The Huron Expositor, 1967-11-16, Page 8Air AW
� AREAWROVING,o Friends Honor
with daisies of the most Walk Beside you.,,
lililwisThe we dinner was sere- Bride -m Elect
delicate " GWpuZp lace, The
main centre of attraction
was a, ed in the church Parlours and A miscellaneous shower hon -
detachable chapel train cascade later the reception Was -held at Gring Miss Joyce Lane, Novem-
ing from the back, To qoMplete Staffa Hall.. The guests were ber bride -elect, was held at St,
'herbridal'outfit, the bride wore received by the bride's mother, James School recently.
-:.X r a French pure silk WIW04 vfin-, weafing. �,,dqep
br.PNPQjP4 -rgkQA During the evening a program
gerflp veil caught up by" a fjor- bjrocad6, With accessories ith a sing sqng conducted 0
al headpiece. She darried a cas- 460. a corsage of Pink and white w
cade bo�quet of .01itterflY Or- carnaplonS., Assistin I g was jho Mrs. Tom Govenlock, with tri.
chide, pink carnations, steph- Jose VA'Mo;
o�,he)r, whb, wore' ,Ph 44�Qlft 6
a 'a reading 116- by
?a Otis wi trai ing . ivy. 0
tWo-W mota y
i—R&I . Art Pe erelaux;
-i fee nOy blue metallic.
Mrs. Adeline Melhally was dT ss With turqaoise Fdjan
app 194t,
�lsitroil of hon r. SAT are, a with a . corsage of M$0!�1 (0. 0*043 'HeI107",
ay M
UkWftkAtd*1k VW,4 111, blue chiffon over taffeta white car do s. ,n
in 'Waltz Eby (l�ar-
By Margie W4yto and Carol Sh9 IU,, fur qjAn. phe carp9d I?or loneymoon to wesf�'- to ash -To mile
and red car. los e Sound of M sic"' d
ga. 'th A e Cana(la, the brid6
as. - F chase an e eise' by Mrs
Drama Club: best for their school! Mps W1 I vX. or nge and w4it(
The Drama CIO was •organ- Previous to flie tournament, hounds 19.o$ 'ed
NvQ tbe. su t with (brown I and a maga.
w4ally was r,
M, , �x her ;qqtbe
ized last week, under the,, sup- The te* plqyed, exhibition co nt Lane,
grfpm'q4)"l; mrw B;rry Nethep- sage of white 'Butterfly or- zine con -test were enjoyed. -
ervision of the . staff advisor, games apinsG our senior girls, co t, brother of the bride, and chids.
Mrs, Hansen. A fair sized group team, our. teaching §tp tu adit ss..Of r 'Pot
nd 0 % I Im es -
a brotlier qf the 1 guests were -R;Q§ent
of interested students -turngd, also the Clint gn boyA' vo leyba -rea(,,.*,, mp 044n. JAC-
groom', were ushers. ;5eaforth, toe
St M T lwhzfe
out for the first meeting. The tem. Al -1 ..XJ10 . and Joyce was the reei-
though these a- Miss Anne Carr, cousin of SaPia, KitchQner "d I
election of officers resulted as weren't alWays in'thoir. our, UP51 0 0 Iter. Ptoilt-q.f may I" y usqui
e 'OAM Mr.� and Dougip upshail
follows: Studebt Director, John the experience was valuable H, Li r: T 9voll Igifts, for whica Nke e* ed
`2 e for sang "0- Perfect L and "I'll wql reside at RR 2, Kippgn.
her. slp�pre. thanks.
McGrath; Assistant Student Dir- our boy�s. Large baskets of colored- dah-
Karen' 'Henderson; and We didn't come out
onto lias was the setting in St. Marys
=ding $ecretar'y, Marilyn this ye4r, but as the saying goes, United Church for the double
Sedley. The committee selected "Wait until next year!" ring ceremony. uniting in mar-
to choose -the play for produc- Last Thursday, at 3:$0, the riage Margaret Faye Nethericott
. . . . . . . . . . .
tion at Variety Night consists boys, volleyball teams held a daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
of "'MargRyan, Melanni6' -Mat- practice in the form of a match Nethercott; RR 6, St. Marys and Your, zold and Marilyn Sed -ley. against what ablebodie; , d' tea- Douglas Alexander Upsilall, son
The Club's main objective is chers would dare to oppose of Mrs. Mary Upsh-all and, the
to raise sufficient funds -for -them. late Mr. James Upshall of R41 3;
props and othef necessities for Needless to say, those invin. Kippen. Rev. Dr. R. D. Crosby
the production" of the play in -cible bundles of energy blew officiated; on'Saturday,
01 b., the spring. the boys off their feet. And, yet, 30th, at two o'clock, bb�
SATO: how can they do it,
— they Play The bride, given - in marriage
Last Thursday morning at 9:00., only once a year!by her, father, looked lovely in
a.m. all Grade 12 students stag- Renwmbrance her floor -length wedding gown
gered to designated classrooms 'r Day Service: of- white,norganza. The bodice
and proceeded to write a two- The students' council led -the was hig
hUghted by a jbwel
available from .00 -hour SATO paper, In case. you student bGdy, in a meaningful neckline and empire waist and
haven't heard SATOstands for: Remembrance Day service on elegant long ' sheer puffed
The Scholastic Aptitude Test Friday, November 10. sleeves, gathered at the wrist own
for Ontario, so we weren't the It is important that we do and finished with a frill. Ele
only grade 12 students slaving not forget the sacrifice made Bance was portrayed
in the
away. wars,
the soldiers in the two gently controlled A-line skirt,
Arrf% s,
0 world divided into three while the gown was strewn
subtests: that of vocabulary,
reading comprehension and
mathematics. Each s' FARM9 FARM STOCK FOR SALE?
ubtest is
separately timed, with the first
.-FURNITURE two mentioned taking thirty !�Phone 527-0240 sea forth
minutes and, the math subtest
Phone 527-0680 Seaforffi taking one hour.
Shortly after 11:00 a:m. the
halls were filled.' with exhaust-
ed- but relieved grade 12 'st
u -
dents. SATO was aver for an. Waltz Through
other year!
The boys' volley -ball team,
which has been organized for Wash -day"
some time now, consists of
twelve members, whom have
turned out for all the practices
Tz Let y®urdryer
under the coaching of 'Mr. Ball.
Their captain is Gerald Baan.
Our boys didn't have much
duck in the Huron -Perth -the,
'Boys' -ironing
Volleyball Tournament, held
last Saturday at Stratford the
western, but they still did their
with a General Electric jiv
PON J. Herbert Neill, -82, founder
and curator of Huron County
Pioneer Museum from 1951 un,
til 1964,was honored by Humn
County Council at its November
The Famous
can savey.oti time, :work and iron-
ing as well as save you money by
preserving"your clothes longer.
Also Available In Matching Sets
See them on display at
Soaforth Clinton —lurich
t0...51ZE- WHEW Y'OY .,�
Put a ray of sunshine in yourwashday
with a new electric dryer. Clothes come out
fresh, fluffy and easy to iron (some may
heed no ironing at aill). You're saved the
worry of wafting for the weather, or the
work of lugging, a heavy wash tQ the line.
Next washday; let an electric dryer take a
load off your hands—and off your mind.
live better electrically
Warden Donald McKenzie,
A -shfield, made the presentation
on behalf of his colleagues.
Now a resident of "Huron -
view", the county home near
,Clinton, where he is contifiwin.9
to work on models for the
Museum,-- Mr. Neill thanked
Council and commented that
the museum collection had been
30 years in the building and
which was -still going on.,
Warden'McKenzie recited the
events that led up to the In-
Adgvration of the County Pio-
neer •Museum. At the November
-IM Session, the property com-
mittee had recommended that
an inspection bi made of Mr.
Neill's- collectioh. At the Jan-
uary 1949 Stssion, council had
been advised that Mr. Neill was
willing to sell his collection for
$3,60, Provided a museum
could, be secured or built to
house the ,collecition. The com-
mittee decided, to purchase the
collection and. install Mr. Weill
as custodian and provide him
dvith living quarters,
CouAcil at November 1949
(Model 68D81)
Session, got up an ^Historical
see these outstanding dryer feartures
coinimittee consisting of the -fol -
lowing: Charles Asquith, All -
* Pemanent press,/Wagh 'A- "
Wear setting
Ham McCreath Col-
borne; George Jeffersoh, Clin-
* Low tewperature settingetics
for) synth,
ton; H. C. Deaver; E. Stanley
Air fluff settingstrong,
Snyder, chairman; John Arm -
Warden, Hullett.
Safety start button
At the .June 1950 Segsion, ar-
rangements, for
Interior drurp light
were made es -
[tablishing the Museum at the
hool, In the Town
bid Central The-Mus
K LING L'lmlo'
of Goderich. The�-Muse,=' was
officially opened. on , julj
1951, by the, late Thomas
Phone 521-1320 Seatofth
MLA for Huron,
Mr. 16111 resigned as curator
of the Museum., September 3o,
The Famous
can savey.oti time, :work and iron-
ing as well as save you money by
preserving"your clothes longer.
Also Available In Matching Sets
See them on display at
Soaforth Clinton —lurich
t0...51ZE- WHEW Y'OY .,�
Put a ray of sunshine in yourwashday
with a new electric dryer. Clothes come out
fresh, fluffy and easy to iron (some may
heed no ironing at aill). You're saved the
worry of wafting for the weather, or the
work of lugging, a heavy wash tQ the line.
Next washday; let an electric dryer take a
load off your hands—and off your mind.
live better electrically