The Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-06-15, Page 22 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Dungannon events deal with some rainy days Shag Campbell Ron Brindley had five of his beautiful Mack trucks on display for everyone to admire. There was 11 thirsty folks at coffee and four later for cards. John and Emma Miller had a large sale on a rainy day. Toby Shetler has a nice greenhouse. A large crowd attended the Mabon sale on the Dun- gannon Rd. There was a slo-pitch tour- nament at the ball park. Results not known by this reporter. Dungannon held a town wide garage sale on June 4. From what I hear there was not a lot of lookers or buyers. I spotted Atlee Miller bring- ing in his hay the old-fash- ioned way. There was a stag and doe for Brandi Gregory and Dale Wilson at the Ag. Hall on June 4. Got news? Call Shag at 519-529-7734 Couples share tips on years of marriage CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 Sitting around the Ricthies' coffee table, they offered advice on keeping a marriage successful when pressed on the matter. "Work together," said Elaine. "Volunteerism," said Marian. "Don't go to bed angry," added Ross. Elaine then said she met Ross in the spring of 1949. "He asked me home from a dance in Lucknow, and I did," she said. "That's when I had a model A Ford," said Ross. "What year?" asked Marian. "Well, that would be the spring of..." "I mean what year was your Ford," Marian said cut- ting Ross off. "About a '29 or '30." Was it a high school dance? "No just an ordinary dance," she replied. "She says it was at the town hall, I thought it was at the Legion," said Ross. Either way there was a good crowd that night, Elaine recalls. They will be celebrating their anniversary June 30th. Alice then asked Marian and Warren where they met. "We had our first date on August the 6th, 1945," she said. "That was the weekend the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan." She was 18, he was 20. "Where were you?" asked Alice. The Lucknow Sentinel Birthday Club Brecken Gillespie June 17, 2014 2 years old Dakota Donaldson June 19, 2006 10 years old Riley Ritchie June 19, 2006 10 years old Chase Bernard MacKey June 19, 2008 8 years old Your child can be a member of the Sentinel's birthday club call 519-528-2822 to register Ilitkomu Santinell 619 Campbell Street 519-528-2822 "Down at Port Albert. I have a picture of us on our first date in 1945. Some of our friends were all having a parry," she said, adding the party was on the beach. Their anniversary is on June 16. Then Alice, a self pro- fessed Wingham girl, said she met Warren on October 1, 1948. "We met at a dance in Whitechurch. I never knew him before and I went home with him and we've been going together ever since and dancing ever since," she said. For those interested, the Ritchies will be holding a public celebration on July 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Luc - know Community Centre while the Erringtons will be holding theirs from 2 to 4 p.m. on July 9 at the United Church. New lamp posts Submitted The Township of Huron - Kinloss recently replaced the lamp posts on Lucknow's Main Street with a more cost efficient style. These now also allow for hanging flower baskets to adorn the downtown core. These were jointly paid for by the Lucknow Horticultural Society and Chamber of Commerce as a community betterment project. Lucknow UCW assembles for a chilly June meeting Nancy Walden Lucknow UCW Nine members of Luc - know UCW Afternoon Group met at River Valley Apts on an unseasonably chilly June 7, 2016. We first warmed with a hot cup of tea and delicious banana or rhubarb desserts made by Shirley Bolt and Mary Boyle. Elaine Errington began the program on summer and vacations reading a brief his- tory of the first Father's Day originating on June 19, 1910 in Spokane WA. By 1924, President Calvin Coolidge officially designated the third Sunday in June as Father's Day and the rose it's flower. Karen Latour read about the privileges of grow- ing old. Elaine shared more 'smiles and chuckles'. Joyce Adamson read what can constitute 'A Lovely Day' and the Y.''i1.lS J�r�_ .OPENING SOON! Pick your own &Fresh picked AlURRISO� BERRIES + •r COUNTRY 7MACR S19— 28-2900. www.morrisonberries.cm PLEASE RECYCLE thoughtful 'Recipe for Life': From the book More Stories for the Heart, Deanna Reavie had us laughing with 'Life Begins at 80". 'Summer Sharing Times' about times at the cottage reminded us how Jesus always took time for peo- ple. More poems and read- ings followed. Roll Call asked things we miss doing in our lives; most were some everyday things we're not 'up to' anymore, did as kids, or with young family. Several July birthdays were acknowledged and Elaine and Ross Errington's FREE FILL! Top Soil & Clay Mix You pay for trucking only Call Wayne Bushell at Kinloss 519-395-3320 MAKE(ISH. Because some wishes can't wait for someday. ww 888-82 -9474cs 1888-822-9474 65th wedding anniversary July 7. Treasurer's report was given. Least Coin newsletter spoke that with the many roles women have, it's important to take time for self, devotion to spiritual and self-worth Exodus 34::21 invokes one to keep the sev- enth day for rest. "Refill your glass and enjoy your drink." From the June 'Observer; we learn that the United Church's Five Oaks Retreat at Paris ON since 1952 will close in November due to upkeep and restoration costs. We are reminded that dur- ing Strawberry Summerfest weekend later this month, our Church will be hosting delicious fresh strawberries and shortcake dessert for $5.00 a serving. Our meeting closed with our repeating the UCW Prayer. We wish everyone a happy and healthy summer till we meet next in September.