The Huron Expositor, 1964-01-02, Page 2Yec. r -End Review (Continued from Page 1) ' engineering consultants, Mac- ° Laren & Associates, totake nec- Sznee , .,$,6O, Sea ' th .'CiAinunit y� Firs f !`1`NTARI,O, every Thursdays morning by *LEAN BROS., Publisher - ;hIDIMW Y. MCLEAN; Editor w embers ari$7dian'`NWeekly Newspapers Association n4,rOntario. Weer Newspapers Association ' -'Audit• Bureau of Circulation •Subscription Rates: C�u,Yi•'ria` din advance) $4.00 a Year Outside jpnetda (in advance) $5.50 a Year - ri: {!NGLE COPIES' — 10 CENTS EACH as Second Class Mail, Post- Office Department, Ottawa. February 14 , essary steps -.to. -obtain approval s Plans for rebuilding Goderich of the OWRC and 0M13. Street advanced a stage Mon- Miss Ruth Cluff was' honored day evening when council ap- Tuesday when she was present• proved construction of a 32 -foot ed with a 25 -year -pin with- -the pavement. Boulevards'' will par- compliments of the Deputy- allel the pavement, and -ney' Postmaster• general. sidewalks will be located be-. Stormy, weiather and treach- tween' existing trees and the erous driving resulted in a property lines. small attendance when t.,;share- Cost" of operating the • Sea- holders of the McKillop, Logan forth Lions Park and Pool to- & Hibbert Telephone Co, held. tailed $6,375.42 in 1962, it was their annual meeting in Dublin revealed Monday evening when Wednesday afternoon. the annual report was present- March 28 ed to the club. During the year A combination of winter the number of admissions to the snow, sudden warm weather pool increased to 25;541, from and sewerage excavations were 23,390 in 1961. blamed Monday evening when Seafortfive-year-old police 25 north -end homes found that cruiser will be retired. Council water and gas services had been Monday night accepted the ten- cut off. About half were with - der of n wcli ix Motors to pro out heat for varying periods. vide a new six -cylinder sedan Mr. and Mrs. William Drover for $3,017:85, • less trade-in of celebrated their 50th wedding $1,267.85 for a net of $1,750.00. anniversary at their home here February .21 on Saturday. They were -mar Huron Liberials, meeting ' in ried at the home of the bride Clinton -Wednesday afternoon, Hibbert on March 26, 191$, named Gordon McGavin;- Wal... by Rev. David Ritchie of Crom- ton farmer and implement deal- arty Presbyterian Church. er, to carry the Liberal banner A Seaforth man was' one of in the April 8th federal elec- the more than 350 Canadians to tion. draw a ticket in the Irish Hos- The -International Plowing pital Sweepstakes, based on this Match comes to Huron in 1966. Saturday's G r a n d 'National . The Huron choice was confirm- Steeplechase at Aintree, Ehgg ed at the annual meeting of the land. Ontario Plowmen's Association Among the hardest hit by in Toronto on Tuesday. flood waters is Scott Memorial From The Huron Expositor One of the most familiar , January 6, 1 businessmen on Seaforth's Main been battling water in the base=r Street, Malcolm McKellar, com- level ment since Sunday to keep the •A suggestion that the Provin pleted' 55 years of service with level down so that boilers can cial• Plowing Match be held in • the Canadian National Express continue operating. Hurorf' in 1940, which has been ft SEAFO1'ITHI, ONTARIO, JANUARY 2, 1964 Year of',Achievement ... o Tragedy The year ended has been one . of . the 'words used by the deputy of the achievement, despite the tragedies 'and Governor-General in prorogation cere- the trials which it provided. monies, "advance in many ways the well-being of Canada and Canadians." Tt' was a year of steady growth which Considered against the background of saw a significant increase in Canadian the Government's lack sof a majority, exports. It was the •year of . a record the legislation passed is doubly signfi- wheat crop, with sales to match_ cant. Much of it represents important There was tragedy. The assassina steps towards fulfilment of the Gov - tion of President Kennedy in Novem- ernment's "Programme for a Parlia- • ,ber"; the death of Pope John in June; ment—its long-range economic and so - the destruction of -a--TCA aircraft in cial objectives designed for implemen- November in which 118 people lost their tation over the, normal life of Parlia- lives; were among those that -resulted ment. in the greatest sense of loss to the Major steps to expand business, em - greatest number of people. ployrnent and the security of Canadians There were other tragedies;that did —both economic. and social—were writ - not make big headlines. 'Thousands of ten into law. people died, mourned only by families . Legislation ranged from measures to and friends. Others were involved in increase old age security to curbs on the continuing toll on the highways and `labor lawlessness on the ,Great Lakes; by fire which perhaps too many of us from. steps designed to reduce unern- have accepted as inevitable in our way ployment both immediately and in the of life to a point that we no longer -future, to the estalilishrheht of a,Royal care enough to do. anything to stop it. • Commission which will recommend erigthening the unity of French-speaking Cana- •' Canadians elected a new Parliament means of st —.the 26th—in 1963. ' While . no party '.English and has a clear majority, for' the first time dians. in some years a government was able Nearer home, too, there was accom- to complete the legislative program set plishment. Seaforth brought"into use out for a session. It was a parliament the ' first stage of a three -stage sewer which, in the words. of ' the Throne program. An extensive road improve - speech that closed, /the session, made ment program, in which three levels of « - services •in government — province, county and a WELL,- IT WAS BETTER THAN NO YEAR AT -ALL ' •interesting items gleaned from IN THE YEARS AOI�TE Thad Expositor5 year•sf ago. agent. Hospital where employees have 939 Mn and Mrs. Henry Hoffman, Friday. During'. the past 55 years April 4 advanced on several occasions, durin the past year, will be for many years highly respect- ed Seaforth residents, observed the 65th .anniversary of their marriage on Friday, Dec. 30th. The day was passed quietly at their home. withas h the been ex ent relytelegraphssiePrime Minister Diefenbaker definitely considered at a meet- Pwill make a last-minute visit to ing to be held in Clinton Satur- '� business. • Huron riding on Saturday, local Policyholders • of the McKil-- Conservative- Association officials day', afternoon. From The Hurori Expositor �F de this lop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. announced Wednesday. Mr. Dief- Announcement wasma January 2, 1914, From The Huron Expositor reviewed a successful year at enbaker will speak in Goderich eek ° that Fred Seaforth Juniors. " The late Mr. George McEwen was a large stockholder in The Bell Engine & Thresher Co. of Seaforth and a member of the board of directors since its in- ception, and as a markoftheir esteem' for their fellow director' the board added. a -handsome wreath to the (oral offerings. Forrester, for Messrs. George and William the annual meeting of the com- Collegiate • Saturday afternoon 25 years' -CNR agent at Dublin,- Bethune, who. are connected January 4, 1889 pany in the Town Hall here, Fri en route to Sarnia. has been appointed agent at with the CPR steamboat service Last week Mr. Gavin Jamie. day. Funeral services were held Seaftrth, succeeding W R. between Pprt McNichol and Fort"' son cut on the farm of Mr. John t the Box funeral Plant, Who has been promoted Will' are home for the win- B. Henderson, of the Huron February 28 .. f E H Close, to St. Marys. t Road, Tuckersmith, cords Saturday a e o i ram t 20 of Seaforth engineering consult- home here or (Al) o er. ants on the sewer program have for more than 50 years a.well- A. W Dick was elected chief' Mr. Alex Ross, of the 10th wood from one tree. This tree known Seaforth businessman, of the Seaforth Fire Brigade at concession of McKillop, has would remind one of those de - been asked to study provision and for 10 years a member of the annual meeting Tuesday ev completed a handsome new -scribed by Dr. Orinstron in his of - sewer service on Goderich Seaforth council. ening. He succeeds E. J. Box; driving • shed . and did'all.the lecture on California. - St., Mayor Earl "'Dinsmore told Members of McKillop council who has served . a number of. carpenter work himself. Sandy ' The brethren of " Britannia The Expositor. He disclosed that at a meeting Monday expressed year's, and who presided at the is a . hustler and with a ,coat Lodge, Seaforth, ,,celebrated St council, meeting last week as' concern at. the condition of meeting'., of • paint it will add much to John's Day on Thursday even - ,e for the public a committee of the whole, had township roads adjoining Sea- Holder of the'. lucky ticket. in the appearance of the build- ing last by an•oyster supper in the. Current fiscal year thus bringing town shared was advanced ready for discussed action that .could be forth which have been carrying the Seaforth Amateur Athletic' logs which he always likes to the dining room of their hall, to an end a period. pf 19 months rdur= for completion early next spring ing begins. construction in Seaforth. Mrs. H. Stewart, Seaforth; who The electors. of McKillop did rung. C d ' business was fi Ontario Plowmen's Association ---.chose_ Plans for the annual dinner Sales of $414,039.00 were re worn the two-piece chesterfield a 'wise act in • re-electing M. Mr. Thomas Brown, auction• - us — • . •The• taken before Goderich St. pay- through h traffic because of sewer Association's- prize drawing was look well. and' spent a 4very pleasant eve= ' g which overnor General's warrants Seaforth d McKillop as ""the site for meeting of the Chamber of Com- ported to the nnual" meeting suite ' The `ticket .was -drawn at 'John Govenlock reeve by ac- eer, intends establishing a • . nanced by G coerce were advanced at a re f Seaforth Farmers Co -opera- •the Seaforth Highlanders Frglrc damation Mr. Govenlock has and interim supply- , an ' the 1960 I•nternational... - o monthlyauction mart, for the h d ttl Th The- work accomplished by Members It was a busy year . – --- during- the -past.-.seven. months-wrill,".3n "-a11, a good year.,_ A MACDUFF OTTAWA REPORT cent gathering of the execu- five in Egmondville Chiirch and dance Monday evening.• served the people faithfully and sale of Discs an and all in tive. Several dates were discuss- hall, Thursday evening. Net say- A stamp club has been or- welly both in the county council first sale will be held about the ed .and details were left with a t t it d $8 980 00 reports d by group of young_and in .the township and ..it is 18th -lost` ------ - Ings o a e -0f-.Mr•--Jack o.es The boys -and year 1915. for committee, i' eluding LT -Fr -Ford revealed. , collectors under' the. direction his turn , to be warden for. the There was skating on Seaforth and J. A. to art. X Huron voters, like others .m. rink the first time this_ sea - The total of cash and pledges Western Ontario riding, resist- girls elected Neville 14IcM11an The first hockey match to be son on' New Year's Day, and received by the Seaforth Com ed the .national trend and : re- as president; James Southgate, played here ,this season will the crowd of young folks out , muni Hospital building , fund turned Elston Cardiff, Conserv- secretary; Frank Ryan, trees- take place Tuesday evening, shows that this healthful recrea- continues to climb; ---56.55%-._ . ative-candidate; -Co- his eighth urer� and Miles McMillan, press--Jan..--6,---between--;Goderich and tion is not going out of fashion. QUITE A YEAR. position Parties,compelled to .men' go the way of its prede- of the campaign total, or $110,- elpetioli victory • at the polls •- - •-••- - n raised. OTTAWA --Any way you care dissolve Parliament and take its cessor, but it was also getting 284.50, has now been here Monday. It was the fifth. �IIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImilinimN1111I11111�It.111mmum Vil�glpsmniti Miall ook atit, 1963 was• quite a h . le sick and tired of wrangling car- • The McKillop Municipal Tele- consecutive time since the new TO THE EDITOR' = on for the . sake -of achiev phone System will continue in- ridingof Huron -was -created in - ye . f • . to t case to the people. year m Ca And old advocate John Dief itch - t that *aging ing • narrow partisan advantage. allation of dial phone g 1952 that he had won fpr the Dec. 26, 1963. • Canada. g s durin The national political stage, enbaker did. jus a , Clinton, frequen y . a dreary scene; , was the greatest defence ,of,. a life- Then too .all parties required the present year to prepare for • Conservatives.. tri orous lace made time before a jury" of ills peers. time to "lick their political introduction of dial operation In- 1941, Seaforth Beavers In- The Huron Expositor: ed and won the OCh Inter hip. of the year I would like on be- In t an th t the wheels turned fanned the nuclear weep lost she Th C chased from the a lusty, g P hoped 1964 hockey teamreach - coming- wounds. The Liberals in termediate oc ey reac - more so by the -off-stage noises Fighting for his very political Dear Editor:, Now at the end coming• from Quebec... - life,. he .used every , ounce of the passing days .would provide Championship. Conservatives All but the most . determined Twenty-two years later -1963 R. — another Seaforth team, The onview to thank, through your " ' level of prosperity for Cana- usually phlegmatic nation o ole, with deep divisions Towners, have successfully paper, .all those people living in 1 B ear's end, -the econ-,passions of. which -it thought it- tinning over the leadership of Wednesday afternoon,'•as dniv- reached the All -Ontario- finals, your area.who helped in any diens, y y , in snow cut visibility to •near in intermediate `B', way to bring comfort and sun- omy was bent on one . of the 'self incapable. Mr. Diefenbaker and' the rift zero. Glistens ice, which cov- `"• shine into their lives during. the wUlllimlllllllllU t, longest upturns in the postwar He resorted to an old dodge, threatening to,widen as the par- , ng :Mrs. A. Y. McLean was elect - `ti: lied -its annual con ered most of the main 'roads, ed president a Seaforth Ladies' past year. rs. an I factories d farms across cunning at his command. He an opportunity to restore their March 7 .. ate B Ontario ampions ip. half of all ;the residents at HO - ever ' faster; producing a new sue to a white heat, inciting a continued to be in deep trou- motorists were t d' ' 'ons con- highways and roads -alike period,. in contrast to' the slow- seeking ' to arouse an Ameri ty appro ac Th k to11 th �ioups The year bas still very young of U.S. interference in Canadian The New Democratic PartY, ing facilitito es m Egmondville got club rooms, reports were pre- Christmas and during the year added to driving 'hazard s a ose • down some had expected. can sentiments through charges vention next- February. A move ri improve firelight- Curling Club at the annual who visited H i onview at meeting recently. Held in the when the minority Conservative affairs. As many of the major which failed to make any sig- underway Tuesday,- when' Sea•for the manyways they assisted Government, wracked by inter- newspapers turned against him • nificant gains despite its new forth Fire Thief JohnyScott and scotch,' showing a very success- in bringing the outside world nal dissension ler whether or at home, he -sought to link them alliance with • organized labor, Seaforth.„ hief for Neil Bell, ,fur ,year. into the Hqme: not to acquire nuclear warheads with the shadowy figure of. Big required time to take a new met Tuckers icillmith council. Asa Work ori Seaforth sewer pro- We are ve grateful to those fpr weapons already purchased Business; suggesting that the look at its position. Within its . •sect will be stopped if inspec i'�' result of discussions, the coU•n'=' problemsindividuals who sent cards and at a cost of some $700,000,000, vested interests wanted to cisco ranks, there were some who ev- cis is giving consideration to tion are not rectified„ Its that all mi ht,hey a Mer - began to come apart at the mate him because he was a en concluded that the position immediately, Seaforth. town g g seams.' First Defence Minister champion of the little man. was hopeless, the best alterna- Providing a concrete Ovate) sup- council decided. Monday ~right ry Christmas. Douglas Harkness resigned, fol- When the sound and fury died tive being to merge with the --1' tank with a capacity of up, at their April session. After a Many thanks for ' all the lowedby Trade Minister George away and the voters had heir Liberal Party. to 5,000 gallons. lengthy discussion on lack' of flowers sent to the Home dur- Hees `and Associate Defence t Nearly •three-quarters of the supervision at the project, coun- ing 1963.' These bring beauty say, Mr. Diefenbaker had• lost The Social Credit Party found 1963..passenger vehicle permits, cil instructed the sanitation`dheer to the residents. Minister Pierre Sevigny. Those his case and a minority Liberal itself rent assunder as a dissi- ordinarily issued through the tt to phone James F The wish of each and every who remained in the fold were Government was installed in his dent group of French Canadian Seaforth •office are awaitin pur Maclaren Ltd consulting en- one of Y bitterly dividedplace members b away chasers, according sneers and give them two days may committee over the lead -s is that the ear"1964 yoke from. the to F. CrC: J. be a happy and prosperous ership of Prime Minister John The end of the election cam- leadership of Robert Thompson gills, local license .issuer. The to. act +to enforce the specified- one, for each one of you. Diefenbaker. duced only x ilei lull to rally bLhind Real Caouette. deadline for new plates is' next tions of the contract or the It was not many• days later paign Pro that Canada witnessed the rare in the political fury. he Lib -Obviously for both groups time Wednesday, March 13. work would be "but down -un - sight of a Government defeated erals came to power full of to rebuild was of the essence. A family dinner and the visit til cleared~ up". in the House of Commons by bright promise, a glittering ar- • As the year came to an end, of many old friends marked the 'Continued on Page 3) the combined weight of the Op- ray of talent apparently avail- some of the issues which arous- 50th . wedding anniversary of able to fill the cabinet bench- ed.the greatest .passfsms were Mr: and Mrs. Percy 0._ Little, CANADIAN. SCENE es and art equally apparent de- beginning to go off t: a boil. John St., Seaforth, on Tuesday. A SMILE OR TWO siretoprovide more mature With a Government undertaking and decisive leadership. to accept atomic warheads and March 14 But great expectations were a report by a special Commons Cash and pledges totalling I never thrust my ,nese into followed by disappointment as Defence Committee expressing $115,599.50 have been received other men's .porridge. It is.no the Liberal Government strived qualified endorsement of ' this by„ the Seaforth` Community bread and butter of mine; ev- desperately to live up to its un- policy, the nuclear question was Hospital Building Fund. The cry man for himself, and God_. fortunate election promise - of fast fading into the background. campaign objective is $195,000, for us all. Cervantes. "sixty days of decision". Inev- The• most critical domestic and gifts to date represent 59.8 More men are killed by. over- blunderitably its began to stumble, one problem facing Canada was the per cent of the objective. work than the importance of b6ing added to anoth- growing nationalism of :French- Mr, and Mrs. Chris Dale quiet- The first and worst was the Cana a, w is y ' — budge d that John Streeton Tuesday"Mar. p>mg• r s against the flood tide reached its 11. A d which threatened to l - celebrated their 55th wed- . the world justifies Rudyard budget brought down by Fi- drive Quebec out of Confedera-ding anniversary at then home Minister Walter Gordon tion History may record on o n nanee peak number of their friends "Well, Sam, I'll tell you how to tape severe measures it is. You see, I married a wi- foreign-owned capital and slap in 1963 and'had already begun called to extend congratulations how, and this widow had a 'sales taxes on machinery and to subside. The notorious Front Cost of sidewalk replacement, daughter~ Then cosy, father, be - Government materials. Under --the Liberation Quebecois was .d m- necessary in the North Road re- •+••.. ,:,,• in a widower married our force of. public opinion, the ant, if not dead., More IMPor- building program, will be borne g Government was forced to make tant,. the voices of those of real 100 per cent by the Ontario ,,. daughter, so you see my father a sorry retreat. • power and influence' in Quebec Department of Highways, cotin- is my own son-in•1>liw. Health Minister Judy' La- .were beginning to have a more eil was informed Monday. eve• "Yes` I _see." °Marsh tarnished the once bright moderate tone, the result per- ning. Previous discussions had "Then again.any step-daugh- Liberal image when she jun'ip- haps of the reaction to their ,indicated Seaforth would be ter is• my Step mother, sin5t she? ed into the Ontario election strident.demands in other parts faced with a portion of the cost.. Well, , then, her mother is my over the to have result- mandmoto ain't 1? I am campaign tme ter"`Gen ralioA I- ofWh nd1963 began, the long ed ronnbaishoit circuit, destroy - married to her, aux t I? So that ius Denis added nothing with economic upturn that started ed a quantity of --stock and ma1'teks she my own grandfather, oean't it?" • the disclosures that indicatedheearly in 1961 showed signs of equipment at. the Neil Bell Shell was restoring free -wheeling pa- running out of steam. There Service Station. Yo truly c AR and. SPIcE •10111ll By' Bill Smileyll� Well, chaps, I hope you got ing Day-c,ont'aining a glitter of exactly what you wanted en sunlight, a bite in - the air, a Christmas - . Day. 0 -And, exactly lonely stream with the black water racing and the trout hit - what you. deserved on New.ting like tigers? Year's Day. Here • we are, with the whole - of another unpredictable year Wouldn't it" 'he thrilling, _ on . ah�Gad of us, and even ' an ex- some raw and roaring day in tra) day tossed in. All those March, when your rubbers were bright, shiny days, fresh from leaking, your nose running, the mint of time, not `a chip. or Your income tax was looming, crack .or a stain on a single one and your only rich uncle.had of them. just married a widow with eight children, to sort feveryshiy through the pile of unused days Wouldn't it be .woriderf,ul if and snatch to your breast the we could wrap them in cotton whole of a splendid Thanksgiv- ' wool put them away in a safe ing week end, complete with Yours very . 'place and bring them out, fresh blue skies, yellow sun, unbeliev- HARVEY C. JOHNSTON, Superintendent. wanted them?. ing m the oven at home, and by Mac Wouldn't it be• grand to un- the partridge walking the wood wrap 10 golden days without a road as thick as pedestrians, in • tarnish on them, and- spend Paris? . - them in one reckless sweep; or Wouldn't it be joyful to take just look at their perfection; the whole bag of days so care- ;' or give them to someone who fully saved, and place it in the needed them? hands of a dying child or a ' loved 'and aging parent, and say, * * * "Here, these are all for you. Wouldn't it be lovely, in some I don't need them?" gloomy week in some bleak No- vember, when the leavesld tit? and gleaming, to use when we able foliage, a big turkey- roast ' ^tronage practices in a •depart- were many who considered, on cyclical at- RKS blowoilrForbes t that never has been quite the basis of the y P • able t shake itself free of tern of the, postwar period that Se men a March 21 • a e ' o . , Seaforth taxes will be down • them: the economy was {heading pinto this year. Average reduction Nobody maws Storm after' . storm swept ;another mild recession -. such as_ Ow for -public school o'rr reiston•tin. though the House of Commons As it. turned otit, the economy residential, is five mills. Com--. Cul IA ar dm* qs the parties again took up was only pausing before begin• mercial public school is down ,, , . es their partisan battles. -13ut . as„ hin another long upward c1inyb, 3.3 mills,- ._.:.� (Assn, sty odes time worewon., the, fury began to in ,Ottawa, some of the 'experts Extension' of the present sew - r permit.' a line to .,,r--. -.a tb ra of er cant t rr' ii that the �' moderate a`bit, • � a;,changing are hopeful years, rielitic i' climate, it became ob•, sluggish growth are past and be laid on.Go erilt St. before ', ,.was the- that North, Arneriettt . is • poised the street is rebuilt, _ p „ iotisj , ixat slot only i 1 eet, a� , -�� .� , ,.,,, ., ` ,:.. , ,.. ,.; . by ty�, Council, at, a•spe a rirf fii is b�ie b ec nom g p� 4:Y eto site z�dt . to dee for .a sharp o ere it Prepared g, � dl ,, s da ,•ih e ,.�. 4 ,�. ire iri� ed :x }., �r�,:, �� �A GOY.4 ,Fhi% , ., �- .. Ea' P �htl '�triori� .�ilibaEa� � � �. .' • 4��Ari, � k,t� ��.��u�.�.t..�., ..;5 , ., nit ,-�,.i�.�a�, SPQIMe SALES IN MID *41 IN"TER ARE EXQUISITE FORMS OE TORTUOG. '�uitr.`. weren't raked 'and the taxes Yes, wouldn't It is ter- . ~sort' weren't' paid, and the flu was sad, but we 'cant save a making the bones,melt to reach single day of them. But per - making into that secret place and . pull haps it's just as well. Only mss era hoard. ; We can build out just one or, two of those up a sparkling days without a blem• treasure- of another kind, if' ish on , them!? , . We treat each of those untarn- ished days we are , given • as , Wouldn't it he fun to walk something precious, if we spend ' through a hospital or a mental it with joy On Something worth - home or'an old people's refuge, while. • 'w`ith a big bag of clean and Shall we? ` shining days, and scatter them ' among the inmates with a lav; • ish hand`;, • • * * .* ,:A SMILE OR' TWO Wouldn't. it be glorious, when. - the winds howl and the ,snow A confirmed bachelor and an , flies and the toes Snap off, un- elderly. spinster found them-- • derfdot, to ,reach into the hid-_ selves seated side by side at a ing place, feel •around carefully, koncert. The selections -,were ap- • pull .out•- a pristine, silver day parently unfamiliar to the roan. and exult, "Good•• old first of ,slut when Mendelssohn's "Wed July! Am 1 glad I haven't spent ding March" vitas -played he you"? "" ` • - pricked up his ears. Wouldn't it be . a treat, some "That sounds familiar ' he day when the old lady was nag- exclaimed. "I'm not very strong ging, the kids were bugging, on, classical pieces, but that is , the work was behind, the phone very good. -Whit is -it " was, ringing, and the spirit teas - The spinster• cast down her " . • flogging, in. t.., , e e led ale a o r ae7n casiiall '. into a .es, `That she r gg gs Y y h l the great pile„ of unspent days entirely, "ii %the ` taidQn's Prny4. fr , '' ' aisd C � e ti wfI> la: Sit .r' {a�µ� a Opeyyr� ,, {''++ t �`+'e? ^ ,, Y Oryn` Fx er r :`*';4 t�ItNAryFhRln.K ,., Yv l�:� r;5f� l:x f, Tf y't . �y.n M • 4,