank •Bryans, Westdale., Mr. Warren Brown, Burling- ton, is spending the week with Mr. • and Mrs, Allan McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Steven and Jeanne, of Handl- ton, spent the weekend with Mr: and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das • visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser and family, Stratford, visited Sat- urday with Mr. Malcolm Fras- er, . x Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanson, of ,Burlington, visited Saturday at the homes of Mrs. Maud Leeming, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leeming; also attended the Oke -Boyd wedding. Miss Tena Dennis has return- ed home after spending the past two weeks visiting" with relatives in Manitoba. Mr, and 'Mrs. Roy Bennett visited over the -weekend with Mrs. 'Harry Cousins, Qrillia. Mrs. W. C. Hackwell visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hackwell, Exeter. • Rev. Arthur Higginbotham and Mr: Martin Baan attended a weekend conference at West- minster College, London, to make preliminary plans with regard to a national project of evangelism in the United Church of Canada: 'They were accompanied by Mrs. A. Hig- ginbotham, who spent the week end with her daughter, June. Mr. Kenneth Toten, of Lon- don, was guest speakgr Sunday morning in Duff's United Church, speaking on behalf of the Canadian Bible Society, in the absence of the minister, Rev..Arthur Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sholdice visited with Mr.- and Mrs: Rus- sell Knight at their cottage at Amberley. Mr. and Mrs. James McDon- ald visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Leslie" Oliver, Sea- t'orth. • Mr. ane Mrs. Alvin Stimore, Stratford, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. ' Miss Audrey McMichael left last week for Waterloo, where she has accepted a position as clerical secretary at Waterloo University. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby and Mark, of Woodstock, were weekend guests with Mr. Frank Kirkby. Mrs, Neil Reid, Dennis and Eric, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Geo. bundas. Mrs. Edward Miller spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. William McTaggart, Goderich. ' The United Church Centen vial Committee, including Rev. Arthur Higginbotham, W. H. McDonald, Mrs. .Nelson Reid, Mrs. Wesley Hackwell:anti Mrs. Douglas Ennis, met at the manse Monday evening. Plans are nearing completion to have the centennial booklet, printed. On Saturday, Sept. 18, a pro- gram is being planned with the following committee in charge: Mrs,.. Jan Van Vliet, Jr., Mrs, Neil McGa"in, and Mrs. Ian Wil - bee, when former ministers will be invited to speak. Brian Traviss, Gerald Smith and Bob Houston have been ap- pointed a `sports committee to arrange for a baseball game following the program. Mem- bers are requested to notify the committee if they have any old snapshots, photos or articles of interest for a table display. Ad`- dresses of friends and relatives for the mailing list may be handed to Mrs. Nelson Reid as soon as possible. Saturday' guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid, were: Mrs. James Golding, of Flint, Mich.: her daithter, Mrs. James Denman, Mr. Denman, daughter Patricia and scan Phil- ip, and Mrs. Jean,.MeKinley, of Bayfield, ' • Unit Meetings The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and Boundary Unit of UCW of Duff's. United Church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs: Ross Bennett. The roll call was answered by 11 members and one visitor was present. Mrs. Martin Baan opened the meeting with' a call to worship and Hymn 376 was sung. The Scripture reading was from Romans 12 and prayer was of- fered. Mrs. Donald Buchanan was in charge ` of the topic; Mrs. Baan read a poem and Mrs. George Williamson pre- sided for the business session. The June meeting of the 8th and 16th Unit was held at the home of Mrs, Donald Fraser, Wednesday evening and open-' ed with prayer •by Mrs. Bert Bachert and the singing of Hymn 399, "Faith Of Our Fathers`." Mrs. Bachertt read the Scripture from II John 5:1.12. The topic, "If you ask me, man is as old as his soul. If you ask the, he is greatest . who serves best. If you ask me, Christianity answers the riddle of life," by Padre Young, was taken by Mrs. Clarence Martin. Mrs, Harald Bolger conducted the business, The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. George McCall, and the roll call was answered by 14 ladies and one guest was present. The copper collection was re- ceived. Mrs. Uoug]as Fraser and Mrg: Clarence Martin were appointed to look after the flowers in the church for Sun- day. Mrs. Jim McDonald and Mrs. Jim Smith on June 27th. Hymn $76, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," was sung. 'Mrs. Bachort led in prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wm. Turn- bull, 'Mrs. Clarence Hollinger, ,ShoXdlce, Jo 11fCZ5onhl l , Jas. atzct t o ,hostess. • Nylon and. cotton blends, Terylenes and cottons, lined or unlin- ed, in sand, powder, beige; brown or grey,. Our complete • stock of 37 only. Sizes 34 to 48, TO CLEAR .AT $.95 COOL, COOL —.MEN'S Shorty Pajamas Regular 4.00 to 5.00 Broadcloth or knitted cotton shorty pajamas fir hot sum- ' mer. night's comfort;' short -- sleeve tops, knee-length pants, assorted colors. To clear at. �aC�0 Men's and Boys' SWIM TRUNKS Short style, elasticized fa- brics in • white, black,; red, blue and grey; plain shades or stripes; many with con- trast trims. BOYS' SIZES: 8 to 18 • • 1.95 to 2.69" MEN'S SIZES: 28 to 44 . • 2.95 to 4.95 TIGER BRAND — FAMOUS DARK COLOR. "T" SHIRTS No -sag collar, round neck "T" shirts, in grey, nay and black; also white. The best "T" shirt fro.,_yolr mi money. Sizes S, M, L, XL - 1 L.ENNARD'S "McDEE" — Reg. $1.00 -BRIEFS AND TOPS "Y" front McDee briefs and athletic tops in good and black; also white. The best "T" shirt for your S, M, L and XL . 79 • EA. REGULAR 4.95 and 5.00 — SHORT SLEEVE KNITTED SPORT SHIRTS -Famous Stanfield "Golfer" in Terylene aiid cot- ton blend and Penman's Terylene and cotton cbi- lar style "T" Shirts Famous Leo Dana! Cotton ;Frocks A large group of cottons, ging- hams, terylenes and linens, in shifts, sheaths, and full skirt styles: All are washable and make a real bargain at this low discount price. WEEK - END SPECIAL,' 7.77 Sumpter Clearance MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE Special'! SCATTER RUG -S Peerless rugs in washable Ray- ella. Size 24 x 45 inches arid 30 x 30 inches, hexagon shapes; 16 popular colors. Special 2.49 S'rEWAI T 'MO e • STEWART'S MEN'S l . E: -T. NEWS OF CROMARTY ,LADIES' DEPT. Cromarty Makes Plans or, Centennial rogram • he centennial anniver:•arc Cromarty Presbyterian Chum h will be observed -next Sunda:, June 2.7, with Rev. James Rit- chie. of Stayner, conducting the morning service at 11:00 o'clock and Rev. Samuel -Kerr, of Embro, as guest preacher at the evening • service at 8 p.m. A service of dedication will he held' at 2:30 pm, followed with brief addresses by former members. Musical numbers will be provided by the CGIT girls and Mr. E. H. Graham, of Avon - ton. The choir will be assisted by Miss Ritchie, of Toronto, as guest soloist, in the morning, and the Cromarty mall,quart• ette in the., evening. Lunch will he served following the morn- HENSALL Word was received of the death Thursday of Alonza B. Ortwein, Croswell, Mich., born in Wellesley, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortein, of Hen- sall. He is survived by one son, Alonza, of Pontiac, Mich., and one sister, Mrs. Ella Drysdale, Hensall. Funeral services were held on Saturday in Croswell, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Queen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell attended the 60th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. ' and Mrs. J. H. Newcombe in Strat- fdrd on Saturday. The McAllister reunion was held in Springbank Park, near London, with an attendance of over 100, last weekend. The little girl was tellingher teacher' about her baby teeth coming out. "Pretty soon," said the tyke, "I'11 be running on the rims." - ing service. An•,7„ercary- Th.e home of Mr, and Mrs. lr �.Va'lace was the setting for 'a hannv event which took place, on Sunday, the occasion being the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Scott. which was staged• as a complete surprise by the family. Guests .number- ing around 60 gathered on the lawn and Mr. John Wallace act- ed as Chairman for a short pro- gram, Mr. Frank Stagg led in a sing -song. Mrs, Robert Laing gave an appropriate reading and Sharon and Karen Scott favored with a duet. An, address of congratulations and, good wishes 'Was read by Mrs. Scott's brother, Mr. Hugh Moore, of,, Lindsay, and many, ljeautiful gifts were presented to the honored couple, most prominent being a hi-fi from their' four sons. Mr. and Mrs. Scott replied in their pleasant manner. Tables were set on the lawn with a three-tier wedding 'cake on a lace cloth in the centre. A bountiful supper was served cafeteria style. ,Mr. and Mrs. Scott have '#our gons: Hugh, of Guelph; David, John and Alec. at home. A telegram , bearing congratula= tions from . Dr. and' Mrs. Alex McKay, of New York, was re- ceived by the bride and groom. Guests presetnt were from Chi- cago, Detroit, London, Thames- fbrd, 'Lindsay, Stratford and Goderich, and relatives from the surrounding area. Miss Barbara Ann Gardiner has taken a position in Strat- ford General Hospital as nurs- es' assistant. Miss Olive Speare attended the 'Speare reunion at the home pf Mr. and Mrs: Rt ssell Taylor, - Staffa, on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harburn and Ruth were among those who attended the Riley' gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Riley on Sunday. Mrs. Sadie Scott visited` Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott' and family at Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turner and Michael, of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds and accompanied them to the Dolmage reunion at Lions Park, Seaforth, on Sun- day, Mrs. Norman Harburn al- so attended the Dolmage re- union. Mrs. .Jennie Wilson, of De- troit, is. the guest of Mrs. E. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. - Scott and family. 'lithe infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott, Kevin Ger- ald, was- baptized during the morning church service on Sunday. Mrs. Jim Miller was hostess for the June meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Aux- iliary. Mrs. Harold Parson's pre- idkd and opened the meeting with a poem, followed with Hymn 410. Mrs. Gerald Carey read the Scripture lesson from Acts 17:22-28, and. Mrs. Par- sons led in prayer. Twelve members answered the roll call with a historical centennial ev- ent. Part six of the study.. book, "Missions On Our Doorstep," was reviewed by Mrs. John Mil- ler, with Mrs. Jim Miller, Mrs. Robert Laing and Mrs. John Templeman assisting, Mrs. Par- -'`- sons read an article by Gordon Green. Mrs. Jim Miller gave as the topic, "The Sacraments of Nature." Mrs. 'John Miller pre- sided for the business period. Yt • was reported that the plc- ture platea.and the Cookbooks have arrived. .