The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-19, Page 14UOMOU @ME UMU minimum mum min OWOEU EMU MED@ @MUM MEMO MGM •WEEIDU OEME2WO CON 0013 DUO EMU= MIME MED KINUMEM =HOW UOWM MOUE0 EIDM UMOODOOMM WEL igETII 011EMI -v4-,TuE tamp • EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTII, ewr.., 11/IAR. 19, 1964 17 ACROS4, 1. Substantisk 6. Possesses 9. Cry and* 12.. Oronm.Wou head 14. Pretty, befogs 15. Stilt 16. Prepared, vre Malt Beverage 1.0e,?4 . 18. $04 ISAf4C 24. Besiege 24 Lair 26. Nobleman 26. Far 30. Chest bone Chad's stmei 32. Dove's call 33. Chosen 36. Iron 38. Heard of grant 39. Resta 40, Dish 43, Ripped 44, Rowing • knOleteeat 45, Rent 47, Spinning too 6Q. Edge H. February 14 card 63, Attempt 64, Before -55. Sounds DOWN 1. Watch secretly 2. Mineral reek. 3. Allow 4. Part of to br 5, Steer 6. Warnitti 7. Coats:sties 6 10. Shield 9. Small =rest 12. Malt think 13. Writing table 18. Cooking Weald 20. lased. 21. Land measure 22. VVerk • 23. Pipe '(11 24. Excavate 26. Ettbee. 2.1, 40:W4 Portevillce 29, illaTh 32. A, nUmb!= 34. Feline 35. A dozen 36, Mother, or Fathe, 37. Operate 39, Sit Inc portrait 40, Harbor :41. Den 42. Defense group 43. Stop/ 46, Almelo 47. Soft metal 48. Single 40. Foot -like part 52. 'reward Solution 1613 • 5 • 7 8 ..ill (0 u I2 • • Ball a l'im, II , iii ' ill • „,, 18 UR:4RIU w 7.i Z2 Z3 II 29 25 III 12 111 fillia 30 31 . ail 33 ail - 78 IIgilla V,' Sq lalill la ill 9t, 4.3" 4,4 47 so si II IN S3 - 54, 111 Canadian social worker Doris Clark •invites you to write , 'tier about your problem. She answers letters of general mterest in this column but 'can't underfake'personal replies. DEAR DORIS -- I have five children. The last .one was 'a menopause baby. I am 45 now and finding it a great trial to carry on. Much as I love my rfamily I. find I am desperate to get away frem all of them. My husband thinks a depres- span is just something you. wish on yourself. , All you have to d& is grow up. He cant see why I want a ' holiday. His health is disgusting. Flow can I convince him I just can't carry op like a 20 - year -old ,mother? ' • DEPRESSED DEAR DEPRESSED -Even a 21) - year - old mother needs change and recreation. Yet a robust mate can sometimes be honestly perplex when she com- plains. '• You need to confide, com- pletely in your doctor, both for treatment and support of your idea. 'And write in again, en- closing ten cents and a five -cent stamped, self-addressed envel- ope, for "Facing Forty," a leaf- let which will help you under- stand what happens mentally and physically, in Change of Life.• (Readers' If you would like this leaflet, write, to me in care • of this newspaper as above). DEAR DORIS-I would like to have OM. opinion on how to address my wedding invitations. The problem here is that my father passed away -this year and I do not live with my moth- er, although she lives here in town. I reside with an aunt . and uncle. My fiance and *ft self are paying for the Wed- ding. ENGAGED DEAR ENGAGED. -2- You 11111111 It'll lit I I I H1111111111111111I111111 Know What You're Getting! (1) Extend to your mother the courtesy of issuing -invita- tions: or (2) Have your aunt and uncle do this; or • (3) Do it yourself.. What you . do depends on whether you are on good terms with your mother, whether your aunt and uncle are closer and more 'like palents., or • whether you have been on your own a long time. H you choose the third way, the form reads: "The honor of your presence is requested at the marriage of, etc. . ." written out in formal style. When, you- buy Jones, Mac - Naughton seed you know you are getting what you pay for. All Jones, MacNaughton seeds are true to variety, carefully cleaned and tested- for germ- ination. Jones, MacNaughton handle only seeds - for many years they have been Western Ontario's leading seed spe- 'tialists. When you buy from a local firm you get service . . . satisfaction . . . sav- ings!' This year ask for Jones, Mac - Naughton seeds. • From your local dealer or Jones, MacNaughton Seeds • • EER - Phone 235-0363 • CREDITON Phone 2344363 LON,DON . Phoit4.431-225, • or • 'THIS wggic ANP NEXT 1mpassein Vie.. tflarn, The eightryear war in Smith Vietnam is moving into its final phase. After vending five bil- lion dollars to keep this Asian jungle nation out of the Communist or- bit, the Unit- ed States is faced with one of three choic- es: The first is to extend the U. S. military comm itment there suffici- Ray Argyle iently to en- sure a 'clear victory over the Viet Cong in- surgents who are supported by Communist North„Vietnam. The second choice is to con- tinue the present strategic and material aid to the South Viet- namese in the hope that the regime there wilL somehow be able to fight the Communist guerrillas to a standstill. The third choide, *Welt Am- erican authorities are slowly coming around to, is to attempt some sort IA neutralization of the whole of what was once French Indo-China. No American authority is yet saying so publicly, but this is, the only interpretation which can be put on Defence Secre- tary McNamara's renewed dec- laration to get, American troops out of South Vietnam by next year. There appears no other es- cape from the present impasse. This was first recognized by Gen. De Gaulle who in propos- ing neutralization, ran head-on into bitter American reaction which still • equates neutrality with surrender to Communism. And it is true that neutrality can be a prelude to surrender, unless the condition of neutral- ity is backed up by continued American military strength. The 'old French IndoChinese. empire was carved up into four states at the 1954 Geneva con- ference which brought an end to the French -Communist war there. North Vietnam, under the control of. Marxist Ho Chi Minh, became a Communist. people's republic, Laos, Cambodia and Smith Vietnam remained non- communist. 'Communist subver- sion continued in all three states, however, and South Vietnam was particularly vul- >.••V„ nerable because the Aniericans made the mistake of backing an unpopular and despotic govern- ment. Two revolutions later, South Vietnam co4thums to tight a losing jungle war. Laos is in near -paralysis under a princely triumiiirate representing Com- muist, neutralist and WeStern viewpoints, Carnhodia,,, long a staunch American ally, has moved recently toward an in- dependent neutralist.policy and is now protesting further 'Aim &lean military assistance. The attractions of neutrality for these. states weigh equally on bothlides of the Iron Cur- tain:: North Vietnam is suffering serious agricultural deficiencies which can be solved only by drawing on the farm wealth of South Vietnam. Communist China is in no position to ren- der this kind of help, and thus th.e • North Vietnamese are be- ing drawn over to the Russian position of peaceful accommo- dation rather than the Chinese hard line of centinued, military assaults on Western. outposts. The United States has no de- sire to become further en- tangled in a long, and probably losing, guerrilla war in the jungles of southeast Asia. It President Johnson is able- to win a strong Mandate in the White House, he will then be able to resist the opposition to, a negotiated settlement in southeast Asia. [tippet' EVR Presents Prizes AN4P44d#Y, Mkrell, 4, twen- ty -0c membersof .Kippen East Womeira Institute gathered at the Dominic/ill-Wel, Urich, for 0. delicious turkey dinner. Mrs, Grant MagLean and Mrs. Ross Sararas convened the evening's entertainment. Lucky _chair was won by Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner; lucky cup, Mrs. William Gibson; spice con- test' dinner, Mrs, Alex MacGre- gor; birthday prize, Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse. Mrs. William Kyle, Mrs. Jas. Drummond, Mrs. William Gib- son and Mrs. Robert Bell were presented with a prize for per- fect attendance at all meetings. The remainder of the even- ing was spent in a sing -song, several contests and euchre. GET A Winners at euchre were: first prize, Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Mrs. William Kyle; earistlation, Mrs. Cecil Pullman and Mrs. Elia Moyer. At the end of the evening's entertainment, president Mrs. William Bell expressed her thanks on behalf of the branch for a wonderful evening. ACKACHE When kidneys fail to remove excess actda and wastes, backache -tired feeling - disturbed root often may follow. Dodd's Kldney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel batter, sleep better, work better. BU THE 41#01.4P #14111114 • 110.:INSURANcE COMPANY Office - MahtStreet SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes Of ktrot -Property •Summer Cottaaes • Churches, Schools, Nails Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also ava1al21.2. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper. Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. BARN CLEANER ,SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL. GET BETTER PER- RrP1LONGER FROMAup SIMMS • INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES'- SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" FRUIT RELISIT Serves B.O. Crisp, with cranberry; pleasing with pear, 1 large orange 1 cup canned Canadian pears, diced (choice or standard grade) 2 cups raw cranberries % cup sugar _. 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 3 -ounce package lemon - flavoured gelatin., Peel orange. Scrape off most .of the white mem- brane. Put peel, pulp and cranberries through a food chopper using medium blade. Combine with pears and sugar. Prepare gela- tin according to directidlis on package. , Chill until thick as unbeaten, egg white. Fold in cranberry and pear mixture. Pour into 1% quart mold. Chill , until firm. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE • Ask the owner about Chevrolets,' performance... • Mel Hill Beverages Co. Ltd: REGNA. nen q• *ass General Motors Products of Canada.. Oshawa, Ontario Gentlemen: CAHARA tQY PEPSI -COLA HERM ORANGE Jan -fiery 25, 1964 For years I have used Chevrolet trucks for my .oity and country deliveries. I have always had really good .sitel-rem- them, with very little trouble. 'I recently traded a 1954 cab -over -engine model which- had cost only $200.00 in repairs since new. A 1957 truck which I bought new is still running well with original parts throughout. From engine to rear ,axle, everything is original. This kind of long'service has convinced me that / buy the right trucks when I buy Chevrolet. Gas mileage is better than on any other make of truck have owned, and my drivers tell me that there's lots of power • there for their heaviest leads. A multi -stop operation such as mine is hard On all. parts of a truck but from my previous experience, I know my new' Chevrolets. will stand up to the job. Yours very truly, President 011118117111 1117 1811-Aill Ng II 117111 ES HMO 1N See your local Chevrolet Truck dealer ROADTRY, THEN_ VALUE ROY - CHEVROLET TRUCKS! Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC -TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. T.664171. DOES SHUR•GAIN FERTILIZER SPREAD BETTER? At a quick glance SHUR-GAIN. Selected -Granulated Fertilizer, may look .veiy , much like most other kinds granular fertilizers -but -there is an important difference. Most ordinary fertilizers and practically all c.ustom blended ones consist of a dry` mixture of fertilizer materials either iwpowder or granular form. As a result the different ingredients vary in size' and weight. You can com- pare it to a handful of ping-pong balls, mixed with marbles. If you throw out handful of these, the heavier marbles will travel farther than the ping-pong I:GUS-and that is exactly what happens with ordinary fertilizers.. Every granule of psi/UR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer contains 1e guaran• teed plant food elements' in the right proportion. When you spread your fertilizer; with a drill or even more important, with any broadcast -type spreader you can be sure that -every particle (from the smallest to the 'largest) of free -running SIJUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fer- tilizer is nutritionally balanced no matter where it lies--7assuring you of complete and even intake of all the plant food by your crops. There are no excesses in one area.and Starvation in another with SIITIR-GAM • Another good reason why you can be confident of top returns from SHUR-GAIN -the finest fertilizer for your good earth! agisom6,, ferti IIzer $7 ...••••••••••••••••,..,4444••••••• „ •• , -.4$,1444:4 :•:•4•>:•:•4:,•••:•:•:. • *1;'''• • •;•,•:•4%,44 ,••••4'0, "•,• •:•:44,••••••••••• ••••••• • " ' ' " """ Call your local SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer dealer or SH UR -GAIN Fertilizer service MITCHELL -348-9012 • 5 4 • • • 4 , • 4 • • 4 5 •• •:••••••••••,'" •:•,:•:•.S,,,,,,...40•:•..7.0.,444.44:•:•:•:V4:•:•..,:•••••••:4•.,••••3•4,4? • • .• • y -S.•"/ ••••••••••••• •••••4,,,r••••• "X•••••3 •••4.-,44.•"•••.•••44I'4••••:"'" " " "*%•,'," " " " • " " " "