The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-19, Page 5M • • • 1 • • s 4 M V • • • •. Sewer: Are Out WarriiorsCo.ntb!ueOrI ToGr�up Charnpionshi Winthrop Warriors skated to a 7-4 •victory over Monkton in the third game of the WOAA Intermediate "D" group finals played in Seaforth on Monday night. Winthrop now leads the best three -out -of -five series, two games to one, with the fourth game slated for . Seaforth on Saturday, March 21. Winthrop opened the scoring at 3:34,of the first period when Tom'Love scored with assists to Jim Strong and George Love, but Monkton tied the score at 4:54 with G. Smith counting. The Warriors moved ahead at 7:02 when George Love de- flected in Art Strong's blueline shot, with Tom Love also in on the play. Winston Powell s ed on a pass from Ray Powell at 15:40, to give Winthrop a•3.1 lead at the end of the first per- iod. In the second period, Art Strong scored on a breakaway at 9:49, and Arthur Murray scored from Don Moylan and Frank Malone at 11:30. Luding- ton scored for Monkton at 14:06, but Winthrop came back with goals by Frank Ma- lone from Arthur' Murray at 16:25, and Ray Powell from Winston Powell at 19:15. B. Smith scored for Monkton at 19:54 to, make it 7-3 'for Win- throp after two periods. In the third period, Monk - ton scored the only goal at 14:44, when McEwen counted while the Warriors were play- ing two men short. This ended the- scoring, with Winthrop ahead 7-4. There were 19• pen- alties called in the game, with the Warriors serving 11. Monkton 9, Winthrop 3 In the second game of the series, played in Milverton on Wednesday nigh t, Monkton downed. Winthrop 9-3. G. Smith scored four goals for Monkton, with Ronnenberg and Worth each adding a pair, and Lud- ington .a single. Ray Powell, Art Strong and Jim Strong scored for Win- throp. another season. The team ex- presses xpresses its thanks to all those who supported them. Recalls 1915 Seaforth Beavers were urged to -victory by a wire the team received Monday recalling an- other Seaforth-Elmira series nearly 50 years ago. From Baltimore, Md., it read: "Seaforth lost Intermediate playoffs to Elmira in 1915..All club officers of that year have passed qn, ,as have players Sen 1VYacKay, R. Haufman, --Postie Habkirk, Tom Dick and Otto Dick. In memory of theabove we, the survivors, are pulling for you to avenge that loss.. - Russ Hays, Detroit; Bustle Best, Bracebridge; Dot Reid, Sea - forth; Munn McGeoch, Seaforth; Joe Sills, Baltimore." • k4 • 4 A .• Beavers Lose, This Week At the Seaforth District nigh School will be coming up. The sounds: 'left, right, halt,' -etc., are us- ually heard as soon as the snow has 'departed from the ground. Usually near the end of the term, awards day comes up, on which those students who have done exceptionally well something receive their wards. These are only a of the upcoming events in around the high school. ZION Mr. And Mrs. Fergus Lannh visited Sunday in • 'Zurich with: her sister, Mrs. Paul Carrlv!sau,_ and Mr- "Cor;riveau. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney visited his another, Mrs. Albert Roney, at Hillside Rest Home, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright with Mr. and Mrs. -Ross Pepper recently. UCW members, of Zion Church held a- quilting bee on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.. A quilt was completed. By CURTISS MacDONALD Girls vs. Staff Last Thursday the senior girls bumped heads with the staff in the first game of a two -game total point series. The game ended up with a 12 -point dead- lock. The staff consisted of Mr. Dobson; Mr: . Godin, Miss Slavin, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Mtirdie, Mr. McConney and 'Mr: Whiten. They - certainly were a determ- ined team through the enire game. The odd time the staff' got carried away, ..thinking it was football. • The points scored for the staff were: Miss Slavin, 4 points; Mr. 'Dobson, Mr. Whiten, Mr. Godin and Mr. O'Brien, 2 points each. It was a good game, full of laughs and cheers on both sides. The next game will be played Thursday of this 'week. So with the score still tied, this next game will prove to be, the cru- cial one .to each of the teams. Elmira defeated Seaforth Beavers 3.1- at the local arena March 17, to take the series three games to one, and ad- vance against Lucan in the group finals. - Elmira scored at 1:30 of the first period on a goal by A. Martin. Seaforth fought back hard, but were unable to score. The locals continued to press Elmira in the second period and were unable to get the puck past Bushier in the El- mira net. Elmira scored their second goal of the ganre at 5:25 of the third period by' Strapp. At 8:55 Larry Dale scored, to put Sea - forth right back in the game. At 16:10 J. Grundy scored for Elmira, to clinch the game. Each team received four minor penalties in • the game. Elmira had taken a 2 -to -1 lead In ,the series by defeating the Beavers 9 to 4 in Elmira last Friday night. Elmira outplayed the visiting Seaforth in the first period and led by a score of 4 to 0. Seaforth came .-back in the see-' and and third periods and kept the play closer- - being outscor- ed 5 to 4. The Seaforth goals were scored by Ed. -Dolmage, with two, and singles by Jack McLlwain and Charles West- . man. Elmira scorers were Ab Martin with three, Hipel and J. Grundy with two each, and singles by Trapp and Plein. The Seaforth Beavers, now eliminated from the playoffs, hang- up their equipment for BRODHAGEN in re - few and Mr. and Mrs.• R. S. Aikens visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton, McKillop, on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Pepper and Dalton Balfour with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper and Grant, and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and Betty Ann were in Kitchener Wednesday night and attended a play that their daughter, Gloria Ann, directed. ed.. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin, Nancy, Mary, Eleanor Carol and George, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel Friday night. Nancy stayed over for the weekend with her cousins. Mr. Dalton Malcolm and Mr. Fergus Lannin and Bill attend- ed the seed fair in Stratford last week. Mrs. Jack Burchill entertain- ed about 30 ladies last Monday night to a demonstration, put on by Mrs. Golightly, Monkton: An enjoyable evening w a s spent. The Ladies' auxiliary of the Brodhagen Band held a meet- ing last week at which they planned a home bake sale, to be held by Easter at the Com- munity' Hall; also a Hydro cook- ing school is being planned for next October, and the banduni- forms are being redesigned. Flo'wers were in the. chancel of St., .Peter's Lutheran Churcli on .Sundayin. memory of Mrs. George Heimpel, who passed away .one year ago. They were placed by the family. Mr. Chris W. Leonhardt at- tended the Mutual Fire Under- writers' Association convention at the King Edward Hotel, To- ronto, this week. A number of relatives from this district attended the fun- eral of William Dandwardt in Kitchener on Monday. He was the' 'husband of Marie Siemon, f$rmerly of Logan Township. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose, of Sarnia, sperft several. days with Mr. ;,and N s. -Chris Leonhardt.. Mrs. Donald McLaughlin, Dale and` Robin, of Kincardine, spent a few days with her father, William Diegel. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth El- ligsen, Terry and Warren spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ElIigsen in Kitchener. Visitors with Mrs. Rosina Miller were: Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Fischer, Keith and Brian, Mrs. Edith Beuerman of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Malcho and Mrs. Rudy Hehn and Perry, of Rostock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell visited with her brother, Mr. Albert Smith and Mrs. 'Smith, Blenheim, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rolph, Kathy and Randy., .oL ,Mitchell, with Mrs. W. L. Quererfgesser. • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice, Paul and Mark with' Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnston, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with her mother, Mrs. John Hinz, , Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy and family with his mother, Mrs. Fred Hoegy, Seaforth. Double Feature This Friday evening the High School is putting on a basket- ball game and a dance, all for the price of one! ' At 7:30, the basketball_ game will commence with our Senior (boys) Baskethookers ting the e old Grads of SDHS. Inc case you are curious as whom the old graduates are, come out at 7:30 and see the game. At 9:00, following the game, a dance will begin with music supplied - by the "Beau -Monts". It sounds likean interesting Friday night at the double fea- ture of ..the school year. Intramural Gymnastics On Friday, Monday .and Wed- nesday of the upcoming week, the boys will be competing in a gymnastics tournament. Like all years, the boys are divided in Junior, Intermediate and Senior. There will be judges on hand supervising and judg- ing all entries. * -* -* Up and Coming Mrs. Larry Dale and, Bobbie J., Seaforth, and Miss Joan Brit- ton, Galt, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton. IWO 1 LY SPRING coA'rs, ,New' nubby weaves, herring- bones, polio' cloths, diagonal weaves and, bas- ket weaves, in all the newest shades for Easter and Spring. Also soft .laminates= and reverse all- weather fabrics. -We. have them all. See them to-dayl SPRING COATS - 27.50 to 59.50 ALL-WEATHER - 15.95 to 22.50 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hock- ing, Jewel, Lois and Kenneth, Munro, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mry. George Mitchell-' Darwin, Blythe,1/4 Nancy and Bill Lannin and Ken. Britton attended the Group. Dynamics weekend of London Conference YPU, held in Main St. United Church, Mitchell. UCW Complete Quilt Mrs. Dalton Smale was hos- tess for the March meeting of the UCW at Zion United Church last Wednesday. Sixteen mem- bers answered the roll call. 'Mrs. Lawrence Hannon wase in charge of devotions, which op- ened' with ',an Easter poem. Hymn 87 was sung and Scrip- ture was taken from Luke 22, followed by prayer. The min- utes were read by the secre- tary, Mrs.- Earl Barker. A. read- ing followed by Mrs. Lorne Aik- ens. Mrs. Norman Bushfield read from the study book, and Mrs. James Statton. conducted the business period. A hymn and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. A quilt was completed and 'the hostess -and her assistants served lunch. For anyone who is looking ahead for the closing few days of school, here are some things to which you • can look for- ward: The spring formal" is coming up in the month of May; the various groups around the school are practising for Variety Night. This is one ev- ent in the term on which con- siderable work and attention has been paid. For the boys who enjoy marching, Cadets NEW ARRIVALS! EASTER DRESSES Two-piece styles, new jumper styles, sheaths in linens, crepes, printed pure silks and Washable arnels. .Just arrived for the pret- tiest Easter yet! Priced at 14.95 to .29.50 New Cotton Dresses 10.95, RELIABLE RECORDS with MOORE REGISTERS FLATPAKIT ,FORMS AND ACCESSORIES 'MOORE REGIS1 CRS AND FLA1 PAKtT FORMS ASSURE RELIABLE RECORDS ONE COPY. MAY BE FILED AUTOMATICALLY PREVENTING LOST OR TAMPERED RECORDS. MULTIPLE COPIES NUMBERED FOR AUDIT USE . t.. ALL FROM ONE WRITING LET US DEMONSTRATE OUR FULL LINE .OF MOORE REGISTERS AND '• FLATPAKIT FORMS. Phone 141 -- Seaforth CROMARTY Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Kers- lake, St, Marys, and Mrs. Don- ald Wallace, Carlingford, 'visit- ed recently with Mr, and Mrs. George Wallace, -' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eggert, Murray. Eggert and. Mr. Henry Eggert, all of Rostock, and Miss Mary E. Brydon, of London, were Sunday guests .with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Carey, Staffa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald- Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle, Barbara 'and -Douglas-were._Sunh day visitors with Mr: and Mrs. James Meikle, Kirkton. Mr. 'and Mrs. John Wallace and Debbie and-- Mrs. Grace Scott visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family, Goderich. Miss Connie McGhee .of Mit- chell spent the weekend with Miss Alice Walker. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Alex visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman and family; Seaforth. Mr. Lindsay McKellar, accom- panied by Mr, and Mrs. Ferg McKellar and Paul of Staffa, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton, Stratford. Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. Calder McKaig, Mrs. M. Lamond and Mrs. John Miller attended the executive meeting of Stratford Presbyterial in Stratford on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren spent the ,weekend with their daughter, Miss Wanda McLar- en, at Nipissing. Master Bruce .Miller, sop of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller, is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, having undergone surgery Friday. MP. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Brenda and Craig, of Staffa, were Sunday evening guests of Mr., and Mrs. K: McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams and family, Blyth, visited Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, on Sunday. Senior Citizens See Movies The regular meeting of the Senior Citizens' Club was held in Staffa Hall with the presi- dent, Mr. Harold Carey, in the chair. Routine reports were giv- en by the... secretary and the treasurer. The members voted $5.00 to be donated to the Bunny Bun- dle. Several Irish songs. were used for community singing. 'The highlight of the meeting was a series of moving pictures shown by Mr. T. Young, Staffa. The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen" and lunch was served by the committee in charge. New Arrivals! EASTER MILLINERY Straws, fabrics and flower hats in a glamorous range of the newest in shapes• and Spring colors, Visit our Millinery Bar today.. You'll pay less at Stewart's. 2.95 to 14.95 Whimsy Veil Hats, 1.95 HANDBAGS A huge shipment of new Handbags is just in for Easter selling. Choose from plastics, tapestries and fine leathers. in every shade imagin- able. Small, medium or "large bags, we've got them at 2.95-9.9'5 Spring Tone SIMPLEX •GI OYES Imported Nylon Simplex Gloves in a grand choice of shades, styles' and lengths. Choose your new Easter gloves at our Glove Dept. REGULAR LENGTHS . ,._ 1.95 LONGER LENGTHS ......, .. ` 2.95 VERY SPECIAL - Imported 3 - PIECE TOWEL SETS You get a faoe cloth, hand towel, and a large bath towel in this .smart Check> pattern, all for $1.98 set. Colors are..•gold, pink, blue and brown. • $ 4 9v • VERY SPECIAL SET i ■ v. P�RPI?li e>mbhe, • Pok'esi.$ new1}es,Pren brleS41.ap�nte> �Fhee #lx' our neat ,Sp, raniC Oi'IS>�! and they re ,'rued t9 save dollars' -Pant • UITS4p ° • POPULAR BLAZERS, • Black Red Gpld SancL..... 24.50 to 27.50 • Dress Pants ,�. 7.95, to 17.95 Spring TOPC9ATS Popular all-weather coats in plain shades or subdued checks and new laminated terylene topcoats -are a must for Easter wear. Choose yours •in brown, charcoal, olive and black. ;t. 19.50 to 29.50 L 704fAit atoo/ 1121 man Narrow brims, British- -tapers; regular rims or even wide brims. We 'have them all in all the popular Spring shades. ��G:�v Z•e9.liE� n�/ Wh'te shirts, stripe sh'rts, check shirts,in regular or taper fit in fused collar,_'soft collar or dome -tab -'style., Wear a new stripe for Easter' 3.95 to '5'.95 Hundreds of New Easter BO YS'-- SUITS 'o to 16. years, Coat and Pants BOYS.' WHITE, SHIRTS 6.95 to 10.95 Ties -1.00 to 2.00 19.50 t° 24.50 Regulaon down or tab collar, taper fit Tab collar, aper fit BOYS' HALF SLEEVE YV HITE DRESS SHIRTS 2.95 . . 1.95' BOYS' SOX. and TIES 594 to 950 tewart Bros. NEWS OF CONSTANCE - Plan Banquet for Mothers, . Daughters The UCW held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Dave Millson Wednesday with 17 members and two visitors present. Mrs. Lorne Lawspn was in charge of the worship period, and opened, the meet- ing by singing the hymn, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross." Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. Ken Preszcator, Mrs. Bill Dale and Mrs. Earl Nott. Mrs. Lorne Lawson led in prayer. The hymn, "In the Cross of Christ I Glory," was sung and the General 'Thanksgiving was read in unison. Mrs. Borden Brown gave an interesting paper on "Christian Stewardship." Mrs. W. L. Whyte gave the mission study on India. The offering was re- ceived by little Barbara Glou- sher. The hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung and Mrs. Lorne Lawson closed with prayer. Mrs. Donald Buch- anan, president, presided over the business, and several items were discussed. Mrs. Millson served lunch, and at the close Mrs. George McIlwain presented. Mrs. Mill - son with; a gift on behalf of Constance UCW, before her de- parture for pier home in Sea - forth. Mrs. W. L. Whyte thank- ed Mrs. Millson for the use of her home. proved. Linda Nott received the offering, and also took the study book, chapters 10 and 11.' This completed the study book. Elaine Brown was in charge of the worship.' Joyce Brown read -the 'Scripture lesson, taken from Ephesians 2:1422. Mary 1VIcllwain offered prayer; and the meeting closed with the hymn,. "Rise Up, 0 Men of God." Hold Enjoyable Euchre The COF held a euchre par- ty in the Hall on Friday eve- ning with a good attendance. Prizes were won as follows: ladies' high, Mrs. Frank ' Riley; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Frank Cummings, of Clinton; consola- tion, Mrs. Keith Hesselwood; men', most games, Nelson Mc- Clure; lone hands, Sam Mc- Clure; consolation, Gary Mc- Clure. Mr. Charles Johnson, of Clin- ton, spent an evening last week with Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Leitch. Mrs. William Jewitt, Ross and Kevan attended the baptismal service of John William Dow - son, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Dowson, in Varna United Church on Sunday. Mrs. Art B ley, of „Kit- chener, spentsumnday with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dale and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Jamie- son and Susan, of Godefich, spent the . weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott and daughters, of Staffa, spent Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator. Mr. and Mrs. ,toss MacGre- gor and Margaret were in Pres- ton onurrday,. where Margaret will be practice teaching this week. Mr, and Mrs. MacGregor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Farnham, of Kitchener, and CGIT Plan Banquet The CGIT girls held their meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Mrs. Reg Lawson, leader, conducted the business and the, girls made .further plans for the mother and daughter ban- quet to be held March 26. The meeting opened with the COPT Purpose and Hymn Min- utes of the. last meeting Were read by Margie Whyte and ap- Miss Mary MacGregor at Kit- chener -Waterloo Hospital. Mrs. William J. Dale spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. T. J. McMichael, of Goderich. •w -Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and family, of Bornholm, visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cook and 1 i i Jerry family, of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glou- sher, Stewart and Barbara spent:. Sunday "with Mr. and Mis. Stan' Ball and family, of Auburn. • "I have • discontinued long. talks on account of my throat,", the speaker remarked. "Several members have threatened to cut: it." 1 • 1 THE WORLD OF BOBBY. HULL - Slungg 'atop the goal posts at a Toronto hockey rink, Bobby Hull ,of the NIIL Chi- cago Black Hawks, chuckles while his surprised friend, Scott: Young (lower right) is unexpectedly' mobbed for his auto- graph by young fans. Bull is subject of a Caftiera Canada documentary called The World of Bobby Hull tb be seen Sunday, March• 22, on the, CBC -TV network. 1Vewsphlier` columnist Young IS adviser and scrillitwritet for:the *gram,,'' •