The Huron Expositor, 1964-02-13, Page 1yP•
Whole No. 5008
105th Year
TARTO,..THU ,'SJ AY, FEBRUARY 3f 1964':-..=.- 10 PAGES
McKiIlOp F of A
:Selects More
Top Speaker s
The second night . ofepublic
speaking, sponsored by the Mc-
Killop Federation of Agricul-
ture,•was held in the Winthrop
United Church school roam
Monday evening, with a good
attendance., _ ,;,.
Fourteen contestants t "o o k
part, with the following six be-
ing picked to take part in the
naffs: Ricky Mc Cenzie, Grade
SSS 4, McKillop;, Larry Mur-
ray, -:,Grade 5, $S `8, McKillop;
Sharon Shea, Grade •6, SS
Hibbert; Mark Smith, Grade 6,
SS 4, McKillop; Neil 'Murray,
Grade 5, SS 4, Hibbert; Glenda
Little, Grade 5, SS 10, 'McKil-
Judges were Father C. E. Sul-
livan, Rev. H. Donaldson and
Rev. J. C, Britton, all of Sea -
Chairman for the evening was
Gordon Elliott, president of the
Federation, and courtesy re-
marks were given by Oliver
The final contest with the 12
winners taking part will beheld
in Seaforth District High School
next Monday evening.
Completes 34 Years As a Trustee
Members r of the Boards of the Seaforth District High School and Seaforth Public School honored C. A. Barber at a
dinner Wednesday, when they presented him with an • engraved silver tray, marking the completion of 34 years as the SPS
representative on the SDHS Board. Chairmen for the event were Ed. Dearing of the SDHS and Dr. J. C. MacLennan of -
The presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. Barber by Mrs. A. W. 'Sillery (left) .and R. T. Bolton.
Cathy Eckert
Is Brescia Rep
On UWO Council
Cathy. Eckert, 20, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eckert,••Sea-
forth has been elected to the
Students' Council of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario,
London, in the student govern-
ment elections.,
The University Students'
Council acts as a liaison be-
tween the student body and •the
administration at Western. It
is composed of representatives
from each of the colleges and
affiliated colleges, of the uni-
versity. •
As the, student government,
the USC co-ordinates and super -
visesthe activities of clubs and
organizations on campus. Its
prime purpose i5 to ""act in the
interest and welfare of the stu-
dent and provide.for his social,
intellectual and cultural devel-
(Continued on Page 6)
Modern Signal Sy.stem
Eliminates CNR Flagman
- No longer will it be necessary
for the CNR to provide a flag-
man` while shifting 'cars_at : the
Main Street intersection, as -a
result- of a Board of Transport
Commission order. In a com-
munication to council which was
considered Monday . night, the
board said that because of
changes in the signal system
which had 'been completed at
the ' intersection, the services of
a flagman were no longer con-
sidered neeessary.-
In other correspondence which
was presented to council and
filed without discussion: "
-The OWRC indicated it was
unable to accept responsibility
for operating- the sewage treat-
ment plant, but would assist the
town by making recommenda-
tions concerning, operation and
-The CNR advised that it
was prepared to renew a lease
for a further period of three
years at an annual rental of
$10 and taxes covering the pro-
perty occupied by the Seaforth
Bowling Greens. The lease was
originally entered into in 1926.
vised that Reeve Elgin Thomp-
son had been appointed to the
proposed Seaforth Area Plan-
ning Commission and suggest-
ed that, so that the--council-
could -be informed, all members
be invited to attend the first
-The Ontario Fire Marshal
said that it was prepared to
accept the resignation of Fire
Chief John F. Scott, as Huron
County Co-ordinator, providing
replacement could be obtained.
Mr. Scott, who had been ap=
pointed in 1957, had requested
that he be relieved of responsi-
Avoid Election
An election costing $700 was
' avoided Tuesday when George
Moncrief, %RR '3, Goderich, one
of 20 committeemen nominated
to the Ontario flog Producers
Marketing Board, withdrew.
Twenty-one men were 'nomin-
ated for the 19 committee posts.
Ross Lovett, of Londesboro,
withdrew his name, leaving 20
men to contend for the posts.
Approximately 150 hog pro-
ducers left the neeeting at the
Clinton Legion Hall, thinking
that an election would be held
March 3.
At the directors' meeting
which followed, however, five
nominees volunteered to draw
lots to see which would with-
draw and eliminate the neces-
sity of an election. Mr. Mon-
crief drew the short straw.
The others who now take the
19 committee posts by acclama-
tion for a one-year - term are:
Alfred Warner, of RR 1, Bay-
field; Lloyd Stewart, of RR 1,
Clinton.; Albert Bacon, of Bel-
grave;Malcolm Davidson, of
Brucefleld; George Campbell, of
RR 1, Seaforth; Harvey Hodg,
his, of RR 2, Ailsa Craig; Gor-
don Elliott, of Rist 5, Seaforth;
Ross Love, of RR 2, Hensall;
Elmer Ireland, of RR 5, Wing -
ham; Robert McAllister, of RR
2, Auburn; ,rames...McGregor,, of
RR 2, Kipper; lt, J, Semple, of
RR 2, Bayfield; John S. Kering-
han, of Goderich; Harvey Mul-
vey, of Wroxeter; Hugh Rundle,
of Centralia; Carl Govier, of R
R 1, Auburn; Melvin Grebb, of
RR 2, Dashwood; Martin Baan,
RR 3, Walton, and Elnier Hard-
ing, of RR 1, Gorrie.
bility because of the' time and at SDHS auditorium on March
expense involved . in carrying 13th and 14th.
out the duties for which he re- A request from the MaitlanS
ceived no remuneration. bank Cemetery Board for a.,
-The SDHS Band expressedt f $200 toassist t`4
appreciation for a grant which
council had approved in Janu- to the budget meeting, for fur-
ary. ther consideration.
-The Ontario M u n i c fp a 1 Council approved 'member -
Board indicated that final ap- ship in the Midwestern Devel
proval had'been given' the an- opment Association.and end"ors-
nexation of 25 acres at- the east- ed the .work which -the associa-
ern . end of town to provide a tion .is carrying on. Councillor
site for the new hospital. Donald Eaton represents conn
Department of "Highways cil on that body. -
indicated that the -transfer of Jack McLlwain and Ray Anti
$5,000 from construction to stett appeared as a delegation
maintenance in the 19q3 pro; from the Intermediate' Hockey
gram had been approved., Club, asking for assistance. The
Council approved a request delegation- indicated . that their
of the Huron County- Crop Im- group was from $400 to .$500.
provement Association for a in the red as a result of having
grant of $50. The 17th, annual to buy new-unifprms and equip
Huron Seed Show is being held ment,..., The request was refer -
in Seaforth for the first time red to the Midget meeting for
this year, and will take place consideration.
3,000 Chicks
gran o in meg ,-
ing indebtedness was referred Lost As Brooder.
Council Considers
Community 'Centre
Sea1!ortli - Community Centre
and Arena completed i a suc=
cessful year, a report Consider-
ed by council Monday night -_re-.
Receipts totalled $9,161, in-
cluding booth $1,025, skating
$2,239; hockey, $2,842; hall rent,
$667; curling, $800; grants, $300;
sundry, $379• and balance on
hand, $807. During the year,
expenditures included: wages,
$2,447; supplies, $933; repairs,
$1,721; water, gas, hydro,- $2,-
688; adv., $32; insurance, $1,-
090; telephone, $36; UIC,- $81;
sundry, $28. There is a balance
of $765, including „receivables
of $662.
Council met with representa-
tives of the. Frank Cowan In-
surance Agency and considered
a report on the arena coverage,
and agreed to provide an addi-
tional $50,000.00 on machinery
and equipment which previous-
ly was not covered. The report
set replacement value of the
arena at $144,000.00.,
Commenting on the need for
equipment coverage the report
referred to the "excellent sup-
ervisor on the job -who knows
his machines and keeps them
in top condition." ,
Hog Club Largest in Canada
In" previous discussrons, 'coun-
cil had agreed to provide arena
insurance, relieving the com-
mission of the need of _meeting' - -
-the-Cost. ' Fr & S Will Hear
Discussion revealed • council
was of the opinion more fre-
quent meetings of the arena
commission should be held and ,
more complete reports covering I Flight Lieutenant John Har-
der, from tine RCAF Clinton
School of Instructional Tech=
nique, will be guest speaker at
a Home and Scheol Association
meeting at Seaforth Public
School on Tuesday evening.
The subject for thiS" presen-
tation will be. "Programmed
Learning and Its Impact on Ed -
The use of machines in teach-
ing has to date been thought by
many a gimmick. but experi-
ence has shown that AS -a tool,
machines can be used toad -
vantage most successfully. SoThe
advantages and disadvantages of
machines spring readily to
mind, but for implications •and
results, a qualified instruetor,
such as F/L Harder, will help
to give parents, whose children`,
may come under a system of
tubes, speakers and flashing
lights, a more accurate idea of
advances in education.
Catches Fire
Awakened e a r 1 y Satiirday
morning by the noise of the
water pressure system, Andrew
Moore got up to investigate and
found a large brooder house,
'containing 9,000 chicks, on fire.
Ken Mopre said Wednesday
the loss will amount. to. nearly
$2.000. About -1;000 chicks were
killed outright by smoke,' and.
it was necessary to do away
' with 2,000 more, who were
fected by the fumes. _
The fire is believed to have
started in a brooder, where it
burned through:: a plastic. -water
pipe, releasing a stream of wa-
ter which in turn helped pre-
vent the flames from spread-
=ing.- The escaping water result-
ed in the pressure pump, being
cut in, and it was this noise
that awakened Mr. Moore.
Seaforth firemen answered
the alarm and had the fire un-
der control within minutes.
operations should be provided.
The welfare and recreation com-
mittee under Reeve Cardno is
to check. • -
Set Plans
For World
Day Of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer is
being held Friday at 3 p.m. in
First,.Presbyterian Church. Wo-
men of the community are in-
vited to join with others across
the world, who will worship
and pray for peace and under-
standing among all people. The
theme will be, "Let Us Pray,"
with the meditation being ,tak-
en by Miss Jennie Hogg.
-Strength of ySeaforth police
department will be uicreased
to four men, council decided
Monday night. The police com-
mittee wasinstruc e to adver-
tise for a fourth maxi.
Decision to enlarge the force
followed a .report by Councillor
John Flannery of the protection
to' persons committee. He said
police had pointed out they
were' working long hours - in
some ,cases up to 70 hours a
week. `In addition, there were
regular occasions when part-
time help was employed.
Councillor Flannery said the
recommendation of the com-
mittee was to introduce a
fourth . man, but later in the
discussion • he revealed that he
himself was not convinced of
the necessity. In other centres
smaller forceswere doing the_
job without difficulty, and he
was concerned at the increase
in cost.
Councillors suggested addi-
tional work was involved here
in parking meters and radar.
Both could not be operated by
one man at the sante time. -
Haire Six Moths:
For Sewer Tie -1n
• Property owners abutting a
sanitary sewer line. in Seaforth
will be required to make con-
nection to the line within ,six.
months. Council adopted a by-
law covering the matter -at its
meeting Monday night without
discussion. The bylaw provides
for ..a penalty of $200.00 upon
summary conviction for each
Decismn to ---insist on connec-
tions being 'Made was taken at
!the January meeting when
council learned that in certain
areas relatively few connections
had been completed.
Seaforth will •not agree to
assign its ,share of a centennial
grant to Huron County for ad
ditional facilities at Huronview,
council decided when.. Reeve N.
B. 0. Muir,
Past President
n - Was
Of Legion
of MM
An impressive military fun-
eral service for Burton Oliver
Muir was held from First Pres-
byterian Church Wednesday af-
^- Mr: Muir, a First War veter-
an and a past 'president of Sea -
forth... Branch 156 Royal Cana -1
dian Legion, died Sunday ,after �
a short illness. He was 66: He
Was awarded the Military Medal
for valor during -his war serv-
Active in the community and
in veterans' affairs, where he
served his Legion branch for
25 years as secretary, Mr. Muir
was also keenly interested in
athletics and was an enthusias-
tic follower of Seaforth teams.
For many years he' was on
the staff of the W. J. Duncan
factory. . During recent years
he has operated the 'Muir Nurs-
(Continued on Page 4)
Mayor Dinsmore
was suggested
be hired at $2;
:ixxg ..It' would avoid
Goderich with prim:MO.s, sake
a Man would be availabt
stay in #the Paige once; and :$
supervise the cells �,
The monthly police report re-
vealed 97 occurrences, 35,' HTA
offences, 4 disturbance" charges,
C. Cardno raised the matter.
Reeve Cardno said that at
the concluding session of the
retklit county council meeting
in Goderich, it had been sug-
gested, as a result of a com-
mittee recommendation, that
each municipality in the county
assign its portion of the cen-
tennial grant toxprovide a fund
with which the county could
create a centennial • memorial,
perhaps an addition to Huron -
view. The grant amounts to
$3.00 per capita, with, the cost
shared equally by the Federal
and Provincial Governments and
the municipality. In the case of
Seaforth, with -a population of
about 2400, the total amount
available would be $7,200.00. •
Mayor Dinsmore suggested
the money might more properly
be used for'aSeaforth project
and inquired if use could' ° not
be made of the fund in the new
hospital. Council named a
committee to include Reeve
Cardno, Deputy Reeve Dalton
and Councillor in-
vestigate the matter and make
a 'recommendation.
Audit To Cost More
Costs of the Seaforth audit
will be higher this year, it was
revealed when council consider-
ed a request from Clarkson,
Gordon. & Co. for an increase
of $450. Total cost of the audit
in the past has been $900, divid-
ed between the -town $520, PUC,
Electric $70, PUC waterworks
$70, SDHS $120, Public School
$70, Separate School $35 and
the Library $15. Under the re-
vised schedule the • dic'ision
would be: Town $550, PUC Elec-
trical -$15Q, PUC Waterworks
$150, SDHS "$225, Public School
$150, Separate School $75 and
Library $50.
The request -.was referred to
the Finance" and 'General Gov-
ernment Committee to discuss
with' the auditors.
Large•. Crowd
Has Frolic At
Gingham Dance
A large and--' enthusiastic
crowd attended the 10th annual
Hospital Auxiliary gingham
danceFriday evening in the
Legion Hall. Music was sup-
plied by the Clintones. under
the direction of Fred Wildish.
Prizesfor or novelty Ge dam s
were awarded to Mrs. Frank
Bryans for the limbo; Mrs. Joan
Stapleton, of Dublin, for the
twist, and to Mr. and Mrs. Dough
Whyte for spot dance. The ging-
ham girl of, the evening was
Mrs. Dave Hoover, and the ging-
ham man, K, Bruce MacMillan.
The dance was arranged by a
committee, including Mrs. A.
E. McConney, Mrs. M. W. Stap-
leton and Mrs. J. D. Harvey.
and 102 parking tickets.
Confirm-Trj+ilfil"c -frights- ,
Duct which was laid under,
pavement at'the Main Street
intersection last September to
serve a 'stoplight installation„
isn't large enough and must be '
torn _up_and replaged„ council -
learned, when Councillor Flan-
nery pressed for release' ofa
letter which, he' said, -had not
beenmade available to his cet1 %
Installation of the lights,° ap-
proved by council and order
in December, is. the responsi-
bility of the protection to per-
sons..committee, of which C
cilror Flannery is chairman.
While' it was indicated'
some -
councillors had had knowledge.
of the letter, no explanation.
was made as to why it had n
been referred to the prop
Councillor Flannery said
was concerned as to the addi-
tional cost of about $460, - a
because new members of coun-
cil on the committee had
knowledge of the background
discussions concerning lights.
(A move to install traffic
lights began two years ago
when council asked the. Depart-
ment of Transport to carry 0
a survey and make recommen-
dations. The D of T repo
which said lights were not,n •
essary,`was never considered
council. Last year council in-
structed the police committee
take necessary action. to pro-
vide lights, but it was not un
late November that. the Dep""
ment of Transport ,:reverse
previous decision and. approv
the installation. In thefe
time, in anticipation 'of appy
al, council had arranged w
the PUC to provide necessary
wiring prior to completion
paving. It -is -these underground
ducts. installed before any li
had been decided on and spe
-fications known, that are to
Councillor Flannery recall
a /discussion he had had w
the Mayor when he had be
ssured the duct was sufficient-
ly large:.
Mayor Dinsmore, in' turn, s
he had been 'assured by . t
PUC chairrtian and mans
that it was large enough..
S>,tegestinc further review
fore' the lights were proceed
with, Councillor Flannery s
he recommended another s
vey .; .•
Mavor Dinsmore queried o
er members of council, and
each agreed the project should
proceed, declared the mat
Provide . Hot Water
un -
art -
ci- -
Huron Hog Producers Project Imp ro ve s' Pro duct
Largest project of its kind in i hogs produced.
Canada 'and 'perhaps in North
America, the 4-H Hog Club,
sponsored by the Huron Coun-
ty Hog Producers' Association
last year, is a major factor in
the quality, 'irhprovement of
Huron hogs.
Lloyd Stewart, of RR 1, Clin-
ton, re-elected president of the
association at an annual meet-
ing in Clinton Tuesday, said the
association's 1963 project would
do much to increase the num-
ber Of ,grade A hogs within the
The association, assisted - by
the Ontario ,Department of Ag-
riculture, organized a 4=H.Swine
Club in an effort to improve
the quality of bacon hogs and
raise the'pereentage of grade A
He said the Clinton branch of
the Bank of Montreal holds a
$4,400 note, due May 3 -money
borrowed to purchase a pair. of
gilts for each of the 78,. club
Mr. Stewart said that, at the
association's 4-11 Swine Club
gilt sale, to be held April 4 in
Clinton, each of the 4=H' club
members will bring back one
bred gilt for sale.
Proceeds will pay for the
original pair of gilts and breed-
ing. The second Jgtlt and any
money left over from the sale
are given to the club member.
The club proved' to be. the
largest 4-H club in Canada.
Warren Zurbrigg, RR 2, Clif-
ford, recently -appointed secre-
tary of the Huron County or-
ganization of Farmers Allied
Meat Enterprises Ltd., said he
believed it to be the largest
4-11 Club on the North Ameri-
can continent. -
D. H. Miles, Huron County ag-
riculturaI' representative, won-
dered if the association wbuld
have enough money this year
to proceed further with its qual-
ity program.
He suggested having the; gilts
qualify under advanced registry.
He said that, with Duron Coun-
ty's production of hogs (Huron
is listed as fifth highest in On-
tario), there ,are only four or
flye producers who qualify sows
in advanced registry,,
Elected by the bard of di-
rectors as vice-president was
Hot water will be provided
Ai all washrooms, except men's;
in the' 'Fawn Hall, council
agreed. The suggestion came
from the PUC, who said it
would provide a tank and heat-
er if the town would pay for
installation.: An estimate from
0. A. Sills & Sons set the price
at about $120. -
Concern _,over condensation
j. and resulting 'damage to ma-
, chtnery at tire disposal'
wag expressed - after Deputy
Reeve Dalton described condi-
tions "he and Mayor Dinsmore
had found. The 'committee is
td take action to provide addi-
tional ventilation and • heat.
Councillor Corby asked' that
trucks• be prevented from park-
ing across road allowance's on
Market and John Streets. He
'referred to an offensive odor
(Continued on Page 6)
Robert McAllister, RR 2, Au- forth; James McGregor, RR, 2, Dickieson said, of a fee increase ' The meeting adopted resolu-
burn, and as secretary-treasur- Kippen; Carl Govier, RR 1, Au- to cover the cost of the , new tions expressing appreciation
er Alfred Warner, RR 1, Bay- burn; McAllister; Albert Bacon, fund.;for the support and coverage re
field. Mr. Warner is director- Belgrave; Harvey Mulvey, Wrox- "In fact, if shipments con- ceived by 'the • press. Another
at -large of the Ontario Hog Pro- eter, and Elmer Harding,- RR 1, tinue as they have, there is the resolution asked for more de-
ducers Marketing Board. Gerrie. possibility of a reduced fee," he tailed price quotations on hogs
Elected as directors -at -large Lance Dickieson, of Guelph, said. and sows by radio and TV. A
were John Semple, RR 2, Bay-; chairman of the Ontario Hog- . Hog producers pay a fee of third resolution recommended
field; George Campbell, RR 1, Producers Marketing Board, ex- 35 'cents for market hogs and that the name of signer be made
Seaforth; Elmer Ireland, RR 5, plain'ed the new compensation 70 cents for sows and boars. known at the time of sale at
Wingham; Warren Zurbrigg and' fund to cover losses in hogs dur- Mr.. Warner said that a num- a community sale,,.se-that the
Simon Hallahan, Blyth. ing shipment. ber of complaints about the buyer may'know•where his pigs
i County directors and dele- The fund, which came into' Clinton assembly yards have have come from, and the gull-
-gates are George Monerieff, RR effect Monday, is being •estab- been received by the marketing ity that may be expected. The
3, Goderich; John Kerningham, 'fished through present market- board. - *solution was prompted by
Goderich; Mr. Warner, Malcolm ing. fees. About .03 per cent 'of 1 "We will view the matter with dbmplaints- that on occasions
Davidson, Brucefield; Ross Love, hogs die during.. shipment, not ' the prospects of having Im- i pigs sold at- dbmi4 un ty Wet •
RR , Henan; Harvey Hodgins, a. particularly large number provements made or having a carried disease, as many _had
RR 2, ' Ailsa- Craig; Hugh Run- when considered in the light of yard of our own built onerbeen through --other sales Mein,--
where we could have facilities bars: of the resolution eollin'
to handle loads without delays" tee 'were'' Ross,%fife Wilful r'
he• said. •
Colehian and Gordon 1
El ,,•.
die, RR 1, Centralia; Martin
Bawl, RR 3, Walton; Mr. Stew-
art; Gordon Elliott, RR 2, Sea-
the millions shipped annually,
he said.
There . is. no likelihood, ,Mr.