The Huron Expositor, 1965-03-04, Page 104; . 70.17.7170 9 1.13, do 'k klijl , a,,,i\ittlle 1.„54ipte }.6- 38,,$'mbol .calcium 39',.4. 21•-t;litice 23 -Part fireplace 24-Mehatu- 26- • 28-I4evoured 29 -Title 31 -Lustful 33 -Man's '-_ lack '54 -Projecting • 2..6 -Profound 38-A (abbr.) 40-.\frican 42 -Transactions 4:, -Lxlst 47 -Places '48 -Distance 101•880re 5O -Wan .42-Soalis �4-A (a 55 -Man's nirltucme 55-':mt.Rh- 59 -Parent (c.61uy.) el -mall i3-iNnobhtg C5-aostets f;‘3. -'i e 67 -'Worm 1 -RL 2-J'nzZ1e 3-J'hysiclan (abbr.) 4 -Afrikaans AO49,00- 'dke x#essl SYankol;or pm o,wy flower AMericall Iidier ol: scale l)?grator - for state (a4br.) . 6f metier' comma ruler Unit of 'Milan cnrt'envy of respect name tooth state antelopes tip , rutuinet't L L:. , manding . !1444•1; ,I ill t s t'1to11iC5 it'; DOWN • Ike ' . CROSSWORD 0,eangicl 6.-l�rovoketl 7 -Observe S -bailors lcollott,) 9 -Latin conjul-ytlon 1(J -Head 12 -Prefix: not: 14-Lvaluateel 17 -Seed coating •20 -Helps 23 -Parent • (conoti,) 24 -Printer's measure 25 -`roped 27 -Heid in reverence 30-Pruvides • crew 41,-('ompasa 32- Think point 35-12st itna les 411-8poo • 37 -Ache art 9S-I'rot1e :18.11eai(.•r 45 -ling 41-t;eas6 stop 43 -South 51 -Prepare American. print nnfmals 53 - Mix PUZZLE 10E ©IMIJC•]Q Uii €lEUn©f7. ©REIEI©Ej0 © I:113 '©lililE I �+�©® flE©NE1: ]ECI. • orawm I ©I1Iill111: "ellaaE 1 .[]© t� IMO. ©© ,a'' �CICJ© IgOU ©C7tJ Q© INIll ©EI]©' slol<:1oia' ''t�I DEL EIIi71in 11/0410111.' .. Q "a ©. ®©�®t L ©mina`' Q ®L IICII "0195,.;47i€I© b IU PE1i9DE1>'fi7. 1:EIREI0 Iele ish used a vent soLUT10N • 57-1'. rind o1 time 58- iia hylotl ian deity t„• 60-11ea4t of burden for 62 -Preposition 4,I-t'ompass p4.1nt 1 2. 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IS MONEY Keep looking _fictitious — "we money grow Guaranteed Available in ,.years. at a year, 5%. We're not a at Forest and Write or ask -MORTGAGE FOREST • W. E. It ,. ' orPhoe u',ti Lr. ,, , ar,:u. for think. is Investment units very money Petrolia. for THE AND - Vii. one if by the of good tree our descriptive lMT 100 INDUSTRIAL SARNIA SOUTHGATE , ,r rJ,lre TREE you A better regular Certificates $100 51/2% but TRUST r: -4.. 9:9,99 wish but it's strict!$ way to make purchase of -from I.M.T. • for 2, 3, 4 and 5 interest. For 'one we have branches' folder. ' . ' COMPANY PETRONA G 0400 .49 941 4 41- Have a problem? Write to Canadian social worker Doris Clark in care of this newspaper. • THINK BEFORE YOU MARRY DEAR' eaRIS—I went with a boy for five years. My parents were set against him because of his drinking (which is nor- mal for young boys) During the sixth year I be- came pregnant. My parents were very ,hurt but would not take any help from this boy. Isle left and moved to another city. I gave the '.baby to an adoption 'agency. I truthfully thought I could forget this boy but he came back and we start- ed going out again. I am not saying this is true love but I think after a year if you have not forgotten a person he-niest mean something to you. This Christmas he gave me a ring. My parents are not pleas- ed but they are leaving the future to my own choice.. Wed- ding plans are now in order. I would like your opinion as to how big the wedding should be, what I should wear and if a reception is proper. Second Chance, DEAR SECOND—How's "that again? You're not saying it is true you, but "wedding plans are in order?" With 'parents unhappy about it, and even you doubtful, do you think -your brave"plans• have any chance of bringing happiness? If you have a wedding, it should be small, you should not «'ear a white gown and veil; and a small reception is in order. If you go by me, it is also in order to stall enough to give yourself a third chance. Talk it over with someone who's ..been through the mill, DEAR DORIS—I've taken a leaf out of your book and got Mom helping me put on a St. Patrick's Day party.. The invi tation I composed is in the form of a rhyme, and I've said every-' body roust wear or carry some- thirig,?' green. Now I need some ideas about Irish games to play. Any suggestions? - Patsy DEAR PATSY—Sure and I have the very thing' for you! It's a leaflet of "Games for a St. Patrick's Party," and may be had by anyone writing in and, enclosing ten cents and a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope. - DEAR DORIS — My adopted son was taken from his real parents when he was five. The home was immoral and he' was starving. He was three years in a foster home. - • - • When he came to us, six months ago, he had a mental age of five. We simply can't get through• to him. He is quiet, laz-minded. Looks right through us when we try to reason with him. Easily forgets , instruc- tions. Disobeys: To challenge him' to eight- year-old behavior I've got him going to Scouts, But the work- er says he is perfectly normal and that love and affection will do the trick. This answer makes me see red. Iithink he needs help. Adoptive Parent DEAR PARENT —'with his past history, what could he do but build a shell around "him- self? He has found that the best way is not to try, not to argue. "What's the use,?" Opening up .that shell will take uncolnmen understanding and patience as well as love. Try meeting him where he is, at a five-year-old level He needs to taste success. Educa- tional toys for boys of five might intrigue him. Then praise, love, a celebra- tion for any step forward will bring about more of the same. You can dotit. DEAR DORIS—Have , you a leafle,t on headaches? I get ter- rible headaches. Suffering DEAR SUFFERING—A head- ache is a symptom — just a sign that something is wrong somewhere. Almost anywhere. Eyes; nose, teeth, ears, nerves, glands, digestion, fatigue, even feet! Pay attention -to this sign of trouble and get to your doctor, pronto. DEAR DORIS — Will you please send me a copy of your bulletin describing dances and games suitable for teen-age par- ties. You- mentioned having .one with a broom' dance. Just Mom'. DEAR MOM — I'm sending two "Helps for a Dance Party" and "Party Games and Refresh- ments" (ten cents each). The Broom Dance is not included, but it's very simple: As the dance begins, one ,lone boy is handed a broom instead of a girl to dance with. Slim pickin's! So, he palms it off on a buddy who , is 'dancing and takes his gal Buddy does like- wise. And so on. When the number is over, the boy -left holding• the broom gets a booby prize. • "Did anyone : in 'your family ever make a brilliant mar- riage?" "No. one except my wife." Joe: "Where were you born?" Moe: "In a hospital." Joe: "No kidding! What was the matter with you?" through "RED CROSS Your help does so much for somany Malting Barley.. Contracts Seed and Fertilizer. Supplied Your Choice: PARKLAND (six rowed) BETZE (two rowed). An Excellent Crop for Early Cash Bean Seed Excellent Quality Ontario Registered: • SANILAC • SEAWAY • SAGINAW ' • MICHELITE 62 Michigan Certified: • SANILAC • SEAWAY All Seed Grown from. Foundation Stock Bean Contracts Available Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Excellent Markets Create Good Bean Prices Drop in Now for Your Spring Seeding and Fertjlizer Needs or Phone 262-2714 Collect 9 E. C. Mickle &,Son LIMITED HENSALL : , ONTARIO �! G'i Will' 'Meet Jet The community planning branch of 'the • D.epartment of Municipal Affairs will mak a presentation at a county plan- ning workshop to be held in Goderich on Wednesday and Thursday, •March .10 and 11. The tentative agenda provides time for discussion of this pro- ject as it affects 'Huron. John Pearson, of the exten- sion and field services division in Toronto, will be one of the visiting speakers. He gave an interesting and comprehensive talk on planning at a semi-an- nual meeting of Huron Munici- pal Officers' Association in Clin- ton last May 27, stressing the desirability of a county plan- ning organization. Thix county, with no separated municipali- ties, is considered especially suitable for corhmunity plan- ning. The worshop in Goderich op- ens on the evening of , March 10, in the hall of Knox Pres- byterian Church, with greetings by Warden Glenn Webb and Mayor Frank Walkom, of Gode- rich, and the planning presen- tation and discussion over two hours. Knox ladies are to serve lunch. For the Thursday sessions, at Harborlite Inn, Essex Street, there• is a registration fee of $2 per person, which includes lunch. Registration opens at 9 Huron o'clock, discussions at 9:3O, and at 2 p.m. is assigned for "Plan- ning For Huron County." "We- look forward to a very good turnout," Clerk -Treasurer John Berry said in announcing the agenda, "as the discussions will be of great interest to the county in its approach to county planning. We , will • have provincial representatives avail- able to answer questions." WEDDING CHISHOLM—McAREE The wedding was solemnized February 20, 1965, at St. Basil's Church, Toronto, of Margaret Stewart McAree, Toronto, (wi- dow of the late J. V. McAree), and Dr. Colin Angus Chisholm, of Toronto, formerly of Kirk- land Lake, Ont. Mrs. Chisholm, formerly of this district, was born in Exeter and is a gradu- ate of Seaforth Collegiate Insti- tute: ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth COAL .FUEL'O1 14IL1JAM- M. HART Phone 527-0870 Seaforth THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Ryerson Polytechnical institute - ANNOUNCES THE INTRODUCTION OF THE TRIMESTER SYSTEM FOR COURSES IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A limited number of first-year students will be admitted to the rst summer semester, May 3 -- August 6. The minimum admission requirement is the Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma (or equivalent). A few places, however, will be reserved for mature students who do not possess ,this diploma. APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE APRk 15, 1965 ,SEMESTER, FEES Engineering Technology $156 Business Administration $151 ,For Further Information and Application Forms Write To: THE REGISTRAR . RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE 50 Gould Street, Toronto 2, Ontario There Is Lots of Good' News Right Here From. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY We have enlarged our Upholstery Business and now sell all kinds of Give us a call and we will be glad to. show you our more than 200 differ- ent Drapes and Carpetings. Our more - than 40 years' experience in house furnishing guarantees you the best advice. This introduction of our new drapery and floor covering .service gives our customers .a special opportunity to save on their rug and drapery re- quirements. As a special introductory offer, all lines are available at very, very Low Prices, Estimates Are Free. Call us now Now as for UPHOLSTERING Don't wait- until the big rush comes! Let us provide you with a free estimate and show' you• our distinctive materials in Nylon, Bro- catelle, Damask, Velvet, Mohair and Tapes- tries. You may select from more than 1,000 of the newest fabrics, and from more than 200 leatherettes. Let.us make your furniture like new— remodelled in the modern style —for Tess than half the cost of new furniture ! — COMPARE THESE MONEY - SAVING LABOR PRICES — Chesterfield $25.00 • , Chrome. Kitchen `Chair $3.50 Other Chairs $800 to $12.50 Chesterfield Chair $15.00 Car or truck seat or back $5 Mattresses: Single $7.50, Double $10 We replace Broken Springs in Mattresses, 35 cents each. We re -varnish and rebuild your furniture in modern style/' Toronto Carpet Mfg. Co. Ltd., Toronto, makers of BARRYMORE Since 1891 QUALITY CARPETS. Sold by• SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Phone 527,0190 s Centre Street i w aai5 ;:11„• k�.a.Y.ysdc'i9 i4s1' "t' ut'r') 81 e IF LTIL- r.... }tp„l'L�i ,5. s.•T,,, isv' vWtLn000f3Z' 's a 1, n '