The Huron Expositor, 1964-03-05, Page 10ii
4 sue, l induetio8.;se;itice t"aekhouse and Mr. and Mrs:
wa$ held Brucefield' United Mac -Wilson,
-Church Sunday morning, when
the following stewards were in-
ducted by the minister, Rev. H.
Plant; Messrs. Jack Dallas, Ken
SeQtt, Glen Swan, Alex Me -
Beath, Gerald Horton, William
Dallas and Mrs. A.' Paterson,
14s.. Mel Graham, Mrs. John
Mustard and Mrs. H. Berry,
. .treasurer:
Miss Mary Allan, nurse -in -
training, Kitchener, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Allan.
Mrs. Elsie Forrest is spend-
ing a few days in London.
Mr. and Mrs. James Boughan
and Wenda spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan
and family and other friends.
Mrs. Stackhouse's sister, Mrs.
A. McKellar, and Mr. and Mrs.
Peter McCrae, Oak Park, Mich,,
visited a few days with Mrs.
Seaforth W.I.
Seaforth.. WI will hold their
'regular- meeting at the home
of Mrs. R. J. Doig on Tuesday,
March 10, at 2:15 p.m. Mrs.
Gordan Papple will be co -hos-
This is the Citizenship and
Edueation meeting, in • charge
of Mrs. ',erne, • Carter and Mrs.
Frank Hunt. Roll ,call will be,
"Tell an interesting fact about
the Royal Family," and the mot-
. to will be, "Tact is the ability
to make your brain work be-
fore your tongue speaks:"
Lunch committee will be Mrs.
Ross Gordon, Mrs. Elmer Cam-
eron and Mrs. Les Pryce.
Messengers Meet
Brucefield Messengers met
Sunday 'with an attendance of
over 30 members and one visi-
tor. The' Davidson sisters were
welcomed to the meeting.
The .worship service was on
the theme, "Giving Thanks To
God by Being Friendly and Hap-
py." The story of Chella, an
Indian boy, whose hands were
cured of leprosy, was told. Dr.
Paul Brand, from Veliore Chris-
tian Medical College and hos-
pital, operated on • Chella's
hands successfully. Dr. Brand
is famous for his work among
lepers. The children were re-
minded that. saving s vin stamps is
one way of helping Dr. Brand
with this work.
Messengers across Canada are
being asked in 1963-64 to give
$8,000 for work at Veliore and
Ludhiana. This is their special
project. The Messengers are
asked to make little gift boxes
and save something for this
• The elder Messengers review-
ed the first chapter of the new
study book, "The Buffalo and
•the Bell," while pre-schoolers
did handwork.
GIenn McGregor distributed
copies of the World Friends.
The March •meeting will 'he
postponed one week so that
children may attend the Easter
church service.
"But how could you possibly
play truant from a correspon-
dence school?"
"I sent in an empty envelope."
24. Cards of Thanks
I wish to thank my friends and
neighbors who sent me cards
and letters whine I was a pat-
ient in 'Stratford General Hos-
pital --Mrs. E. Chamberlain:
I wish to express. my sincere
thanks to all my friends, rela-
tives and neighbors who so
kindly remembered me with
Cards, gifts. and letters; also
cyan whilee in Scott Memorial
TIos+pital. Your thoughtfulnelss.
will Ibng be remenmbered.-Mrs.
Torrance Dundas. 24-11x1
THE family of Thomas McMil-
lan wish to express sincere
thanks and appreciation to all
friends and neighbors for their
kind expressions of sylmiparthy
' and floral tributes received dui
ing the bereavement of a broth-
er and uncle, Robert McMillan.
Speeial .thanks and mention to
the kind .staff at Huaionview
Horne for the aged, Rev. D. O.,
Fry, pall bearers and the G. A.
Whitney .Funeral Home: 24-11x1
I wish to thank my relatives,
friends and neighbors who re-
membered me with visits, cards
- and . flowers while I,, was in St.
Joseph's "Hb5pital- and also for
those who brought and sent in
baking to Vivan and boys and
helped me since. my return
home. All was very much ap-
preciated. -Mrs. Vivan Cooper,
RR 2, Kippen. 24-11-1
25.- In Memoriam
McPHERSON In loving mem-
ory of our mother, Anna C. Mc -
I Pherson, who passed away on
.March. 9th, 1963.
. Sadly missed aleng liife's wa+y,
,Quietly remembered every day.
• /-The McPherson ..Famil'y. 11-1.
COSTELLO-At Scott Memorial
and Mrs. Bernard
RR 2. Sealontth a• sin
' Hospital, on Feb. 28, to Mr.
'DELOYER.-At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Mar. 3, to Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Deloyer, RR
3,• Mitchell, a son.
HULLEY-At Scott Memorial
Hospital. on Mar. ,1 to Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Hulley, of
• Cromarty, a daughter.
KEYES-At Brampton Hospital,
on Feb. 25, .te. Mr.
and Mr&
Stuart Keyes; a Sion, a brother
for Glen and Carolyn.
McGAVIN-In Toronto General
Hospital, on Feb. 23, 1964, to
Mr. and Mrs, Jahn McGavin,
Owen Sound, a son. -
SMALE In Seaforth, on Mar.
•3, Albert James Smaiie, in his
81st year,
PATTERSON-In Clinton, on
Mar. 2, Jennie W. °Cuthill,in
her 92nd year. -
McMILLAN-In Clinton, on Feb.
27, Robert W. McMillan, in
his. 78th year.
Mr. , and Mrs. William R. Pep-
per, RR 3, Seaforth, wish to
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Carol Eileen,
to Mr. Robert Anthony LeBeau,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Le -
Beau, RR 1, Brumfield, • the
marriage to take place in .• St'
J'oseph's Catholic Church, Clin-
ton. on Tuesday, March 31, 1964,•-
at.12.,00 noon. . -1
Too Late .To Classify
FOR SALE - 1,815 bales of
wheat straw; must be moved.
Make me an offer. Wallace
Ross, Seaforth. -1
FOR SALE -Duro gimp pump,
in:good condition; $35.110. Wal-
lace Ross, Seaforth. -1
one ,only 70-1'b. pail, $13.00; one
only 30-1b. pail, $7.25; 8-1b.
pails, $2.25; 4 lbs.; $1.20. Wal-
laceRoss, Seaforth. -1
'1--WISH--to, thank all -7 -my
friends and relatives who were
so kind in remembering me
,xtith-treats and cards,. and also
for bringing mq wife to see me,
which is all greatly appreciated.
Thanks again for everything.
4 -Dave Netzke
THE FAMILY. of the late Mrs.
Ernest Templeman wish to say
'thank you" to the nurses and
staff of Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, the nurses and staff of Avon
Crest, Dr., Maikus, Dr. McCaul,
Rev. John Boyne, the Heath -
Leslie Funeral Home, and all
those who assisted in any way
during her illness and since
her bereavement. Everything
was deeply appreciated.
Mts. M. Miller, of Stratford,
visited Mr.. and Mrs. M. c-
ellar pn. $%uR lay.,
ss E:_ CllaMberlain is stay-
ing with her- daughter, Mrs. R.
Huras, 5 Ash Street, Stratford,
after being a patient in the
hospital there.
Miss Loreen Roe, Stratford,
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs: Lorne
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Racho and
daughters spent Sunda ith
his brother, Mr, - o Racho
and Mrs. Racho and family,
Mrs. Charlie Lockwood, Clin-
ton, spent Thursday with Mr..
and Mrs. M. McKellar.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coutts
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coutts.
Mrs. W. C. Patterson, f
go, North Dakota; her ,.daugh-
ter, Mrs. Shirley Kramer, of
Wapehton, N.D., and children,
Robbie and Lorie Sue, attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs.
Mr. Robert Huard has return-
ed from Toronto, where he was
successful in completing With
honors a course sponsored by
Cities Service.
Chairman D'Orlean S i 11 s,
Commissioner R. S. Box and
Manager R. J. Boussey, of the
Public. Utility Commission, were
in. Toronto this week attending
the annual Ontario Municipal
Electric Association meeting,
The Ladies' Aid of First Pres-
byterian Church met Tuesday
with Miss -Jean Scott presiding.
Mrs. Ada Dale read a poem by
H. Isabel Graham.
The hymn, "Now That Day-
light Fills the Sky," was sung,
and Mrs. H. Whyte read the
Scripture of the Easter story
from Matthew 28. Mrs. J.
Thompson led„_in prayer. Thirty
calls were made to shut-ins.
Mrs. Ila Dorrance gave an in-
spiring talk on "Our Lives,"
ending with the poem, "If
You've Had a Kindness Shown,
Pass It On." Mrs. W. E. Butt
expressed thanks to all who
had taken partin the meeting.
An enjoyable solo, "I Left It
All With Jesus Long Ago," was
sung by Mrs. Butt, accompan-
ied by Mrs. J. McGregor. The
closing hymn was, "Forth In
Thy Name,0 Lord, I Go," and
the Lord's Prayer in unison.
Lunch was served by the Dor-
rance-Dale . group.
Unit One of • the UCW of
Northside 'United Church held
their meeting Tuesday evening
at the home. of Mrs. Gordon El-
liott. Mrs. William Campbell
chaired the meeting. A short
business period was conducted.
The Easter thankoffering . will
be held in the church March
24, at 8 p.m., with Miss E. Den-
tin as speaker.
The devotional part. , of the
meeting was in charge of Mrs.
Ken Stewart and . Mrs. Harold
Connell. Hymn 485 was sung
and the Scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. R. M. Scott, fol-
lowed by a prayer by Mrs. Wm.
Ball. The study book, "Indian
Women," was taken by Mrs.
Ken Stewart. An accordian
number by Helen Elliott and
solos by'.Mary Elliott were en-
joyed during the, evening. Miss
Margaret Chesneyshowed slides
of -her trip.
Courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs. A. W. Sillery,' and the
meeting closed . with the 'bene-
Heavy falls of snow can cause
damage to the spreading type
evergreen, such as. Piitzer Juni-
pers and Japanese Yews. Horti-
culturists with the Department
of Agriculture advise that heavy
snowshould be brushed or
knocked off immediately' after
storms, Any damaged branches
should be pruned back to the
point 'where breakage occurred.
with .
Phone 141 -- Seaforth
F'ilneral services for the late -
Mrs. John Willems, - who died
suddenly on Tuesday of last
week, were held from St.
James' Churchk Seaforth, Thurs-
day, Feb. 28th: The Rev, C, E.
Sullivan officiated, with inter-
ment in the Elizabeth Ritz
Mausoleum, Mitchell.
Pallbearers were Martin Van
Bakel, Harry Arts, Martin Van
Loon, John Jansen, Con Eckert
and Arthur Devereaux.
Mrs. Roy: Bell, of RR 1, llen-
sall, died suddenly at her -home
Wednesday afternoon in her
50th year. She was the former -
Ruby Evelyn Stone, of Exeter,
and is survived by her mother,
Mrs. Eunice Stone, Exeter;
four sons, Jim and Murray, of
Exeter; Graham and Bill, at
home, and one grandson. Her
husband died in May, 1959. She
is also survived by two sisters,
Mrs. Irwin Ford, 'Exeter, and
Mrs.' William Chambers, Clin-
Private funeral services will
be held froth Bonthron Funeral
Chapel, Hensall, Friday, March
6, at .2 p,m. Rev. .1, C. Boyne,
of Caven Presbyterian Church,
Exeter, will officiate. Interment
will be in Exeter cemetery.
Albert James Smale died in -
Scott Memorial Hospital Tues-
day morning following a short
illness. He was in his 81st year.
Mr. Smale was born in Hibbert
Township, where he farmed un-
til his retirement to' Seaforth
in 1958. He was a member of
Northside United Church.
He is survived by his wife,
the former .Bessie Parsons, to
whom he was married at Mun-
ro in 1916, and by two daugh-
ters, (Jean) Mrs. A. Hildebrand,
Seaforth, and (Doris) Mrs. L.
Hackney, of Kirkton; two sons,
Arthur and "Ross, of Staffa;
brothers Percy Smale of Wain-
wright, Alberta, and Dr. Robert
Smale of Midland, and by a sis-
ter, Mrs. Ivan Hill, of Simcoe.
Funeral services will be held
Thursday from the G, A. Whit-
ney funeral home at . 2 p.m.,
and will be conducted by his
minister, Rev. J. C Britton, as-
sisted by Rev. B: Daynard; of
Staffa United Church: Burial
will follow in the Ritz Memor-
ial Mausoleum at Mitchell.
A life-long resident 'of Mc-
Killop Township and member
of a prominent pioneer family,
John, William Thompson, pass-
ed away in Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Tuesday, March 3rd,
after a short ilingss. He was
in his 84th year
Born in M illop Township
and educate at Kinburn school,
Mr. Tho son was' a farmer all
his life and took a keen inter-
est in gardening.
In 1918 he married the for-
mer Charlotte Tibble, of Chi-
cago, wha survives, along with
one daughter (Mary), Mrs. Wil-
frid Scott, Hullett; two sons,
John of McKillop, and Kenneth
of Hullett; seven grandchildren
and four step -grandchildren. •
A member of First Presby-
terian Church, Seaforth, he was
a grandson of an elder and
founder of this church, He was
a member of the Masonic Or-
der for the past fifty years"'and
of the Canadian Order of For-
esters for the past sixty years.
The body is resting at the
Box Funeral Chapel wherer,fcln,
eral services will be held , 'hurs-
day at 2 p.m., with Rev •A_,.
Fry officiating.. Burial will fol.
low in. Elizabeth Ritz Mauso-
leum, Mitchell. •
The . death, occurred at Hur-
onview; Clinton, on Thursday
of Robert Wellington McMil-
lan, following a short illness.
Mr. McMillan was born in the
Township of McKillop, the son
of the late Robert McMillan
and Julia Weaver. He was in
his 78th year.
Educated at Roxbaro school,
he farmed in the district until
about 30 years ago, when with
his mother he retired to Sea -
forth, where they resided .on
Welsh Street. Following the
death of his mother, he lived
for a time with his brother,
Thomas McMillan, in McKillop,
and for the past four years had
been a resident of Huronview.
He is survived by his brother,
Thomas .McMillan; a nephew,
Robert McMillan, and a niece,
Edith, Mrs. Francis Coleman,
all of McKiIlop.
A member of First Presbyter-
ian Church, Seaforth, funeral
services were conducted from
the G. A. Whitney funeral
home by his minister, Rev. D.
0. Fry, on Saturday. Tempor-
ary interment took place at the
Ritz . Mausoleum in Mitchell.
The pallbearers were James
Aicheson, William McDowell,
Sam Scott, Harold Agar, John
Rivers and Ben Van den Akker.
Death claimed one of • Sea-
forth's oldest residents. Mon-
day, March'' 2, at Huronview,
Clinton, in the person of• Jane
Wardrope Cuthill, widow of the
late John A. Patterson, in her
92nd year. She was the daugh-
ter of the late John Cuthill and
Dixon Arbuckle of Scotland.
Mrs. Patterson learned the
dressmaking in Seaforth and
continued her trade her entire
life. She was married in 1895
to John A. Patterson, of, Shel-
don, North Dakota, where she
lived till the death of hethits-
band 1911, when she Ott/til-
ed to Seaforth with heti-five
She is glinted" by one' son,
Elgie, of Blue Ridge, Alberta;
(Pearl) Mrs. R. K. MCFailane,
Seaforth, and (Irene) Mrs. W.
C. Bennett, Clinton. She was
predeceased by two sons, Claude
of Fargo, N.D., in 1961, and
Vincent in 1923. A. brother,
William Cuthill, of Bountiful,
Utah, also survives. She has 20
grandchildren, 39 great-grand-
children and one great -great-
grandchild, as well as nephews
and nieces.
•The funeral was held from
the G. A. Whitney funeral home
on Wednesday and was con-
ducted by her minister, Rev. D.
0. Fry,. Pallbearers were Ron-
ald Bennett, Walton; Bruce Wal-
alters, London; Oscar and Wil-
mer Cuthill, Seaforth; Torn Wat-
son, London, and A. Y. Mc-
Lean, Seaforth, Interment was
in, the Ritz Memorial Mauso-
leum, Mitchell. -
In manufacturing output Can-
ada now ranks sixth in the world
and the manufacturing industry
accounts for 55 per cent of the
total net value of Canadian pro-
duction. .
:Sets Pan Fore
Annual. Meeting
The March meeting of St.
James' Catholic Wo men's
League was held Tuesday in
the school auditorium. Mrs.
James Devereaux, president, op-
ened the meeting with prayer,
and the hymn, "All Fraise To
St. Patrick" was sung. The min-
utes of the February meeting
were read by Mrs. Mel Cooper,
and Mrs. James Kelly gave the
treasurer's report.
Parish visitors for March will
be Mrs. J: R.MHuard and Mrs.
John O'Brien. A euchre will be
held on March 17th. There will
be a clothing drive .for the St.
Vincent nt de Paul Society on
April 12th. It was decided to
send eggs t4 the House of Prov-
idence for Easter' and to send
$10.00 to The School of Christ
The annual meeting will take
place on April lst, with a pot-
luck supper preceding at 6.30.
The nominating committee will
be Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, Mrs.
Alvin Smale and Mrs. Joseph
Lane, with Mrs. Reynolds con-
vening. Auditors for the Pres:
ent year will be Mrs. Alice
Stiles and Mrs. Kelly.
Father C. E. Sullivan, direc-
tor, gave the rules regarding
nominations and elections which
the members found very help-,
ful. He also spoke on the new
liturgy which urges the faithful
to have greater charity.
Mrs. -John Flannery, enter-
tainment convener, conducted
a test on current events which•
was thought provoking, and en-
joyed very much by:eVeryone.
Father Sullivan closed the
meeting with prayer. Coffee
was served and a social time
Mr: and Mrs, Don Rigby, Mr.
and Mrs. William Knights,
Stewart and Jane, of Blenheim;
Mrr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett,
Thamesford, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Snell spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen,
celebrating Mr. McQueen's 82nd
Guests. this week with Mr.
and . Mrs. Sim- Roobol are Mr.
Anthony Van Dyke, Mr. Ter-
rence Van Dyke and Miss Rose
Marie Milette, of Quebec.
= Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
left last Friday inorning for De-
troit, where they holidayed for
a few days.
Sacrament of Holy Commun-
ion was observed at the United
Church Sunday morning, with
Rev. H. F. Currie taking as his
Communion message, "Bread."
Flowers in the sanctuary were
in loving memory of Miss May
Kennings, .placed by the fam-
Attending the funeral of the
late Miss May Kennings, of Lan-
don, held. Wednesday from Bon-
thron : Funeral 'Chapel, wel%
Mrs. Pearl Hedden, St. Cat
ines; Mrs. Pat Flannery, s
Margaret Smith and Mr. Rich-
ard Tipping, London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Hensall.
Miss Anne Lawrence and
Miss Rosemarie Neilands ap-
peared on Bandstand on CKCO-
TV, `Kitchener, Saturday.
IGA - I5 -oz. Tins
BEANS in Tomato Sauce • • 6 Tins'77¢
Instant Powdered •
CARNATION MILK • • • •3 -lb. Pkg. 89¢
IGA - Mix or Match
Choice PEAS Fancy Kernel CORN
15 -oz. Tins 14 -oz. Tins -
5Tins 77yi
Kraft - 16 -oz. Pkg.
- Ib -69°
Mix or Match
15 -oz. Tins
- OR IGA -
20 -oz. Tins
2 for 43
Stafford's Che ry
590 ) TINS 430
Shoulder or Pot Roast • • Ib. 43c
Prime Rib Roast Ib. 65c
Pork Tenderloin - Ib. 99c
Ground Beef ' lb. 43c
Sausage6-Ib. Box $2.29
Bacon _. 'lb. pkg. 59c
Steakettes lb. 59c
21/2 to 3 lbs. -•= Pan -Ready
Whole Salmon lb. 79c
6 -oz. Pkga.'
Luncheon Meats 2 for 43c
IGA -- 15 -oz. Tins
Applesauce 2 for '29c
48 -oz. Tins
Orange ,Drinks 3 for 99c
20 -oz. Tins
Fruit Cocktail 2 for 59c
1 -Ib. Tin
Floor Paste Wax 39c
WHITE SWAN -- White, Pink,
Aqua, •Yellow, Mauve
TOILET TISSUE .., .... 4 Rolls 49c
IGA -- With Pectin
JAM 9.0z. Jars 4 for 98c
Raspberry, Black Currant
CRISCO--4-Ib. Tin . $1.09 Jar 33c
Buy One - Get one FREE
24 -oz. Bottles :