The Huron Expositor, 1964-04-23, Page 1A
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Whole No. 5018
105th Year
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SDHS AUDITORIUM was filled• to capacity Friday when students presented the annual
Variety Night programa In the upper picture, Grade IX girls prepare to present the Ja,
panese "Bonn" dance in traditional costume: They are Valerie Beaerman•, Nora Brow,ns Juli
anna Rau, Dianne Papple and Lynn Nixon. A highlight of the program was "The Three
Little Pigs in Latin" with Jim Sills, Allan Patterson and Ted ;Lamont depicting the three
stars of the Skit, (Expositor photo by
Var.iety Ni Night Show
Attracts' Cap.atity.. Crow'
Third Pig, Ted Lamont; nar= and Peter R.owatt. --`-
The annual. SDHS, Variety
Night played fo-a capacity audi-
ence in the SDHS auditorium
Friday evening.
Welcomed by Principal L. P.
Plumsteel, the audience was
quick to respond to the series
of skits, choruses and gymnas-
tic displays as they were intro-
duced by student council presi-
dent Brian Traviss.
Accompanying the numbers
were Nancy 'Berger, Glen Nott
and Fred 'Kentsch.
• The numbers included: Glee
Club, directed by Hiss Cathy
Haig: Hootenanny:. 1.' Washing-
ton Square, •American Pop; 2.
Molly Brown, Irish Folk Song;
3. Kum-ba-ya, African Lullaby;
4. This Land is Your Land,
"Three Little Pigs", staff ad-
visor, Mrs. Ann Hansen; stu-
dent director, Torben Haarbye;
translated by J. L. Slattery;
sets, Janet 'Halley and Donald
McNichol; Wolf, 'K e n Dev-
ereaux; Man, Gerald Vanden
Henget; First Pig, Jim Sills;
Second Pig, Allan Patterson;
rator, Bob Reynolds.
The Japanese "Bonn" Dance
in traditional' costumes• — Staff
advisor, Hiss Hazel Slavin; stu-
dent director, Reba Doig, as-
sisted by -Lois Godkin;-dhncers,
Gratde IX girls: Lynn Nixon,
Valerie Beuermann, Norah
Brown, Dianne Papple, Julian-
ne Rau.
Boys' gymnastic, directed by
F. A. Godin: Ken Devereaux,
Ken Cardnor Rick . Fortune,
Paul Hildebrand, Jim Phillips,
Allan Patterson, Witold Chom-
icki; Bill Boshart, Don 'Hulle3,
Bob Watson,' Gerald William-
son, David Britton, Alan Mc-
Lean, David Brock. Commen-
tator,'Bruce Brady.
Boys' chorus, directed by
Miss Cathy Haig: "Tie Me Kan-
garoo: Down, Sport," . Austra-
lian; "When the Saints Go
Marchin' In," Spiritual.
Girls' Trumpet Band, direct-
ed by George Hildebrand: "Mac-
Namara's Band", "Blue Moon",
"Mexican Hat Dance;', "Two to
Tango" (novelty).
Interview, by Ken Cardiio
News of Week in Walton
• "Pennsylvania Waltz," direct-
ed by L. P. Plumsteel: • Mar-
garet Bitten, Bruce Whitmore,
Ruth Ritchie, Ben Akker; piano
solo, "Rustles of Spring," by
Sinding, Miss Nancy, Berger;.
"Why Teachers Go : -Nuts,"
SDHS Drama Club—Staff advis-
or, Mrs, Ann Hansen; . student
director, Susan. McLean. Cast:
Abigail, Bonnie Uhler; Bull
Durham, ,Bob Drummond; Earn-
est, Susan •.Leonhardt; Fatso,
Robbie Brady; Skinny, Sharon
MacDonald; Weary Willy, Mich-
ael Newnham-; Cary Corntassel,
'Lorraine. 1luard; Perry Pretty -
boy, Sandra Bennewies; Lulu -
belle Lollipop, Jean McLeod;
Tuffy Tukes, Jack VandenHen-
gel; Tomboy. Toots; Erma Agar;
Bashful Betty, Julianna Rau;
Giggly Goon, Pat Harris; Susie
Simper, Karen Dolmage; Peach-
es Pumper, Joanne Elligsen.
Glee Club—Songs from "An-
nie Get Your Gun" by Irving.
Berlin: "Doin' What Comes
Nat-ur-Ily"; "Anything You Can
Do"; "I've Got the Sun in the
eek chane
C of C .Irotests-
Seaforth Chamber of Como
merce has urged Bell Tele --
phone Co. to reconsider plans
to remove listings of Seaforth
customers from the directo
serving McKillop and 'Ribber
users and the listing of rest
:dents on the Dublin exchang
from the Seaforth directory.
At a meeting Tuesday ev
ning, the C of C directed'
resolution urging reconsidera
tion he sent to' the compen
and area municipalities. Sea4
forth . Clerk Lyle Hammon
said Mayor Angus MacLean ha.
called a special meeting o
council for. Friday morning to
consider the matter.
Changes in boundaries o
Bell districts, which the' con
pang has carried.' out, has, re:
stilted in a change in the direc-
tories that will serve partieu-
lar areas. The , new .boundary
extends north. and south 2i/a
east of Seaforth, and -cuts
through the Seaforth District
High School area and: 'the' Sea -
forth Are area..
In the past the area fro,ln
Goderich to Stratford and from,
Brussels to HensaIl has been
contained in the directory dis-
tributed in Seaforth.' In the.
directory which Bell proposes!
to issue for the Seaforth' area,'
Dublin area listings • will be
omitted. At the. same . time„
Seaforth will be omitted froin
the Dublin directory. •
In discussing the resolution,
C of C president George Mc-
Ilwain said if there wasn't an
interchange of listings, much
inconvenience would result. 'It
would be most unfair ' if sub-
scribers were denied access to
the listings of their neighbors,
others with whom they did
business, or with their place
of employment, he said.
The resolution follows:
"Since the Bell Telephone
Coinpany, being solely respons-
ibl for. provision of adequate
telephone service to the people,
of Seaforth, proposes to, alte
and thereby lessen the service
it provides its customers in Sea -
forth by deleting from the Sea -
forth directory the names of
subscribers of the McKillop,
Logan & Hib'bert. Telephone
Company, and likewise by de-
leting the names of Seaforth,
subscribers from the directory
servicing' the Dublin office, thus
denying ready exchange be=
jween the • tWo . groups;
"And since much of the area
served by the .McKillop, Logan,
& Hibbert Company is contain-
ed in the Seaforth 'fire area and
in•:the Seaforth District High
School Area, and is served by
the Seaforth Hospital, by Sea -
forth doctors and professional
people, and business firms;
"And since such a reduction
in service will disturb the ord-
inary social and business habits
of the district and create an
'unfair and discriminatory con-
dition '€dr • Bell customers • "in
'And since similar situations
in the past have been resolved
by • indludibg the subscribers of
adjoining areas in each of the
directories serving such adjoin -
,Firemen Have,
Two Cabs
Firemen were called Thurs-
day afternoon when fire broke
out in a caterpillar tractor at
work opposite the residence of
Louis Boshart, North Main St.
The fire burned' out the elec-
trical system in the equipment
owned by Jack McLlwain,
On Sunday broke
out in a home owned by George
Stone, McKillop, 3% miles
north of town. The blaze was
confined to the roof. The build-
ing was occupied by James
ing areas as was done in •..the
ease of Hensen and Exeter?
"We request arid urge the
Bell Telephone Company to
make provision, before new
directories are issued, to in-
clude McKillop, Logan and Rib-
bert listing in the Stratford -
Dublin directory;
"And that copies of this reso-
lution be forwarded. to:. The
Bell Telephone Company, the
Mayor and Members of Seaforth
Town Council, The Reeve and
Members of McKillop Council,
The Reeve and Members of
Hibbert Council, The President
and Directors of The McKillop,
Logan & Hibbert Telephone
Company, The Hon: C. S. Mac -
Naughton, The Chairman and
Members of The Ontario Tele-
phone Service Commission.
Minister .
Hon. C. S. MacNaughton,
Huron MPP and Ontario
Minister of Highways, met
Reeve Ken : Stewart and
members of McKillop coun-
•eiI Saturday. morning and
discussed a number •of
problems involved in Mc-
Killop roads. -
Mr. MacNaughton advis-
ed,•council he would give
every consideration' to the
problems, and would . advise
council as to what could
be done.
ai cer.
The Constance C.O.F. held
their annual gingham dance in
the hall Friday evening. Music
was supplied by Jitt`t Scott orch-
estra.' The proceeds went to
the. Cancer Fund. Prizeswere
won as follows: spot dance, Mr.
and Mlts: Art -Henderson; elim-
ination dance, Jack Brown- and
Elva Gross; adult gingham cou-
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson • Mc-
Clure; Junior Miss Gingham,
Miss. Lynda Anderson; Junior
Master Gingham, Clair McClure:
door prize, Mr, and Mrs, Gor-
don Dale. • - '
Mr., and Mrs. Lorne Lawson
and Mrs, George Hoggart at-
tended the funeral on Thursday
of their uncle, the. late George
Johnson, of Varna.
.Mr. 'and Mrs. Joe Hart , and
family,of tlolmesville, and Mr.
.and Mrs: George Hart,. of Brus-
sels, visited with Mr. - and Mrs.
Fred Buchanan and family on
Saturday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
and family ,spent Saturday eve-
ning . with Mrs. Preszcator's sis-
ter, Mrs. Mervyn Webb, and
Mr. Webb, ••of. Dashwood. .
Visitors , with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Frank -Riley on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley and
family of Scarborough,' Mr.
and Mrs. Ron McKay and Sus-
an and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Riley, all of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties,
Gary and Paul and Mr. Theron
Betties, of Winthrop, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Grimoldby.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson and
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
William Jewitt and family.
Mr. Theron Betties, of Win-
throp, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. George McIlwain- on Sun
(Continued on Page 4)
Hosts Dist-r-ict -C.onv;
Representatives of more than
10,000 members of the Royal
Canadian Legion, from 55
branches throughout Western
Qntario,will be in Seaforth
Sunday for, the spring conven-
tion of. District 'C'. Between
300 and 400 delegates are ex-
pected to attend the conven-
The convention gets under
way Saturday night, • when a
meeting of the - district execu-
tive council will be held in the
Town Hall. District Command-
er is Durward Preston, of Wa-
Convention registration be-
gins Sunday morning at 9:30
a.m: at Seaforth Community
Centre, and the meeting will
get underway when Colors are
marched on 10:15 The morn-
ing program willincludezone
reports and , a welcome by
Branch 156 president J.- N.
Eisler and Seaforth 'Mayor An-
gus MacLean.
Five Bands
Delegates will parade from
the Community Centre to Vic-
toria Park, arriving at the ,Park
at 12:2.(1 for a short
including prese tatio
cation •o wreaths. ,
which will include 1 n
from Brussels., Clinto,"
Goderich and.Seaforili, wl,
time to the Legion a fo;..
lunch; Here the programa-wit .
includean address ,byCllesxer.
Merriam, of Tara, chairman, of.
Dominion Command; and re-
ports of committees. -
Arrangements for the con-
vention are being completed by
Branch president J. N. Eisler, '
and committee chairmen.,R',.S.
MaeDonald and Charles Wood.
Hibbert 'P'upiis -Win Township Hong-rs ... ,
HISBERT PUPILS won honors when Branch 128 Mitchell Legion held public speaking
competitions at Staffa Hall Thursday evening. Thomas. Burke (left), Grade 7 pupils, was
top senior boy; Grade 5 student Neil Murray, was topjunior boy, and Sharon Shea, Grade "`" '•
5, was top junior girl. The students attend S.S.S; 4. Hibbert, where, - Mrs, Joseph Melady is
the teacher, (Expositor photo by Phillips). '
Angli-can Chu,rciimen--.
Hear Canada North Story
week, sleeping bags and extra and regardless of the day of
gasoline. Their supplies came -the week, or hour of ,the day;
by boat once a year, and in- the Indians' gather for church
eluded 12. bags of potatoes and service. One of our most de -
500 pounds of Hour. voted clergy is Rev, Eli Spence,
Every so often, •bearded of St. Paul's Mission, Churchill,
ministering to the Indians along
the: Hudson Bay Railway."
The speaker was introduced
"Without the RCMP in the
.North there 'would be chaos,"
Rev. W. 0. Straw told the
Brotherhood of Anglican
Churchmen of Huron Deanery
at St. Thomas' Church here last
Wednesday evening, "They are'
the finest force in the world."
he said; • "I never met a Mountie
who was not a real good man:"
youths from the United States
in weird costumes, arrive in
the Canadian North with intent
to travel and write a' book. by W: E. Southgate, Seaforth,
Mr. Straw,. rector of Jarvis; They last about 48 hours be- and thanked, D. EA). Slemin,
was until recently in charge' of fore heading for home, the Goderich, who also conveyed
the- Anglican mission at Nor- c'crg\man said. "You could the thanks of the gathering to
way House, at the northern tip !Wel months without finding the ladies • of St. Thomas'
of Lake Winnipeg, where the the proper channel on the Nel- Church 'for a bountiful dinner
told -of a policeman "bringing
RCMP patrol 1.000 miles, He son River." in the -parish hall. This was
liquor and dragged a Roman tv. the bridegroom anOne of the • fine color slides preceded by evensong. in the
in" 10 men who had gone her screened by Mr. Straw showed
a Norway House weddingchurch, conducted by the rec
Berk on improperly distilled tor, Rev. l arty Donaldson.
two' t -
Catholic missionary from his .tither members being in RCMP
bed into far below -zero weather. � scarlet. Another displayed a .eek Help Fo
resulting• in loss of frost-bitten catch of 32 to 34 -pound north -
limbs: ern pike. and there were sev- . ,,JJ
"One had a black eye and -oral pictures of magnificent sun -
,Crippled Fina
one a bent nose, but the -ten sets.
were with him when he got "For thousands of miles," While the response to the,
back to the post," Mr. Straw Mr, Straw concluded. "we find Crippled Children's . campaign
said. nothing but this trackless waste has been good, there are many
Norway House is about lati- of muskeg, water, rock and area people who have not 're-
tude 55 where for three months bush. The future of our, young turned their pink envelope.
of the kear the temperature is people is to find development W. D. Stephenson, who heads
40 to 50 below. In the north of this vast country and the the Lions Club committee in
"you make a mistake only people in it, and we are happy charge of the campaign, said
once, and when the ' Straw to know the Church is there al- about 560 returns have been
family went abroad in a boat ready. As soon as the mission- received totalling $1,17,6. This
its members carried parkas for ary comes' in sight of a settle- represents less. than half the
the cold nights, food for a ment, the church bell is rung envelopes mailed out.
M�dern Cook School- Reminds Students of Old Fashioned Fundamentals
The Walton Community Hall said Mrs. Striver was so well
was filled to, capacity Wednes- known on.. her TV show, "Pep -
day evening when ladies from per Pot," that all felt they were
Seaforth, Clinton, Londesboro, well 'acquainted with her.
Blyth, Brussels, Ethel, Win- Fancy bread baking was the
throe, Cranbrook, Monerieff first item made by Mrs. Striver,
and surrounding district Bath- In opening, she said bread had
Bred to. hear and see Mrs. "Vi been an important food for
Scriver of CKCO-TV, Kitchen-' many, many years, beginning
er, with unleavened bread. She
Mrs. George Hibbert, secre- also referred to the bread and
tory-treasurer of the Walton In- fishes spoken of in the Bible.
stitute, and' Mrs. Ronald Ben- Sweet breads form a very im-
nett, convener, acted as door- portant part of Easter and oth-
keepers did distributed num- er holidays in certain Euro-
bered tickets, which proved pean countries, including Swe-
lucky .for Many of the ladies den and the Ukraine.
during the evening: Mrs. Striver demohstrated
The president, Mrs. Kenneth various ways of shaping bread,
Mcbonald, •opened the meeting such as braids, roses, garlic
with "UC. &nada," Mrs. John 'sticks, etc., and • suggested dif-
Bryans accompanying on the 'ferent'-typ'es of decorating when
plane, Mrs . Striver was intro*. baked. ' These were baked' . and,
tttitet VY .ih ".. »fealda ii:, _ *illi'' Motet giveh aw"dy.
Moulded jellied salads, made ed a vote of thanks and pre -
of a variety of colored jelly sented her with a gift of money
powders,i fruit juices "and fruit, on behalf of the institute mem-
were placed on a tray of greens bers.
surrounded 'by decorated beach Cooking school prize winners
halves and mandarinoranges, during the evening were: Mrs,
making a very colorful display. Glen Corlett,, Walton, cheese
Peach chiffon desserts were bread; Mrs. Joseph Thornton,
shown in a variety, of shapes. Walton, braided bread; Mrs.
Mrs. Striver held the atten- David Watson, Walton, braided
tion of the large audience bread; Mrs. George Davidson,
throughout the evening with Brussels, jello salad; Mrs. John
her food . descriptions, inter- Clark, Kinburn, jello salad;
spersed with humorous loci- Miss Pauline Thamer, Walton,
dents she read, experienced. In chiffon dessert; Mrs. John Hen -
dosing, she said it was an hon- derson, Seaforth, . chiffon des -
or and privilege to do this sett.
shoal for the Walton Women's Prizes donated by the Insti-
Institute. The- Women's Insti- tute: Mrs. Alex Dennis, Walton,
tute is doing wonderful • work handkerchief; Mrs. Harold Bol
throughout the world and we ger, Walton, pair, of towels;
should be proud that it origin- Mrs. 'Douglas Smith, Brussels,
aged in Canada. chocblates;, Mrs. 'William Mur.
Mr's, I enneth 14iei)onald inov- ray, Walton, • pair of pillow
cases; Mrs, 'Fred 'Luddington,
Moncrieff, dish. Mrs. George
Addison, .of Seaforth, was win-
ner of the door prize, a yellow
A brisk sale of home-made
baking was held following the
meeting. Instiiyite cook books•
were also sold, with Mrs. Tor-
rance Dundas and Mrs. Gerald
Watson in charge.
The following committees
were in charge of the evening:
Mrs. Ronald Bennett (conven-
er), Mrs. Herbett Traviss, Mrs,
Ernest Stevens, Mrs. George
Williamson and Mrs. Donald
Buchanan. Many, old acquaint -
fumes were renewed following
the meeting and names and ad-
'dresses were handed in -by those
desiring the recipes used dun
•ing- the evening.
John Tharner has accepted a
position in Kitchener. He will
be at his barber shop in Wal-
ton ,all day on Mondays.
Grey School Area Meeting
Grey Township School Area
No. 2 held their regular April
meeting in the Walton public
school with all members pres-
ent. It was the decision of the
board to have drapes installed
for the school windows. The
resignation of the principal of
the staff was accepted with re-
The members of the board'
attended a Zone 6-A Public
School Trustees' Association
meeting in Ashfield Public
School. - -
The following March accounts
wereuthorized for payment:
Mont t , Monteith & CeSs' $60;
Ertl ss
els Coai Yard; oil, WS"
R. '& N. Marks, transportation,
$40, The meeting was adjourn-
ed to meet again May llth, or
at . the call of the chairman,
Mr. Hetbert Williamson hes
returned home from Clinton
Public Hospital.
CGIT Meeting
The CGIT meeting opened
Tuesday evening with the mis-
sionary study Shanta Bwana.
The worship service was con-
ducted by Maryanne Wildfong
and Jayee McNichol. The CGIT
hymn was sung and purpose re.
cited. A sing -song and games
On Sunday morning Duffs
United Church will revert to
Daylight Saving Time. Sunday
school will commence at„ 0:15
d hur service dll r c .
e Stt iV 11" (�yy;YYMM
Mr. and Mrs .Nelson - il;eiti;
spent the weekend with rela-
tives - in Sarnia.
Mr. Fred Uhler, of •Ridge -
town, spent the weekend with
his father, Mr. Ernest Uhler,
and sister, Bonnie!
Mr. Leonard Leeming was
taken to Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, on Wednesday
Eby ambulance following a heart
Graham Craig was elected
president of the Huron County
Hog Producers' 4-H Swine Club
(first-year club), which was or-
ganized at the township hall at
Londesboro recently. The club
has' a membership of 48, in.
eluding two girls, ' Donald
Dodds, Seaforth and Allan
!:laugh, Brubefield, were named
le ders.
5. 1i dwar'd Mill rept
(Conttinued'on, age
3 v:l^I