The Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-03-23, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Wingham hospital gets $216,000 injection from volunteers, board members The campaign volun- teers and the members of the Wingham & District Hospital Foundation Board have collectively pledged $216,000 to the Our Hospital, Our Future campaign. These personal gifts have been essential to helping the campaign reach 42% of the fundrais- ing goal to date. The WDH Foundation Board was the first group of people to believe that it was possible for the com- munity to come together to raise $4 million to sup- port the major redevelop- ment of the Hospital. The campaign management team is the group of volunteers who has been working throughout our community to secure donations totaling $1.7 million so far. This group of volunteers has been generous with their time, which they have spent working to ensure the best healthcare is available to everyone in our commu- nities, that they have been equally generous with their personal donations to the campaign is gratifying. Any members of the community considering making their own dona- tion to the Our Hospital, Our Future campaign can rest assured that all the people leading this initia- tive are confident enough in the project to take action themselves. To fur- ther demonstrate how important the Wingham & District Hospital and the Our Hospital, Our Future project is these deter- mined volunteers have recorded short videos sharing what the Hospital means to them. Follow the Wingham District Hospi- tal Foundation on Face - book or visit www.wdh- foundation.ca to see the videos as they appear over the coming weeks. These volunteers will continue their work seek- ing donations in the community. All funds raised will support the expansion of six Hospital departments, replacement of digital imaging equip- ment and the creation of a primary care health cam- pus unique to rural healthcare. The entire community also has the opportunity to be part of the Our Hos- pital, Our Future cam- paign by pledging a dona- tion during the CKNX Healthcare Heroes Radio- thon on May 12th. All donations to the Wingham & District Hospital Foun- dation made that day will go towards the major redevelopment. Submitted Volunteers and board members have collectively donated $216,000 to Wingham's Our Hospital, Our Future Campaign. Back L -R: Scott Miller, Jenny Hogervorst, Bart Cameron, lan Montgomery, Debbie Gammie, Andy McBride, Steve Tiffin, Bernie Bailey Front: Campaign Chair Mark Foxton, Lisa Hearnden, foundation coordinator Nicole Jutzi, Janice Hallahan and foundation chair Russ Taylor. ACW Township to appeal OMB decision on St. Helen's accessory building Laura Broadley Goderich Signal Star Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh will appeal the Ontario Municipal Board's The Lucknow Sentinel Birthday Club Madison Ritchie March 23, 2005 11 years old Nelson Helm March 24, 2007 9 years old Taylor Dalton March 26, 2007 9 years old [I '1 Kale Courtney Liddle March 29, 2009 7 years old Your child can be a member of the Sentinel's birthday club call 519-528-2822 to register tlknnw Sentinel mil 619 Campbell Street 519-528-2822 1u«Pti' i i lilakiisiii decision that will allow a shed in St. Helens to remain standing. At the March 15 meeting council came back from a closed session to indicate that it had decided to file the appeal of the March 7 decision. In July 2015, Ronald Snowden appealedACW coun- cil's decision to deny his appli- cation to re -zone his land where Kinloss Kairsh The Kinloss Kairshea W.I. met at Mary's Restaurant on March 17 for a fabulous breakfast that was enjoyed by 13 members. After breakfast, we all went he had built an accessory build- ing. The shed was built without a building permit but the OMB made it clear in its report that it would not take this fact into consideration as it was a matter between ACW and Snowden. A crowd of about 60 people was at both days of the hearing, which took place in the middle of January. Witnesses in opposi- non to the building said it didn't ea Women's Ins to Roberta Whytock's home for our meeting. President Charlene McEwan opened with a reading followed by the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes Elmer Kuepfer BERVIE ALTERNATIVES 560 BERVIE SIDEROAD, RR#4, KINCARDINE, ON N2Z 2X5 10 km east of Kincardine; 250 metres north of Hwy 9 at Bervie • Pioneer Princess, Pioneer Maid and Bakers Choice wood burning kitchen ranges. Optional hot water coil available, set it up to by-pass your regular water heater when the stove is going and save big on water heating costs! Cunningham certified wood burning heaters with natural convection hot air circulating systems, more effective than fans. Stainless steel kettle stoves for commercial or home canning, wood fired or propane option. Also large stainless steel stove top canners. • Coleman and other camp cooking and grilling supplies including U.S. Made cast iron cookware. Coleman Parts and Service Centre. • See our very bright cordless DeWalt LED lights, compatible withl2 to 24 volt power tool systems. Great to have one in your tool box for maintenance and trouble shooting when in fields or shop in busy season when there are not enough daylight hours. • Can -Pro and other hand tools, including wood splitters, axes, handles, splitting wedges. Go green with our hand reel push mowers, also 3 to 5 section gang mowers and new this year is a 21" mower to pull with miniature horse or pony. fit in with the environment of St. Helens, while witnesses in sup- port of Snowden said it fit with the agricultural character of the community. The building is located on land that is designated for res- idential use only, which means it needs a zoning bylaw amendment to be in line with municipal and county policy. Policy also states that this type titute members were by Erlma Haldenby and Gladys Johnston gave the financial report. Eleanor Kraemar read the scripture. Charlene gave a report on the Lucknow Fall Fair and it was decided to donate $100. Birthday ladies - Marion McKinnon who will be 99 was delighted th have everyone singing "Happy Birthday." June Gilchrist also a birthday girl gave a hilarious reading. Andrea Feeley had two read- ings "Visitor" and 'Anagram." Roberta had a reading Teach- ers hear the funniest answers, of shed must be an accessory to a main residential building, which it does not have. In its conclusion the OMB said the accessory building fit with the agricultural character of the community and that placing a residen- tial restriction on Snowden's land would be contrary to the rural atmosphere of St. Helens. enjoy meeting and Eleanor had a St. Patrick's Day contest won by Charlene, Marg & Alice. Erlma gave a report on the District Direc- tors Meeting that she attended. Everyone donated some- thing to the "toonie table" and were able to spend a t000nie for a great prize. A motion was carried to donate to the Elevin Lee Home in memory of life member Mar- garet Mowbary. Marg Stanley gave the courtesies and another won- derful meeting closed. JOURNEY TO EASTER A Dramatic Presentation Featuring Kingsbridge Choir 1 Good Friday 4 March 25th 7:30p.m Kingsbridge Centre All are Welcome