The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-19, Page 13• 1 • s c I AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET 1963 Chev. Biscayne Sedan. 1963- Chev. Impala 4 -Door V-8 - Lots of extras 4-1963 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans.-A.T. 4-1963 Bel Airs -Automatic, fully equip- ped 1963 Pontiac Parisienne 2 -Door Hardtop - 327 motor, fully equipped . 2-1962 Pontiac Sedans-Laurentians 1962 Falcon Four-Door-A.T. 1962 Chev. Biscayne Sedans -Standard 1960 Chev. Bel Air Hardtop with V-8 en- gine 1960 Ford Two -Door 1960 Chev. Station Wagon -Standard 1959 Ford Sedan 1859 Chev. Bel Air 4-Door-A.T. 1959 Pontiac Laurentian-A.T. Wide Selections of Older Cars - Many Makes, Styles - 1957, 1958, 1959 from $450 to $895 _USED TRUCKS 1960 Chev. =Ton Truck A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late Model Cars -Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - ONTARIO PHONE 173 -"The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 Read the Advertiseihents - It's a Profitable Pastime! iiimmumopum C-US-B-4-UIUY AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Of the Most Complete, Best -Controlled Stock -of- Tractors, Farm Machines, Parts 'and Accessories Combines, Wagons, Grain Boxes,. Windrow Swathers, Bale Elevators Balers, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Conditioners, Baler and Binder Twine Grain and Fertilizer Drills, Planters, Cultivators and Attachments Chain,. Disc, Spring Tooth and Smoothing Harrows Field and Ensilage Harvesters and Blowers.. Hydraulic and Regular Plows, Manure Spreaders • and Lo• aders Electric Washers, Dryers, Wiring Supplies, Heat Lamps, Bulbs, Etc. Bearings, Pulleys, V -Belt, Tires and ,Tubes Calcium Chloride, Jackal! Jacks, Wheelbarrows, Electric Motors Plastic Pipe and Fittings, Weatherhead Fittings, Copper Tubing Anti -Freeze, Starting Fluid, Stp., Rislone r • Hypoid Lubricants, Hy -Tran., Washing Machine, Milker, Motor Cream Separator and Special Oils and Grease Paints, 'Brushes, Tools, 'Batteries, Cables, Spark Plugs Oil, Fuel and Hydraulic Filters, Hydraulic Hose, Adapters Fittings, Clamps and Quick Attach Connectors • Regular and High Grade Bolts, Cap Screws, Nuts, Pins, Washers,. Etc. Roller, Regular and Tractor Chains, P.T.O. Drives Comfort Covers, Windbreakers, Engine Heaters JO Phone 17 Seaforth OPP Reif?' Area Statistics • The first figures are for the Counties of Waterloo, Welling- ton, Grey, Bruce, Huron and Perth, while the . figures in brackets are for the Province -with respect to the Ontario Provincial Police for the month of January, 1964: Motor vehicle accidents, 510 (2,304); fatal accidents, 2 ' (31); persons killed, 3 (42); persons injured, 77 (982); vehicles checked, 2,879 (43,892); warn- ings issued, 1,392 " (22,419); charges preferred, --556 (7,648); registration and permits, Part 2, H.T.A., 34 (504); licences, op- erator, chauffeur and tempor- ary, drining instructors, Part 3, H.T.A., 25 (401); garage and storage licenses, Part 4, H.T.A., 0 (9); defective equipment, Part 5, H.T.A., 109 0,159); weight, load and size, Part 6, H:T.A.,, 5, (256; rate of speed, Part 7, H. T.A., 180 (2,853); careless driv- ing,. Sec. 60, H.T.A., 34 (387); rules of the road, Part 8, H. T.A., 134 (1,647); fail to report accident, Sec. 143, H.T.A., 2 (45); fail to remain at scene, Sev. 143. (a), H.T.A., 2 (11); other charges,- H.T.A., 8 (82); criminal negligence, Sec. 221, C.C., 0 (2); dangerous driving, Sec. 221 (4), C.C., 1 (8); fail to ,remain at scene, Sec. 221 (2) C. C., 1 (22); drive while intoxi- cated, Sec. 222, C.C., 1 (43); ability impaired, Sec. 223, C.C,, 15 ((147); drive while prohibit- ed, Sec. 225, C.C., 5 (72); uni- form strength, 176 (2,409). ADOPTION OPPORTUNITIES Many fine happy children are in care of Ontario's Children's Aid Societies. Boys and girls are available for adoption. They need new mothers and fathers who Will accept them as their own. FO R PROTESTANT FAMILIES BRYCE is a clean cut and pleasant looking lad. The type of son to be proud of. He has hazel eyes, brown hair and aclearcomplexiorb He had a heart ailrttent, but now can lead a normal life. He plays on a hockey team. and is a keen sportsrnan. He is an excellent student and would like to be a lawyer. Bryce is in Grade 10 at 14 years of age. This boy wishes to belong to a family. If you are an older bouple you would be most fortunate in becoming Bryce's parents. NOREEN is a 15 months old Protestant baby with a relaxed, good-natured tempera- ment. She is a bright and attractive baby with brown eyes and hair and some Negroid facial features, from her Canadian and coloured ancestry. Noreen likes other child- ren and would fit into a warm-hearted family setting. SARA is a petite well built Protestant girl with brown eyes and hair, and of nice appearance. -She has good intelligence and is vivacious and outgoing. Her nationality is Greelt and she is 12 years old. This girl needs „warmth and attention from older Protestant parents. Are you the parents for , this attractive 12 year old girl? MARGOT is a Protestant Anglo-Saxon and Dutch girl of 21/2 years, S„he;ias}ight and dainty with blue :eyes Mid curly brown hair. She has fine, even features and is,very attrac- tive looking. The pupil of one eye is slightly enlarged, but this does not affect her sight or detract from her appearance. Her intelli- gence is high and she is active, independent and temperamental. There is a history of mental illness in her background and the couple adopting this child must be aware of this. FOR CATHOLIC FAMILIES TOM is an actiye, alert baby of four months who is developing well. He has brown eyes and hair with an olive complexion. 1 -le is Anglo-Saxon and Peruvian Indian. This young Roman Catholic lad will nced bright parents to keep up with him in the years -ahead. CORA has an attractive, slightly oriental appearance, and is a lovely Roman Catholic baby of 20 months. She is a happy, good- natured little girl with,dark eyes and hair and a clear complexion. Very little is known about Cora's background, but she is developing at a good average rate. . i ALFRED is. a contented, happy Canadian. Roman Catholic boy of I I/2 years. 1 -le is a sensitive lad and would be unhappy with aggressi'c,noisy parents. Al is a healthy boy with good mental ability and an un- assuming manner. Ile would like quiet, gentle parents. TIMMY is a dear little, Roman Catholic Dutch boy of 16 months. He has brown eyes and hair and a round face with an alert expression. He is a bright boy interested in everything around him. Timmy would be happy to be adopted now. HONOURAnLsJOHN R •, .Prime Minister. Married couples, interested in adopting these or other children, ask your local Children's Aid Society, or write to: THE DEPARTMENT -OF PUBLIC WELFARE, PRdVINCR OF ONTARIO PARLIAMEN`r BUILDINGS, TORONTO. OBART3, HONOURABLE Louts P. CECILE, Q.C., •MJ,Itsrer of Pabl1c%hej'farr ST. THOMAS' LADIES' GUILD The regular meeting of the Ladies' Guild" of St. Thomas' Anglican Church was held Wed- nesday evening •at. the home of Mrs. Len Ford. The meeting was opened with the Collect for Palm Sunday, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Frs. Ford reported the old kitchen range has been sell. Mrs. J. R.' -Spittal reported on the wiring situation in the Par- ish Hall kitchen, and it was moved to proceed with instal- lation of plugs and purchase of a suitable auxiliary heater. The spring rummage sale is to be held April, 24,,,in the Par- ish Hall. Many aprons were presented for the. apron booth. The shower next month will be for the variety booth. The April meeting is to held at Mrs. G. Stockwell's home. The meeting was closed by the president, Mrs. Grummett, and Mrs. Robert Dinsmoreserv- ed lunch. - McKILLOP The EUB Ladies Aid' met at home of Mrs. William 'Koehler on March 11. The devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Ella Hoegy who opened the meeting with a poem, "God's Love," and all joined in singing Hymn No. 70,. "The. Whole Wide ' World For Jesus." Scripture` lesson was Mark 15, verses 1.20, fol- lowed by prayer and all re- peating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Devotionals closed by singing • Hymn 69, "W've a Story To Tell." - Mrs. Alvin Beuermann took charge of the business. A num- ber of birthdays were reported and Hymn No. 27, ."How Firm a Foundation" was sung in . their honor Roll was called with 10 members responding. The meet- ing closed and the ladies all enjoyed the afternoon quilting and a delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Norman Eg- gert, with Mrs. Ford Dickinson and Mrs. Harold Smyth . in charge of devotionals. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Regele, Krista and Karen, of Eastwood, spent Sunday With Mr. -and Mrs. Edward Regele. Mrs. Harold McCallum and Joyce spent Friday with Mrs: Frank Glanville, of Crediton. Mr. Wilson Dennis spent Tuesday with his brother, Mr. Ed. Dennis. Mr: Noble McCallum is still a 'patient at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London. His friends will be glad to know he is improv- ing in health. _ _ v DISTRICT PP' C! USBORNE COUNCIL' Reeve Archie Etherington and Councillors_ Ward Bern, Roy Westcott, Ken Duncan and. •Lloyd Ferguson were present at the March meeting of Usborne council. Council was advised that: • .he Department of Highways ' has approved the 1964 road gravel- ling contract; that the county is not considering- a =Centennial project at this time; the On- tario Municipal Board has ap- proved the tender call for the Central School; the Department of Iighways will reimburse Mrs. E. Carter, damages on Wright Drain. Motions included: • That .the 1963 audit report as made by A. M. Harper & Co. be approved; that the Treasur- er be instructed to publish the report as required, and the auditoi be paid his fee of 5300; That A. M. Harper & Co be retained as auditors for 1.964 at the increased fee of $450, and that -Bylaw No. 1, 1964, be amended to include the change; That Bylaw No. 3, 1964, ap- propriating $55,000 made up of $23,000 for construction and $32,000 for maintenance, be passed subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. The road superintendent advis- ed council that a further $12,- 000 supplementary appropria- tion for construction will like- ly be needed to complete the Westlake bridge. The road superintendent -;pre- sented road accounts amounting to $4,097.35, which were ap- proved for payments. That the road superintendent advertise tenders for the supply of a new tractor mower. • •Treasurer N. G. Clarke re- ported receipts of $106.00 in ac- counts from the road superin- tendent and ,other receipts of $298.30 and the balance of the 1963 Department of Highways road subsidy $11;094.88. The treasurer's bond for $3,- 000 be renewed with the Econ- omical Insu,rane'e- Co. at the premium of $12. - Municipal drain reports for the Taylor, Dayman, Deelstra and McElrea ?drains were filed by Engineer T. A. Howes, and council agreed to. meet in spe- cial session March 24 to con- sider them. That $65.63 provincial grant on the Keller drain received from the Town of Exeter be re- bated to the ratepayers con- cerned. Exeter swimming pool com- mittee, represented by M. Geis- er and I. 'Armstrong, interview- ed council requesting, -:a. grant in support Of 'nig project. The applications of Allan Fletcher and Hubert Hunter for warble fly inspectors were 'ac- cepted at $1.20 per hour and 10 cents per mile, duties to be the same as last year. School area board representa- tives interviewed council show- ing plans of the proposed new central school building and dis- cussed financing the project. HOWICK COUNCIL `~ The regular meeting of How - ick Township Council was held in the clerk's office. All mem- bers were present and Reeve Ivan Haskins was in the chair, Council took action as fol- lows: That we accept the agreement with the Town of Harriston for -t-he-use of -their-'fire brigade; That we write off the follow- ing Federation of Agriculture charges on the 1963 tax „roll:' Roll'. No. 567, $2.10; Roll No. 568, $1.84; Roll No. 571, 73c; " . That we accept the applica- tion of George Ashton for war- ble fly inspector at the rate of $1.25 per hours, That we accept the tender of Engeland Produce Co. at 10 cents per head for Warm water and 91h cents for ordinary wa- ter; That the road appropriation bylaw be finally passed; That we instruct the road superintendent to call for ten- ders for crushing and hauling 15,000 cubic yards of gravel, more or less, to be $/4 -inch screened, and 9,000 cubic yards, more or less, to be 11 -inch, screened, to be delivered any- where in the township under SCdI'fClS THIX All Discontinued Colors Tint Base and • Whites (MOS TM JEf143011 ;R; SFAFO direction directio tof the road LSOPe;* tendent, contractor to "state whether ernSher is' fed by..shov- ed or drag line; That we'give'Mcinto$h Ceme- tory a grant of $.200; , That we appoint William Aus- tin -livestock valuator. The following accounts were ordered paid: The Ontario Gaz- ette, azette, subscription, $6; The Mun- icipal World; -supplies, $5.35; Grand River Office Supply, ..sup- plies, .$8.34; Village of Clifford, Hallman fire, $100; Town" of Iiarriston, H. Espenson fire, $150;, Harriston Review, asses- sor's supplies, $35.72; Wingham Advance -Times, adv. warble iiy tenders, $7.83; Earl, Edgar, fox bounty, $4; Stanley -Wolfe, fox bounty, $4; Hobert Holborne, fox bounty, $4; relief accounts, $441.67; W. E. Whitfield, ex- change $4,65, part salary $21q; H. G. Harris, part salary, $75; Department of 'National Rev- enue, income tax, $40; Listowel Banner, adv. warble fly tenders, $8.82; Robert Gibson, 2 hospital board meetings $10, conven- tion expenses, $70; H. McMich- ael, convention expenses, $70; F. King, convention expenses, $30; W. E. Whitfield, conven- tion expenses, $30; I. Haskins, convention expenses, $30; re- lief administrator, $25.20. Lowick Township Recreation Committee, gr an t, $450.60 ; Wroxeter Community Hall, rent, nomination W.P.V., $4; McIn- tosh, Cemeitty, grant, $200.00; Town of Harriston, agreement fee, $1.00; James Renwick, fox bounty, $4; Robert Hastie, al- lowances Sanderson Drain, $140; Bylaw, Sanderson Drain, $20; Clerk's fees, Sanderson Drain, $25; Robert Hastie, allowances, Sanderson Drain (W. King Branch), $8; Wilford King, al- lowances, W. King Branch; $36; C.P.R., culvert, W. King Branch, $2,445.46; W. E. Whitfield, by- law, W. King Branch, $25; Clerk's fees, W. King Branch, $30; road accounts, $4,210.73; Town of Palmerston, deben- ture payment, . Norwell D.H.S., $2,046.08. Total, $11,031.46. RED CROSS NOTES The Seaforth Branch of the Canadian Red . Cross Society shipped this week to the On- tario Division head office at To- ronto, eight cartons of goods from the workroom, consisting of 12 large quilts, 40 boys' py- jama suits, 38 girls' nightgowns, one cashakia, 11 girls' overalls, 14 boys' shirts, three boys' shorts, 20 tropical layettes of 16 pieces each, 31 pieces of reg- ular layettes and 100 pairs of socks. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. S L NWORTHY MURALS GIVE YOUR ROOM AN INSTANT CHANGE OF ATMOSPHERE • ready -pasted ' • washable • plastic coated • easy to apply • several new distinctive designs to choose from • on display now at... • A V ES!. WALLP-APER & . PAINT' STORE Phone 7 Seaforth WE FIX- EVERYTHING • ; But a Broken Heart! Seaforth Upholstery Phone 446 Seaforth armers' eonfracts MALTING BARLEY ' We will have Betzes. Seed, which has 'proven far superior to Montcalm. or Parkland. SEED OAT CONTRACTS Once again we will have the three popular varieties: Rodney, Gary and Russell Seed 'Oats. We can take your crop from the combine if you wish. BEAN CONTRACTS - will- be contracting bite Beans again this year. We g g We will have all .varieties and they will be of the highest quality. We will supply seed and fertilizer for x,11 these con- tracts. We will have a complete line of Clover Seed, Timothy Seed ..and Grass Seed at very attractive prices. Complete line of CIL fertilizer W. G. THOMPSON &SONS,Ltd. PHONE 32 -- HENSALL rl; .�. dv....J �. . a.. mr� ..�M 11ww1�l y;,vl •h?