The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-19, Page 12• t . :;::''.::;;,!"44k:iiti.;;4**..40iit041,.;.-;;;;4',"-, • • • 6 1 RIE 4pRoli EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH„ ONT., MAR. 10, 1964 Aids Bunny Bundle A White Elephant sale was held Friday afternoon Prin- cipal Robert Reaburn of • ,grades 7 and 8 at ILE.,:•a!' Pub lit School. Attending were Mr--, Beryl Elgie's class 1 and 't: -Z ,ai:d Mrs. Mebelle Shtrra. ' and 5. Eric Mansfield.. 5 a C, Mr,. Mary Haugh. Twenty four doilars v. 11be forwarded to the CH, Bunny Bundle for Crippled Children. Items ,,old includod freshie. novelties, pop -corn, c i Combines. Down Strathroy 6-4 Hensall - Zurich Combines downed Strathroy Rockets 6-4, to take a 1-0 lead of the best - of -seven Shamrock Junior Mickey league finals, m a•game here Friday night. Mike Cushman .paced the win- ners with three goals : Bob Hoff- man, Bob Livermore and Bruce Cooper added singles. Mac Westgate led Strathroy with two goals, while singles went to Cam Brady and Ron Caruth- ers. home-made candy and a fish- ! pond, 'etc. - - A draw for an ironing board and iron went to Susan Broad- ley and a pencilcase to John Noakes. YP Plans Easter Service Chiselhurst Young People's Lnion met in the Sunday School rooms of Chiselhurst United Church Si evening with Presiden Eric ss presiding. Miss Pat icia Har ead sac- red passages and offered pray- er, The Young People are put- ting on a Sunrise Service in Hensall United Church at 7:00 a.m. on Easter Sunday morn- ing. There will be a short serv- ice in the church auditorium, followed ty a breakfast in the Sunday school rooms. Recreation was , in charge of Miss Patricia Harris. Luncheon was served. Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Harold Cur- rie. a Success comes to him who hustles while he waits., Lubrication ' SPECIA (With Oil Change) Lubrication ON ALL CARS Electronic Tune -Up 41C. 6 ,4) ,40 •6, 'AT •••••• .444 4 3.49 $6.75 Value NOTE: Above price refers to Chev. 1955-62, 6 cyl. Comparable savings for ALL other cars. Parts extra if required. WE SPECIALIZE IN MAJOR TUNE-UPS Seaforth Motor. CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE Phone -541 MONO Seaforth COME AND SEE US TODAY! NEWS OF HENSALL Shamrock Ball Colleen 111 So Husband Wears Crown "Colleen" of the Shamrock Ball at the Hensall Community Centre Friday evening was Mrs. Phyllis "'Hawley, of London. Un- able to be present owing to ill- ness, the honor was. accepted by' her husband, Rick Rawiey, who attended the event with a group from London. Honors of crowning and pres- entation of a $50.00 wardrobe went to John Baker, president terian Church met Thursday af- ternoon --with president Mrs. Earl Campbell Presiding. Mrs. A. Orr and Mrs. R. Faber had charge of devotions and brought the topic on the pioneer mis- sionaries in India and how the Presbyterian Church progress- ed there. J. G. Burrows,`Exet.47 Public School Inspector, was guest speaker at the thankoffering of the Kinsmen Club, who spon- meeting of the Arnold Circle sored the ball, and corsage pre- ' of Carmel Presbyterian Church, sented by Mrs. John-:Deitz, Hensall, Monday evening, speak - president of Hensall Kinette ing on "The Education of Chil- club. The winner's name was ,dren." drawn by Mrs. 'Deitz. . I Education,. he said, was like The winner in the draw for , a scale; on one side of the scale 50 silver dollars went to Alf was the academic side, and the Scholl, Hensall, and the ticket drawn by Rick Hawley of Lon- don. Desjardine orchestra furn- ished music for the dance, and a smorgasbord lunch was serv- ed. Decorations in St. Patrick's motif were arranged .by Mrs. John Baker' and Mrs. Harold Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer cele- brated their 40th wedding an- BniceOeld, Kippen, Chiselhurst niversary Thursday with a din- and WMS and -CGIT of Carmel ner at the Dominion Hotel, Zur- ich. They were the recipients of many congratulatory cards, flowers and gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Beer have a family of two sons, a daughter, and eight grand- children. Th,e Easter Thankoffering meeting of Unit One 9f the- UCW was held Monday eve- ning in the choir room under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Reaburn. The Cross with Eas- ter lilies and lighted tapers set the scene. Flowers placed by the Blackwell family were in mem- ory of the late Mrs, Sarah Black- well. The meeting opened with a. poem, "Resurrection," followed by a period of devotions con- ducted by Mrs. Don Joynt 'and Mrs. Garnet Allan. Mrs. Ross Forrest conducted a study per- iod on India. A filmstrip, "Each With His ,Own Brush," was presented by Mrs. Walter Spencer, 'after which an Easter message was .read by Mrs. Reaburn. Mrs: Percy Webster conducted an Irish contest. Hostesses for ° the evening Were Mrs. Ken McLean' and Mrs. E. R. Davis, who served lunch. LAC John Hawley, of Hensall, who has been posted at RCAF Station Clinton for the pat gram. year, is being transferred to Reading were contributed by Moosonee RCAF Station at Miss Mattie Ellis; selections by James Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Haw- the Junior Farmers' quartette, ley and family, Lee -Ann, Jane Members of the. quartette were and -Robbie, who have -been-re"- -.-Cain-phell, Joan Price, siding, in the Fink Apartment Nancy Pepper and Jim Dougall. on King Street, expect to move Miss Carl Brown, of Seaforth, some time in April. was accompanist. The Tweeds - Mrs. Sim Roobol received I muir History Book cover was through the mail Thursday a on display, designed by . Mrs. thank -you note from Mrs. Jai- R. M. Peck, and a selection was queline Kennedy, signed . by ' made. Jacqueline Kennedy, express- A minute's silence was ob- ing thanks for the kind expres- served for Mrs. Harry Faber, a sionof sympathy sent to her member of the branch who by Mrs. Roobol, on the death passed away recently. Twenty - of her late husband, President five dollars. was donated to the John F. Kennedy. Hensall Legion Branch. • Mr. and Mrs. Jimy Hyde and The nominating committee, Lisa left Saturday for _a three Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs. Clarence weeks' vacation in Florida. Reid and Miss Phyllis' Case, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin 'Ford; of .were .appointed to bring in the Grand Bend, are enjoying a 1964-65 slate of officers to the three weeks' vacation in Flori- annual meeting in April. da. Their two. little (laugh- Mrs. Fred Beer gave courtesy ters, Deborah and Karen, are remarks, and refreshments were staying with their grandparents, served. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 1'. Bell, RR Program conveners were Mrs. 2; Kippen. C. Reid and Mrs. Orr; hostess - The Senior Women's Mission- es, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Carl Payne ary Society of Carmel Presby- and Mrs. Orval Beaver, re other side was good manners— learning. to get along with oth- ers, tolerance, take up the chal- lenge together as teachers and parents and to provide the bal- ance of learning. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. fmver- ly Beaton, and thanked by Mrs.. Harry Hoy. Special guests were the ladies of the UCW from Church: Eighty signed the reg- ister. The meeting, held in the church auditorium, was chair- ed by president Mrs. Gordon Schwaltn, who gave the Call to Worship. Mrs. Beaton and Mrs. Economist Addresses WI Miss Patricia Damude, Home Economist for Huron County, was guest speaker at the Home Economies and Health meeting of Hensall Women's Institute, held Wednesday, March 11, speakihg on "Time and Ener- gy Management." It -is possible, she said, to plan your work and leave time, with your fam- ily, study vvark habit s pertain- ing to your family; to make out a daily chart and plan your work. The speaker was intro- duced by Mrs. Clarence Reid. Fifty, including members and guests attended the meeting, with members,. 'answering the roll' call with suggestions for an easy Sunday dinner, and donating a stamped get -well card. President' Mrs. Beverly Beaton chaired the business, and Mrs. A. R. Orr the pro- See our Complete Selection of Easter Lilies Cut Flowers and Potted Plants for Easter Giving ORDER EARLY I SEND this EASTER Staffen Flowers Plitorip 40 Seaforth Alf Scholl conducted the wor- ship, with the Easter theme us- ed throughout. Mr. Burrows contributed two splendid solos, Walked Today Where Jesus Walked" and "The Holy City." Mrs. Malcolm Dougall was ac- companist. Miss Hannah Murray pro - which an hour of fellowship and lunch were enjoyed in the Sun- day school rooms. Potted plants formed an at- tractive floral background in the auditorium and, Sunday school rooms. Hostesses" were Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, Mrs. Gor- don Troyer and Mrs. Robert Taylor. Mrs. Schwalm and Mrs. J. E. McEwen formed the re- ception committee. Flowers in the Sanctuary of the United Church Sunday• morning last were in loving memory of the 'late Mr. George Follick, placed by the family. Mr. Jack Caldwell and Mr. Bill Gibson, of Be -N -Jay Beau- ty Salon, attended the hair- dressers' convention last week- end at the Royal York. Hotel, Toronto. Kippen East Women's Insti- tute had a booth at Vivan Coop- er's auction sale last Saturday and realized over $30. Kinettes Name Committee Wednesday was vice-presi- dents' night at Hensall Kinette Club, when Mrs. John Baker chaired the meeting. A nomin- ating committee, comprising Mrs. William Clement, Mrs. John Deitz, Mrs. Ross Jinks and Irs. Homer Campbell, was formed to bring in a new Slate officers for the coming year, with election night on April 22. Visits to shut-ins will take place next Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Fuss and Mrs. John Baker will be delegates to the annual dis- trict convention, to be held in Sarnia in May:. ' President Mrs. John Deitz presented a farewell gift to Mrs. Ross Jinks, a past presi- dent, who will be moving to London shortly. Mrs. Harold Knight won the raffle. A social hour was en- joyed with several games of Wahoo • played. Hostess Mrs. Ron Wareing_ served lunch. Legion Has Bake Sale Hensall Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary held a successful St. Patrick's bake sale and after- noon tea in the Legioh Hall. In a draw for a pair of sheets, Mrs. Edna Hay, of Zurich, was the winner, and Mrs. Robert Smith, of Ailsa CI -0g, won a pair of pillow slips. Beth Munn drew the winning tickets. Mrs.. Howard Smale and Mrs. Garnet Allan convened the sdraw. Look Your. Best For ASTER! Our professional dry cleaning Methods get out deep -down dirt =— clothes are pressed, not by hard wearing pressure, but by gentle blowing steam — and everything is dried gently, rather than by being thrown, tossed and wrung dry. OUR METHODS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY IN THE LONG RUN! PRICES ARE 'LOW, T001— FLANNERY CLEANERS 'Phone 87 Seaforth MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS Parkland Seed Supplied This variety out -yielded Betz and Mont - calm in Huron County as tested by the Ontario Agriculture College and pub- lished in -their "1963 The Progress Re- port." • , White Bean Contracts One of the Areas Better Cash Crops Fertilizer and Seed supplied on all contracts. . • FERTILIZER A complete stock carried at competitive prices. 00 Cook Bros. Milling co. Ltd. Phort0 24 Or 249 Hensall Ont. THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 141 SEAFORTH c-.74r2als •marTr A bevy of blithe shoes enter the Spring scene — diversley designed to caper away with any spirited seasonal styles. In the group is eery material and color you• could wish, breezily , low priced. 4; • Complete line of Men's and Women s Hush Puppies and Play Boys Complete line of Famous P. F. Gymn Shoes Complete Stock SPECIALS RUBBER BOOTS For the Entire Family '."••••• 1...d • MacDonald Shoes Factory To Feet • Save' Shu Money , V V 1/4441 1/4 14,•1 Vv11.1/44.4 440 44 • 1 v 1 1.0 k 1