The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-19, Page 16'1 7F. ,c5Z,g..14"Aini",..44,i4eW7"11,47 -1:711277 •• • 7 16-1.H.K HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAR. 19, 1964 HU s' ON E POSITOR WANT. ADS FLAVEA WAY • OF WORKING FOR YOU FOR RESULTS THAT. PAY **419.n-'4•4f4.041V.M.I:4641,1•V,1,,,044 WANT AD ORDER .44.4440, MAIL OR BRING THIS ORDER to The Huron Expositor, Seeforth. Take advant- age of our low rates. Ads may be cancelled when results are secured. You are charged only for the actual number of weeks the , ad is published. :44 Insert for wee ginning Classification NAME • I\TAME Address TOwn Ask The People. Who Use .Them Your neighbors.use Expositor Classified Ads. You can use them 4too, and profit from successful Want Ad action. Take advantage of this inexpensive, easy way to get the job done quickly and efficiently. The faster way, the better way THE WANT AD WAY. MOST PEOPLE PHONE 41 A • • 4 4 • 1 0 • FOR RESULTS THAT PAY FOR BETTER RESULTS • 4 •