The Huron Expositor, 1964-01-16, Page 8r,,,,„.„,,,,„.,,,,,,,.,„,,.,,,:•.,,,„ 1904 d'‘'.at , 0„,,, •., ..,,,,,,,,..,,,„.7,„,,,,,,„-- .,•••••7•-, • . • .. . . 3eort. h Aids -, .Crossw- ord ''• 4,,•44.,,44,;',^ „,„_-,•44,4,..;,;4:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:;,,,;-..,,,,,,,,,,w,,..-„,T,„,-.:•,4„,,,,,,,,,,,,..„..„,„.•,i,..4..,,,., 1 , • - • ‘i • 491, ,(411 lioala eau So. 30114Wor 8. KW 12. P•elad of tims lg. Stinging insect 11. Shoo string 1D. Cum% in • 17. Wenner doth stripe " Sever 19. Ice cream holder 20. Rattle 23. Giese containers 28. Puts tar on 27. Flutters 28. Behold 29. Inquire 80. Took a long walk 81. Steal 32. Prononn 33. Rescuer 34. Yawn 35: Snuggled 87. Not aa many 33. Felines 39. Heavenly body 40. Aromas 42, Manage 46. Extrema 47. Disfigure 48. Path 49. Act 60. Insect 51. Looked at DOWN 1. That girl 2. Negative prefix 3. Not in 4. Deatroya 6. Helps G. Married 7. French article 8. Slopes 9. Part of coat 10. High card 11. Affirmative word 16. Regret 17. Carried 19. Lid 20. Blemiah 21. Hurry flogi'a boat ss. Cooked In OVV4 24. RUn away to may 85. Serious rt. Spouses 0, 89. Stops 81 Uncooked 33. Looked fixed!) 84. Tender 38. Tang al, Gayety 39. Kind 40. Peculiar 41. Expire 42. Metal container 4s, shaft of light 44; Single 45. Guided a. Parent RIPMM UI [iWThJ@ EMNil MNL MHO 110011211:10] rir�i DIMW @MOW MEM NWPM EWA MUM MU MWEITIMMUM MWM OW MEMOV NMEIN WIDEAMOM glEIMMM INMEIM MEM! DEMME MOW EEO: MOM MUM MOM MUMW Solution CONTROLLER An expanding organization with head, office in Toronto has asked us to assist them in locating candidates for the new position of Controller. Repoi:ting to the General Manager, this man will be responsible' for the direction aner supervision of a small' office -gaff and all account- ing functions, office systems and procedures, Along with the preparation of financial state- ments, and reports. A recognized accounting degree plus some experi- ence in systems and data processing are necessary. Experience in newspaper or advertising agency would be an asset. Age 28 to 35. Stalling salary $7,500 - $8,500. Replies,which will be held in strictest confidence„ should state age, education,. detailed business experience and present salary and'should be addressed to: WOODS, GORDON 8, CO. 15 Wellington Street West Toronto 1, Ontario Management Consultants ELLINEL by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager "THE RESTLESS SEA" The FLIP (Floating Instrument Panel), a 355 -foot search vessel that literally flips on end to record ocean sounds, is featured in some of the .dramatic footage in "The Restless Sea", a new Science Series television program spon- sored by the Bell.' A Walt -Disney -produced probe into the waters that cover nearly three-quarters of the earth's sur- face, the hour-long program will be telecast over the CBC network on Thursday, January 23, at 9:00 p.m. After ifs television debut, "The Restless Sea" will be added (in colour) to the many other entertaining and educa- tional films provided without charge by the Bell to church, school, club, civic groups, or other organizations. Interested groups may obtain a catalogue of Bell films available for private showings by calling our Business Olfice. DO IT NOW! Why wait for a spring that's either too messy or too gorgeous to get any work done in? NOW is the time -.when men and materials are available -to go ahead and have that job done. Fel' a man for winter work, contact the National Employment Office or scan the Yellow Pages o'f your telephone book. ,s * BEST POTS IN THE WORLI) This is an era of ever -more -elaborate abbreviations, Where a simple "SWAK"- (Sealed With A Kiss) used to suffice on the back of an envelope, now they fell me it's "SWAGBK" (for "Great Big" citr "Grand British," depend- ing t:in your upper Hp). In the telephone business, we've learned to live with many abbreviations. Examples that are perhaps familiar to -Distance Dialing}, "PBX" (Private Branch, Exchan e). customers are "ANC" (All Number Calling), "DDD7i (Dict Recently, we heard a telephone engineer, say he was working on "WATS" and "POTS". "WATS" (Wide Area Telephone Service) is designed for companies doing a large volume of Long . Distance calling, and was familiar to us. "TOTS" we never heard of (at leasr riot in a telephone sense). !' We -questioned him about "Parr. - "That," he said, is "Plain Old Telephone Service." And that's still our ,most imPortant business as,,,we head Woe:19641 bringing you the best "POTS" in "the world. • yo,t4A1., Bible Society In Annual Canvass Contributions to the world wide work of the Uanadian Bible Society in 1963 in the Western Ontario district amounted to $86,729.58, accord- ing to figures released from the Society's office in London. Sea. forth' contribution was $111.25. J. W. Carson, president of the District Board of Directors, 'not- ed that this was an encouraging increase over the reurns of pre- vious years. "We are particu- larly happy about the contribu- tions from the towns and vil- lages of Western Ontario," Mr. Carson stated in making this announcement. ivioney raised is to provide the Christian Scriptures in more than 1200 languages fo,r tre peo- ple. of the world. A new pro- gram, entitled, "God's Word For a New Age", is calling the na- tional Bible Societies of the world, together with the church- es,..for a greatly increased cir- culation of the Scriptures thro circulation of t h e Scripures throughput the world. To match the population explosion and literacy explosion, this new pro- gram .proposes a Scripture ex- plosion of three times, the pres- ent world circulation figure of 50 million copies. Of the total received for the worIC,of the Society in Western Ontario, $70,732.90 came from, contributions and canvasses, and $15,06.66 from bequests. The Seaforth Branch of the Huron Junior ChorOs._.-----. Sitig-s•Way'to-Thii•d Place Huron Junior Farmer's choir came within three points of taking top honors when choirs from counties across. Ontario competed in Toronto Saturday. Featured in the program were public speaking competitions, as well os elopes for qaurtettes, trios, choirs and solo instrumen- tals. ' • The 25-rneenber Huron choir, under the direction of J. G. Bur- rows, Exeter, won third place. The Toronto Conference was centered around the 50th anni- versary of Junior Farmers' mot- to: "Pride in the Past, Progress in the Present, Forward in the Future." Over 40 Junior Farmers and friends are participating in a 10 -week electrical course given by Ontario Hydro. The course of instruction commenced on January 8th. A field trip' was given to the .Buchanan Station, hear London, on January 15th. ' 4-H Sheep Club Provided sufficient interest is indicated, a Huron County 4-H Sheep Club will be organized eanly in..February. Objets of the club will be to: Bible Society forwarded $111.25 for 1963, compared to $205.00 in 1962. The officers of the Sea4 forth -branch are; president, Rev. H. A. Donaldson"; secretary, Clare Reith; treasurer, E. C. Boswell. Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your pcblem. She anstWers letters of general interest in this column but can't undertake personal replies. DEAR DORIS-My sister-in- law, who is the mother of five children, would like to augment her income -ft home, if pos- sible. She can draw and paint, can take a candleor cake of soap and -carve things out .of it. I was wondering if there are any kinds of business that let out,,gis type of work/tpeople to do in their homes./ SISTER-IN-LA,W DEAR SISTER-IN-LAW - If she is really talented, I'd say it's worth exploring -even if only for a hobby. The Federal Department of Labor lists three correspondence courses which might intrigue her: Commercial Art, Dressmaking, and Home Furnishing. Write for details to the Director of Secondary School Correspondence Instruction, De- partment of Education, Victoria, B.C. About markets, make enquir- ies at your vocational school,: a commercial art studio, a cloth- ing or department store. DEAR DORIS-I am 16 and the girl 1 like is 14. She likes me quite a bit. My problems are: 1. Do you think 'she is too young for me? 2. Do yoili think she should be allowed to ride in a 'car, to go to shows-, $, parties, friends' houses, etc.? Her parents won't let her gb in the car now, but it really doesn't matter to me except that it is faster and easier trans- portation. • BOY FRIEND DEAR". BOY FRIEND -1. Four- teen is still too young for sin- gle couple dating. In general, two years' difference in age is the limit, during teen-age years. 2. If you can get there on foot, do so. A car ride for a group is something different again. Your yOuthful friend needs more maturity before be- ing subjected to the tests which are apt to go with lonely car rides. * * * Confidential to Speechless: You asked for this or some- thing Sim,llar when you married a man whose education was so inferior to yours. Somehow he knows you scorn his ideas; so hebecomes.a bully.. Try to ig- nore the bluff and encourage every constructive thought. And when you -have a. deal of your own to put over, show that you value his opinion. ' * * * DEAR- DORIS have ba breath. I am 14 and have ask- ed my mother to, take me to the doctor several times. She just says: "Oh, don't be silly," I .do not 'find it very amus- ing to listen to school friends talk about it. "I am net, shy to- ward boys, and have been asked to the show many times. don't go as I am too ashamed to even be close to a boy. Please give me some advice. NOT SHY, JUST SCARED DEAR NOT SHY -Bad breath could be a symptom of tooth decay, stomach tradile or other physical difficulty. The cure may be a simple change of diet. At least your rude friends have made. you aware of it. ,Try again for an appointment with the doctor. . Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified -Ad. Phone 141. 1. To create greater interest among young people in caring for, feeding, developing and marketing of sheep. 2.. To develop a better gener- al knowledge- of breed type and the judging and selection of sheep. 3. To encourage the adoption of better feeding and manage- ment methods in the club dis- trict. 4. To encourage the improve- ment of the type and quality of the sheep in the district. Suggested. projects will -tin - elude: Feed and care for a flock of not less than five ewea for the duration of the club year; and, study recommended practices of feeding and man - African Violets Need Extra Cate African Violets- (Saint 'Patina) are very popular house plants grown in a large number of Ontario homes. If given suitable light conditions, and not over - watered, they will continue to flower for a long period, say Horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. These plants do not thrive in strong sunlight,. and have to be shaded or placed, in a north or east window during spring and summer, but during winter they will do well in a south window. Watering is best done in the, morning with lukewarm water, care being taken not to splash the foliage. Yellow- or white spots, circles or , streaks on the leaves are caused by allowing cool ,ivater to come in contact with the leaves when watering, or by condensation .of moisture from the air due to a sudden drop in temperature, or by ,wa,- tering with cold water. It is not wise to immerse .the pots in' containers of water, as crystals of. soil nutrients tend to form on the surface of the soil, which may in time become toxic to the plant.. WIND • TORNADO • CYCLONE -Insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 -R Seafofth Representing the Western Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER ,PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM., A BADGER mum • SERVICE INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr BRUCEFIELD SALES - SERVICE Phone Collect., HU 2-9250, Clinton TENDERS WANTED FOR 21 -foot Tandem Axle Trailer WITH FLAT BED AND RAMP Bids invited on either custom built or company manu- factured. Specifications may be obtained from Secre- tary -Treasurer Maitland Valley Conservation, Authorit-y 139 Inkerman St. Box 760 Listowel, Qnt. Tenders to be in hands of Secretary -Treasurer up to 5 p.m., Tuesday, January 28, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. , NICE 1962 CHEV. SEDAN -Radio $ 2,225.00 1961 ,CORVAJR STATION WAGON 1,375.00 1959 CHEV. MPALA SEDAN-A.T. 1,475.00 1961 FALCON SEDAN 1,675.00 1960 VOLKS PICKUP TRUCK 895.00 " 875.00 1957 FORD COACH -8 Cylinder ''- 750.00 1956 CHEV. S N 1955 MONAR DAN 576.00. 375.00 O.K. RECONDITIONED "No Reasonable Offer itefused", 1957 OLDS SEDAN-A.T. Seaforth Phone54t -. - ar°1-th • ••••14. • • • • agement and keep records of the cost of production. - Boys -and , girls who have reached their 12th birthday by January 1, 1964, and have not reached their 21st birthday by December 31, 1964, are invited to join a club of their choice. Anyone interested is request- ed to contact the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture' Box 159, Clinton, not later than Jan- uary 22, 1964. The date and place of thg organizational meet- ing will be announced later. 1.,,,,,,,,,,,nr-N,,,,,,,,--e,,,•47070r-rwtTr,"Trvtr'rm".777:4.7rif:',Ir"''","'frl'''' . DID YOU K"0 tWat:SuP Life of CanadaIlliis one of the world's leading life insurance companies, with 150 branCh offices throughout North America? Ao the Sun I.ife repreent• (11''1.! 'hi your c.uannuaity, uiri:f) I/ ,,f s•er--!ce? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 - 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! • DOES111MGAIN TAKE -THE EXTRA TROUBLE TO MAKE SELECTED -GRANULATED FERTILIZER Because it's more effective. SHUR-GAIN- Fertilizer is granulated after the ingredients have been .mixed and isnot just a blend of granular"materials. As 'a result each granule contains all three plant food elements in .t4e right proportions. Ordinary gianular and blended fertilizers simply consist of a mixture of ingredients, either in powder form or granules. Although it's easier to make fertilizer that way it cannot be, as effective in use due to the separation of ingredients of different size and weight. • As every granule contains all the guaranteed plant food elements, SHUR-GAIN Selected-d'ranulated Fertilizer remains completely balanced throughout storing, shipping and spreading -tesulting in balanced feeding of plants from every granule; consiStent, more even application of the best possible fertilizer to give you maximum yields and top returns from your fertilizer dollar. As always it pays to get the finest fertilizer for your good earth-SHUR-GAIN Sleeted -Granulated. • A • ' II '414 AP4 Pitioi‘4.:. 4 4.114•.•••,. A 044.0.)4„. g,,,OVII aw• 1,0.....6,011 11; ti°8401-04;4414,2„„. va,.....,•.•0, 4 :1;'..,-01.4 11.1'...-j4.4 4.11Loiii.1.; 44 op -Ash:440i 4 •-• 0 - ,-(.• ih, .., • k.1..ka;.• 0, 44d4 k`'•• Okall '014.4010,:•,,N. P:. 4 0 A° 0"" ' a i• .. • •o1.01,' °' e a go 4 .4111,0 pfire- AI, Polk ••eithiciii001,/../"4.61 .•111 "..1.4.• ab,,,so. P4 -00 „.. • ot 0/. ri:•\ ea .7 ro . • 4i, , e ,t,"' la 01 git A ^ td • “" '4 4 I% A" d 4 ,:`, •'i ,6 ' '4 ` • r,- PIP . A ^-14 oll 04 ...z"..AP 0 .4 Ark.( 40 . r•ii A o ,a1.101"°00. -A•°7....4.114 rioe,t1A4 -, . r-........ A; mi.,...„.....4„‘..., IIA, ..f...,• I 4 4 Al. . e, oak 0110 .II • ' •,.....0 r'', .0,4 .,04-...• •.$411• . .••• 4 1:"!.ii .0. •r844:p..0",,A /1,104' 0 40;0 '#.•‘.4.4er?, f' f"' .P. 4.08 e.t.a.. • ertilizer • Call your local SHU1?-GAIN Fertilizer dealer or SH UR -GAIN Fertilizerservice T C H Li -348-9Q"; -„.. ... ..„ 11 • • • • • • 11 9 MN ft) a, lt.;i. . 20 2/ 11111iiii: .. ii 13 1111 •, 114, a.5 ' i.11? ill 27 . • 2 $ 2 9 li , 0' ' : . .• .. II 11111 3* la 37 . mIIil ill I. fa dI'°I. tv 1 . *3 41.p 1.6 III ' ilI11 . • dill CONTROLLER An expanding organization with head, office in Toronto has asked us to assist them in locating candidates for the new position of Controller. Repoi:ting to the General Manager, this man will be responsible' for the direction aner supervision of a small' office -gaff and all account- ing functions, office systems and procedures, Along with the preparation of financial state- ments, and reports. A recognized accounting degree plus some experi- ence in systems and data processing are necessary. Experience in newspaper or advertising agency would be an asset. Age 28 to 35. Stalling salary $7,500 - $8,500. Replies,which will be held in strictest confidence„ should state age, education,. detailed business experience and present salary and'should be addressed to: WOODS, GORDON 8, CO. 15 Wellington Street West Toronto 1, Ontario Management Consultants ELLINEL by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager "THE RESTLESS SEA" The FLIP (Floating Instrument Panel), a 355 -foot search vessel that literally flips on end to record ocean sounds, is featured in some of the .dramatic footage in "The Restless Sea", a new Science Series television program spon- sored by the Bell.' A Walt -Disney -produced probe into the waters that cover nearly three-quarters of the earth's sur- face, the hour-long program will be telecast over the CBC network on Thursday, January 23, at 9:00 p.m. After ifs television debut, "The Restless Sea" will be added (in colour) to the many other entertaining and educa- tional films provided without charge by the Bell to church, school, club, civic groups, or other organizations. Interested groups may obtain a catalogue of Bell films available for private showings by calling our Business Olfice. DO IT NOW! Why wait for a spring that's either too messy or too gorgeous to get any work done in? NOW is the time -.when men and materials are available -to go ahead and have that job done. Fel' a man for winter work, contact the National Employment Office or scan the Yellow Pages o'f your telephone book. ,s * BEST POTS IN THE WORLI) This is an era of ever -more -elaborate abbreviations, Where a simple "SWAK"- (Sealed With A Kiss) used to suffice on the back of an envelope, now they fell me it's "SWAGBK" (for "Great Big" citr "Grand British," depend- ing t:in your upper Hp). In the telephone business, we've learned to live with many abbreviations. Examples that are perhaps familiar to -Distance Dialing}, "PBX" (Private Branch, Exchan e). customers are "ANC" (All Number Calling), "DDD7i (Dict Recently, we heard a telephone engineer, say he was working on "WATS" and "POTS". "WATS" (Wide Area Telephone Service) is designed for companies doing a large volume of Long . Distance calling, and was familiar to us. "TOTS" we never heard of (at leasr riot in a telephone sense). !' We -questioned him about "Parr. - "That," he said, is "Plain Old Telephone Service." And that's still our ,most imPortant business as,,,we head Woe:19641 bringing you the best "POTS" in "the world. • yo,t4A1., Bible Society In Annual Canvass Contributions to the world wide work of the Uanadian Bible Society in 1963 in the Western Ontario district amounted to $86,729.58, accord- ing to figures released from the Society's office in London. Sea. forth' contribution was $111.25. J. W. Carson, president of the District Board of Directors, 'not- ed that this was an encouraging increase over the reurns of pre- vious years. "We are particu- larly happy about the contribu- tions from the towns and vil- lages of Western Ontario," Mr. Carson stated in making this announcement. ivioney raised is to provide the Christian Scriptures in more than 1200 languages fo,r tre peo- ple. of the world. A new pro- gram, entitled, "God's Word For a New Age", is calling the na- tional Bible Societies of the world, together with the church- es,..for a greatly increased cir- culation of the Scriptures thro circulation of t h e Scripures throughput the world. To match the population explosion and literacy explosion, this new pro- gram .proposes a Scripture ex- plosion of three times, the pres- ent world circulation figure of 50 million copies. Of the total received for the worIC,of the Society in Western Ontario, $70,732.90 came from, contributions and canvasses, and $15,06.66 from bequests. The Seaforth Branch of the Huron Junior ChorOs._.-----. Sitig-s•Way'to-Thii•d Place Huron Junior Farmer's choir came within three points of taking top honors when choirs from counties across. Ontario competed in Toronto Saturday. Featured in the program were public speaking competitions, as well os elopes for qaurtettes, trios, choirs and solo instrumen- tals. ' • The 25-rneenber Huron choir, under the direction of J. G. Bur- rows, Exeter, won third place. The Toronto Conference was centered around the 50th anni- versary of Junior Farmers' mot- to: "Pride in the Past, Progress in the Present, Forward in the Future." Over 40 Junior Farmers and friends are participating in a 10 -week electrical course given by Ontario Hydro. The course of instruction commenced on January 8th. A field trip' was given to the .Buchanan Station, hear London, on January 15th. ' 4-H Sheep Club Provided sufficient interest is indicated, a Huron County 4-H Sheep Club will be organized eanly in..February. Objets of the club will be to: Bible Society forwarded $111.25 for 1963, compared to $205.00 in 1962. The officers of the Sea4 forth -branch are; president, Rev. H. A. Donaldson"; secretary, Clare Reith; treasurer, E. C. Boswell. Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your pcblem. She anstWers letters of general interest in this column but can't undertake personal replies. DEAR DORIS-My sister-in- law, who is the mother of five children, would like to augment her income -ft home, if pos- sible. She can draw and paint, can take a candleor cake of soap and -carve things out .of it. I was wondering if there are any kinds of business that let out,,gis type of work/tpeople to do in their homes./ SISTER-IN-LA,W DEAR SISTER-IN-LAW - If she is really talented, I'd say it's worth exploring -even if only for a hobby. The Federal Department of Labor lists three correspondence courses which might intrigue her: Commercial Art, Dressmaking, and Home Furnishing. Write for details to the Director of Secondary School Correspondence Instruction, De- partment of Education, Victoria, B.C. About markets, make enquir- ies at your vocational school,: a commercial art studio, a cloth- ing or department store. DEAR DORIS-I am 16 and the girl 1 like is 14. She likes me quite a bit. My problems are: 1. Do you think 'she is too young for me? 2. Do yoili think she should be allowed to ride in a 'car, to go to shows-, $, parties, friends' houses, etc.? Her parents won't let her gb in the car now, but it really doesn't matter to me except that it is faster and easier trans- portation. • BOY FRIEND DEAR". BOY FRIEND -1. Four- teen is still too young for sin- gle couple dating. In general, two years' difference in age is the limit, during teen-age years. 2. If you can get there on foot, do so. A car ride for a group is something different again. Your yOuthful friend needs more maturity before be- ing subjected to the tests which are apt to go with lonely car rides. * * * Confidential to Speechless: You asked for this or some- thing Sim,llar when you married a man whose education was so inferior to yours. Somehow he knows you scorn his ideas; so hebecomes.a bully.. Try to ig- nore the bluff and encourage every constructive thought. And when you -have a. deal of your own to put over, show that you value his opinion. ' * * * DEAR- DORIS have ba breath. I am 14 and have ask- ed my mother to, take me to the doctor several times. She just says: "Oh, don't be silly," I .do not 'find it very amus- ing to listen to school friends talk about it. "I am net, shy to- ward boys, and have been asked to the show many times. don't go as I am too ashamed to even be close to a boy. Please give me some advice. NOT SHY, JUST SCARED DEAR NOT SHY -Bad breath could be a symptom of tooth decay, stomach tradile or other physical difficulty. The cure may be a simple change of diet. At least your rude friends have made. you aware of it. ,Try again for an appointment with the doctor. . Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified -Ad. Phone 141. 1. To create greater interest among young people in caring for, feeding, developing and marketing of sheep. 2.. To develop a better gener- al knowledge- of breed type and the judging and selection of sheep. 3. To encourage the adoption of better feeding and manage- ment methods in the club dis- trict. 4. To encourage the improve- ment of the type and quality of the sheep in the district. Suggested. projects will -tin - elude: Feed and care for a flock of not less than five ewea for the duration of the club year; and, study recommended practices of feeding and man - African Violets Need Extra Cate African Violets- (Saint 'Patina) are very popular house plants grown in a large number of Ontario homes. If given suitable light conditions, and not over - watered, they will continue to flower for a long period, say Horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. These plants do not thrive in strong sunlight,. and have to be shaded or placed, in a north or east window during spring and summer, but during winter they will do well in a south window. Watering is best done in the, morning with lukewarm water, care being taken not to splash the foliage. Yellow- or white spots, circles or , streaks on the leaves are caused by allowing cool ,ivater to come in contact with the leaves when watering, or by condensation .of moisture from the air due to a sudden drop in temperature, or by ,wa,- tering with cold water. It is not wise to immerse .the pots in' containers of water, as crystals of. soil nutrients tend to form on the surface of the soil, which may in time become toxic to the plant.. WIND • TORNADO • CYCLONE -Insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 -R Seafofth Representing the Western Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER ,PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM., A BADGER mum • SERVICE INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr BRUCEFIELD SALES - SERVICE Phone Collect., HU 2-9250, Clinton TENDERS WANTED FOR 21 -foot Tandem Axle Trailer WITH FLAT BED AND RAMP Bids invited on either custom built or company manu- factured. Specifications may be obtained from Secre- tary -Treasurer Maitland Valley Conservation, Authorit-y 139 Inkerman St. Box 760 Listowel, Qnt. Tenders to be in hands of Secretary -Treasurer up to 5 p.m., Tuesday, January 28, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. , NICE 1962 CHEV. SEDAN -Radio $ 2,225.00 1961 ,CORVAJR STATION WAGON 1,375.00 1959 CHEV. MPALA SEDAN-A.T. 1,475.00 1961 FALCON SEDAN 1,675.00 1960 VOLKS PICKUP TRUCK 895.00 " 875.00 1957 FORD COACH -8 Cylinder ''- 750.00 1956 CHEV. S N 1955 MONAR DAN 576.00. 375.00 O.K. RECONDITIONED "No Reasonable Offer itefused", 1957 OLDS SEDAN-A.T. Seaforth Phone54t -. - ar°1-th • ••••14. • • • • agement and keep records of the cost of production. - Boys -and , girls who have reached their 12th birthday by January 1, 1964, and have not reached their 21st birthday by December 31, 1964, are invited to join a club of their choice. Anyone interested is request- ed to contact the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture' Box 159, Clinton, not later than Jan- uary 22, 1964. The date and place of thg organizational meet- ing will be announced later. 1.,,,,,,,,,,,nr-N,,,,,,,,--e,,,•47070r-rwtTr,"Trvtr'rm".777:4.7rif:',Ir"''","'frl'''' . DID YOU K"0 tWat:SuP Life of CanadaIlliis one of the world's leading life insurance companies, with 150 branCh offices throughout North America? Ao the Sun I.ife repreent• (11''1.! 'hi your c.uannuaity, uiri:f) I/ ,,f s•er--!ce? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 - 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! • DOES111MGAIN TAKE -THE EXTRA TROUBLE TO MAKE SELECTED -GRANULATED FERTILIZER Because it's more effective. SHUR-GAIN- Fertilizer is granulated after the ingredients have been .mixed and isnot just a blend of granular"materials. As 'a result each granule contains all three plant food elements in .t4e right proportions. Ordinary gianular and blended fertilizers simply consist of a mixture of ingredients, either in powder form or granules. Although it's easier to make fertilizer that way it cannot be, as effective in use due to the separation of ingredients of different size and weight. • As every granule contains all the guaranteed plant food elements, SHUR-GAIN Selected-d'ranulated Fertilizer remains completely balanced throughout storing, shipping and spreading -tesulting in balanced feeding of plants from every granule; consiStent, more even application of the best possible fertilizer to give you maximum yields and top returns from your fertilizer dollar. As always it pays to get the finest fertilizer for your good earth-SHUR-GAIN Sleeted -Granulated. • A • ' II '414 AP4 Pitioi‘4.:. 4 4.114•.•••,. A 044.0.)4„. g,,,OVII aw• 1,0.....6,011 11; ti°8401-04;4414,2„„. va,.....,•.•0, 4 :1;'..,-01.4 11.1'...-j4.4 4.11Loiii.1.; 44 op -Ash:440i 4 •-• 0 - ,-(.• ih, .., • k.1..ka;.• 0, 44d4 k`'•• Okall '014.4010,:•,,N. P:. 4 0 A° 0"" ' a i• .. • •o1.01,' °' e a go 4 .4111,0 pfire- AI, Polk ••eithiciii001,/../"4.61 .•111 "..1.4.• ab,,,so. P4 -00 „.. • ot 0/. ri:•\ ea .7 ro . • 4i, , e ,t,"' la 01 git A ^ td • “" '4 4 I% A" d 4 ,:`, •'i ,6 ' '4 ` • r,- PIP . A ^-14 oll 04 ...z"..AP 0 .4 Ark.( 40 . r•ii A o ,a1.101"°00. -A•°7....4.114 rioe,t1A4 -, . r-........ A; mi.,...„.....4„‘..., IIA, ..f...,• I 4 4 Al. . e, oak 0110 .II • ' •,.....0 r'', .0,4 .,04-...• •.$411• . .••• 4 1:"!.ii .0. •r844:p..0",,A /1,104' 0 40;0 '#.•‘.4.4er?, f' f"' .P. 4.08 e.t.a.. • ertilizer • Call your local SHU1?-GAIN Fertilizer dealer or SH UR -GAIN Fertilizerservice T C H Li -348-9Q"; -„.. ... ..„ 11 • • • • • •