The Lucknow Sentinel, 2016-02-10, Page 710 17 18 19 20 21 :OOam - Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater :OOpm Initiation/Tyke/Novice Practice :OOpm Atom Girls Practice :OOpm PeeWee Rep Playoff Game vs Blyth/Brussels :30pm Midget LL Wednesday, February 10, 2016 • Lucknow Sentinel 7 Bruce County dairy farmers seek more processing options Rob Gowan and could use some more other products, but the Postmedia infrastructure," Bryson said capacity to process skim Tuesday. "That is one of my milk in Canada is limited. Bruce County dairy bigger concerns right now, "There is some money farmers have asked Bruce- personally." set aside there -- if the Grey -Owen Sound MP In October, 12 nations Liberals choose to do what Larry Miller to find out if agreed in principle to the the Conservatives set out funding can soon be made Trans -Pacific Partnership -- for new initiatives or available to add process- trade deal, which would upgrades," said Bryson. "If ing capacity for dairy create a trade zone cover- that money could become products in Canada. ing 40 per cent of the available to processors Miller and Huron -Bruce world's economy. sooner than later I think Conservative MP Ben As part of a compensation that would really help our Lobb both met with the package for the dairyindus- industry." Bruce County Milk Pro- try outlined by the former The TPP, which still has ducers in Burgoyne on Conservative government, to be ratified by the legis - Tuesday where they dis- $250 million was pledged to latures of the countries cussed various issues that increase production capac- involved, was seen as a are affecting the industry. ityin Canada. positive for many prod - Dave Bryson, chairman Currently there is an ucts outside supply man - of the Bruce County milk overcapacity of skim milk agement systems includ- board, said dairy farmers in Canada, partially due to ing pork, beef, grains and want to know if a $250 -mil- a high demand for butter oilseeds and maple syrup. lion pledge to increase and cream. Skim milk is Any agreement would processing capacity could what is left over after the boost access to markets be moved up to help pro- butterfat is removed for that have strict controls cessors alleviate a glut of the making of products such as Japan, Malaysia liquid skim milk. such as butter, cream or and Vietnam. "We are in a bit of a milk powder. The excess But the deal has been crunch for processing fluid milk can also be used less accepted by producers capacityhereinthecountry in cheese, yogurt and in supply management systems such as dairy. The deal will see 3.25 per cent of Canada's dairy market open to duty-free imports. Countries will also have increased access to Cana- da's egg, chicken and tur- key markets. Former prime minister Stephen Harper had pledged $4.3 billion over the next 15 years to help compensate dairy farmers for any losses they experi- ence from the TPP and the earlier Canada -European Union trade agreement, but it is unclear if that pledge will be honoured after the Liberals were elected. Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland said in November that the gov- ernment was reviewing the entirety of the agree- ment, including the com- pensation package. Miller, who said he attempts to meet with the producers at least once a year, said he expects the Kincardine, Huron -Kinloss urge gov't to approve OPG's proposed DGR Darryl Coote During Huron -Kinloss' Reporter Feb. 1 council meeting Scott Berry and Allan Webster of Once again -- and possi- OPG gave a presentation on bly for the last time -- both their company's yearly per - the Township of Huron -Kin- formance evaluation, refur- loss and the Municipality of bishment plans for both the Kincardine affirmed their Darlington and Pickering support for Ontario Power nuclear stations and the cur - Generation (OPG)'s Deep rent state of the proposed Geologic Repository (DGR) DGR plan. for low and intermediate Following the presenta- nuclear waste. tion, council offered to send The controversial plan to the federal government its create containment vaults letter of support. 680 meters below ground "They didn't ask us," near the Bruce nuclear site Huron -Kinloss Mayor Mitch in Tiverton has long been Twolan said in a telephone debated at both the provin- interview. "We actually at cial and federal govern- the meeting, we brought it ments. However, the federal up that we should be doing Minister of Environment that." and Climate Change Cathe- Mayor Twolan said he has rine McKenna is expect to no idea which way the fed - rule on the project once and eral government is leaning for all March 1. on the project, "and I asked Ina last push of support OPG that, too, and they both Huron -Kinloss and don't know either." Kincardine councils decided The decision to send the to send letters to the federal letter was passed unani- government showing their mously by Huron -Kinloss commitment for the project council. that will represent millions Later that afternoon, of dollars of investment in Berry, with Webster, gave the the area plus around 1,200 same presentation to Kincar- jobs. dine council stressing that a PARK THEATRE Tit Sloft 2. FOR MOVIE INFORMATION... ' ,, 4VV W rrIO1 1eELr] 5r, C� .-N deo., 6,11.8OO.2 5-343.B joint review panel con- usually do it once a year and ducted in May of last year with the decision coming up gave a "very strong endorse- March 1, I think it would be ment" of the project "and good to do it again." supportedtherecommenda- "This will be maybe our tion to proceed with the last chance to put forward development of the DGR" our support, which council "It was a strong endorse- has done pretty well every ment of the safety case and year since 2003:' encouraged the minister to Municipal Clerk Donna move forward with the deci- MacDougall then read out sion," Berry said, adding that the motion that states coun- this federal review has been cil and the Municipality of "one of the most exhaustive, Kincardine "once again reaf- if not the most exhaustive firm its unequivocal support federal review undertaken for the proposed DGR ... for nuclear waste." and encourages the federal Mayor Anne Eadie then Minister of Environment said she had staff write up a and Climate Change to letter of support earlier that approve the project to day in advance of the coun- advance to the next stages of cil meeting. development" "In light of the upcoming The motion was then decision on the DGR by the called to recorded vote with federal government, I think eight in favour and one it would be good for us to against. Councilor Mike reaffirm our support for the Legget was the sole vote DGR project," she said. "We against. SA EN MOM= p4 REGIONAL TRANSTC SPECIALIZED PUBLIC TRANSIT MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED RESIDENTS NON -EMERGENCY MEDICAL, SOCIAL & EMPLOYMENT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE 519-881-2504 1-866-981-2504 Please visit us at saugeenmobility.ca compensation package will be honoured and says rumblings in Ottawa point to the deal eventually being ratified by Canada. When that ratification will happen is unknown, as the government is undertaking widespread consultation on the deal, something the Liberals have said will take time. There is no timeline for when the deal could be ratified with speculation it could take a couple of years for all the involved countries to go through the process. There have been rumblings about concerns about the deal in the U.S. Congress, where there have been calls that the deal not go to Con- gress until after the U.S. elections in November. Miller said he will take the local producers' con- cerns about processing capacity back to Liberal agriculture minister Law- rence MacAulay. "One of their questions was if that money was still going to be available under the new govern- ment and when would it be available, but of course we don't know the answer to that," said Miller. "I am going to find out, and I am sure Ben (Lobb) will be inquiring as well." Miller said while the Liberals aren't bound to honour the package put forth by his party, he is hopeful they will. "I suspect they will (honour the package), but we just have to confirm that," Miller said. 1 10 17 18 19 20 LUCKNOW ARENA SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 10" - FEBRUARY 16" Wed Feb 10, 2016 OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater :OOpm Jr. & Sr. Initiation Practice :OOpm PeeWee Rep Practice :OOpm Bantam LL :30pm Legends Practice :30pm OPEN ICE Fri Feb 12, 2016 Sun Feb 14, 2015 1 Mon Feb 15, 2016 Thu Feb 11 2016 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 17:OOpm Tyke Practice 18:OOpm Bantam Rep Practice 19:OOpm Midget Girls Practice 20:OOpm Rec League Kintail vs Lagers 21:30pm Rec League Amberley vs Lanes Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:OOam 1 0:OOam 11:OOam 1 2:OOpm 13:15pm 1 4:30pm 1 6:OOpm 1 7:30pm 1 9:OOpm OPEN ICE OPEN ICE Tyke Novice LL Atom LL PeeWee LL OPEN ICE Legends OPEN ICE 10:OOam 11:30am 13:00pm 14:30pm 16:OOpm 17:30pm 18:30pm 19:30pm OPEN ICE PeeWee LL Public Skating - Sponsored by Lucknow Kinettes PeeWee Girls Game vs Saugeen Shores PeeWee Rep Playoff Game vs Drayton Midget LL Practice Midget Rep Practice OPEN ICE Tue Feb 16, 20116 10:OOam Adults & Tots Skating - $2/Skater 17:OOpm Atom LL Practice 18:OOpm Bantam LL Practice 19:OOpm Midget Girls 20:30pm Lancers Practice Family Day 10:OOam Adults &Tots Skating - $2/Skater 13:OOpm Public Skating - Sponsored by Lucknow Travel 17:OOpm Novice LL Practice 18:OOpm PeeWee LL Practice 19:OOpm Bantam Rep 20:30pm Midget Rep HURON TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD 519-395-3800 www.hurontel.on.ca