The Huron Expositor, 1967-07-06, Page 10'1(04411i4 HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH, .ONT., JULY a ¢, 196i News of . ; ACRO*10. rnl 6-k'rtequentir il-Bionic illta barnien.Y 2-Warltlered 24-11odttnt 5,S 'nth Arnsirican man mai 17*Kruploy 18 -Symbol for sliver,✓ X79 -Punctuation • marks 21-Syrtholtor ' tellurium - 2-Rgck'ff h 24 -Lamprey 26 -Serene 27 -Worshipped . 29 -Russian stockades 3t -Hindu cymbals 32 -Native metal 33 -Sewing implement 36 -Sadness 3" -The- caama 40 -Pronoun ;42 -Slave ,41 -Pronoun ,44 -Retreated 47 -Printer's measure 48 -;renals stroke" 50-DDravtdtan 1.Fuccv,r 2=Faucet ti4�ctfrlean antelopes 66=Brick 57 -Mr. (NaUe oowN t -Produced 2-tlnit of Siamese currency 3 -creek letter 4-11eral•Iry:. - ,:rafted 6 -Raised 6.Cnlnrful Idrd 7 -Walk across stream 9-t;yuttell for tantalum 9 -Large bird 10 Fondle 11 Macaw 13 Thinks ' 16 -Baker's produr:t 19 -One who marches 20- barked by wounds 23 --Memoranda 26 -imitators 28-G1oth measure 30 -Also 33%Metal - fasteners 34 -Bars legally 35 -Landed , property 36 -Set 37 -Iroquoian Indian 38 -Travels AERO EI©OHO PROMO 190000J MO WOMB tJtI ©b] 00E1W!061 nm MOO^ l tm i 0000 C000 00 EICOCIERI EDO k1C1F! 00Ek19E1 00E000 ©1 OE iq©® O©©E 1019 010011010M 00 tOM MUMS it 00 21=000 ©000 >=11i1MB =BED CEIMI7© SOLUTION 41 -Pronoun 51 -Emmet 40 -Short jacket.53.1'roceed 46 -Girl's name 7o• Indefinite 49 -Tiny amount article p.. 2 3 4 5 0 ♦• 6 • 7 8 9 10 11 •..' 12 13 14 e* .•• • 15 16 +,,, •S 17 22 23♦:•:i 24' " •A25 26 27 28 ♦x•:29 30 •i, Iy, .a:r♦:•:'31 •iiia. •••••.r•-•-••••••32 ••♦�� •• Pii•. ••••• . 33 34 35 •iv 36 37 38 39 ••••• 40 41 •••• 42 43 •j•:. 44 45 46 ...•.•; 47 ' 48 49 :: 50 .•.47♦ S 1 IN f —� —' 52 53•�.�.• ❖. 54 55 FARM, FARM -STOCK FOR SALE? USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Dial 527-0240 Winchelsea Miss Kathy -Bern has taken - a position with the Bank of Montreal in Clinton and -began work on Wednesday. Mrs-, Sanford Hutton, Mrs. John Coward, Mrs. Phi/ Hern and Mrs. Elson ,Tynn attend- ed the bus trip to Hamilton - on Monday sponsored by the Horticultural Society. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Grubb, and, Michael of Farquhar vis- ited on Monday evening with M. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton Dennis and Dianne. Mrs. John Coward spent a couple of days this past week with Mrs. Jackson Woods at their oottage on Stokes Bay. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Frayne of Sunshine Line attended Elimville Ainliiversary on Sun- day and spent the day with Mrs. Wm,. Walters and Danny. Mrs. Ross Mathers, Larry of Exeter and Ms. John Mothers and Murray and Michelle of London also called. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters and Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne visited on Monday ev- ening at . Grand Bend with Mrs. W. J. Beer and Miss May Skinner celebrating Mrs. Frayne's and Mrs. Beer's birthdays, , Mrs: Harry Ford of Wood-- ham ood=ham visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. Brian Her of Stratford spent'. the week end with "his parents Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Veal og Hensel:1 visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake arid family. Classified•'ads pay dividends. 4, ONTARIO a for Consu Credit effective July 31-stI9Gi The new Ontario Con• sumer Pro- tection Act, which comes in to. force on July 31st;'helps everyone who buys an credit by obliging the lender, or seller, to make a written statement of the true cost of cred it.Th is provision, and others in the Act, will not 'relieve the consumer of his normal respon- sibilities of shopping carefully and choosing wisely: but it will make it easier for him to make the right decisions. Disclosure ,of the cost - of borrowing In all time payment transactiohs the borrower must be given a written note of the cost of borrowing, both in dollars and cents, and as an annual percentage rate, before credit is granted. The lender must also set down'•any charges he in- tends to'''make if the borrower should default on payments. Cooling -off Period This -new' ruling applies to salemade by itinerant sellers, which is th'e Act's name for sellers who operate away from their permanent place of business, and ' who make a charge to the buyer for the, privilege of buying on tirpe. A contract made with an itinerant seller can now be cancelled by the buyer, pro- vided he dries so in writing and delivers the cancellation to the seller personally, or by registered mail, within two work- ing days of the contract being signed: • If he cancels in this way, the buyer must return'•a.ny goods already supplied, and the seller, Inuit return any' money or trade-in which "he may have received. The trade- in does not becometheseller's property until the two-day cooling -off period has elapsed without the buyer . cancelling the contract. Registration .ofitinerant sellers • 'As from July 31st,' 1967, all itinerant sellers as defined by the Act must reg- ister with the egisterwiththe Consttrocw Protection Bu - . ,reau. If the seller is a company or a partnership, only the company or part- nership must register, not the individual employees. information to be contained Nin a contract • - 'driller the new Act, certain important details must be written into all contracts for the sale of goods or services to a consumer, when the purchase price is $50 or over. To be binding, the contract must comply with the'Act and must be signed by all parties, who must each receive a duplicate original copy. - Repossession ' If the buyer should default after two-' thirds of the purchase price has been. paid, the seller cannot repossess -with- out permission of a -judge. - Penalties Substantial penalties are provided for contravention of the Act and its Reg- ulations. Lenders and sellers' who are likely to be affected are urged to'make themselves'familiar with the Act. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO. Borrowers and buyers should bear in mind that nothing in the new Act, • relieves them of the responsibility of making careful decisions'when considering a loan, or a purchase on credit: Keep this notice as a re- minder -of your rights. Information , -on borrowing, and oncredit buying, is contained in a leaflet which can be obtained from the Consumer Protection Bureau, 123 Edward Street, Toronto 2. Lenders and sellers should make themselves• familiar with the Act and its Regulations., The Consumer ,Protection Act 1966 and Ontario Regulation 207/67 (250 each) can be obtainedsfron the O.ueen'ri Printer, 26 Breaaalbane Street, Toronto 5. For advice on the work- ing of the Act and its Regulations, see your qualified business adviser. • Mon. H..L: Rowntree Minister Of Financial and Commercial Affairs bEPAIiTMEND-Or FINANCl{ 1,AN'D'bddMlVigri014-AFFAtr a catr.tlrn4rtioscilon etymon �Vl�l�llop �'u���c �choQ[ Hold Centennial £;oncert• —McKillop • Township Public Schools held their Cente:tad Concert- - ,recently at SDHS, when the program included: Operetta - Cinderella. Cast;" Prince, Larry Murray; Cinder- ella, Sandra Coleman', Step- mother, Sharon Johnston; Belin- da, Diane Henderson; Henrietta, Susan Boyd; Cupid, Connie Beuermann; Footman, Murray Pepper; Godmother, Evelyn Storey; Singing Ladies, Lois Wildfong, Donna Storey, Eliza- beth Elligsen,• Debbie Wey;Dukes, Darwin Dietz, Neil Ryan, Jack Storey, Tom Rapson, Gregg Fisher, Jim Taylor, Bruce Scott, Neil Beuermann, Rodger Smith; Fairies, Beth McNichol, Bever, - ley Dodds, Gaye Fisher, . Jane Schade, Betty, Beuermapn, Jane Leeming, Peggy Dennis, Jane Bolton, Mary Lyndia Siemon, Wanda Storey, Marilyn Koehler, Linda Godkin, Gayle Beuer- mann, Janet • Drager, Marlette Glandville, Phyllis Beueranann, Lorna Eggert, Kim Campbell, Ruth Ann Siemon, Donna Hen- derson, Debbie Tunney, Linda Smith, Shirley McClure, • Lori Hugill, Serena Halley; Elves, Steven Dennis, Keith Bennewies, Garry, Boyd,' Glen Eiligsen, Brian Fidom, Ricky_ Boyd, Jimmy McNichol, Tom Shannon, Erie Driscoll, Douglas Henderson, Bryan Drager, 'Kev- in Campbell, Bryan McClure, Billy, McMillan, Robert McClure, Claire McClure, Wayne Pryce, Paul - McClure, Tom Johnston,. Kenneth McDonald, Roy Tay- lor, Donald Henderson. Choir, Douglas Dietz, Bradley Boyd, June Eggert, Robert' El- ligsen, Paul Beuermann, Jane Johnston, Jill Wheatley, Lyle Hoegy, Bryon Sommerville, Faye Dalton, Ray McNichol, Barbara Smith, Faye Tunney, Sherry Storey, Elizabeth Pryce, Ken Pethick. Lords, Warren, Rock, Allan Koehler, John Leeming, Ken. Dalton, 'Jim Taylor, George Mc- Clure, Jim Thompson, Warren Beuermann.. Ladies, Dolores Beuermann, Nancy McNichol, Bonnie ' al lace, Dena Wey, Margaret Mc- Nichol,• Marie Bernard, Rose- mary Ryan, Marie - McClure, Sandra Johnston, Margorie Glandville. Piano trio, Sharon, Sandra and Jane Johnston. Choir, Favorite Things Seren- ade to Spring. St. James' Separate School - Promotions Pupils at St. James' Separate School who have been, promot- ed are as follows: .. . ' Grade 1 to Grade 2 Douglas Anstett;• Anthony Arts; Julio Blockeel; Patricia 'Coombs; Brian Cooper; Richard Dale; ' Charlene' DeJong; John Devereaux; Michael' Hak; Ron- ald Hauwert;, Susan' Hoornaert; Harry Jansen;- Peter Klaver; Al, . oysius McQuaid; Francis Mei- dinger; Patricia Menheere; Urian Nigh; Kenneth Nigh; San- dra Ruston; Mary Jean Salis- bury; Patricia Scott; 'Randolph Scott; - Shirley Scott; Charles Stewart; .Theresa, Van :Doom; Theodord Van Miltenburg; Jean Vantyghem. -•• - Grade 2 to Grade 3 Kimberly Anstett; Daniel Arts; Mary Lou Burns; James Case; Robert Costello; Thomas Costello; Deborah Dalei Darrel Dale; Id$ DeCorte; Pamela De- Groot; Clare Devereaux; Joan Devereaux; . Mary Devereaux;, Linda Dorssers; Christine Groo- thius; Nicholas Hauwert; Ann Janmaat; Kenneth .Menheere; James Nash; Thomas Nigh; Michael Regier; Richard Scott; Ida Stinnissen; Harold Van Doornik; Richard Verberne; John Wilson. , ' Grade 3 to Grade 4 Louis Arts; Bernard Blockeel; fames DeJong; John Feeney; John • Janmaat; Bernard Van Miltenburg; James Ziler; Mur- ray Connolly; Eleanor Dever- eaux; Cinthia - Dorssers; Elaine Heenan; Annemarie Hoste; Joey Jansen; Bernard McQuaid; Marie Therese Nash; Diane Nigh; Dian - net ,Nobel; Angela Phillips; Jo Anne Primtau; John Primeau; Richard Ruston; Jimmie Seger - en; Margaret Sills; Kenneth Van Dyk;' Michael Van, Loon; Rita Verberne. , , Grade 4 to Grade 5 Anton Blockeel; Mary Block - eel; Michael Devereaux; Patrick Devereaux; Debra Dorssers; Anne Marie Eisler; Brenda Fle- ming; John Hauwert; James Hlis- sey; Diane Jansen; 'Leonard Lansink; Larry McGrath; Ann Nigh; Gary Phillips; Nancy Scott; Nancy Van Dooren; Jac- queline 'Van. Doornik; Connie Van Dyk; Gary Arts; Ann Ban- non; Danny Devereaux; Marjor- ie Jansen; Elsie Klaver; Wayne Nigh; Ellen Stewart; Mary Nan Dooren; Judy Ziler. Grade 5 to Grade 6 Grade 7 to Grade 8 Steven • Blockeeil Darlene Dale; Peter DeGroot; Donald Etue; Pat Heenan; Ken Janiiiaat; Joe -McQuaid; - Steven ' Ooster-. bosch; Patricia, Ziler; John Arts; Herbert Broome; Maureen Con- nolly; Jean Devereaux;, Mary ,Ann Klaver; Leanne Melanson; Marlene Nash; Katherine Nigh; Ann Nobel; Rosemary Vanden Hengel; Josephine Willens., Grade 8 to Grade 9 Joanne Arts; Mary , Aubin; James Bannon; Robert Burns; Neil Bevereaux; Teresa Dever- eaux; Thomas Devereaux; Dian- na ian na -Fleming; Therese Fleming; Hank Groothius; Luke, Janmaat; .Patrick Malone; Mary Ann Mc- Grath; Mary. Catherine Mc- Quaid; Vernon Mero; Mary Ann Segeren; Jane Sillsk Elly Stroop; Mary VanLoon; Corrine Van Miltenburg; Hendrina Ver- berne. Classified ads pay dividends. Patrick Connolly; Douglas Dale; Mary -Lou DeGroot; James Flannery; Joanne Groothius; Mary Ann fleawort; Richard Hoorndert; Gregory Hussey; Wil - a Jansen; Mary Margaret Kel- ly; Janet Klaver; Gerald Mei- dinger; Joanne Melanson; John Mark Nash; Jimmy Nigh; Joan Nobel; Guy Stroop; Harry Swinkels; John Van Dooten; Dorothy Van Doornik; Margar- et Van Dyk,,' Kathy Van Loony Jack Van Miltenburg; Frank Verberne. ' Grade 6 to Grade if Harry Arts; David •. Broome; Edward Burns; Joanne DeGroot; Nancy Devereaux; Margaret Eckert; Garry Groothius; Mary Janmaat; John Jansen; Michael Meidinger; Leis Nigh; Mary Nobel; Dianne Phillips; Karen Regier; Douglas ,R•eynoldt3; Bill Salisbury; Cathy' Stewart; Ar- nold Stinnissen; Nlarj' 'Van Dyk; Mary Van Miltenburg; Martin Van Loon; Martin Verberne. isserformsemirraeslionarrramsirom Something to Sell? Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone` 527-0240- 0 1NVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS e ACCESSORIES • COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER • THE. HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 Seaforth r )•lag• drill, speakers, Slyvia Smith, Jamie liugill, Bay Har- rison, Brian Godkin, Eleven Bennewies; David Siemon, 'Carl Bolton, Deborah Bersharde,' Mark Kalichuk, Robert Elligsen, Warren Dennis, Murray McCall. Marehers,- Glen Beuermann, Joy Lynn Fischer, Lois Wild- fong, John Elligsetb Henry Eld- ora, Kenny Fidom, Carole Eg- gert,' Joey Boyd, Steven BOyd, Ronnie Christensen, Gwen Bos, mans -Marie Bernard, Rgsemary Ryan, Dena Wey, Anne Stewart, Brenda MacDonald, Stuart Scott, Sandra Smith, Bob Henderson;• David Taylor, Barry Stone, Gar- ry Stone, ,Clayton McClure, Paul Storey, Eileen Glanville, Doug- las kloegy, Sherry Storey. - Soloists, John Elligsen, Anne Stewart, Paul Storey. • • Cake Carriers, Marie McClure, Deborah Bercharde, David-, Mc- Clure. Mc- Clure. Step Dance, Donna and Sherry Storey, Dianne Henderson,; vio- lin,, Jack Storey. The accompanist was Mrs. Joanne King, the director, Mrs. Mary Lou Sholdice and the teachers are Mrs. Dorothy Shol- dice, Mrs. Gladys Doig, Miss Jes- sie Little, Mr. Gibson Willis, Mrs. Teresa Coville, Mrs. Ann Smith and Mrs. Dorothy Powell. ViIIiam M. Hart FUEL ETC. Phone 527-08?0 . -- Seaforth • -RER-SON.ALIZED - COASTERS S GIFT IDEAS -' • SERVIETTES Dial 527-0240 Seaforth . THE - MOILLO. P MUTUAL FIRE- INSURANCE COMPANY • Offlc. -- Main Stree, SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Firm Propirly • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wil• d,. smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc) is also available.. AGENTS; James -Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V, J. Lane, RR 5. Seaforth- Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. 14. 9 Fully Personalized Cheques with a Toronto -Dominion Personal Chequing Account tat. JOHN DOE 76 ANY STREET. YOURTOWN. OFiT, AMASON.4L CHCOUINO ACCOUNT 000099 083 Pay to the order 9f Dollars 100 , THE TORONTO -DOMINION BANK, - TORONTODOMINION CENTER BRANCIt, rY 56 KINO ST. W 6 BAY 5T.. TORONTO. ONT. I: is Lti 2•HIU11 11: 694 2".f12 29L"• -Plus these other benefits •r,- • Fully Personalized Deposir'Slips ir Free Cheque Wallet-Your'choice of -two .colours • A Statement every 30 days instead of 60 days • Your caiicelled 'cheques returned • A storage box for cancelled cheques s Low service charges • Fast and efficient service ,1 It doesn't cost you $2.50 -f get fully personal- picture sooner of what you spent where. ized• cheques when you have o 'Personal Chequing Account at Toronto -Dominion. Only at Toronto -Dominion do you get PCA cheques wi.lb your name and address printed on them without charge, and personalized deposit slips as well. You also get a free cheque -wallet in your choice of colours, brown or black. But there's even more for you with a Personal Chef:piing Account at Toronto -Dominion. Now, we give you an up-to-date statement of your We've got a lot of other Go -Ahead ideas 4 .. account "every 30 days, instead of 60 days, that work for you at Toronto -Dominion ... Ask together with your cancelled -Cheques. This sim- about them when you come in to open a Per- plifies your budgeting and gives you' a better sonal Chequing Account at ,Toronto -Dominion. With our convenient Twin Acrrount'F ran you use your Personal Chequing Account'for paying bills and our new 41/4% Premium Savings Account for building 'your• savings.. This. •. new scvings account pays a whopping 50% more interest (paid,_twice yearly and calculated on the mini- mum monthly, balance). Interest' is paid from .the. date of the initial deposit. TORONTO-DQMINION ThA Bonk where people make.the difference' qi W. D. STEPHENSON, Manager"„ - •O'Seaforth REMINDER TO MOTORISTS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT MECHANICAL FITNESS OF USED CARS, - A used motor vehicle mustbe certified as mechanically fit by any dealer who sells it for use on the highways. An Unfitvehicie may only be sold after`the plates have been removed and returned to the Department. The purchaser Will receive a Bill of•Sate. After repairs , -registration plates can be obtained for such a vehicle by submitting, to the Department, the Bill_ of SaJe and a Certificate of- Fitness signed bya certified motor mechanic. EFFECIJYE JULY 1. 1967. RESTRi'CT.IONS ON TOWING It is illegal to drive aassenger car or station wagon , with more than one vehicle in tow. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1 67. - SPEED LIMITS IN CONSTRUCTION ZONES New legislation now authorizes •special specie zoritrra for marked construction sites. Motorists are required to obey posted speed limits. EFFECTIVE NOW, REPORTING OF MEDICALLY UNFIT DoLVERs - It Is the duty of every legally qualified medical pralfdtl. tioner to report to the Registrar the name, address and dlagn'osis.of.every .porton coining under hit diagnosis, tr atment,.care or charge who is suffering from a condi- thin that Irl -the op nion of the, ttiedical`predtltioiler Is such as to make it dangerous for such person to operate a motor vehicle, EFFECTIVE NOW, MOTORCYCLES REQUIRE TWO BRAKING SYSTEMS Every Motorcycle when being operated on a highway shall be equipped with at least two braking system* each with 'a•separate means of application with one effective on the front wheel and one effective on the rear wheel. EFFECTIVE ..JJL'Y 1, 1967. AtRCRArj ON HIGHWAYS • When an' aircraft makes an er>'Iergeney landing onG highway, the pilot must have it removed within a time. • , When an aircraft Is being driven or drawn along -a high -4 way, its movement must comply with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. EFFECTIVE JULY 111'967. MUFFLERS New requirements as to mufflers have faeeri enacted, prohibiting the use of a muffler cut-out, straight ex- haust,gutted snuffler, , hollywood muffler byypass or similar device -upon a motor vehicle. EFFECTIVEJULY 1, 1967. ONTA10 DEPARTMENT O TRANS- PORT Hon, lri In Heskett.•Minister • 4 J • r, 1 N r. 4 t