The Huron Expositor, 1964-10-01, Page 3sa • • Thursday. Evening, October 1,1964 8:OQ R.M. SHARP CIRCLE at "B" RANCH Sebringville, Ontario AUCTIONEER LEO E. BIRD WILL. SELL WITHOUT RESERVE A LARGE SELECTION OF FINANCE COMPANY REPOSSES- SIONS, BANKRUPT STOCKS, BAILIFF SEIZURES, AND PER, SONAL CONSIGNMENTS CONSISTING OF MODERN HOUSE- " HOLD FURNITURE, TELEVISION SETS, APPLIANCES AND BRAND NEW CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. Appliances —, Furniture -- Television Refrigerator with cross top freezer, 2 electric ranges, long skirt conventional washer, 17 cu. ft. food freezer that holds over 500 lbs. of frozen food, deluxe' automatic' washer and dryer, com- bination radio and three -speed record changer, 5 different tele- vision sets that have been all checked over and. are in A -I work- ing condition, 2 hostess chairs, platform rocker, high chair, tele- phone table, step stool, chrome rocker, writing desk, 9 x 12 rug, step and coffee tables, 4 dinette and kitchen sets finished in chrome and .coppertone, 2 2 -piece davenport suites that make into a bed complete with high back swivel rocker, 2 -piece French Provincial chesterfield suite with top grade nylon cover, 3 modern chesterfield suites in 4, 3 and 2 -cushion sets. (All these sets are Furniture Show Samples''from the last London Furniture Show); 3 bookcase bedroom suites in light and dark finish, complete with box spring and mattress, 2 39" continental beds complete with box spring and quilt top mattress and headboards, 4 54" quilt top mattresses that fit"any full size bed, a two-piece chesta- bed living room suite that folds out to a full %-size bed with spring filled mattress built inside, 2 sets of table and trilight lamps, 1 54" Continental bed, and many, many other items too numerous to mention. All the appliances in this sale are guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up in your home. BACK -TO -SCHOOL CHILDREN'S CLOTHING — ALSO LARGE ASSORTMENT FOR MEN AND WOMEN -- JUST ARRIVED A large selection of Fall and Winter clothing has just been received for auction from one of the largest Wholesalers in Canada. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING --Lined jeans, snow suits, pull- overs, cardigans, winter -coats, sleep and play sets, -skirts, blouses, dresses, 3 -piece velvet sets, "T" shirts, goat and hat sets, jodphers, leatards, underwear, 'baby shirts, housecoats, sleepers, baby's orlon knit. -sets, hooded sweatefs, training `pants, gloves, poodle socks, and many other items. '- MEN—Work and dress shirts, polo shirts, jackets, bowling shirts, dress pants, work and dress socks, - pyjamas, belts and ...ties, ..underwear, slipper socks, pullover sweaters and cardigans. • WOMEN—Dresses, blouses, pullovers, cardigans, skirts, nylons, slipper socks, fall coats, two-piece suits, slims, purses, jackets and other items. THIS OUTSTANDING SALE WILL BE THE LARGEST AND BEST OFFERING THAT WE HAVE AUCTIONED IN THIS HALL AT ANY TIME. DON'T MISS IT AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD TERMS CASH'''= --Cheques accepted on Furniture 3% sales tax in effect. • ■ WITH EVER' wHEE• BA LAN (Four Wheels). Featuring Custom Accessories for your car. • Deluxe "Black -N -White" Rubber $5.95 $3.95 Whitewalls • Fender and Door Mirrors • '"Universal" Stainless Steel Mud Guards $3.95 • "GM" Door Edge Guards — Chrome • "GM" Seat Belt Retractors "GM" Tissue Dispenser • "GM' Blue Coral • "GM" Station Wagon Air Deflectors Seaforth Motors CHEVROLET and OLMOBILE Phone 541 Seaforth 7 1 Horticultural Prochots ,Apkie—I'#.fig o Q wi , Robert Archibald, S-gaforth; .F.. McClyxnotlt, Varna. Northern Spies,la : McClymgit, E. Archi- bald. Courtland, F. ]yleClymont. Wolf River, F. McClymont. Fameuse or Snow, R. Archibald, F. McCIymont. Rhole island Greening, F. McClymont. Mc- Intosh, F. McClymont, R. Archi- bald, Tatman Sweet, F. McCly. mont, R. Archibald. Delicious, F. McClymont, R. Archibald. Crab apples, ,Mrs. A. Jamieson, Clinton; F. McClymont. Collec-' tion, F. McClymont. Pears — Sheldon, R. Archi- bald, F. McClymont. Bartlett, Russell Desch, Zurich; R. Archi- bald, F. McClymont, Clapp's Favourite, F. McClymont. Plums—German Prune, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Russell Oesh, F. McClymont. Lombard, F. Mc- Clymont. Bradshaw, F. McCly- mont. Rene Claude, R. Archi- bald,F. McClymont. Grapes—Blue, F. McClymont. Display of fruit, F. McClymont, R. Archibald. Grain Alfalfa seed, L. Wheatley, Dublin; E. Dennis, Walton; Rus- sell Desch, Zurich; Wm. Dennis, Timothy seed, Robt. Fothering- ham, Seaforth; Roy Coulter, R. Desch, Stanley Hillen, E. Den- nis. Red Clover, R. Desch, R. Coulter. Fall wheat, R. Fother- ingham, Allan Betties, R. Coul- ter,. R. Desch, E. Dick, Don Me- Kercher, E. Dennis, Fred Mc- Clymont. Barley, R. Coulter, Milverton, R. Fotheringham, R. Desch, Art Bolton. Barley, new exhibitors, R. Fotheringham, R. Coulter, R. Desch, F. McCly- mont. Oats, late, R. Coulter; Lewis Coyne, Allan Betties, R. Desch, R. Bolton, Oats, neW ex- hibitors, R. Coulter, B. Betties; Tom Riley, Gord Pryce, Mac Stewart. ,Oats`, early, R. Coul- ter, R. Fotheringham, R. Oesch. Mixed oats and barley, R. Coul- ter, B. Betties, L. Coyne, 'R. Desch, F. McClymont, White beans, R. Fotheringham, R. Desch, F. McClymont, Cham- pion above classes, R. Coulter, Husking corn on cob, Robert Broadfoot, Seaforth, R. Fother- ingham, Bruce Coleman, John Broadfoot, Jim Papple, Guy Dorrance, Mrs. Wilf. Coleman, Mrs. B. Coleman, Geo. Towns- end, R. Coulter, Milverton, Ken Stewart. Ensilage corn, sheaf, B. Coleman, B. Broadfoot, John Broadfoot, Ken Stewart, L. P. Coyne, Bob Eckert, G. Towns- end. Special, R. Broadfoot. Bale of first -cut hay, John Henderson, Seaforth, G, Towns- end, R. Fotheringham. Bale of second or third cut hay, Robt. Wilson, R. Fotheringham, Guy Dorrance, Ken Stewart, Russell Desch, G. Townsend, Don Mc- Kercher, John Eckert; field chopped hay, R. Fotheringham, E. Dennis, D. McKercher, Roy Coulter; field chopped hay, sec- ond cut, Roy Coulter. Champion, % bushel of grain, R. Coulter, Milverton. Judge—K. R. Hillier. Roots and Vegetables Red • tomatoes, Mrs. Welling- ton Good, Blyth; Spanish onions, Russell Oesch, Fred McCiymont, Mrs. W. Good; Dutch sets, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Belgrave, Mrs. J. Hillebreeht, Mrs. W. Dol - mage; onion sets,, Mrs. W. L. Dolmage, Mrs. W. Colclough, R. Desch; gherkins, Mrs. W. Col- clough, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. J. Hillebreeht; butter beans, R; Desch, C. Dennis, Mrs. W. Dol- rnage; white beans, Mrs. W. Good, R. Desch, F. McClymont;. table -carrots, short, R. Coulter, Mrs. W. GoodL R. Desch; table carrots, long, 1VIrs. W. Good, R. Oesch, Mrs. W. Dolmage; pick- ling beets, Mrs. Bessie Putman,. Seaforth, Mrs. J. • Hillebreeht, 11. Desch; table beets, Mrs. J..Hil- lebrecht,. Mrs. W. Good, Art, Custer; slicing cucumbers, R. Desch, Art Coulter, Mrs. Bessie Putman; table parsnips, Mrs. W. Dolmage; peppers, green, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. W. Good, F. McClymont; peppers, red, Mrs. W. Good; Bantam corn, R, Desch, F. McClymont, Mrs,. W.. Dolmage; A.O.V. corn, Art Coul- ter, Mrs. W. Good, F. McCly- mont; winter radishes, Russell Desch, Art Coulter; sunflower heads,, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs, A. Siemon; vegetable novelty, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. W. Good, Gordon Pryce. Red cabbage, Art Coulter, F. McClymont, R. Desch; Savoy cabbage, MrS, A. Siemon, Mrs. W. Good; fall cabbaik, Mrs. A. Siemon; winter cabbage, Mrs. A. Siemon, Art Coulter; musk- melons, Mrs. W. Dolmage; cit - rolls, striped, F. Merl 1nA#t; H, Desch, F. Mcelyinont;. Pip pumpkins, M. L. Stonphou5e, Jim Papple, Ken .Stewart; veg etable marrow, Mrs. W. Dol, mage, F. McClymont; three Ye' rieties table. squash, Mrs. J. Hil- lebreeht,' Mrs. W. Dolmage, F. McClymont; pepper squash, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, R. Qesch, Mrs. W. Good; white fielt. car- rots, F. McCIymont; Swede .tur- nips, feed, 'Mrs. W. Good; Hub- bard squash, Mrs. Don Gloush- er, Mrs, W. Dolrnage, R. Desch; white or yellow onions, Mrs. W. ,Dolmage, R. Oesch, F. Mc- Clymont; largest squash, Mrs. A. Siemon, Mrs. W. Dolmage; largest pumpkin, Mrs. A. Sie- mon. Irish Cobbler potatoes, Mr's. L. Stonehouse, R. Oesch, Mrs. W. Good; A.O.V. early potatoes, R. Coulter, F, McClymont, Mrs. W. Dolmage; Green. Mountain potatoes, F. McClymont; A.O.V. late potatoes, E. Dennis, Mrs. W. Good, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; collection garden produce, F. McClymont, Mrs. W. Dolrnage, Mrs. A. Siemon. Canned Fruits -Vegetables Preserved strawberries, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Belgrave, Mrs. J. Carter, Seaforth, Mrs. Wm. Dolmage; canned red cherries, pitted, Mrs. R. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. W. Dolmage; canned peaches, Mrs. L. Stone- house, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs, J. Carter; canned pears, Reta Orr, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs, Robert Regele; canned plums, Reta Orr, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. -Carter; canned red rasp- berries, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J, Carter, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Clinton; fruit cocktail, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, ' Mrs. L: Godkin, W. Dolmage; pear marmalade,. Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. Bessie Put- man, Mrs. W. Dolmage;, grape juice, Mrs. J. Carter; tomato juice, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. Mervin Nott; • chili sauce, Mrs. L, Stonehouse, Mrs. R. Regele, Mrs. J. Carter; pick- led cherries, Mrs. Reta Orr, Mrs. J. Carter; canned pineap- ple, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs, L. Godkin; canned whole tomatoes, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. R. Orr, Mrs.' W. Dolmage; sweet cucumber pickles, Mrs. B. Putman, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. W. Dolmage; pickled beets, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. Putman, Mrs. J. Carter; relish, Mrs. A. Siemon, Mrs. Ken Moore, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; new variety of pickles, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. A, . Siemon, Mrs. J. Carter; dill pickles, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. B. Putman, Mrs. J. Carter; tomato catsup, Mrs. A. Siemon, Mrs. J. Carter; black currant jam, Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs, R. Orr; strawberry jam, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs, J. Carter, Mrs. L. Stone- house; raspberry jam, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs. R. Regele, Mrs. W. Dolmage; apple jelly, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. El- don Yeo; red currant jelly, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. W. Dolmage; other variety jam, Mrs. B. Putman, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs. Eldon Yeo; col- lection canned fruits, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E, Yeo; collection jams and jel- lies, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Mrs.' W. Dolmage; McGon- igle's special, groceries, Mrs. J. Carter; most points, Mrs. J. Carter. Judge—Mrs, Fred A.' Stock. Dairy Products • Maple syrup, .Mrs. R. Orr, F. McClymont;Mrs. W. Colclough; e*Oe sPaP, $ix ba s, Mrs. 4 S. lenapn, Mrs.'fedi §110lopW m$1e lard, Mrs- J Ce eir, k(rs A, $lemon, 'Mira fie/14130.1,: rlincemea t, Mrs, J. Carter Mrs 1 leimpel; pies, three individual Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs Bessie lut- rnan. Judge—Mrs. Evelyn Mills. Tome Economics Bread — Loaf white bread, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. Geo. Campbell; loaf brown bread, Mrs. W. Col- clough, Mrs. G. Campbell, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; loaf fruit bread, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. G. Camp- . Buns—Four buns, plain, Mrs. G.bellCampbell, Mrs. ,E. Howatt, Mrs. J. Carter. Cakes—Angel cake, Mrs. K. Moore, Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. E. Howatt; chocolate layer cake, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs. W. Colclough; white Layer cake, Mrs. J. Car- ter, Mrs. W. Colclough; banana layer cake, Mrs. N. Cardno, Mrs. A. Siemon, Mrs. J. Carter; chiffon cake, Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. A. Siemon, Mrs. K. Moore; dark fruit cake, Mrs. J. Carter,. Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. -E. Howatt; light fruit cake, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, ,Mrs. J. Carter; date and nut loaf, Mrs. J. Car- ter, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. Mervin Nott. Candy—Maple cream, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs. Bessie Putman; chocolate fudge, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs. Eldon Yeo; home- made dipped chocolates, Mrs. Bessie Putman. , Cookies—Seven cookies, plain white, Mrs. Wes. Heimpel, Mrs. J. Carter, -Mrs. L. Stonehouse; variety of uncooked- cookies, Mrs. A. Siemon, Ers. E. Yeo, Mrs. J. • Carter; variety of cook- ed cookies, Mrs, J. Carter; co- coanut macaroons, Mrs. L. ,God - kin, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. A. Sie- mon. Pies—Pumpkin pie, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs, E. Howatt; cherry pie, lat- tice ,top, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs, J. Carter, Mrs,. A. Siemon; lem- on pie, Mrs. L. Godkin, Mrs. Sltonehouse, Mrs. B. Putman; raisin pie, Mrs. E. Howatt; Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. L, Stonehouse; apple pie, Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. E. Howatt. Tarts — Butter tarts, Mrs. M. Nott, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. B. Putman; jam tarts, Mrs. L. God - kin, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. B. Putman. Miscellaneous — Tea biscuits, Mrs. E Howatt, Mrs. L. Stone- house, Mrs, J. Carter; tea bis- cuits, whole wheat, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter; bran muffins, plain, Mrs. J. Car- ter, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. E. Howatt; shortbread, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. WA TE; LIVE FOWL ° Picked up at the farm Top Prices . .— Locker Service Available — Phone 751 J 12 —, Seaforth or 393 J 15 — Brussels Ronald rd. Bennett WALTON J, carter, thox of eats . 'in, Mre. ' '�'eq, s. I, Stoq, #louse, It rs J: P.Ortet~, S,pecxa10, --CallpG 0* , of Plain bakhlg, Mrs. Sto#lehogse, Mra. Cplelojiglr, Mrs. Y. ;Carter; six ways tp sexv appiep, Mrs, J - Carter, Mrs. E. Yeo; six ways to serve potatoes, Mrs- J. Carter, Mrs. E. Yeo; five things with cake mix, Mrs. B. Putman, Mrs. E, Yeo, Mrs. J. Carter. Lake of Woods Milling Co. Ltd Special: White bread, Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. L. Stone- house; layer cake, Mrs. W. Col -- dough; pies, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs. L. Stonehouse. Champion. cook, Mrs. J. .Car. ter; most points, Mrs. J. Carter. • Judge—Mrs. Fred 'A J Stock. Crafts and Hobbies Tea towel, Dianne' Nott; col- lection of weeds, Arlene Wit", Hams, Allan Wilbee, Mary Jane Southgate; collection of leaves, Glenda Matheson; Wayne Scott, Maly Elliott, Faye Munro, Hea- ther Beuerman; collection of Woods, Jim Rowat, Bruce Wil - bee, Jim Dalrymple, -Christine Turnbull, Melanie Motzold; nov- elty invitation, Marlene Turn- bull, Christine Turnbull, Teresa Devereaux, Carolyn Pearce, Hendrena Verbene; plasticene model, Bobby Henderson, Deb- bie Moggach, Gary Stone, Mar- garet Eckert, Kathy Van Loon; poster of Wild Life Conserva- tion, Joyce Dolrnage, David Broome, Wayne. Huber, Connie Stone, Jane Cornish; Christmas tree ornament, John Nash, Charles Nigh, Kathy Dalton, Mary Van Mittenburg, Michael Nigh; . Mother's Day or Father's Day card, Janice Schneck, Mar- lene Turnbull, Beth Broome, Perry Broome; Anne M. Stew- art; gift wrapped box, Mary Oke, Jane Sills,' Bill Boussey, Marlene Dolmage, Mary Jean Fry; article of Mosaic tile, Jas. Flannery, Angela Devereaux, Dennis Campbell, Betty Dal- rymple, Jim Cardno; milk stool, John Van Miltenburg, Wayne Scott; article of popsicle sticks, Jimmy Putman, Betty Dal- rymple, Joan Hopper, Stewart McLean, Nancy Hulley; table favors, Brad Carnochan, Eliza- beth Ball, Jean Hildebrand; Christmas c o r s a g e, Kevan Broome, Elva Bowering, Anegla Devereaux, Cindy Eisler, Doug Hildebrand; scenic picture, Car- ol Dolmage; paint -by -number picture, Marlene Dolmage, Mel- anie MatzoId, Anne Marie Dev- ereaux,. Robert Coleman, Joyce Dolmage. Classified ads pay dividends, 5 2 i Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES W. E. Southgate Seaforth Representing: British Mortgage & Trust Guaranty Trust Company Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. Crown Trust Company Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company 'sco, Thew New Tires Taken 00 New :Cars in Exchange. These are first-line tirets by Goodyear,.. Dominion and Dunlop, to be sod 011 a first-come basis, to reduce inventories 30% Discount on 1 or 2 Tires ca• 40% on Over 2 Tires SEAFORTH MOTORS Your Guardian Maintenance Service Centre Phone 541 — ' Seaforth WEDDING . INVITATIONS COASTERS • GIFT IDEAS • SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 141 -- SEAFORTH. rigida 1 re Flowing Heat RYER FOR COMPLETE CAREFREE WASH- DAYS DURING WET FALL WEATHER AND ALL YEAR LONG GO AUTOMATIC! WITH A STURDY FRIGIDAIRE FLOWING HEAT DRYER Beats all outdoors for getting clothes dry. And with famous Frigidaire dependability, you'll surely enjoy washdays that are truly carefree year after year. USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE -. EXETER, Ont. Directors: Timothy B. Toohey - RR 3, Lucan Pregident Robert G. Gardiner - RR 1, Vice -President Cromarty Wm, H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1, Science ]`Till Martin Feeney • RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton Agents: Hugh Benninger • Dublin Harry Coates - RIS 1, Centralia Clayton Harris - - Mitchell Solicitors: Mackenzie & Raymond - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser . - - Exeter Want to buy a red convertible? ' Get a Commerce Red Convertible Loan Or maybe your wife would prefer a green sedan. Sedan, convertible, canoe, piano, or wardrobe ... please yourself (or your wife). One of a wide variety of' Commerce loans can be tailored to.your needs. Phone or visit the Loan Department of any commerce hranch. 41 CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 'AS LOW AS 169." Your FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC Wrinkle - Away Dryer features Fabric Heat Selector, gives infinite number of heat settings from "Normal" to "Delicate", also "No Heat." Automatic Time Control—up to 145 minutes without redialing. "Wrinkles -Away" cycle for pressing Wash -and -Wear garments. Pushbutton door opener. BOX FU•RNITURE Phone 43 Seaforth