The Huron Expositor, 1965-03-04, Page 11A r i P. ,. ' . ,, - W., I ,: F�lor _ _ _ .i" • USE THESE CLASSIFICATION: Td YOUR ADVANTAGE , 1, Coming - • Events 2, -Lost, Strayed 3, Found. 4, HelpWanted° 5, Business Opportunities. 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations .Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10, Used Cars For Sale 11, .Articles For Sale . 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14, Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent " 16, For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted, 19. 'Notices • ° 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory ' 24.'Cards', of Thanks 25. .In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classification: 2; 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 ani 17, minimum 40c an insertion Classification 25, minimum 65c plus -25c for each 44ine verse . All other classifications, mini mum 65 cents- per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Ten ders Wanted (21), and Legs Notices (22), rates on applica tion. ' For, cash payment, or if paic by 10 days following lest inser tion, 15 CENTS deducted frorr above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For' Business Firms, Trades• men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per ,advertisement. 1. . 1. Coming Events THE, Ladies Auxdli'ary of E!g, mondvitllle U.C. are holding a . bake sale in store, vacated by i sited. Dairry and Poultry' CO -Op Mtairi trelet, Seaforth, April' I% 3 p:m, 1-61-1 2. Lost,, Strayed BROWN imitation Astrakhan gWws, Itobher prAms, • nearly new. Phone 527'-0566. 2-62-1 4. Help Wanted . MAN with autmobdIe to wU on farmers in Seaforth and Mitch. ell area,. Cook Bros. Mrllmg Co. Ltd. Hernsiall, phone 262:2695, 4-62-1 • 1 4. r MA',, a d " t.�.. 7 , ! , J4: f� �'f s I� :5 r jj ' a n u r11 u J yl. " 4 sr� G .t -7 ,�� ­ni,.­;'�_i�;,,��," ,�'. I , " 11, , I 1. 4", ,-11 ,� r ,,,� wi­1 ' . ,6 .. 1.m a I ��. "'.}F, v, .. I � .!�.::.�t;,, , � 01 1, �.k "'�_ e .,.;J,.; 11, 11 � .; �; 1. ,1. 1:, I., I , --.-I.. 11A.41_ � _ AT, . '.. I � ", 111 I ", - , 'A'. � I -A. . I .. " I ��,, I I 1. .1, �� , ,,�. '':, '', - s I!, ', " r, � �". 11 11 _-1. 1. I :�...�p �� I _... I I ,. '­ D� _t�� �, I -.1 I _�­.., 11., .1 � _,� r ----- I �­.., 11 __! . .. . , , _ , I . . i , I . � � ., . 1, 1 11. Arti�Ies aFor Sade: Prpperty For Saler 20 USED Westtdtugdrouse dryer $69„ .FOT .bedq ,clam duause on Palo M Y Box Furnit,'umd' ii`6lr•2 Wdl'li St Ph �i B V" -AA .1 - 1�. ,,-'',7i-, 4fi `n actloli Salgs.- , -. $' t yh a '” e° �' .'f n ff 1^Air.,' z11.l ,''r^1P " . , " ,,r .r • dpi I. Business ,01r,,eotolry! l hu"r r -—„,.,�„� .. arm , aue_Des V. cabbie. �..,, ..,.r,.t. .1r.. ,.. ,. - - —r »,,.,,-.rr..••.. .>ar,pi”. '" ,,r..tti I.. -W, ,t, , k ,x 46. ...,. a' ° OPTO Suntiay,�Yisitor :' wit. - & �3? Jn n � le! r CEDAR .. . at 527.0542, Seaforth. 14 4tf bred; � • H . �h die• •, , MI TR, daui,r>i ta4ty s ° v1ip Weft: s `lstihd . , ' . ,•,.;, „ ....11" , p_ ,+,.-+ r,�,;,. p°srts, aR sazels, oaxlex 5 .. .' h 11'irs. 1+a Gar, rep 'i ", , , rand . j lis ay :a '. B t , sPf✓) t 0 1 nary. Phone 527-0307. 1- Aug:. 29;' i H cin , i3�re Seafort OHiee. iii: Ise g.•. caGtdsv; 1�Itbemsl: acral ... � Q . ,:, h0� 4„ . c 1 6X-,5 TWO hundred fiolnty sere Oc6 10 b ask "ries ThuSs ,� an k and Mrs;' Ger '` ;f,t , �; ',' r, � � d . • , ;i ' M : v�f> , 'ri. bo, {{,pp�� aid . reit i nVe4 : X xt�,�%,,y�, a 0 . .., ,:- . c. .:. ,1. , •: w r f1' ..' 5.391r.rm. '.. v i .df` Uo` � � i11,R`' ..e, ,.±#,Pi'. , ?1` �, + .+,�, ':," di; ;i' �,u -,��'r BEEF by the queen; Phomte fasrm, good buildings, Orfo . d . 9W llas..ea c 5 b1a "H . Sat. 9 to mle, why a a fsnrl IVfr. :,, t ,t: d'r: h' s J< ,;, ,y �•, h�, - 32 noon h!eau g >n Y, enXSf . ge? , Q#, >119. f',�.ir �btra it ��s eXr , , „ ,,•, 527-1716. ' 19.E 1 era] store in sural] W!140e., sW 10sr7Q6 11W. each* 1 ...lsteyh =Thursday evening a .. '141 m�aana1 I was Ro tack am_% iss'.� er a t k ,` ;+ WATER _ APPjY Harold Jackson, ROattor, 'he x ° g 1Y mint . i1t s M hath Ae W i:..op .,; Q?> io + '„ ; W softener; .good 1 corrdi£e7r, 1 .You! aid, Z Frer#d rent amyl. >y a!ppmecia. , �- trots. Filsinger, a' SebringVllek; V�si' nfr�tZ ray 4 tion. Jim Mac adrn, phone 527 -OW.- AZ1as a! bell] •h,,eu;fe sy 500 Lb�1. a 0. emeF Phone 5271241 F z Pa emsoc►. p er il S `` ' 0863. N phone 527• Salesman, 527-OJ145m Se,a ford he c v >� a ori s+• or, 482-`19x0. Ub 2A 62in1 M;, and Mrs, Ed;�' ttreclrtel;: i # a�;'! , , 11 si , w �' .., 1162-1 i S a1`� fi Ii T would' 0 bo,, Uhanlc , � of Rostock, visite4, Mond4sR,* 1kl :s . � � :n;,, „� ,F.,�a ,� x $..rrC it A r>nmtber. forth. 1454tf' slbee'rs 50Q'llbtS. eac Mon., Wed„ Clintonw Office' • $ Mal 'l' e, seep ds a ti:, ,�, ' >; o¢ Lp�perovrdtlen 'tabvesr. r 13r. rracly acrd noetics Mrs and NLts. Alex Cxor. fir, 4 Oma , v°? ; l ryi : v ,r � 38 x20xa6, $10.00. Can he seen ONE eruct ar haff story brick and PIGS. -3 sonxst; 2di pegs, eight A. M. E \ ,ertba I;itxlcl= Dans%.s, ���# , a; � f+�a. at the Hi SclraaL' weeks old, Yoatk. HA} B ,$ tt Mpmofrial' HosipdGal who Mr: and' 'Mrs, RdgS' Flfilayso'v h:� S' 1i 1 ' stucco housesituated bn Frauk Chartered Acco tent wex+e so ,lend ba me and also Itsntto�is- May,' . 4+a gh 11.62 a P OULl1`Ii Y - a 425 .. and Michael cel aryl +;Mie. and Mrs; +, Ilii Sb.r two 'lllibclr� fibro rruain' ` mss' Yew °5 57 South Street Telephone b° thasle lvWh!o sent cards ..a'itd G Finla 'spit and" au titers Strait, washed Kat' ties i)ore a* GOOD, mixed baled hay, Wfi11 did; Hpiinigam breed. tr lfis. •vvhule. I wail in hp af. Atxs. R0!saei .. Ildr, attd,,,o � 0?, nbano,` RR2 Seas street and duijh school, (Flight Goderich' S?4 7562 " sprue Y g r F x.. rain T. lAw ' HAY and Gr'It�4IN-+IOa bwsbels� visited on Sunday with MIF: z noom:s, . lMarge 'living room and mixed ---- M>hmlefte. Vivian:. 24-QxI �ezted with ,fila AXgdge, fpf, s•, ' , 11_62x1 dining roam' or dpi, 2 -piece h quaMu s a sl aw . SE'AFORT. H I v�oirDd llif . e1. Wi}li'am Finlays°n•' .,arid' Mr'ss• 1gWed; by•. t : )roil! !mall;' vph c t: , fog IMPLEM+TI'S-�-i Ford mac- " VETERTI�TARY viro�a m, , C Jessie Finlayson ur Tdr°nta.�» f VERNAL alEalEa seed; -$24 per barthmaom aaixl waWshmpam, kit~ was. ansvt� r'ect; by l9 ur g'r an 3a brush, Lawry Whteatly, Phone , wat,h ibudtwn cupboards, new rwbbear, r Sp iafi.t3itervlrst Mr. and Mrs. Roy MkCifll°ch two' leadeliki �, i J: luamdnxood frbars and the (Willy' equipped lead bneaNa. * ix , � ia` cherry and ne'w' rubber timed wagon; F dr- CLINIC to Dn. Brady, numsies and. staff are visiting' in Windsor' with Hdatherr pAyna�l : and C,aro1E tifx Iblirch w o o d lw-o r k, U . awes g°n's a J. 0. Turnbull ' A;rrr it llvr rr �'yafi steered I '9 °. Gt' U '' ;`; 1VUFFMLD Univettsai' 3, 4trrae- ,banks -Ml Msi hwa!mrmer, inE, lit-, D,V.M.,. V.S-' of Scab ,t Memiorial Hdspitail, their daughter and son-ln=law,. o, a tortJlsmed bedrams with aarupyle stbon W. R. Br ens D:V.Mh V.S. Mr and` Mrs. Ken Dhvey, and''hs•xecreaton''cpm;nittee i,r^rib ` 3 point hitch, 900 hrs. Caq . inch; 1 75 -ft. 7 endldiss be1t, Y Srpe!ci'all thankis again to mala• ,o be seien a't Humour Canadian Falb- a'� and, clbseb space, �tlrree 1ha�y raek, 16 ft. 1mg; 1 Cocks V. J. V. Parks, D:V:M., .,S. bive� and waigQvboua+s� whir lie]p family, next+ meetirig Rt ord�. flicks$ �,�''' Inklatl°as, phoney 527.031!0. 11-62x4 , and hall-,' llamge'-in- s!huft hay loader; i truck; G. 'R. Gray,.B.S.,.D.V.M. VS. ed athomo. Ib wast 6 ravbe whites. withG 4 , x n. porb, eaotnar l at and s + . view Mrs. Ella Ilulley yeturned to••: ,covers . azre to USED ,televdsa°nS, 17 in: and 21 fanning 'mm' "; it Stet 2,000 ljb. Phone 527-17%, ' - Seaforth much appaiecitateds George, her home at Brucefield. after, bide lettering,. piffereirt 1.I ",`' in, paved dmiveava >f desired, full t3'pey s r good condition; taible and ' bcesement, wig' ' sca+lleu; grade' auger,, 18 feet, McCONNELL P' k.: 24 visiting with her son, And. of, patterns an t -.material pre- *M:f: consoler models, Cranvn Hard ppr �a�' with 1/a,H.P. 'motor• rubber ware, - 'em mid• APPyY W'allbear 7'tIE famiilry of the ]late Mhsr daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs.. paratibrr� were,' demtonstrated. x'i` 11'-62-2ved . whieel barralw; . u set , of I " & STE WART ' MurrayMiuiTaou$ premises. Possesslbn Aarg!eNine NfcC1>uskey wisiii t° William Hulley aril family. Mrs.-Rasselid'+llZiller also dem— k ALFALFA need; eletaned at J+un�e L,om sooner. Na agenbs�trtaet chains° and pniltley for " Barristers, solicitors', Ete: er�,preso their sducerrel thanks, Mr. Bill Ramsey; Stratford; oust. (1 10w to' alter differ= �' ' ,ondesrbara. Edgor El-hgspn, 14-61.2 Ford, tractor; i Dearborn mtan- P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. aid • appreciation, .to friends ent' sectioni"*; a garment; Th'�` .0 ure !reader wftn iewba , r spent the weekend with his �„? R 2 Wasibon phone DwMliui plows, D. I. STEWART neighbors, and relatives for meetin then.: adjourned. 104 R 114. i1-62-1 2 2 fiuru+otiv Ford traitor plows; Seaforfih, Ont. Phone 52? 0850 their .m;any 'acCs kindnesa, parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Alex g f .VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- 15. Property For Rent 1 Ford disc; 1 side ):rake+, 3 -bar; Ramsefl"I tributes andy. " vice for all makes. Filter Queen m'ent,FOR Rh atedD v2-bedrroomnstalrsi s,a 3- 1 Ford saufPbeir; manower ure. Barrister, ILLERY o gas o ss m y received FIRST CHURCH LADIES AID , Sales, Varna. Phone 262 5350. er,., 4 -wheel, .Mc -Deeming fertil- Solicitor, to durung their recent bereave- The regular meeting'. of the 11.54 tf piece 'baCh. Gordon Noble p' Office 527-1850 Res. '527-16,43 meat. Special thanks, we enc, , i, 527.0840. 61.2 iter drill'; 1 !ba'le elevator, 28 -ft. . Ladies Aid of Fir-st Church waS FOR SALE— Household furni lord, '/� H.F. motor (nenv); 1 Seaforth Ontario recti to bile pa]lbearems, the �rn ti rs, must sell',. moving THREE bedroom lalpaatment Sisters of St. Joseph, Burke held Tuesday afternoon with 14;1 g West tc) rent in !town of Seaforth.' 2 -wheel trailer aed stock rack; W. J. CLEARY F`uneralL Home Mrls!. .Fames M the Dale=Dorrance ' group in coast. Phone 527-0032 and ask Available March 1st, Apply to 1 co!1on+y houis'e�; 4 cord stwo Seaforth, Ontario • bevemeraux and Mr. and Mm. Club .Meets charge. Miss Jean Scott presid- n Tor Mrs, Fenwick. 61'-2 waoci (MapVe)`; 1 electario brood- ed in the absence of Mrs. F. .4 Harold Jackson. 15.61-2 LICENSED EMBALMER' Arthur Devereaux. Your kind- The first � meetin NO0 1 red clover seeds, and 1951 MODERN 2-bedroolln a artment er; 1 36 -ft. extension; .35 sag g of the pick -.up truck. Norman 'Benne- p• , pails, pans'' and spiles:�. . and FUNERAL DIRECTOR reds was, •wrea'Cly a;pPreciated Tuckersmith-4-H Corn Club was Kling, the president. There Pl kibch'en;• bathroom, ldvmgmoom. Night or Day Calls - 527 0510 and vr^ill' always be remember- were 25 ladies present:,, Mrs. "r,'' w�ie!s:, Brodbagen, phone 347-2330, HOUSEHOLD E,FF'IICTS�Mc• held ill -Seaforth Town Hall, ,. Phone 527-08,10, Seaforth or 235- CUar!yr el'uctatic stbowe, (4'buxger); VYHITNEY ed: 24 621 when films were shown by Don Ada Dale read a poem, 'Friend Mon,ktan.. 1160at3 G. A. 1510, Exeter. 15.45-45Kelvinator frlige., (9 cubic ft.); Pullen, ly Things," after which Hymn 1 ZIGHT-PIECE d i n n g' roam BUNGALOW on Marken Street, 5 -,piece' dark Oak paiibr sprite; " FUNERAL HOME ' 25. In Memoriam 399 was sung with Mrs. David: _... smite, old English oa•k, excellent 3 bedmooms, modern conven- sausage Goderich St. W., Seaforth - -- - . Club leaders' Bruce Coleman Stewart at the piano. Mrs. 11 ; condition, Mrs, Jas h Kale, g Wider and lard press; DINS'MORE—.In loving, memory and Robert Fotherin ham con- st. Calum'ban fences, available Manch 1st. Lawn Bo ower Dawn'mower; AMBULANCE SERICE g g Whyte read the Scripture les hi phone Dublin, Down,stadxs, Boy1' of a dear husband, farther and ducted the election of officers, Y P 125 R 14. 11-62x1 apartment, heated, Stewart cattle clippers. Host of Adjustable hospital beds for grandfatti,em E•a¢I IIiinsniore which are: President Tom Pa _son from the •third chapter of y`; — 2 -bedrooms, 3 -piece bath. Gard- ether articles too numerous to rent, p John,' and Mrs. J. W. Thomp- who. passed away March 4th, pie; vice-president, Jim'Papple; ' prayer. The minutes PE'C1. _ Fr'i ay and Saturday on Noble, phone 527-0840. i5-59 tf . marntion: FLOWERS FOR EVERY son led irsIL only`, fresh, cherry pies, made 1964,, secretary, Jim Broadfoot; press No receive, as farm! is! sold. OCCASION were read' by Mrs. R. Kerslake,, from frozen cheraries, 39c, reg. 17. W anted To Rent TE:RMSr-•CasWh. Phonle 527-1390 Seaforth' Treasured thoughts,, of one so reporter, Bill Wallace. and Miss, Scott read the tre.ac 50c, save 1t1C. Crdch''s Bakery. FRANK BOWMAN' Proprietor.' dear, The next' meetin + FIFTY to slevnent five acres of g will 'be rarer s repprt, _ 17621 l Y- . JOSEPH L. RYAN, Auctioneer. J. A. $URKE Often bring a silent teras, March 17, and" an Mrs. W. A. Wright FOR SALE—Nearly new, large gold 'Pasture 1'and' wanted to JAMES ''McQUAI,D, C'lerb. Funeral Director A Precious' one' from us is Y boys in- ght spoke re= men'Cr summer, Apply, box terested in joining ale asked "garding the Huron County Jun: space heater, •bl'o wet and 20-62-2 d Ambulance. Service , itis Farmers' chair corm to thermostat. Wand" 'heat 5 to 6 1`137'. Hnrian Expositor, 17-62x1 to contact Bruce Coleman RR DUBLIN ONTARIO TO rest with God in tthe greiat 4 Seaforth or R Bert Fother- — 27-03rooms, re'asanabler price" Phone 22. Legal Notices Night or Day Calls: Beyond• in ham RR 3 Seaforth sing at the church. The next 19. Notices g 527-0307. 61-2 + meeting will be in charge of Phone 43 R 10 — I.ovdngiy remembered b TIMBER wanted st a' n d ' n g EXCAVATING, Credito Lead- NOTICE Y the Andrews -Ross Grading, his wife Elsie., f a rm i 1 y -and group. Mrs. hrardwood, maple', bass,wobd; ins, Hauling, and Landscapiirg, TO CREDITORS• BOX Harry' Curring favored with, a grandchildren. 25.62x1 Deaths arch, ch'e'rry and beech. Cnadg si Topsail, Gravel! caul Fi11. G. solo, ' If I Forget,' accompanied Sano Mill, Auburn have 526- Heard Construction Co.' Seas In the Estate of FUNERAL SERVICE b Mrs. Stewart. MARY ISAB'EL SMfITH Prompt and careful attention BlX't115 ATKINSON In Detmlxit, on Y 7220. _ p ' 1161-3 firth, phone- 527-0307. Alla ear having claims Friday, February 26, Doa'ald The guest speaker, Mrs. June 19=61-5 P s°'nsbs g Ambulance Service. BUTT—At Scott Memorial Hos- K. (Cas+ey') Atkinson, 'brother Greeman, public health nurse, TIMEX. WATCHES a'gainsiC rile tate. of Marys' Flowers For All Occasions - - of Dr. J. Atkinson, and uncle was introduced. b Mrs. Dale, SINGER, Sales and. Service .Isabell Smiths, bate of the Torun ° Phones: pitaa, on Feb. 24 to Mr, ,a'nd � Stuart AtTdinson,' St. Claire She told of the, work done in One yea2 guasan'bee sevtnin machines, vacuum of Seafomfh, in the County of Mrs. Keith Butt, Safort'h, a Priced from $7:95 up. cleaners, floor a Day 527-0680 —Night 527-0885 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. poltisfiers' "type Huron, 'who cli'ed out! or .about - s+on. Shroub; Michigan, in' his 70th the- five county towns—Gude-writens. ' Call Jim McGregor ,the 19th' duly of October 1964 PERCY' WRIGHT yrelaT. 11-54-tf phone 527-1486 Seaforth. Licensed. Auctioneer. JESS.OME—At Kiirgs!ton Gener. rich; Exeter; Clinton, includSeafored are hereby notified ba send, in, and Wingham—which included SALES and Service. Vikin 19-61x4 For a' better Auction Sale call al Hospital cru Feb. 27th,` to i4ddltlo�a� Viking to the undemslgned'A or before vision tests, hearing tests, chit Cneairru Separators; Viking Milk.- the 2nd day of A rd1 1965 Percy �Vrdg1}t Hens,all 262.5482 Co'arpo•ran and Mr+s. Wayne Ip ' ,." ' ' Jessame, a "son' dren s aid, welfare department, T err, pump and 2 units installed, NOTICE faun particullars-of their claims ,23-56-10 crippled children and re -natal P WANTED $498• Basil O'Rounlee, Bruce- The Township of Hibbert will after which, date; the'asse6s of F.LGCTROLUX Ca,nalda Ltd. WHALIM3-In Stratford, Ont., Classified' elasses. Mrs. Mae-'Habkirk ex, . field, phone' Clinton, 482-9131. not be responsible for vehicles the said estate wild be' distibut- S: Jes and Seirvice', authlolrizzed Fcb. 17th; to Mr; and Mrs;. pressed the appreciation of the Bookkee or - T 1St 11-58-13 left on township roads during ed aiYiotLgst the' patd'es"enttitled dealer Alvin Rile ° 153 Ld ht I p yp NEED A CLOCK? showplowing operations through Shorthand and ddc'ta' phone ex. . �NOS )cWAT.! ���J OH -EN out the winter months. perd�enre a,>v a s s e� t: Must be able to meet the, public. Good We heave a large sehection of alarm, w.a'11 and mantle clocks. ED. CHAPPEL, '- - Road Superintendent. personnel . policies. Apply .in AN-STETT JEWELLERS LTD, 10-52-1 writing to . -1. Administrator, 1154 tf ' DEAD ANIMALS; Scott Memorial' Hospital, . WE ARE YOUR HEADQUARTERS REMOVED • Seaforth', .Ontario. In town for Tilley Leather' 4-61-2 Goods. See our large selection of For Dead' or Disabled Anif gals 7 Situations Wante - Wallets " Key Case's CALL COLLECT Darling & Company Will b arty sit. in .may 5 Jewel. Boxes C14itch' Purses .. of Canada `Ltd. (rays a' peek, one or two chdlkl- o cli, ren, Phone'. 527 102Ci leiter six Shoe Polishing Kits . Phone ,Clinton, 4827269 P: m. ' 7-62x1 ANSTETT JEWFA:LERS LTD. 1. Licence, No. 350-C-65 . , 11-54-tf I w ' • 19 -54 - DR'ESSM'AKING al n il alter-- erodes. Contact :Mrs, 'P, HtiacMo SEED F R SALE NOTICE Goderich Sit. Wept; frod•, Gary Oats,, Reg'. , No, 1 and Wa ace shipping cattle every Selafour'tli, Medical Cliimd�c.. Phone: 1h4c.. hone Canada No. Moeda Monday1w United Co -Operatives 527-085.2, ' 'T 6t-2 Russel Oebs, Canada No.1 of Ontario., To arrange,for � - . Keystone' Barley, Cert. No. land up at your farm,. pho ne'• by Sat - 8, Farm SiOCIi For Sale Canada, No.1 urday+ night. • York Barley-, Canada No. l FRANCIS HUNT, THIRTY -seven] goo ,,pigst. Hemi r Red Clovear, well cileaned sample Phone, Seaforth, 52'7-1946, or, Kdrav+er, W,ghwa'y" 8, phone 482- A11Edffa;, grown from, vernal . MICHAEL J. DOYLE, 9166. 8-62-1 EarFy order discount in effect I Phone Dublin, 114 R 6. • until March 12, 19.60-tf EIaEVEN.pigs seven weeks old: A.RT. BOLTON, phos ; 517-0455 Carl Varlderzon, North Main, or RUSS'EL BOLTON, RR1 WATCH REPAIRS phi 527-1?72, 8-62xf Seaforth, FAST SERVICE ' FOUR white-faced eallves. Cor 11.61-tf All work guaranteed DeeouTte, RR2 Seaf,�r; phone 527-1628, . $-62=1 12. Wanted' To BiRy ANSTETT FORTY pigs, seven to ten GOOD used plamo, not too - • JEWELLERS ' weeks. HerbeA' Van Neikerk, jarge, phone 262.5043, 1262-1 Ltd.' ' RR2 Kippeu, phone 527.0166. ALL kinds of salvage wanted, Phone 527-1720 — Selaforth' , 8-62-1 meta)',' iron, and Taglss. Willi call 19.54-tf TWO sows, half£ Lacombe and �` Loudls Hildebrand, Ord St., ' Miff Landralce, dare' within. week. Sea!fanbh. 'Box 186. 1!2-62x4 20. Auction Sales Hens. Vonk, RR:2 Dublin, phone ANTIQUE - f u T n i tN r•e, 41simrp, 5.5 R 2. 8-62-1 dishes, books etc, Willi! buy in- CLEARING Tx,0 young h Y g bg , near service dividuall pieces or co,mp,lete househ�oId. Phone 27'ir11578. AUCTION SALE age, from unfit, saxes. Arnold 12-62x10. Clearing• Auctib'n Sale of .Prop- Jamieson, R'R4 Clinton, phone HIGHEST prices paid for live arty. Store' equipment and job fowl, picked tip at the farm,' toffs of groceries! at Dick's, Store, •TW'O young Durham cows, due Ronald Bennett, Walton. Phone Maan Street Se!afaaMau an Sa2ua dyy, March M, at i sboms Also six yreaallingi HaIsUin stberers, appro%im!ately+ 650 lbs. Seaforth 527-0887. 12-54-tf p.m:. PROPERTY — 2 stores, with Apple, to Urban Dtuchamme', WANTED apastm,ents avove, sun porch, BrusseN, Ontario, 8-62-1 TO BUY garage,. and new oil furnace. Xertilizer $agss CHA7ELS'. 8 fit. meat 9. Poultry For' Sale WiX pay one cent each„Par used counter, good condition, 4 ft, meat �r'�', Display I.kbnd 5,500 I1yLine� pullie r,,•viaceinartled p1�a5t;fC fembiftiver bassi without coke cooler; scale - Defiance, debeaked, twenty weeks olid an in Ar1I worlcdug condition, 24 lb. Apra].• M. Bmrtee -,Roy, RR'1 Jackson, Alumanum Ltd. standard computing scalee,- Lond+es!boro, phoobb� Blyth, 523,• Seaforth. 12,61-3 Berkiel meat sdflcer, antique 423?. 9-62-9 cow grinder, serving cyountber, . 14. Property For Sale butcher saws and knives, DE-KALB antique 'whilte top table two THREE-BEDROOM house, reg whee5 bag truck, quantify of Ready -t lraty finished inside and out; perfect fob l of groCeriey, Pullets` location. New gas furnace; AO- Terrrmg, chattebs, cash', property Call pry Vanderhoek's Super -test or 10% dawn, (balance in thirsty Henry Lansink. 14=54-tf days.Sold subject to reserve Mo-KINLEY'S FARK and FRAM house, 30 by; 30, with, MCI, .'S HATCHERY LTD., alttached kitchen 12 ,by 18, arlso GROCERY P Prop . Zurich implement shed 20 by 30, Albx HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer , Phone I lensa'ld; 262-2$37. McGregor`, Kippen, -phone, 262• GEORGE POWEU, Clerk 9-544tf 5491. 14-61.2' .. 20-61x2 . TW •family, dwelling ori Welsh - AUCTION SALE M Used Cars or Sale St. Redecor ted; new -siding and Auction' Salle', alb Lot 7, Con. pacture 1960' Ford sedan', black, six. for whidow5. Will sacrifice 3 cash or can handle temps• 1Vvon+ftiu •• MICKilsorp Township, 11/8 miles yi/2 mites West of Dublin, cwrldntdem, $650.00, Phron!e HensaN, Contact: 282 0.61NO 5350., 1 Gravid -C. J. Dennis, 10320 D. on Rivet, BPiglrton, Mich. THURSDAY, MARCH 18th, 1956'$'lyanouth sedawi. a[sr is. AP, SS'tan Riney, Dublin, 'photo at 1454-tf Stock, faY+rh 1 odloek. Oonds6ihigrof FWVff Implements, Feted and ply: ONE 83 R 8I', 1A�62ic1 Bxrissels, dared' a- Near :Ifotiseliaicl Hardstft sbill', self ElC�ee�. HORSES -1 good w6i1k ham, 1963 .Coarvatr 700; w9lite ued in- dirairQiM all] under; ou6sifloh, w,ed!g!ht, 1,800, IN%. ttedrio , a+utiamiat& , wr ddsht ld irritable for coin] and ba�lr+.crasolpk GATmb -- 3 HoTsbeiru cows, w4a 'irs, ' rrrl4ieMoofitt cl, 113 800' Wit!itng fniitetS ' S1�Ili1 ' 1t]id�bw ;g'e : , trod` 7.�d i,c,nli>?hr.�•a.. i. ,A'r,Gl. 'R76S:tn'wlrinli ti•:s raising, good buildi,fts; f.tetsh; t�onvetleneos, •T cftille' of iflHiF... 1t.i?1-,. IiY.,Mi,Alt�.....ih'hYtiria., .v.tle.Y:.J.,.,o. , 3 Hotl�+tein co!ivs� due a8rrne wile; 1 Tltolsteim,, %,\ dti� Ste n tr..Mr_e.9�,u _•'___t .._Y-.:.-. .. g - am'es Wha7arng, 203 "OuTo group to Mrs. Greenan and `t . therelto, having regard only to house St., Goderich. Phonie,524- St., Stratford, a daughter, Jill ' See' Page 12 Mrs. Harry Cuming for their cladmsl of which the"undersi'gned 65114• 23.62x9 Ebizabeth. shale then have notriice.. contribution to the meeting, . 11 DATED at WeDand, this 26th ' 4 day of February, 1965'. . Donald 11. Scout, Q.C,. �u�! TOWN Crown A•ttornie'y's, Office, . Court House', •. Wel9iamd', Ontaad'o... �' IAM ALWAYS GLAD Executor of the Estate. WHEN' WINTER ,IS A .LOT OF THEY LIKE THE BUT FOR REAL ' MEN LIKE THESE IMAGE OF 1}iEM"t"S FASTMOVING SALES I 22-62-3 • S OVER, JAY. r NEW FUR HATS. LIKE THE GAY STRAW V AS TOU6H,HARDY, NOTICE ~� , . HE NOR7HERN :. THAT FX PRESSES A l' HE-MEN. SPR1N6, BIKINIS, i TO CREDITORS `, B�ACHes Is' the Estate of `y c AND FUN r WILLIAM I{ERR. t FUN FUN t All persons having claiv,4 , tf against the Estate of Williilam Keir, late of the Township of \ .. MrXi12op, in the the County, of / �ti� ) — - , Huron; deceased, who died on ; \ 0 b . _ or about the 10th dey'of Febru- "I • ,A+ ary, 1965; care hereby notified to »- send in bo the undersigned on or before the' Stli day of March,. `CYi�ITH�� 1965, fins', particulars of their • claims, after whdeh date, the . . , ^assets of the: said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims' of which the undersigned shat] then have notice. DATED at Seafiorth, this 16th day of Febrgamy, 1965. By their solicitor, ALVIN W. SILLE'RY, Se-afoarbh, Ontario. • ' 2260-3 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH ' TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of the'Tdwn of Seaforth pro- poses to enact la bylaw under Section 459 (1) of The Munici- pal Act, R.S.O. 1960; Chapter GRAS. HIM % THAT'S IT! Ey THE GIVE fT �NECK! TO HIM ! . 'IKIK, .� �, / /•\ /p /�11 1. J\ 11 r. __ ` `� '.1, ­/ 1.- -_- 11} 249 establishing and laying out as la highway in the mundcipald- SMALL ' "��` D ty the northwesterly extension w L in a strraighrt line of RailwayQ .1 . v Plan No. 3 for the Tawe of Se,a II JUMP�NG forth fx°m- the northwesterly . �NOS )cWAT.! ���J OH -EN limit of said Registered Plait No. 3 a disitance' of 99.07' (more YOU SEE KIDS !!' ' L A7 SOMCTHNe TLY s+ ' 6' 1r les3 to the.southeasterly limit ' ' YOU KNOW WHAT 11 - ai, of that part of Lot 12, Conces, IT I5! , ! : � '•I X11 cion 1, Hiimon Road Survey in the Town of Seaforth, now oc- cupied by one Carl Dalton. AND, TAKE NOTICE thot the Council of the Town, of Seaforth 1�m` /'� f { cmoposes to end -et the said by : : - raw after the publication of this , �- notice in four successive issues `:v of The Huron Expositor, the - ' first of Whie�h appears in the is r sue dated the 14th days of Feb- - • , • t f 1 4 •1 1 1 1 . 11 I 1 :,. ' / '' ®M = ~ - t`* 'J'� tae+]•.+' Er�o,Yl .:o:d; �•'�•.�;k;l; „46'ViA'{+Nr•W J rtr �liy'd•:;'' „'Q.#.. ' d, t • 1 , , , . ti" iy(,I. . r y �Z d 1 , • , Ja < o Y, I t; I �fU M114 , 4i 01 i11 r.'10 �� �t. r1 �.j•7 t�' cW 7 J1 , �+ ��''"• :! l� •• �+• r 1 1 /,' , �),►, r-: -. _Z. i °' 'f.r, !4• ,;ilii *h9. , `,'•; 5 �E VJ '' ,.,- Ir �. .n ."`hr ! ,.� , 'P —, -,.',ern. ;} . ,1.i`G.. .J cit `' qq 8r. t{...'� A .4 -: bis'.%%::�:%i ' �s'•t:'%:`r �::^.;'y '4. "k'r4 a. x` V` �:."i i�w5 'kf'''... y4 ?h,, r.:9 {. bs'l`. '.1,. `r1W.. r• .A..ly. 1 ti f,tr f ':,�i �ii� `:(5tY� M 71> �`t+n,`,J q.. ,'i'�": � '�%;''%� rr ._,.. r! c , 7 �f rt i . , d b. :f. :, y yi r r11�1 -1' b4, >e �... +,t.. , 4 ,s r*,� d1' ,-tY 4 ,.' ,.7r, •;,y,.. ,� ♦ s �.i:t ,. .gip •.J 4. -,J lY yy ,• , i rs i ,A' ■ r'• •V', I;t t. 1 �,., ,,..4 r. ;yEirAt". r :°% op,:'••?.' ��� s •a x, yw t. x,r,,, .5 t :. 1 le 4 - — w ; >;; . , ry . a} Air , y3 .,,-', s ,,, ,, '' / , i ,'s`c.•: i:,u dv, >� 1 4•L �� A• .c, ,Vr., Jr �...M1'at r: r,r.t " b , may., ?=r.-r'� ■ r a.y� , r, t. �;t! � ,r �}r t,Y,'r:A ,, .caw '��i. �M,:I`, vi Jt. � , ,)WW1 ,4 ,, rr ry.. ,N,. `'' .Je .r4: ll. : i!i \ • ��.s t /,.S ,S ;� ,,. c h ,.. J e i A ,7 r i A . d 'C 3 r 4 11 �i M• 1' -• —•-...✓. +••�'�'!"„��,..r�v . ,... ":."r��� �.ti:<.`.N.zw„ t.'ia;i., ��''it•tM.r ..�8�^..i =. iP�i`s-.�...R �_ .. 11 ., .-, Ii,