The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-19, Page 7I, - __ - -'`r _ % t >+ t X P }!� aP 7 „ 'i ri•r r� I � 4m.��.,+�' 1 f r °�,' r.4 '{ g , S�M3 .11.1,�: 1. � . , ., � , I ', , I " . "'.. , % j .. r ! , >. n , AM .. "' rt e . d I .- �,,, ,� 1 ;. A � I � � ^t y �. , ,yr i ter w ?,:!�l ^ ,�J 1 . . ­ 11 -1 11.1-1-T.- � .p _­ -7-1.1-1....".7-7.1.Ml I. It r r - - '1;t 1 .. .T, ' ,la 1 A't P ' d A' 'h� ... , . - , - �'il .. JR, '_ j rr""M,n ter: , >,;. �, �•i! il:i rY '� .vltA {f 8:P' ..�., , �" ' P 1. �y I- :. �' •, — 7' •A'.p t 4iv r. 2�1� , i' a, r :;v.., a 7 .k ,t a s, ! y is _. � h•! .`..la„ w •I rf : y �' r' rfF;a i/�: .� ,P , a,S cr^.' ,,,".'a 1 `^"�j'n i.`L(�+•, :: rr,:t, i .• T.. f / y rf , n • �I 1 USE ­71 -THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ' t.' a i Y b ,„ a 10. Used Cars Fo _ _. -.- - _. r �11ro Yovrz AnvAN�r�aoe t' ale 12. 't'trantecl To Buy 16. For Sade or gent L0. Ar uction Sales c� = - _- } P S M I. Coming Events 1959 D.K.W., 2 doom , hardtop. TRICYCLE, Largs or medium THREE -bedroom, 2�• ALiCtiQlll ►�R�eS �m - ; ,-_ r d �, ` �j i �, GiO. Atictlo><lt" ShceS Ot L C #%�� x►,7' �'rn� - ", ;4 A 2. Lost, Strayed Can be seen art George Miller's �lize. Phone 657 R 13, Seaforth. hearted, iznmediate��e' � 2,090 llhs. capacity; tractor fun- 900 x 16 ba' g holder rubber Items, � xla Ili3. Found Grara'ge. Phone Bill MreGavin, pass�emsnon. bredtia; set of tractor , on it1 "'"-' -"""""''"`- n''"" :"" �t Ya ; 'ctor chains; tired aluminum 'wheell'bamraw• Con Til pz~e'r?a7ses, x.ob x1, clrttunS b9?K rtJ� ,'(+ �, 4. Help Wanted at $78 W. 4, Se'afiorbh. 10-12x2 12-iQ-2 South Main Si reset. G71'amlles 4o•ft. belt; Handy Man ekeanut 7bwnship, nines; m ; �. Y r4 .s 5.. Business 0 GOOD Reeves, jack; s'tee'l, stone boat• e$octrlc #enc- 2r/: coir '' ;' . J711 Opportunities young York 'boar+. Hier- 16-L2x3 quoullity, of dumber and planks; er; hay fork ' lbm Sawth of Seaforth, or Now Aq!21and.'r11q U., . a ;? '4 6. Teachers Wanted Articles Fir wale coon Haste, RR 5, Sieaforth, HOUSE, newly decorated, con, Wangs 'spuelUCers; paulitt iaeeders; rope; •.ia!aY fork 2 mibe�'E�ast of Iiltrpen, thetrce .may !o p'�r, r , �:' " �" >,°, ' 7. Situations Wanted Phone M R 23, 12-13-1 feed barrels; 'sera puldey�' sfudgs; b0�; "eb; 4 mil! ltiox+Gh n gins two bedrbomss, lrvingroam, p iron; forks; crow bars• cream q paved road. conditdon;; Pxo 7P,6 s+wa , AD 13. Farm Stock For Sale 7IIREE piece chesber6iedd suite. - shovels chains, s+epa'ralor; 'the. uatdor ' p'. bath and kitepu..n, Theue rs arab and a"host of abase! water Uro'u h, Loo sagried Auctioneer R,it ^¢+ ace AtN, ., r 9. Poultry For Sale ph :n'" 343 J 1. HensadU. 11-ioxxi. TIMBER WANTED other `items, boo numerous to with hose; set doubl4 . gall onsr,neq, . received imtruetion's, bo sedQi iiy . p el, ' ': on rbhe Prope+rty� a Uamge Heil Wtieob,• � ,.. Public auction on FRIDAY, bean pAaz(te -i` 10. Used Cars For Sale ` T`4 LFA and. Timothy seed, house.; 20' x 52', with a flbars. mention., with crrldars, q[4Glilj, a+eti '<. 11. Articles For Sale Oliver Wright, RR, 3, Seaforth, Timber and •lo'g's, hardwood Apply to Aabort Braker, 9emdioabh, NOTE -This sale malst start HAY and GRAIN APRIL 3, intent; 10 ft TTp:�, •ter -.c i ; ' 12. Wanted To Buy h,h'nne, 847 R 2. bus" and logs. We are she at 12:30 m. Mhei above-Qua7lititY of Watcrh for and '' 1113-1 pay- 16-1Qx2 mac e P. good balled hay and straw; 600 s COm'p list of ldera side eq.� In ^ r1 13. Wanted Ing top cash prices for Hard ,r'y is alp' in like new can- bushels mixed tale in next w- eleks ue, nvw condaWA- Ore As 14. Property For Sale FIVE hundred 'bales of choice �'['a1ri.',o Basswood. Che • dWbn. There will' be at lunch of mixed grass s � guarntity RUDOL'i'H Pmprdetor. nt d; couri+pJlete vIr%'t� eu '' 111 7r' hrav also haled stma`w, Doug. .Soft Maple and Beech' As", fig• NOt1Cel4' counter on the ALVIN WALPER,'Auction . czu;s"air head smeru y £ k>rl 15. Property For Rent N,rGilp, RR 2. Seaforth, 11=13x1 FOR piano tzrxrin a gnaunds. Other articles too numerous 16. For Sale or Rent g nd r+epairs, Positively no rresse,rve as farm to -mention. -1 grain thmowez+ anti pptic�ti; �� ` SIDE'W'ALK bdcvclle. Hatay Jes_ . JAMES T. CRAIG and SON, "`V sn3 ,I 2. Sp'artxrrbh. 191tix4 rs sbbsd. Terms, cash on day of No reserve, farm scald'. " ' CLEA&MG mon feed , ft. lb, c � ' 17. Wanted To Rent Sawmill, BETTY'S Beauty ` ,. ^, 1 - 18. Property Wanted -'Mm. rxrws� Wil>Jlam St,, tui^ne YSalon-Easter sale, 3% Sayes Tax ary ba.xa'ble Team ► Vksset grain grinder; (lpcgst • r i' }' r 19. Notices , Seafnmlh, _T 11-13x1 $10.00 ibezrus. NNE S Pr'o • ae eny �j' 9A. et46- Phone Auburn, 526-7220 I� -fi-ash• AU,C PION SALE -1aro?+atc vile way disc j $2.00 ls: With perm, 'a Vl , JAMrES BRO rprietoz 12-11-3 Vi"M' ,. H. BE ole,aruj Action F k+er � v 20, Auction Sales T1r/0 moire $2.00 hair spray free 'Re ular Wllr Pro . [AROLD JACI{S' Aucttoneez Sadie, fieatui-v.. �Adlion' " i uurebred German $7.50 perm for $5.00 Open eve- FRANKLIN BUUCK, ' p in TracbDxs SWf Pro' eplled 3 si4cfiion d!eve¢� ' bfNo 21. Tenders Wanted Gh,Pnherd pups. Na pa GEORGE POWELL, Clerk. g p ,-. i r 22. Legal Notices per's'• �3• wanted_ Wings. Phone 85 for appoint- Auctioneer 12-2 Combine, S P Swa rsrbbem bixed apt 1''hi^rne Dublr`n lob R 16. 11-13m, 3 Dial Ssra`f! thier, Robert wactins�: 4XIe, m I BUSINESS mean requires room Ment. rid 271-3049. or Seb- Bela, Thire:sbing Maebine Truck 'x' 23. Business Directory FOUR hundred and fifty a ringvilp�e, 393 550+1. I scaNe�t (2000 ])b+ 24. Cards "of Thanks �am,� b', gg, ,and beard in prrrvabe home, Box AN;STETT CLEARING- and Farm Imrglements,'.at Lot 'iautl _ t+' rd ineubatom also shop- i3�3 Humin Ex 20-13-1 AUCTION SALE 3. Con. • 1 , Tuekieasiith Town- ( Dew rarlhr'mnnum °•wllue+ep$aan�norw .: 25. In Memoriarli "i wii'ilrr 10 cutlers. Grant Fin- Expositor. 13.13-1 JEWELLERS DAIRY s"ip, HR, 3 rniLe�a East and never used: rubber 'led , 1. 2R. Personals nrrn^n. EG+rn,n'ndville'. 11-13-2 WANTED - Bieks cucumber AI7CTInN SAT,1�; Clearing Auction Sale of South of Hensald,onSATURDAY ba'e'bruolr; OIIe cia+ev�aa�'saw, w The host is low, Classifications PUPS tin sive awaP free. Three c"m's Highest Ltd• F,rm Shack' anti Mach`xrCry, at °T'4'R'{I 2$, a.t 1 p,m,e1 �'a . mann ate,LL prices paid. Offers Auratdo", Sale of Holstein cones Lnfi 9, Coir. 9. Tuckensmrith Town INITaRNATIONAL, TRACTORS i 4'urcr'i,lkip; mane 2 ulrs t 2, 3, 8 9. 10, 11, ]2, i3, 15 and . m ,tti�si did. make nice pets;. Free pickups, ApplY_411b, ii;ra.In- . You 17, minimum '4Qc an insertion. Ja'm's Landi�ibannugpi RR 3, pis Dublin, phone 30 R 3, after Easy Ci'rE'(�It T@I'II1S and hedfers, ' at Hea'lt Sores sha�gg,, 5 miles south' of Seaforth, and COMBINES-Mbdel,,,201, serif arccOOd+arcing 30 cows; nra� LL !° Classification 25, minimum 65c, c'"^f""'r'h'. 1lifte 665 W L. 111 -i3 -i 6 p'rrr 13-07-14 with Arena, on SATURDAY, MAR: ,n�cW! DNESDAY, . MARCH 25, protrelll'ed swa'ther hydraulic .'sevaa�.abom; one dump make; °may, k' �° __ _ _ 2Ls2, a,t 2r Waco.laed�ern• Oakes leiileatuhi'e c" plus. 25r. for each 41ine verse. TEN -can mi'dk caare:r. aaad con- NO ?'t 1 P.M.rncortncvlIied 10 -ft. herader and reef, ' All other classifications, mini. �It'"' Ptitice raa,s,^n� rlie. P,p�6ex 14` Property For Sale Carrying Charges THIRTY five Holstein G�aw's and ' ^TTLE-13 well' bred Hereford 4 cylinder water cooled motor. 'brooder, W cMCk carpacity, ,ea - MUM 65 cents per insertion, U Ibe h,on'e 8 R 31.Sprafi�, - Phone. 77 - Seaforth Iveifers du•e• to fresrhen' in March caws and heifers some with 'his EMatduer i jui§it two years T ce1+,�enN condition; ,two sets ori ;." except Auction' Sales (20), Ten 5 p 't" CHOICE budad ng' lots fine sa>l�e, and Apri!. Terms, -up to three orlv'es at £bort, ;hie s' rebred;. old and has:onl curt a steel Rjolaway hem' nests; ode i4 ,, 11-13x2 •n good lbeation, will' se+14' by the - - -- 1941.4f yr-rar,.r bn• y pen 'ma pay. Terms can be ar- 4 . 3eriefard heifers, goo lbs. ^IY 200 acres and is in brand dens Wanted (21), and Legal TIRE'S nravy blue duster, sR�e foot ar in one parcel, Gas and WATCH REPAIRS ranged f nee' • - Notices (22), rates on applica- T2: bar',;, black wa+ch g h� days prior ba safe, re�Gdy for m�arke�t• 2 •He.•refo'ra n'`w' c'ondrition; Model, 91 self d ' �i -� . tion. t sri e 16. MMs, Doug, rmnrt wabpr available. Phone 670 J 2. ' .te,e'rs, 2 years o'ld; 6 Hereford crapeiled lixtmbine, 42 -inch cyl- a mo+l�, artRr Ir granary, 14 fe �u'bLe bin: one Auctioneers rv. 10x10; two eilertric '4cn ' z' g Fry. 5nafor+th. in eveningsHAROLD JACKSnN heifers, 800 lbs,; 3 calves, four index corm U be tvuth 10 ft. head- one-third H.P. and one qu'a¢her 1 . For cash payment, or if paid ^ti'^rn�, 3ci4, Spafinzitth. . 11.13-1 3�#-1'2-3 EAST SERVICQ"E �rti t~ ^ Ii. P,;' e!leetuic air o0 by 10 days following .last. inser- '� F LARGE 2=stare All work Guaranteed TOR McNEIL � n,,nnths old; 6 young Hereford r, 'hyrcirac contraidied, •„pl':ck- 2ntiretsom; l L ALFA s,o� y, brick home, VICTOR HARGREAVES calves; 1 Herefio'rd bull 3 yearns u'P and scaumc?laan,.and full line two epic +ic, Pad'Ni: 2 .e- , tion, 15 CENTS deducted from �' d and Rad CIaver drNli'ble, Iort and gama'ge. suitable ANSTETT above rates, ' ped. Loui.� Bonbon, 'R'R 1., Dlcb fore apartments, on, Main, St., q11^'s Menages ?d. ' ^f atrtachurnenbs: Thds,, combine rP'ncersr; jack 'alp; Hy lack; ane in, ph^,ne' Seaforth. 850 R 22. Vitchpll, near downtown. Con- JEWF"LEERS Phlln ^ C'`n`on 482.7511. MACHINERY - Cocks+hutt s0 -'s in eooceRent co'ndiitio' rand ha.s berneh•saw-.chestof 8,wood +�hnsR COMMERCIAL' CLASSIFIED 11-13x4 tact Fred T. Fowler, P"'"� H'°ns'aii. 235. n*ctor, on rubber; 28-46 Robert rwai�s, "refer keot inside; TD5' ens; 32 -ft. ',ex+Cension WadtatieiE. r RATES ONLY six left, 14lnne'y ravine 34S-9036. for Sat, in'terviewpshl2-4 Ltd• 1.2012.7 Bell thre'shin machine, cutch„ Diesel craw:U� he'a'vy duty jack; 3o hof-neW, tltr: (Far Business ,Firms, Trades- ?3 cubic font fr4ze'rs, whzit2 LOT, foundation and burt;,t out Phone 77 -Seaforth g r, in new c nditao'n, aught gra seed mfr; r; men. etch): �,,,, _ 19-11�bf 'levarbo,r, drive -belt, furl: Minimum, 50 cents wtn llv equup- '''mp1-t� with live PTO and . 11�last. �?L9.95, ab Dublin building, located an quiet street CLEARING tped ]iz; Ma .ss,er Harris -1'5-disc fez•- h'c`'drauli,c confrodled blade. This I s of sling ropes> 'serf od Budu'zmo, per insertion: Billing charge, 15 F1fle "ie. Dub'lrn,' DEAD ANIMALS'— AUCTION SALE power d'r'ill, No, `28, ('Like n`t is just two et of delvorners; uaiit of cents per advertisement, 11-12-2 n°nth west section .of Seaforth. yearsr odd and � q ty RECLEANED foul oats. by the Makes offer. Write Clem, Des ne,w); 4 -bar Cockshubt side `_-ttw^,pn. mrd very 1pttlee, M'ode!1 stee1+•;roufing; 20-gal:.drum -C . REMOVED Cleaning Auction Salle of rake; drop head ba loader- WD400 diesel tractor excelli-nt gun &rre�aste;. 'cement 'mbCor. �a hn'n, $45.40 Guam. W, G. Thorp- jardins, box 367, Foressrt, Ont. Farm' S`-^ck. Machine Hi• P y I. Comfort Events ,on and Sons Ltd.,, Hensall. -For Dead or Disabled'Animals and Gres=in, at Lot 3, Con, 3 k �600 lbw 'n n hay nU is n; comalebe 'with hy. Bigg and. Stratbozi scam, ` 14-12x3 v"a ter zn DANCING, Broddva' 11,12-2 ONE Huron Road Survey Tucker- fannin mild, es' 17ve PTO and boique lm. p, far 'ra111bnv ihncrA: ir b'en Common- hundred and thirty' acre CALL COLLECT g with motor; rub. ��v^er s+>,r'ft. This tractor 'h'as :�r'aPe; lo'ggin'g-eheinsi: ga+earbe " sty Centre, Friday, March 206h "GIRLS scoring coati and haat; fiamm in Grey, including 10 acnes- simit4u Township. L'/a miles bei tired wheel bazmonv;' else-. n,v ,been. us+ad 1608 hours. ins'; eve i+ol4sr-ofi rxipde. brick 1, I?' De�ria•igl e'sl cif 5 bei a Dar11n>r & Compan south ani it/z mites east.af Sea- tric creamz se araroor; 160 ft. The sadinlg; airfnCres and boobs tiro rr Orchestra:, 1-13-1 g with dark bmwn plowed, '5 'ac'res, bush, bal'an'ce y p equiprsnezi't listed above is . trim, in. exc�+lir�nfi conditi�if of 1L5 acres, in hay and grass, Of' Canada Ltd. f°�, on MONDAY, MARCH hay rope pullerys5, (like new); i` in brzand new nn'm"rou 1.RUMMAGE Sale, St. Thom Mos. Ivian Carter, .phorne' 134-W. N'e'w driNed• we 234 d, a6 1 g,m. Anidean ChuT . , FrddaT,_ Apr 1. :,)n,gorfh,. ll,. .L-shaPed Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 plate Internatiar:ial! tractor '''',^uM bei seen be�Eomer buydng s 'bo )nh?ntion ; Terms, Cash 241", at 2' Il -1'3-1, barn, good brick house near License No. 262-C-63 HORSES -.-1 roan Clydesdale fil- disc; buggy'- cutter; 3 -section 'luewhre¢,e,.. JOTTM PEYP'ER. p. m. 1-13-1 1000 balers straw.20C�bale at Wa'ltori Sahoal' and an bus," routentoor , lY risinG 2 ye'a'rs old. d; PER.CY C. i!VR+YGHT, Armstrong, 19-11'fif CATTLE- remand 'ha'rroMns; Mray-Har- 'arm+all' cub, a°nn ! 6ee f rm. sr+raw dellivered in Dubldn Henryr A - g, RR 3. Wal= — 1 Durha,iir cow, bred Tis , No. lY .-b^a�rbar sipmead�dr, "pdrau'6c and a'tbac meniswit o 4. $elp wanted _ end Serafor,lh areas. 2oa bales SALES SERVICE Dec. 2nd Durham cow, bred (Like new); c, Phrne- 690 R 22. Iliiasalf 14 Lix4 Vikine Setoaratars and Nov. 20h'• Durham cony, bred abbr ) g d>oablr, curtly- udnng 2-now-,W11faer. 1-fnra�row DALTON. ] IDM ,INER, l7Geq+]r: i FULL time or pout ,tdcrve steno and , 25e tial+p Wa;I7a'ce Ross REGENTLY remodelled resi_ Power lift; M�ass�ay-Harris "'�w; 5 8t. mron�r, fent ' end _ 20-1II2 « gnapyher. ex�pe ience nmederred. ��"s "i6`' n`"^'n- 135-J. 11-13-1 d'erice, weR located near"Sea- V kine Milkers D•ee. 29; Durharrrr caw. bred bean scuffpiez steel rold!e2 '+•i^de a d 2 S Box 1224 H Black 1h ul u! ere caul non Exoosnbor. 13-1 RELIABLE farm haaid, exper- S11NSH'WE 4;burn'�r electric `i11OVe; Fri'iridairip 4-burnrer de- gas np,,.. for 'Public School. New sir , and W 1amir Sh -t ; black co,w, with calf I,tlee1. water trough•; Mass furnace,° Thew bathi•oam ' B'ASIL O'ROURKE, , . Holstein cow, bred on Harris "r -w-9. Fi4 Ptah ga�np to , leneed with e. m,ahan Ty and live- luxe electric ..stove, ursed 18 acrd kit• ehen cupboards. Small[ attached Bru'nefield, DOM,Durharm'faarr w cow; 7 fit, binder, (like netiv); collony house; 10' with hydmaulncs and 2,row scuff- w' stock. Apply to Robemb J. Doi R 1, Dublin m, nit'hs, Jvhn Bverlman. East «r"i16airr�, ,acreage oPRonaU.,• A pplY Mrs, Cora Fhpne 482.9131, Clinton. 19,07-8 8 heifer cal'vess; '2 steer carver& , Durhamrand Hereford. . x 1(d'; soap lea: Mickets and an forks• shovels; 1: ARM' a phone•849 R iI, ' ' S°:i nI t,i. 4 13x1 St,. Sfaforth 11-13,ki TiERTA bailey, B'arvows, •phone 26o -J. 14-13x2 .c'rE'PTIC TANKS CLEANED POULTRY - 144 young white gas b"aarelsrpathsm articles boo `ernationai.e .INPPLEMENTS-All In. vT46, 11 H! tf FIFTY P. srpfis china style GIRL for Seaforth Office. Some KfV5tonel bar- 'r°v. Canada Nn. 1, ,- $2.00 hntsi �1 THREE-bedmaam white frame M,6d,� ecJuipment used. All Leghorn hens, gored). numerous, to mention. .wise HAY and GRAIN -301 bushels flet noted Baler in� per bei 1964, in modern one-rom - kkee in p p g experience, her fur. P.usse ' aa,ts. G1Kri11lan�l oats. Gari ' cottage, on East Welpiam St., work . gularanteed, MACHINERY -1 B AM& Chal- 'n grain t3 quanti of No. 1 fertilizer condition- d u!bpte disc J Ab lnrtry t r rri�eh pwbltic, 'Plea'se arppIy in ��1'a N,�, 1.' '$1.35 ''bu..lup'1. Larne' F'e'll, Staffa, Scafor+th, 2 blacks from Main W�+fi�' or ppnnrie LOUTS BLAKE mems tractor, cod i g ebndiiuon; disc herrow; 2 -furrow' Massey' balled barred mixed' hay, cnmp'Uebe seed dra.1 16_run vviffi Power lift, mark- J. writing ba Bax 1322 HIuron E sitnr, phone Dublin. 116 '' 1,1. Stmt. Immediate possesginn: Harold Jackson 1H: 2, Brirsssers, Phone 442 W 6. Haxris' p1b�w; 4'-sre!ction diairvond recons Cash no reserve, farm ^rs on• steal whrecUr ' 3 -furrow . a 4-]3,2. ll -13x2 1PR1 Ar'fis ChalRrrwrs, D-14 frac- Realtor pine or J°hm A• Cardia, Agent, harrows." sti�E tooth cudltivator; 19-09x20 land sold, 1Ce IVAN F"ORSYTH, Proprietor. tier, 'bot'om' trailer T&v, -on rub- h;ydza'udlic . 6. Teachers Wanted trvr, with Henry bark h phio phone 21 „_ 14-10-4 PROMPT SERVICE fiollAer; 13 -disc Ma. ey- g HAROLD JACKSON Au-io n'o>~ch+ed con2aoQped, with : a, and. Unader, with one wide and on'e narrow bucket, 1 �--_ __-�-. R'_AL 'b! rg"ain, 2-sbo z1e5" wrote fn�.imre house. at WF, , 1gTRRN ONTARIO'S arazs druid, Wath ferbil'ator; Gs'se side rake eCarmick M n r GEORGE POW -ELL, Clerk kers,, truck, Model Ll'14, guaranteed mdleage not - _-_ . �,( Additional • TEACHER WANTED air p' hat hmuser a'UI in exeHlleiit eondatinn. ApraIv, consisting tang of mad- ern kitchen with bu'iltt-in F FOREMOST, wATCg EpAIR D�e,erui Deering64t. mower; bean s:ewf- trier; Ma,ssle 20 22-2 quite manor's 8 -ft. pick-up tax; , . -- i Tucicemsmith Schaaf Area David Shan 1?,tr non, RR f..,.,l+i,, cup- boards, Ilhvzneq and d room, SD�AUnr y Harris' 7 fit, bin. ' aandohar fanning mi9di; G AUCTION SALE spreader, 120 bu. a• c a Roexcellent condition- 3¢ Classified -Y ' o t invites starting Sep for two teachers, scanting Septum- 11 H! tf FIFTY P. srpfis china style pa2itiy and luapd Upstairs, lairs, three. b'righit bedroo,`ms, 3 -piece 'bath; JEWELLERS (Opposite the wagon y rank; ctrrc h:a,mrm,er miler; chop bo e P Cirear',n? b Auction Sale of Trac- ''�rs, x e g math ine on r 13er' liras, witdi' straw 4 ' bei 1964, in modern one-rom - dinnerware by J0111n nn Bras. of Fneirand. fuE basement, excellent oil. fur- e, gas wailer he:aber: post Office) � Certified watehmiakers, a11' st eel Pig trawghss,; Beet sleighsr, 4 tire's, Farm Imple'mrenls, Cattle, Hogs, llay, Grain and MiI sc. cutter; corn binder, with self Cooler, in S @E: 'Page 8 schoa[ls, grades It 8. PUe ring on'IV $29,95. 20 tpatbr,ns to •chboise £nam plies I;1 a'wtomartic water. work d,nne on bile' vrerhises and ect conditio n; • 'IVrural area. Applicianibsi to sbafe qualifications and salary ex- r at Anste!t', Jew, ellers, Lid., Splalcotth. . 11-12-tf saPteaer•. Lrrcabed 2 bilacks frarrr.Mrain St. , checked nm the watch -master. ' FREE ESTIMATES r ..... -" VICTOR McCa - Pur— for quick stale, attractive 19-1Q Ef. I L PEs+RQ By. pecbed IVAN FORSYTH rd. Prglertinn aP a Garai cczrta e. To see -this' apporfunity, de �ci . Torre and name last inspector sde'e,,y Chaser renis'- •pe:nm With heir ariplhcatio'n„ to: te'r, in excellent condition. Fu11 I • k+: boa rcb Jot ` Verberne, George 20, Auction SSales r . eztarv-Tre'asuzer r�Gister, convenience of an ad- St., seafaribh, .call 745-J. after -r 6 p.m. 14-idX2 CL-E•ARiNG. '�'r+vS EIY 1 tKt'PIStS 1V1�VS �NTERPRIS� f RR 2, Kippen,'Oat. d'ma mac4s." Th,e,Humon, Ex- AUCTION SALE '� NJT THE TARGE w;° 6-1,3-1 P091 -tor, 11.12x2 / COSTUME je'we'd'evy, 01 y SqC TENDERS clear,n'g Auction suers of Cattle y (,,. "f, S12UlatlolltS Waisted Hundreds . of Pieces ba choose Offerst to Hogs, Feed, a full line of power purchase, plainly Machinery for William H. Ben- r ENrf RTAiN22 + from, necklaces, Azns ea¢rirn WANTED may, 11, HOUSECLEANING • a'nd h+auI gs• marked as such wiff be accept newlets, Lot 8, -Con. 12; McKillop APPLY TED wn'ck done, Phone- 670 W 1 Seams uy now and save at Ansbett ed by the underse , ' 1 forth, evnellq+ems, Ltd, Seafo?rbh, 11-12-tf 'and inrludin� geed up to TzrW n'sprdp 5 miles' North West, /, 11 ? 7-13-1 March 14, 1964, of Brodrbia'gen, on WEDNESDAY l� DRESSMAKING, at hams. Vlro . KEENCO air agitated e 1, / ` gg wa-s”- for the purchase oLt'he frame MARCH 25; at 12:30 p.m. sharp. s K ' men's and children's era 4000 watt heater, sd>ainless du^el7hng 'house, located on Lot CATTLE --1 Durham core,, jusf o f l ganmring. steel tub. Cash, $55.00; Plas4uc 3, Con. 18, •' G'rev Townvhi freshened • recently; 7 'Holstein �= _�` �n��s r detailed finishing, no taori23 Cadet wire egg bassrkets, $1.00 known as the Jame Rcre P, a Phone' 476. Seraforth•. e'a�ch. Moores' P prop. cows, due time of sale; i Hol- , ' CARPENTRY' work, rem- hon&' 600 J 3 or 671 2, Sea- e'rtN' The purchaser wi1.1' be re- stein cow, due in April; 1 Hol- .r - \ "-" r1/ 11 .�T, r P t nuired 'to •remove the, 'bu'il'ding stein cow. lore in J H. in'g or odd jabs around the hams iGnth. 21-12-3 from the ro 'uly; 1 Hol- , ' Call Ed Andrews, phone 863 W P perty not 1!afier.than st,�ein ettw due m May 5 Hol �j R 1• 711-tf CEDAR pas(is, ads' suzes, anchor June i, 1964. Each' offish is to stein hlieders, due in I .six OUR TOW' • " B MCClelland '' _ pasts, 12' brace's, steel posits, be accomrpanied by a, ce'rt'flod Hereford steers an . 6', 9', Paige wine, barbed wire; rh,e ue in ;firer I d heifetrs, ap- SNOW ALWAYS q shim of $25,00, P,oxini,a2e,y 850 lbs, ea,Ch; 7 WHY DON'T wE "'�'� S. Farm mock For Sale also Shelburne table Th'e balances iv to tier FILLS SE DRIVEWAY .i CL AR THE DON'T BOY -E r,} ` --- �- --- patato,es, payabIle• yearlAng Holsrtein X ,Hereford � CINDY, IT'S A LAW' JUST LEi THE SNOW AT11 TE Borden B' befoze;,the baildin SuN MELT IT r LAW OF NATURE il N,r Pigs, 7 weeks odd. Dose rciW'n, G'enemal Store, g is removed. sd'elers and heifers, These cattlle �� OF NATiJ A oN >_ ,IT >'uzcEZEs AW O IS ! HIugs' RR 2, Seaforth. 8-13x1 Kmburn, phone Seaforth, 841 The hdGherst or a"V offer not -hove all been Unit bred. - AWAY. HARD AND YOU-EzEs' EIGHT R'2. , 11-12fif• ne el., illy acoepted. PEED --A WE CONTRARY. P►gas', 8 we'edss�Id, Vin- , . � prP'roxim�abely 604 bales. U ,,-,_ - CAN'T. SHOVEL IT. 1 cent 2 urray, Rif. 5, Seoforth, SEED FOR SALE L. F, F of hay; Approximately 600 bales = • pl;aonei Dublin, 102 R 16.,.,,8-13-1 Russet Oats, -"'Re No, I a•nd . D. President, of straw;. Aprprox>bmratel 1� V �� i C �t g Seaforth Loins Club , " \ +I FIFTY Lauidj;j. � , Canada, No. 1. tons Of mixed - 'prth, John Keystone Ba•rDe 14-11-2 grain. ��'` \1 - J ansmni, RR 5, Sea -forth, phone Y, Reg. No. 1 __ H<JGS-1 sono; 8 wea'nEr pigs. '* a° I r + York Burl Canada No. 1. MACHIN`Ei1Y MISC, ITEMS- ' � � � o 852, R 21.. g -ICs -1, 15. Property For Rent M,as�ey-FLa.nnisr coaled 60, self r. 1_ r ART BOLTO,g hhne 850 R 41, - • \s, �'' . EIGHTEEN pigs, 8 weeks' Old, oz• RUSSELL BOLTON, RR 1, I'AST�Iit'E See A. L. Shanahan, prapeiiLed combine with 10 -ft. ' = �' s Don Carter, RR 2, Seaforth, _ _ ..,ra% " - � � - Seaforth, Onbatda � n L Clinton.i15-13-tf header pickup, cut bar and flax '� ,��~ �_ �^ ` M1 � 'tom , � phnirre 667 J $. $eafanth. 8-13x1 11-13-tf PASTURE, 'bv Ehe monilia. A. L: rc`lls, in A-1 condition; Massey- •y`� � f `ebred of s©Tyles ago hangs. SPECIAL Sh-n3hran, Clinton, RR 1, se•p fn HanriS, 44 tractor, just overhaul• ' - ( . Purebred Lacombe rand York Moffat electric pall heater reg, lerson- Ise x2 'd ne,cenbUy: Ford SN tractor; in \`� } crnsss'. Naris Silllaty, RR 3, Sea= X28.95. reduced try 19.95: 'CfiaW FIVE roam ananrtment. on Jhhn "cod running order: Mc•Dee¢ing�t� -- g�J Barley Earth, phone Gliiiutan, 482-3368: elre'ctnic kertrt $1a 95, reduced St., self contained.downstairs,n,ew canvas,sessRed swathes, with , , l0 -fit. Siam -props � _ 8-13,1 to $11,95; W : erei-t steam and "ry'RiNibler Acord' i, Ms, A.:1Vlc- , 'motor overh�arl- HdLSrt'EIN heif s, vaacinabed, dry erlectrac iron $18.95, reduced Nichol, hone 187, Ser ed', in A,1+ 'condition- New H°1 ft • • bred H'emeford, d1i soon. John ti•. , P � 'kind Na. 66 mro'bar mounted bad - Q115.95. -. 15-13x2 .. er, in A-1 shape• Deariblarn 2. �- G' 1 Q' .r of 9eaErrrfihpavakl psltP 1s+t ba '18 son, , RR 1, Kift ea on T. B. MARSHALL; HLa¢dwarre, TWO-berlraam apartment, in furrayv tr,a, '? „ No. 83 Hig"waiy, 7 :tniLns,•east of Walton, Ontario. ebur plow; Sed�ore � r r �, d Exeter phone Kirkban 21 R 4. TPwn ck-end manure. Uaader and 0 Pro 4 0 ¢t 8 ICi-8 i'1-ls�xl ^r Aprtpt, AWiv H!aaalld Jackpion. 8 -ft, steel bucket: Smoker 30 ft. !� nfiauie, 474. Serafomtpr. r 15.14-tf b1a'le elevator and Six H.,P, mohor ° O'� PURE bred HoiUstein heI er, FERTILIZER Tu'0=beiiroam dike new 125 bus el steal d d Q sired by AZ Cliff Mastaj'a'x, wild apartment. heat- h gn�ain d freshen on April. 5, to the sear- We suggest you contact Har- p'd. private entrance and bath. box; 3 , rubber tired wagons; � I d' y vice df Finasea But, B Race riston Fertilizers Ltd., Clinton,P ; :n: " 336-W. • . 1511-tf iV1c-Deering 10 -ft. qulmva'tor on Must" �` MODERN 2 ar 3-bed'rooin' house: rubber, nearly' new; Me•Deeadng • •' - ��` - , d 'i 11 phrone 328 W 5, 'Brous- or your lbeal' FLa'rrisbon a'g'ent 3ttrrraettlew ace bottom. - "• e t , Pinha� Tdinr 8-10-1 requirements bu' g A nndvilde, all convan7en1-,K plfoiv, 4 -bar e lan Your spring fei•tildzer 3. Seaforth. I5 i!X tntis 4-bar1. ; • • 11 • SA'DDLE hortses, 3 - rubber; Mo Har • - - \ -_ year old �i remez,tw naw. Check aur side rake, in A�ape M'ass�ey- �.,. ter, >> . • . g g; 4 yearr old blank Uk'handldng facilities ACTIVE apartment. 2 -bed. ' _:/�_ `' Hackney' Pony; 6 yea old 'bUaek 4ervices and lyrics before you r+xrms shelf contain'e'd. Phrna' �Cc -> > �+�� %� ' - Hiarri's 16 -run pow" %lift seed -�` � / ,miare, in foar to Tie buy your Shea ° 141 droll, in good condition; rain _ - I g. quaiber nercfuirefneiits. - faith. 15.12x2 Deertei tractor manure spread r horse, 'olid br+oice' ' ride; child's COTTAGE, ori N°, 8 lii�hway, cm; Cackshu.tt bracbor manure � �O� LON ...,. bb - A'ony saddle, in ver, Special January delivery and a�kiacent to Seaforth. Reasnn. spreader- Fbur , - , y M C D ride dition. A y con cash discounts. :}� r ery�Btissseld ,: r8 ft. Apply Ross Lnor'ihramdt, ole rent fkrr reslmnsiblw counri'e, double disc;-3-drwm steel 'land . Bomnhoptm, ''z rni8fe north orf 13" 1319. Huron E.xposibnr. 12-2 moiler; 2-whe'ed' bnaiUer and •6ErOUT OF TH' MORWAY,� 1 WANT iq� Brodha'gezi. 8-14x2 CLINTON PLANT ? LtrO g4vs. her slack racks; Gepul luarmmer colli, + (I �� • aled aba'ntmerrts. in TO TAKE' 1MIL41�`5 BIRTNI7AY CAKE I ` ' Phone 482-9133. R°1,,al� A,0a'rtm,ent Bviiditie', Air. rveardly new; Hamm mri2lcing INTA Hi/tl\ WHI1.�.7H`CANC�L Ca ARS. 9. Poultry T'or Sale pl'y Dr. Mem s'ter, Grand Beni m'a'chine, consisting .of motor, ALL Lir! _ FIVE "undred'pullebs 20 weeks FRANK PEARCE or Joseph, McCoruredd, SeafortRr, Pump, pilieline far 1Q cohvs and cid, vaccinated, dubbeid and Phone Seaforth, 396. < 15-11-tf 2 sinigler units; Delaval electric � _ dw-be'aked. C. Dlocorbe, RR 2, cream �sr"parator, with stab ess ` . � ,,, \ + �, 1I "'� ' seaforth, phone 836 R.22. 9-13xi DON HOCKING 16. For Sale ori Rent'-qt'e0 dishes; Maymatlh 21 -ft. � a� �'t � / I f . {' • Phone K9rlaton. 1:55 'R 20, qra in au ' ' -�- G (� �� EIGHrT suis £arm'far sale or ger; 1VDavirab}u 1F> -ft. „ I ` I0. U$etl Cary For, Satre xi-lltf grain augners; 5,sectlians and. 3• - i11��1 ' r .- �, K . itemember, it takes lint r"el' ; 3�be'dmaom' •house', With all sections of traxmaws• and polets,; - II 1958 Volkeswa'gerl, d4iV iiode2 ;moment to place_ an 'Expositor mad,emn coirverii'enc�s, 2 collies its -H 4 e tion drag ewlbiyamor; ��I�f� q 6.- - , >, iris, 152$ Richmgzad. Sbre+eit Nowt" motor, _ £Tarn Seafon°th, Hank Van Roof gmre. aril ( _ter wxtM criaclio a d %alUhemt ayv�' want Ad and >9e money in �" tnic mo- f i c� — . tY _ , 1 a AiYstdtt, ` p606t. V6 advertise, just Phone iiondon. Phis»e h�ber 6 4ti4-4C�IQ. toms hej b flou L 7 i a ,.. 'i0-b-tf ,Seaioirtii'I4i. i0'iii'b M M 44 tna i+; 3¢�fi, ex 0I 11 0'. �, :.. iIIL x . ^ X6-1 41, , . t - r•v i1 •rtt510 ^ ' rto 'Uaddr ' < spades, C.�.� �/'t • t • r ;,1'r. , r Pr' :+ n r •...., ._:•.—,�.�_��.,1r, r . ,,...•.. . ............ ......... .. L �,. 'i r .•y.;LGi.- ...: .:. ..,. .JY/CiMr• \ �. Y �.