The Huron Expositor, 1964-02-20, Page 9r • • yr, ,. • NEW BULK FERTILIZER facilities at Topnotch Feeds Limited are designed to provide fast loading of almost any size vehicle, from a small pickup to a 10 -ton truck. With a storage capacity of 600 tons, the new facilities will ensure an adequate stock of popular -mixes at all times, according "tO Topnotch officials. We're Happy To have hact.. the 'opportunity.. of co-operating with OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED in the construction of NEW FERTILIZER BULK HANDLING FACILITIES d Frank Kling Limited Plumbing - Heating - Electric Wiring Washed Stone - Material Handling PHONE 19 SEA -FORTH " Nev.Dump Truck Carries 28 Tons a Trip A specially designed dump trailer will move bulk fertilizer into the new ,bulk fertilizer handling facilities at Topnotch Feeds Limited. - The new unit, capable of car- rying 28 ' tons. at a tione—the Jargest trailer available for this purpose—is expected this week by Wright & Leyburn, who will carry incoming shipments of fertilizer to Topnotch. The demand for bulk fertilk- er n the spring cif 1963 and summer has led Topnotch Feeds Limited to introduce complete bulk handling facilities, Gime McIlwain,manager of the Sea - forth retail division said this week. "In the spring of 1963 we found an increasing demand for bulk fertilizer and then again in the summer there was an in- creasing demand .for use on pastures and hay ground." He added that this demand Vaki. serviced by . bulk trucks 'direct from the plants -in the area, but as the. demand 'in -Creased it be- came apparent that additional service wa,required, and it was to provide. this service th the simansion program iyas OlannO. "Bulk handling of fertilizer provides a .definite saving to the farmer in both money and labor. In serving the farmers throughout the Seaforth dis- trict, it has always been .our aim to provide the most econmid- cal service possible and to make available to our customers the latest developments in both pro- duct and facilities. This is an- other reason why we decided to create the bulk fertilizer facilities here," the manager said. , The: new bulk handling fer- tilizer facilities at Topnotch are contained in an aluminum clad pole -type structure, '70 feet by 50 feet. The building provides six bins, each with a capacity for 100 tons of fertiliier. The height of the building -26 feet —makes it possible for trucks to be loaded and unloaded un- der cover. A bulk conveyor, with a capacity of one ton per It's the Trend Today minute, has been provided for loading. All trucks will be weighed in and but over the existing company scales. Discussing the decesion to handle granulated type of fer- tilizer in bulk, Mr. Mellwain said that one of the problems in handling the fine type of fer- tilizer has been separation. How- ever, with granulated type fer- tilizer, every particle is the same size and there is no ten- dency towards separatien. Gran- ulated fertilizer provides for uniform analysis in every load and in every handful. Comparing the benefits • of a fine type,product as opposed to a granulated product, he refer- red to the experience whicb will be common nany farm- ers in connection with handling and mixing coarse and fine feeds. He recalled that the coarse feed generally runs to -the outside of the pile, and this is equally- true of fertilizer. Thus there can be no assurance of the same quality throughout a -quantity of fertilizer made up of fine and coarse mixtures be- cause of this tendency for the different qualities 'to separate. This is avoided by the use of granulated type. " The six most popular analysis of fertilizer will be stocked in bulk by Topnotch Feeds Limit- ed. This will mean, Mr. Mell- wain said, that farmers' can de- lay their fertilizer pick -up -until the last moment, with theas- surance that there will be ade- quate stocks available and fast loading facilities. The loading facilities are designed to han- dle wagons, trailers, pickup (Continued on Page 12) Bulk Handling Leads to Efficient Operation Today, blirk-h_alidling seems to be one of the measures of an efficient farming operation. For example, consider t h e changes that have taken place in the handling of feed, grain, k, and now, fertilizer.. The seasonal use, along •with the corrosive and hygroscopic nature of fertilizer materials, has undoubtedly retarded bulk handling. However, the advent of complete liquid fertilizer, with its natural ease of hand- ling, has probably done a great deal to speed up the develop- ment of techniques for easy bulk handling of dry fertilizer. Custom Spreading Over the years, spinner -type spreading equipment has been developed that will give a uni- form•broadcast of fertilizer for vegetable and forage crops. This has grown to the point where fairly ' large quantity of ferti i/ zer is ..broadcast in this mann , and is being handled on z icustom spread basis, us- , ng. reading equipment mount- ed on truck chassis, with the • CONGRATULATIONS! OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED on your fertilizer hulk handling facilities 'IP 4a v.er , Here are three from the fleet of modern trucks which serve -Wright & Leyburn customers. We appreciate being m ' e responsible for tl handling much of the ulk and package shipments to and from Topnotch Feeds Wright and Leyburn Local and Long Distance Hauling Members ATA my, Class C, D, 11 F and FS Phone 283 Seaforth u'nit being ;utilized for not only spreading the fertilizer, but dm- veying it from the bulk depot to the field. • One of the more serious criti- cisms of this system is the truck tracks left in cultivated' fields. Experiments have been conduct- ed, and there appears to be an increasing use of a large single airplane type of tire to reduce soil penetration, soil compac- tion, and to improve the man- euverability df the trucks in wet and sandy soils. Work is still being done' along this line to improve the design and tread of this type of tire so that'it will give a , smooth ride and ample tire life on the high- way and still -provide 'sufficient traction in the field. Some pro- gress is being made, but in south-western Ontario there is little evidence that this type of equipment has been put into general use. A custom spreading service can offer: • 1. A spreading job more Uni- form than the average job done by a farmer with his own equip- ment. 2. Complete elimination of the farmer's part in the ardu7 ous, back -breaking, time-consum- ing job at a busy time of the year. In the case of some large farming operations, it has also lessened the load on their su- pervising staff... 3. The elimination of the need for owning fertilizer broadcast- ing equipment on the farm, as Welt as the creation of a lighter load on tractor needs at a 'busy time of the year. 4. The cost of this type of service varies with conditions, but on the average it Costs the farmer little if anything more than the cost of bagged fertiliz- er delivered to his farm. Application by Farmer—Bulk Handled For, those crop needs where the,fertilizer is banded, or when the farmer prefers to do his own broadcasting job, a bulk do- it-yourself program is being de- VeloPed. The popularity of this has increased rapidly in recent years. Fast bulk -loading facili- ties are now provided at most modern fertilizer plants, and many retail outlets are now pro- viding bulk storage and hand- ling facilities. Small to medium sized fer- tilizer users are in increasing numbers, discovering that by the use of a tight truck body and a scoop shovel or 5 -gallon pail they can handle bulk fer- tilizer into a broadcaster, drill or corn planter easier, faster, and with less waste than they formerly handled bagged ma- terial. They are loaded fastef at the plant dr local bulk stor- age, and the savings in the cost of fertilizer purchased in bulk are worth while. • Spreader Rental kervices,, Quite a number of fertilizer outlets ard offering, on a rental �r sales basis, a spinner type broadcaster. These units are small enough that the farmer can load it in his picku tiltruck, take it home, and in mast cases do all of the fertilizer top -dress- ing of meadows in one' day's time. He will tow this machine .With a 'farni . tractor, or the pickuptruck which may also be carrying bulk fertilizer that is shovelled into the machine. Mechanical Bulk -handling Boxes Recently larger 4 -ton' units are becoming common and quite popular. When these units are used any distance from the sup- ply point, the bulk fertilizer- is usually conveyed by truck and transferred to the broadcaster by mechanical means in the field. A large number of equip - (Continued on Page 12) • "..4 ' 4, • ',,4111%,14140 • PRECISION. GRANULATED FERTILIZER. 1,CONIPLETEIN GRANULAR 4/ DUST -FREE 4/ ALWAYS FLOWS FREELY ONLY SUPER FLOW IS 'PRECISION GRANULATEWTO GIVE THESE BENEFITS No clogging or skipping—The controlled range of granule size gives a smooth, constant flow, acre after acre. Gives more even distribution of plant food . . . more uniform -crops. Save timoand work—You waste no time clearing and resetting equipment. You save time in the field. Dust-Free—More'pleasant to handle and no loss on windy days. Equipment is easier to clean. Highly soluble—More phosphorout made available,' too! Remember, only SUPER FLOW is "precision granu- lated". It's the top-rated granular fertilizer on the market today. Ask your neighbour who uses it! • Order rain your-S:UPER FLOW fertilizer dealer 'F A product of Canadian Industries Limited CIPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED " "THE MOST. VALUE FOR TH-FARMER'S DOLLAR" SEAFORTH_ PHONE 775 T IT iT IT IT jTj Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti Ti And Save :Fertilizer.:. • • GEORGE McILWAIN Per Ton GRANULATED FERTILIZER C-R Super Flow —CASH DISCIPUNTS —PICK-UP • ALLOWANCE —EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNTS —VOLUME DISCOUNTS We Invite You to Come in and Have a Look at Our Bulk Fertilizer Facilities. tiT `.4 q`?1,4 ,f1Wie;t14,t;14:4,4?;',. •;;;',.r 4ig SUPER.. F.LOW. 7n' FERTILIZER. 5 PRECISION GRANULATED •Lt.T' .77.7: 11P., ETU 411 CANADIAN INIRISTRIES WAITED • 41 PNOTtil FEEDS LIMITED " The Most Value For the Farmer's Dollar" Phone 775 Seaforth TETjTETETjTETETjTiLTjTiTiTjTjTjTjTjT