The Huron Expositor, 1964-01-16, Page 4114$' oSiTOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN. 16., 1964
Mee. Ron Wareing, general; to call on ten of her neighbors
chain:tan of the 1964 March of between 7 and 8 p.m. Any lady
Dimes committee for Bgnsell, i willing tameive this hour to help
and other members of the cone , the disabled should call Mrs.
mittee have started work - on t Jim Hyde at Hensall, phone 310.
their campaign. Mrs. Lorne Hay Committees are: Chief March-
, well be Chief Marching Mother, ing Mother„ Mrs" Lorne• Hay;
'and haseepeet n. her organization general chairman, Mrs. Ron
of the . Mothers' ?March. This Wareing: recruiting. Mrs. ' Jim
year it will be held February 4, Hyde: supply, Mrs. Bob. Baker;
at 7. pen., in the Village of publicity, Mrs. William Fuss;
Hensall. finance, Mrs, Homer Campbell.
Mrs, klay hopes the ladies of The project is sponsored by
the .town will come forward and the Hensall Kinette Club.
volunteer to can% ass their block, Babysitters To Raise Rates
as they have m the past. A e At a meeting held by the
number of Marching Mothers Hensall Teenagers, attended by
are needed to properly cahvass twenty, who act as baby-sitters
the village and' • Iiot have any for the parents of the area, it
one mother with too many was decided that the present
homes to call on. rates are too low four tbe re -
This is a one-hour blitz and ` sponsibility expected of them.
no call-backs are required. Each In the vote that followed, the
Marching Mother is only asked , majerity of the babysitting girls
in Hensall agreed to change
their rates from twenty-five
BRUCEFIELD 'cents nts tq thirty-five cents per
The first meeting of Bruce -1
field CGIT in 1964 was held '
Thursday. Officers elected' are:
president, Barbara Swan.; secre-
tary, Gwenneth Hendrick; treas-
urer, .Jo -Ann Aldwinkle.
. Mrs. Plant began the 1964
mission study on Fast Asia. She
gave an interesting talk • and
conducted a game to determine
knowledge of India. Jo -Ann
Aldwinkle and Linda Straughn
conducted the worship, and the
meeting closed with "Taps."
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton ai•e
vacationing in Florida.
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. .Victor Hargreaves is a pa-
tient in Clinton HospitaL'
Baptismal service was held
w Brucefield United Church on
Sunday morning for Jacqueline
Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and
Ries. John Taylor.
The annual meeting of Bruce-
-field United Church ' will be
held on Jan. 2.2, 'with- a congre-
gational dinner' at 7 o'clock.
The IOOF held a progressive
etfehre party Friday night. ,Ow-
ing to elle stormy night the at-
tendance w as not as large . as
usual. The following Were win-
ners: ladies' high,, Mrs. John.
Broaclfoot; men's loin. Air:`"' r -
don .Richardson: winning the
, special prize, a' ham, Mrs, A.
like to inform the community
they have on .hand a walker,
crutches and •a• .wheel -chair,
which are available at any time
for those' in. need. . .
Miss Margaret McQueen is
home from Scott Memorial Hos-
. pital, Seafeekh, niece improved
in health...-.
The first meeting of Unit 3
-of the United- Church Women"
met at the` home of Mrs. Gordon
Elliott on Tuesday afternoon,
with Mrs. McEwen as leader in
Fourteen members answered
the roll call_ Mrs. William Clark
and Mics M. Swan conducted the'
devotional exercises. Mrs. Mc-
Ewen gave a reading entitled,
"The Dying , Church_" Miss
Swan gave. a poem "Jesus, I
My Cross Have Taken-" After
singing , Hymn x511, Mrs. Me -
Ewen had charge of the study
book on, India. Prayer was of-
fered, 'and the offering receiv-
ed and dedicated'i.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
William Clark and Miss AL
Swan and hos t ees Mrs. Elliott,
and 'a - vote, of thanks was ex-
- tended. -Mrs. Elliott for her hos-
The IOOF members would,
hour before midnight, and 50
cents per hour after midnight.
There will also be a set rate
of $5.00 New Year's Eve.
WMS Has Meeting
The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of Carmel Presbyterian
Church held their first meeting
of tee year Thursday afternoon,
President Mrs. Earl .Campbell
chaired the meeting: Alis. Mal-
colm Dougall conducted the de-
votiotia�}, using the theme, "Our
Guide, the Bible," and several
ladies also assisted Mrs. Dou-
gall. Several members attended
the annual meeting of Huron
Presbyterial at Clinton, Tues-
day, Jan. 14. The Ladies' Aid .
meeting followed: Several pro-
jects were discussed, including
the annual bazaar, but no date
was set. .
A central scheiol system in
• rural areas better prepares
pupils for grade nine, an edu-
cation panel agreed in Clinton.
The panel discussed a resolu-
tion passed this year by
Huron County Federation of
Agriculture calling for re-ertab;
lishmettt of departmental en-
tranee examination for pupils
entering high school.
The panel—J. T. Burrows, of
Exeter. inspector ` of public
schools in South Huron: J. A.
Gray, principal of Clinton ppb-
lic school. -and Williams, Nedi-
ger, head of the mathematics
department, Central 'Huron• Sec-
ondary School, Clinton—favored
the present system which does
' not require entrance examina-
tions. (Continued from Page 1) ber of Cpmmeree g y.
The discussion took place at,l the hall:' He , also expressed re- Conimunity Forum had their
Thomas McMillan, Bert Mc -
gret in missing the little house i first get-together of the season
a Huron Federation directors' ''Clure. on the hill, and extended best Monday evening, at which Mr.
meeting in Clinton
the value of judgment of
Mr. Gray said there are
`fewer failures since the depart-
mental entrance examinations
were eliminated in Ontario. in
The resolution 'was Submit-
ted to the group by a former
public school teacher and mem;
ber of the federation, Mrs. Mer -1
vyn Lobb. RR 2, Clinton. She
claimed that an entrance exam-
ination would prod students ,to
greeter efforts in public scheel
and would provide them with a
worthwhile challenge.
McKiIlop Meets
toot•,. iva+I+Fn+>:u.wNu F*Av...**
Benefit. Dance Will Aid
irodhagen fire Vktir
A benefit dance was held Sat- the sponsors, along with the
urday night for the family of parents. •
Kenneth Elligsen, who lost their The sympathy of the com-
personal belongings in . their munity. is extended to the fain -
house fire recently. Through the ily of Philip Rock, whose- fun -
kindness of the. Stratford Musi- eral.'Was held Monday.
cians' ;Association, music for' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark, Mit-
eancing was donated by the chell, with . ber,' .and Mrs. fins-
-George Wolfe orchestra. sell Sholdiee on Sunday.
_Harold- Bauer was master of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wol'fg
ceremonies for making the pres- with Air, and Airs. Harry Tait,
entation of approximately . elevh •Mitchell, on Sunday.
en, hundred dollars, which had Mrs. Edward Bennewies has.
been collected. He thanked the returned home from Scott Mem-
large crowd present for .their fi- orial Hospital, Seaforth, after
nancial help, the helpers who the birth of twin sons, who had
canvassed, the .orchestra for to remain in hospital.
donating their time, and •then Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leon-
Brodhagen. and District Chain- harnt with Henry Hinz, Mitchell,
for donatin recentl
The Winchelsea Euchre Club
held their first party at the -
home df Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern
with four tables playing. prizes
going to: ladies' high, ?firs. Torn
Campbell; men's high, Bill Wal-
ters;, lone hands. Ivan Brock ;
consolation, John Coward.
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
joeed a skating party Saturday
afternoon at Exeter skating
Mr. Albert Dobbs. of Stratford
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Newton Clarke.
;Sirs. Colin Gilfillan, Mrs. John
Coward and Mrs. Tom Campbell
attended a quilting on Thursday
at the home of. Miss Verdi Kel-
lett.- at-Elimeille.
Mr. and Mrs: Phil Hern and
family visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bern
and fainily of Exeter.
Mr.'and Airs. • Colin Gilflllan
and family visited ,Sunday with
• Mr. and Sirs. Harvey Smith and
Penny of Crediton_ •
Mr. and :;Sirs. Wib Coward of
London visited Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs_ John Coward.
Mrs. 'Garner" ' !finers visited
Sunday with Mr. an Dies. How-
ard eohn5" and family of Elim-
vine North. •
.The Elimville Young' People
held their ,meeting Sunday eve-
ningin, El.iicivill.e -Church. Mar
garet John was in char
Miss Kay Horne of London
spent the weekend at the home
Freeman Horne and Raymond.
The Elimville Messengers en -
Mr. Burrows said that en- _As sheep valuators: Alex
trance examinations eliminate Smith, Clem Krauskopf, Antone
—As building inspectors: lit;:
'M. Scott, Archie Somerville.
—Approved borrowinrup to
$80.000.00 as required from To-
ronto -Dominion Bank at 541x%,
and named the Bank receiver of
recently: ' ; —Petitioned the Minister of
'Highways for balance of state -
Property Changes
Joseph McConnell, realtor, re-
ports the following real estate
changes made through his office
The former Elgie residence, }tory grant; estimated at $9,.
corner of Market and Jarvis { 707,06, based on road expendi-
Streets, Seaforth, to William tures of 578,125.10, , less re -
Brown, Seafoith; the residence ceipts of $4,243.98. plus drain
of Cecil Lemon. corner of Main costs of $681:00.
and Franklin. Streets, Seaferth, —Set rate of pay for road
work at $1- �er hour for man,
and $3.00 Der hour for man and
tractor; $ :r35 • ,pier hour for' Mr, and Mrs. Horace Rutledge,
to Lorne' MacDonald; Se,aforth,
possession March '1; the _two-
family residence on Goderich
Street West, Seaforth, owned
wishes for the future.
Mr. and Airs. Elligsen and
sons, Terry and 'Warren, have
rented the William S. Riehl
apartment ,here.
Darlene, Pease, Henderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Henderson, was baptized during.
the. Sunday morning service at
St. 'Peter's Lutheran Church.
by Rev. Harold Brill. with Mice
Shirley Vock and Earl Rock,
Mrs; Margaret Humphries is
spending several weeks with
her daughter and son-in-law,
by Dr. E. A. Aicaiaster, Grand grader..operator: London. -
b ' to J. Robert Huard, Sea- —?,greed no compensation Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leeming,
BeBend, would be paid unless work auth- Linda. Randy and Jeffrey, of St,.,
orized by road superintendent. Marys. visited on Sunday, with
—Agreed to rent meeting ac- the former's parents, Mr. and
commodation In Masonic build- f Mrs. Leonard Leeming,
-- CAVAN UCW ,. ing at.-$22,50.per month. I Mr, and. ,Cors. William Simp-
The UCW of Cavan Church, ' —Set regular meetings for ; son: of Mitchell, spent a .day last
Winthrop, held their first meet- first Monday in 'each month, ex- , week with Mr. and Mrs_ Leon-
ing of th,e new year. on - Wed- rept when a holiday, in which . and Leeming. • .
nesday in the 'schoolroom • of. rase meeting will, be op fohgy.•-1 .airs. Waiter Broadfoot is vis-
the church with Mr Gordon ing day, Ring in. Seaforth• with her sic- b All This Week
and Mrs. Dalton Hine were pre-
sented with a blanket on the
occasion of.their recent 40th
wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Elizabeth Querengesser
attended a dinner with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Ed. Kressler, and Mr.
Kreseler, and brothers, lt1r. and
Mrs. Harold Diegel' and Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Diegel, at the
Queen's Hotel, Stratford, Satur-
day, afternoon, and afterwards
had a social evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Diegel, . Stratford.
Miss Barbara Winter and Mr.
Wayne Jarmuth of Oshawa with
Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmuth.
Mrs. Fred A. Kistner return-
ed home from Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth.
Hr. Herman- Leonhardt has
been confined to Scott Memor.
ial Hospital. Seaforth.
Plan For Day of Prayer
Plans are being made for the
World Day of Prayer' in Febru-
ary, with neighboring churches.
taking part. A gift of. $20.00 is
to be purchased 'for each-=-fam-
ity,. the Ken Elligsen and the
Harold Elligsen. A touch' -and -
President George Rock called
on the various committees for
The election of officers was
conducted by past president
William Se Riehl and resulted
as follows: • past president, Geo.
Rock; president, Edgar Ellig-
sen; first vice-president, Leon-
ard Rose; second vice-president,
Wilbur Hoegy; • secretary -treas-
urer, Russell Sholdice; assistant
sec.-treas., Harold Mogh; direr
tors, Lloyd Prueter, Wm. Hill,
Frank FMurray,LHenry C. Diegel,
Norman Kistner, Fred Herbert,
Ronald Hinz
The presidents were sworn -
into office by Reeve Rudolph
Bauer, • .and past president Mer-
vin Dietz instructed the execu-
tive as ;to' their various duties.
George Rock thanked the
members for the privilege of
being their president and hand-
ed the gavel over to the new
president, Edgar Elligsen. Ed-
gar asked for, the continued co-
operation sof..^.the members so
he could uphold the high stan-
dard that had been set by the
former presidents.
• - Minister
Sunday, Jan. 19th
WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M.
9:45 a-m,-1ttinister's Class
10:00 a.m.—The Senior Sunday
11:00 a.m,—The Junior Sunday
11:00 a.m.—The . Nursery
Donald G. Eaton
Office in Masonic Store
Main Street. .
Phone 75 : Seaforth
St. James' School
Friday,Jan. 17th
8:30 p.m.
Sponsored- by St. James' - Parish
Orange Hall, Seaforth
Monday, . Jan. 20
Auspices- Orange Hall
Property Committee
Admission 50c
I.O.O.F. ' Hall, Seaforth
Thursday, Jan. 23
For Your Entertainment . .
take table will be at the next.
Blanchard presiding. The meet- =Named McConnell, & Stew- ters. Mrs. Wm. Leeming and g 1 ' a DYNAMICS OF LONDON
meeting with all the ladies of � -
Mg opened by singing Hymn art township solicitors. 'airs. Fern Patterson, and at -
326; meditation. The Armor of -Approved payment of 2% I tended the funeral of her bro- I the congregation welcome. f Rock and Roll and Blues
Birthday-- were reported by t
God for a fruitful year. Scrip- holiday pay to Les Damage, ther-in-Iaw. Mr. R m. Leeming. circ George. Rock, Mrs: Russell i
A birthday hymn vas sung in t NEXT .WEEK- Keify Dawn and His Western Gentlemen
o e exe -• —Agreed G d R d, fined t ublic Hospital
ture. Ephesians 6. verses 13-18, Frank Hulley. Wilson:Little and i Mr. William Coutts .has re- In? the Huron' Room
was' given by Mrs. Blanchard. J. M. Eckert for -1068. turned home after being con.' Sholdic 'and Mrs. MinnieV k
A report. f th UCW cu to Tom o0 oa s ne o Clintonon P
their 'honor. The meeting clot -'
following d t
tine meeting. was given by Mr. and Association of Rural .Mun- o owing an appen ec omy.,, ed with the Common Doxology. t
Beattie and__acrepted by icipalities. Mr. Gerald"Dressel of Rex -
During the lunch hour sever
the ladies. Mrs. George Case —Approved expenses of $35 dale spent the weekehd at his 1 d ted b s.
gga a the report for the Presby- Airs Fred 1 with
fenaI. Mrs. Ernie Toll gave the
financial report fore the year.
Roll call being membership
fees was answered by- 23 mem
. a contests were conducted c•
each for one convention.' home. -
—Approved loan of up to air. and A4rs: Edward" Smith g , e ounce, w i prizes
S12.000.00 to McKillop Munici I and Sandra' "of London spent going to :airs. Lena Bennewies Free •Parking Behind Cities Service Station
pal Telephone System a't. 6%. I the weekend with Air. and Mrs. and Mrs, Reuben Buuck. Lunch
served b lits
Named Reeve Ken Stewart; W. C. Hackwell, Mrs. Smith and
was °erre ,v _ Martin Dietz.
bers. The ladies were remind1 Airs, Henry E. Diegel bars. Boyd
to the Maitland Conservation Sandra remained to visit with ;
ed that the roll call for the Authority. A her . parents. !Driscoll. Mrs. Jonas Dittmer
February meeting • is to be a :—Granted . $35.00 to the Sal- Mr -,Mand- --bars: Mac Sholdice I Robert Frenchold llie-crit and Mrs.
i _ %•ation Army ,and -$50.00- to Wal- spent- the weekend with. -the i
ton Community Hall. latter's brother. and sister -in -1 Luther. League Elects
law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keys. ; . The annual meeting of the
at Uxbridge. 1 Luther League was held with 13
Brian Neil, son of Mr. and I members present. Larry Kist -
Mrs. Neil McGavin, was baptiz- i ner. Linda Mogk and Elaine
eel Sunday morning in ' Duff's � Bennewies were in charge of de -
tea towel for the churee k t
;-chen . ---- ... .. .
A Christian Stewardship read-
ing, -!A Call To Advance," was
given by Mrs. Ernie Toll and
Hymn 571 was sung. Mrs. Stan-
l,ey Hillen gave. the mission
United Church with Rev, A, } votions.
dy on India and Mrs. Gilbert GrOv�r Wheat
Higginbotham officiating. air. The following officers were
Smith gave a chapter from "The an Mrs. Carl Johnston of Blue- •elected president, Phyllis Hinz;
Word and the Way," entitled, vale_' attended the service and I vice-president.,' Larry Kistner :
i "The Incarnate God." The meet 5 OOO Years Old visited with their ' daughter and , secretary. Elaine ' Bennewies; ;
ing dosed by' singing Hymn 256. 1 son-in-law. _Mr. and Mrs. N. Mc- treasurer: Barbara Hoegy; pro-
Refreshments were served by„ . Cavin, gram chairmen Linda M eh
Unit Two
Farm Forum
ge of; Discusses TV .
r the meeting. It was decided to
have a toboggan party on Sat-
urday night at St. Marys, with
ilunch thk church,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
TOILTISSUE 4 Roll Pkg. 37¢
White or Coloured"
Club House
SABLE SYRUP • • • • 16 -oz. Bottle 290
Bright's Fancy
TOMATO JUICE ' 4S -o Tin. 27¢
CCARNATION' MILK • • 2 Large Tins 29¢
White, Chocolate Fudge, Swiss
Chocolate or Pineapple
Fortuna" Crushed • •
2 Pkgs. '720
2 20-'32- Tills 4550
New Cereal — Kellogg's
7 -oz. Pkg.. 350
6 f"„290
3 lbs, 290-
Open 'til 6 p.m. Saturday
A Canada Department of Ag-' SMr. and airs. W. Stutz of Wa-'i and Richard Leonhardt: worship
riculture scientist has succeed- terlao were weekend guests at chairman, Barbara Dietz: recre-
- ed in producing a wheat which the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tor- ; ation chairman, Cheryl Wurdell:
may have been .grown, 5.000 ranee Dundas. 1 publ#city chairman, Cheryl Ben -
years ago but which today is .Miss Betty Hoegy and girl newies: auditors, Shirley Voce ;
probably non-existent. ' j friend of ,Listowel spent • the ' and Dav fd Leonhardt.
This common brand wheat is weekend with the former's par- An executive meeting was
about 5.000 years old. It was . ents. Mr. - and Mrs. Clifford 'called to form committee groups
The Fireside Farm Forum met formed by the hybridization of Hoegy. 'and to make .plans for a Youth
Monday evening at the home of three different kinds of plants. CGIT Meets . Sunday. service to be hely, Feb.
' Air' and ' Mrs, • George Carter Eirskorn was the original wheat.
ed uith a. Brass. Th CGTr .meeting', held in 2nd. The meeting ci0Sed' with
with •an attendance of 13. In Einkorn cross g e
the discussion. Youth Talks Plant to form a durum -like the church 'basement. opened prayer.
Back."the forum thought the wheat. This durum fype then with a ting -sang. 'The business Hold Annual Meeting
best way to assist your children crossed with another grassy Periods :Was conducted. Linda The montht}'and annual meet
to get the training they need type to become common bread Johnston and Carol Wilbee are in; of the Lutheran 'Chyirch We -
for suitable careers was -to re- .wheat as we know it today. to have Charge of tbe worship men was held with .a good at-
,service on January 21. Plans tendanee. Pastor Brill was in
move the TV. In this way the Dr. E. R. Kerber. a cytologist
I children can get homework done - with the CDA's Winnipeg Re :were dis used. -for a askating charge of devotions. and a film
search Station, has removed the party... Niles Shirley Bolger read strip showing the Christian wit
and to bed early. An effort the second chapter of the mis-
should be made to keep the last grassy type front bread pHess to the people of India. It
children at school to get a bet- wheat and now has a wheat sionary study book. Games were showed the work . of Pastor
ter education so thew can make !that resembles durum but in played and the meetings closed .Paul N-aramaragar �f Hindu
a better decision as to what many u ay s is quite different. with cps 1 parentage, who •
career they would like to fol-' In other words, he has recov-' Institute To Meet ; the Andhra (India
astor in
ered the first two-thirds of The January meeting of the Lutheran 'C her
r -orkieg
As agriculture help is short wheat—the Einkorn plus first I Women's Institute Will be held I among lepers. TB pa "lents. law -
those that are brought up on .grass type combination. I, in the Walton Community elan 'breakers, Widows and orphans.
This is a "scientific feat of no . Wednesday evening, Jan. 22, ;He also works with the Semin-
little importance in its own when all the men are •invited I ary .and Bible students.
right but it also has immediate to come and hear Cyn(`"Bain- I Mrs. Dan Suennan was the
practical significance. ford, of Listowel. secretary of Pianist. Officers elected are:
Scientists will now be able to the Maitland Valley Conserve- president. Airs. Oscar Young:
gain a deeper and fuller un-
' tion Authority. Slides will also ! vice-president. Mrs, Geo. Mogh;
dgrstanding of the wheat plant be -shown. Mrs. Dnnald Buchan- secretary, Mrs, Edwin. Scher -
birth: treasurer. Mrs. Bussell
Sholdice; mission treasurer, Mrs.
Irvin Miller: standing commit-
tees: offering secretary. Airs.
Chris Leonhardt: membership,
Mrs. Dalton Hinz: education.
Mrs. Albert Bauer, Christian
farms might be helped and en-
couraged by parents to remain
there. The forum asked: If
when educated and all are wear-
ing white „collars. who is going
to do the work? •
The next meeting'wil be at
the home of Mr. and Mrs—Har-
vey Taylor. Winners in euchre
were:" games. high, Sirs. Don
Buchanan: lone hands, Paul
Buchanan; consolation, Mrs.
Gordon McGregor.
Holland is the most densely
populated country in the world.
With an area of over 12 thou-
sand square miles, the country ,�
has a population of more than make use of them. meeting with Hymn •57, Gentle Mrs. Reuben Rapien. Mrs, Rein
101/2 million. If the same pro- The possibilities are illustrat. I Mary Laid Her Child -Lovely in ben Buuck, Mrs: Dalton Hinz
portion existed in Canada, we ed by Dr. Kerber's recent dine a Manger-- with Mrs. Merton and Mrs. Harold Rock: buying
have a population of covery a one descendant of co>rimittee, Airs. Lloyd Pfeifer. j
itself byy being able to study the
extinct ancestor as a‘ living
thing. Possibly it could be com-
an and Mrs. Harvey Craig are
co -conveners for the meeting.
Hastesses will be Mrs. S. Hum -
pared with having a live dine- phries, Airs. E. Stevens, Mrs. J.
saute in one's backyard. • Marshall and Mrs. P. ScDonald-
In addition, ft will enable
plant breeders to use present- Plan Social Evening
day descendants of the ances- I The January meeting of the Service Airs Lew Flicks: parson -
tors of common wheal in pro- I McKillop Unit of the UCW was age committee, Mrs. ,Harold
Salting new varieties. While I held at the home of Misses ligsen. Mrs. Reuben Snuck. Mrs.
these descendan• s are certainly' Ethel and Tena Dennis, Wed- Irvin Miller, Mrs.. Lloyd Prue -
ter. Airs: Harold Rock and Mrs.
Manuel Buerman; stamping.
quilts. Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth,
not identical wit their ,ances•4 nesday afternoon. with twenty -
tors. their makeup is similar' one ladies present. Mrs. William
enough to enable scientists to Dennis presided, opening the
O.H.A., intermediate "B"
Tuesday, January 21st
a't ..
8:30 p.m.
ADMISSION .— ..50c and 25c
would 'that t d d Hacbwetl as accompanist
more than 322 , million. The, one of the ancestors of common I Airs. George Love read the .Mrs. Elizabeth Querengesser,
name Holland the American
' says, is probably derived from
holtiand, teeaning woodland. -
Canadian Order of Foresters
Friday, Jan. 17th
• 8:30 p.m.
Ladies Please Bring Lunch
Sli11 11LintutUllhflhiWlHftlUllll iviously Been astir .
Tuckersmith Federation of Agriculture
and . Banquet p�'
Thursday, January 23rd
at 7 o'clock
Guest Speaker— -
. President
The Week at .
Midget Hockey —Mitchell vs, Seaforth — 7:30
, — 25c
Intermediate, `D' ;Atwood vs. Winthrop -9 p'.m.
Admission — 25c and '50c
Skating — 8 to 10 pan.-
Admission — 25c and 35c
wheat is resistant to all races Scripture passage , from Dee- hirs. Fred Young, Mrs, Dalton SA'1 U RDA 1 ,
of stem rust now prevalent in I teronomy 11;1147, also the Med- Hinz; pianist. Mrs. Dan Beuer-
Western Canada. If this char- I nation and a prayer. Mrs. Day -'man; assistants. Mrs. Lloyd
.acteristic can be transferred to id Watson gave the topic on Prueter and Airs, Geo. Mogh;
common wheat, the results will :The Life of Paul_" Miss Mar- auditors. Airs. George Rock and
be of immense benefit to the garet Hillen sang "the Lord's ' Mrs. Harold' Mogh,
grain grower. + My Shepherd." Reports and A review n of the events of
Dr. Kerber's work should also 'business were cond'ulted. Alt- ,19$3 were written and read by
Tesult i 1 d i' l brought f theEd
Children's Aid Society. -
Plans were made tui hold a
social • evening in • No. 0.' 'Mc-
Killop School Fgiday, Jan. 24.
The hymn, "Once in Royal Day:.
id's City," 'vas followed with
prayer. A delicious lunch was
served by Mts. John Birch, Mrs.
Don'Deniis and Miss Ethel Den -
nil. Qtiiltiifg was enjoyed fol- 1
lowing the meeting the lady caters of the C of C,
n p an breeders being ac es were rovg in or Airs. win Scherbarth_ Airne
able to introduce enew blood"
into. wheat The standard tech-
nique in wheat breeding now is
to select experimental material
out of existing • types of com-
mon wheat. By 'using wild des-
cendants of• the ancestors,,,.,.of
wheat, scientists have, for ex-
ample,: a' new source of rust
rdsistae which has not pre-
'Geor'ge""Rock gave the auditors'
C of C. Holds Annual
The Brodhagen and -District
Chamber of 'Commerce held
their annual meeting on Thurs-
day evening with 42 members
After the dinner served by
Skating..=-- 2 to 3:30- pm. — 10c
Arenaopens at tt4'S p.m.
Admissioli 25c
Skating — 8 to 10
Admission — 25c and 35c
Teen -Town in Arena ---.9 - 11:45
Figure Skating = 4 p.m. -' '
Liican, Intermediates vs. eaforth — 5:30 p.m.
Admission 25c and 50e
AFTERNOON SKATING—Pre-School, Beginners and guardians
2 to 4 pi,m.
' M