The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-19, Page 1010* -M141: IRON EXPOSITOR, StAFORTH, ONT., MAR. 19, 1964 Arnold Stinnissen UP - LIFE • ACCIDENT and NSS - MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES OR SI Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE,_ 470 welsh St. - SEAFORTH WEDDING INVITATIONS Phone 141 — Seaforth C.H.S.S. Consid. ers Plans For Larger ,Building Twq possible plans for an ad- dition to the Central Huron Secondary School at Clinton were discussed Wednesday night at the regular meeting of the school board. The plans, which were recommendations only, from the Advisory .Voca- tional Committee, will receive considerable study before any decision is expected to be reached, says board chairman John Lavis, Clinton. He also stated, following the meeting, that it is believed that the esti- mated maximum cost of an ad- dition would be a million and a half dollars. , The board feels, he added, that there is suffici- ent property at the present school site, to build an addi- tion to. Walter Newcombe, Clinton, one of the board's two repres- entatives. on the Advisory Vo- cationl Committee, in outlin- ing the committee's preparatory work said that it was more or less information to "start the ball rolling." The committee recommends that a 16 -unit ad- dition be built, if the board wishes to accommodate 380 ad- ditional pupils. As an alter- nate recommendation, a 23 -unit classroom, he said, would ac- commodate 540 additional stu- dents. Figures obtained by Princi- pal John Cochrane showed a projected figure by 1968 of 1,506 students, "if the Grade IX students remain in their send- ing schools, or a' total of 1,790 students. The school, formerly the Clin- ton District Collegiate Institute, opened its doors September last, after a $1,800,000 vocation- al addition was added. Its stu- dent capacity was 1,250, to terve secondary vocational. stu- dents from Seaforth, Exeter, Goderich and Clinton. From opening day the school's ca- pacity was reached, with over- crowding in the vocational sec- tion. The smaller proposed addi- tion, Mr. Newcombe said, would include four shop rooms; one commercial room, one science laboratory, eight classrooms andervice area (the service area tinclude the present cafeteria and kitchen to be ex- tended, one single gymnasium and an enlarged .general office to accommodate a guidance of- fice. The larger proposed.. addition would take in three. 'vocational shops, three technical shops, two commercial rooms, two sci- ence laboratories, '10 class- rooms and service areas (cafe- teria and kitchen extensions), one art room, one single gym- nasium, and an._enlarged gen- eral office to accommodate a guidance office. Mr.' Newcombe remarked that if the smaller proposed ddition is built;. that "in three ars' time we will be more than filled to capacity, and would be then in the same boat as we are now." I -ie added that the Goderich-school board, which criticized the .Clinton board ' as having undersold them, in not providing a large enough school, now wants. Clin- ton to build an addition for only 380 pupils. • Board members have said that if an addition is to be built, and that if it is to be ready by September, 1965, that thedecisions will have to be made soon in order to getGt-1 work under way. Figures released by L. R. Maloney, business administra- tor, reveal that the cost per pupils per day ifh the technical course is $2.71, while it is $2.43 in the academic course. How- ever, it is to be expected that as time goes • on, that is as the pupils advance into more spe- cialized training, and as equip- ment is replaced, that the cost for technical training will in- crease par pupil. Although the 1964 budget has not been brought down, Mr. Maloney reports a . small surplus at the end of 1963. As the result of the findings of the cost per pupil day, and in anticipating the 1964-65 en- rolment, the following boards will be required to contribute to the Clinton board for -1964: Seaforth, $62,872; Goderich, $96,476; Exeter, $72,170; Cen- tralia RCAF Station, $5,420; and Clinton • RCAF Station, $44,847. The board accepted the Stu- dy and Welfare report setting the 62 teachers' wage •scale as of September, 1964. Increases in minimum and maximum sal- aries. in the four categories to: tal $14,000. The categories are: (1) minimum, $4700, 'maximum $8,500; (2) minimum $5,100- $8,800; (3), $5,600-$9,700; . and (4) $5,900-$10,000. The chairman of the com- mittee,- Mr.. Newcombe, said that by bolding the category one minimum, the boardhas saved $3,200, as over one-half of the staff is in category one. The teachers in bargaining had asked for a minimum in this group of $5,000. ^i R o b e r t Elliott Goderich Township representative, .ques- tioned why the board does not follow the salary schedule 'as set up by the Ontario Trustees' Council, of which the Clinton board by paying a $250 annual fee, is a member. He was in- formed by Chairxnan Lavis that it takes only one school board in Ontario to break the coun- cil's schedule; and that in .or- der to hire good teachers, the board is compelled to offer more to attract them. Said El- liott: "Money can not buy a good teacher, and I'm in full agreement on keeping the cali- bre of teachers as good as pos- sible; however, I'm in favor of adhering to the obuncil's salary schedule, or else scraping it." The board will be required to hire five additional teachers for September this year. Wed- nesday night's meeting saw the hiring of two of them. Miss Marilyn Riley, age 25, Londes- boro, now of South Huron Dis- trict High School, Exeter, will teach mathematics, commenc- ing with a salary, of ,commenc- ing A - graduate of the Seafofth Dis- trict High School, she is an hon- or graduate in mathematics from university. Miss Roxanne Beavers, age.22, Exeter, whois now employed with the Hamil- ton Board of Education, will teach French at a salary of $5,000. Promoted to "heads of de- partments" from acting heads were " Robert Smith, foreign languages; 'William Nediger, geography; Edward A. Roberts, history; J. R. Middleton, geogra- phy; W. G. MacArthur, com- mercial, and R. G•.. iunter, guid- ance. A report received ' from the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation on the grading it has given the school, showed: attitude towards edu- cation, 83%; staff -board rela- tions, 87%, and working con- ditions, 68%, or good. Permission was granted for, a 4-H Homemaking C t u b Achievement Day to be' 'held in the school auditorium, Satur- day, May 9, with 12 clubs, in- cluding' 100 girls participating. Permission was also granted to the District 10 officials of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation to hold its annual Education • Conference in the school; October 21: 'wo custodians, including the. chief, Lawrence Denomme, will attend a two-day custodians' service workshop in -London during the Easter holidays. After several hours of smooth, uneventful riding, a small boy on a motor trip with his parents said to his father: "I sure -wish you'd let mother drive-it'sa lot more exciting." NEW STRETCH STRAP 012 L 4 Jw> a•.bH <YT ."..*••, k • Accident Vaccine? WELL, NOT EXACTLY. Ten years ago, polio was a major killer of youth; today, vaccine has made the disease a comparative rarity. But, even when :polio was claiming lives by the hun- dreds, traffic accidents were killing more people under 25 than any other single cause of death—and they still are. Do we have an accident vaccine? No. People can't be vaccinated against accidents, but the toll can be reduced through the teaching of cor- rect driving habits—and safety hab- its -4o our teen-age population at the formative stages in their lives. This is what the automobile in= suranc'e business does through its sponsorship or -the National Teen- age Safe Driving Championship— the culmination of a coast-to-coast series of safe driving competitions involving more than 30,000 young drivers in 225 Canadian communi- ties each year. ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDRATION on behalf o/ over 200 competing fire, automobile and casualty Insurance cotnpan'ies • ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION Wonder -bra now bring you the marvellous comfort and'freedom of stretch stfaps in a kind -to - your -budget -bra. Fashioned with luxurious Terylene lace and Lycra* spandex. Style 1314 in white only. A, B, C cups, sizes 32-40. $4.00 Stewart Bros. *Du Pont's Registered Trademark r•961/11i`t Eel L. PHOE 141 HURON„ �.'�. Eo r a POSxIT7tORlo HISTORK FOOTWORK The ancestor of the modern Laundromat was a great pottery bowl used in Pompeii about four thousand years ago. House- wives brought their laundry to this bowl, and ,slaves, standing kneedeep in water, trod the dirt out of the clothes with their bare feet. CATS ARE gXEMPT One ' of the toughest cords known is catgut, which is used as the -strings in harps, violas, violins and other stringed in- struments. Catgut is made from the intestines of various four - footed animals, but never from those of a cat. ALL KINDS o); INSURANCE ' W. E. SOUTHGATE MAIN ST. -- • SEAFORTH Phone 334 — Res. 540 NOW . give Those Fall Crops a Boost! USE AERO PRILLS Broadcast Spreader Supplied Harriston Fertilizer at Attractive 'Prices CONTACT E. L. MICKLE & SON . LIMITED HENSALL — Phone 103 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 : Seaforth Hospitals and hotels, laundries and car washes, beauty parlors and res- taurants — wherever plenty of hot water is needed for commerce, you'll find natural gas the first -choice fuel. Home -owners, too, are happier with natural gas ... the fastest, cleanest, most dependable way to heat water. Modern natural gas water heaters are fully automatic—and marvel- lously economical ! Make the change to natural gas water heating now. Trade-ins have never been better ! UNION Trade up to NATURAL G4S.,.. THS F,RUENPLY FUEL. Special Bonus Award! Trade in your old water heater right now and you'll receive a special bonus cheque for $10.00 (no strings attached) ! This special offer is good only up to and in- cluding March 31st,1964. So choose nowfrom a variety of leading makes and models. All carry the Canadian Gas Association Seal of Approval. arraovra ,►t SCOMPANY Visit your plumber dealer or department store SILLS' HARDWARE Phone 56 : Seaforth BOB DOIG Phone 668 R 13 Seaforth FRANK KLIN'G LTD'. Phone 19 : - Seaforth GINGERICH Sales & Service Ltd. ' : Phone 5$5, Seaforth DUBLIN ELECTRIC Phone 701, 2 -....,. ,. .�� ,. ,.,v, s,, �u .� tiF, P .., .r,. . T +-. .. la.. �<�'�', ,.o-l.._fa -r-. � .,. ✓.b, �, �..,,� �, �. � �, �<, . i, .., a.'. ��,., .,° 4 • • ti • M • • t 4 • • 4 1