The Huron Expositor, 1967-05-04, Page 7• • wa 100ittlait Meets ig.t% Iteg NerslahegavO ie., Woes, We ibe thj speaker.' port the Synedi,cal wh"Vir ich was gm , A. Wright gave a he14 in Otratfer4 egentry feg ogling -on owitnessing" On4 the: VittedS of the Pmshyterlau Mrs. Iftmn lett in Paye. Churgh M Canada., at the rept. Vim R. LLealle ieeeived the. 1ar meeting of the - Barbara CoPeion and the ser4Ytuz'e The theme of the son Was read by um, Harold meeting was. "'Faith of our WITYte. ' Fathers" and she,said the mes- Mrs. M. R. Ronde was at the sage was "We should continue Piano and Ma, C. Reitli led In the work df the past faithful PraYer• workers!' During the; business, Mrs. C. Reith presided.and it was decid- ed to hold a spring supper RED CROSS NOUS June in the church hall. The regular meeting of the- . . Plans fox the spring thank- Seaforth Red Cross will be held offering were finalized when Friday afternoon,. May 5th, at Mrs. Hugh Jack, a former min- 3 p.m in CarnegieLihrary. rritimBULK TEA, raisins and crackers in the old. 1. tithe grocery store have been superseded by unitary packaged goods backed by, the good name of their maker. The sliced, wrapped loaf of bread and the can of soup or fruit have eliminated hours of kitchen drudgery. Modern bathrooms, furnaces, and electiie appliances, have swept away inefficient, laborious methods. The motor car ,has revolution- . !zed our way of.life. Advertising has played a. part in these advances, because advertising has made Mass production pos- sible, and inns; production as brought the can of soup, the electric washer and the motor car within every family's. reach. , • This newspaper looks on it., display and classified adveidsing as sn important part of its service. to • she community. ..,,,,,,,,,,seessemeeesseseeneesess8seessessesseerie7sger77,74.1w4}1, Seaforth Beavers, OHA Champions Here are the Beavers and team helpers with the cup that bears their name four times since 1941. Shown are. , first row (left) Gar Baker, Paul Ra, Jack Md,lwain, Ed. Dol -mage, Don Morton, Cliff Petrie, (second row) Ron Dris- News of Dublin The members of ,St. Mary's. Anglican Guild, Dublin, met Thursday evening at the Ree - tory in Seaforth. • • Mrs. Wm. Smith the laresi- debt was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Charles Friend' read the Scripture, and the meditation and prayers from the study book, "The Upper. Room". The roll call, minutes and treasurer's report were read by, Mrs. Roy Buchill. Lenten envelopes and "Penny -a -day" offerings were received. Several matters pertaining to church maintenance were discussed. Mr. James Burch- ill is to look after the c'utting of the grass, and -it was re- ported that a satisfactory -ar- rangement haa been, made concerning fence repairs at the back of the church pro-. perty. It was decided to hold a 'bakeless' ' bake ' sale at the next meeting. A contribution is to be made to the Huron-Peeth. Tor- nado Fund. ...As a confirmation 'service is to be held in St.. Thomas Church, Seaforth on Sunday the rector, Rev. H. Donald- son, suggested that the . Dub- lin congregationmight join with Seaforth for this special service. Excerpts were read from a letter from Miss P. A. Fisher 0- the Hokkaido Diocesan Centre," Sapporo, Japan. Miss Fisher is at 'present on fur- lough but on her return to Japan. will be serving ae as- sistant -to the newly appoint- ed rector, Rev. B. M. Onuki, at Kilami, a small city on Hokkaido, the largest of the Japanese islands. Miss Fisher contrasted the two 'cities. of Sapporo and Kitami and 'told of some of the difficulties which will lie ahead, as a worker in a small Christian • mission parish. . Rev. Donaldson closed the meeting with prayer. After a sale of baked goods Mrs. Donaldson assisted 'by Mrs. Friend and. Mrs. Smith served a lunch. - r. News of Cromarty Mr. and Mrs. J. Ulleriek and family of ,Ingersoll, Mrs. ,Jennie Montague of Tharisesford were Sunday Vititors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stott', • Catharine, Janet Douglas of Seaforth, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Grace Scott. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Bruce Cleland .and Listowel. - Mrs. Lorir Batson and Mrs. James Lealess of Munro visited on' Thursday with Mrs. -J. R. 'Jefferson. . Mr.. and .Mrs. .Tack McGhee and family of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Otto Walker. .. Mrs. Grace Scott visited for a few days with Mr., and Mrs. Donald! Scott. Messrs. Alec Scott and Bob Templeman, attended a semin- ar at the UniirerSity of Guelph on Friday, and- Saturday. The Ladies' Aid of Cromarty Church met at the 'home of Mrs. Gerald Carey for their regular Xneeting. Mrs, Carey presided and ,eonducted the business With ,arrangements connected with the upcoming strawberry salvo as the main nett, to,b0 diseussa ' . '/ colt, Ray Henderson, Larry Dale, Jim Sills, Ray Anstett, Bill Teall, Tern Dick,%Tim Mins; (third row) Roy MeGon- igle, Ken Doig, A Bob Beuttenmiller, Bill McLaughlin, Bob Doig, Bill Muir, Jim Dick. (ExpositorIshotohy Phillips). • • Jan VanVliet Heads Walton Womens •Institute The annual meeting of the Walton Women's Institute held in the basement of Duff's United, Church Wednesday evening was preceeded by a turkey dinner with the-Ilth and boundary U.C.Ws, unit catering. The tables. wOe' de- corated with bouquets of 'daf- fodils and colorful place cards. Following dinner Mrs. Al- vin McDonald introduced the head' table, guests including, Mrs. Margaret Humphries, Mrs. James Nolan, Mrs. Ken- neth McDonald, Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs. Roy Williamson, Mx•s. Ross Knight, Mrs. Jan Van Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Vliet, MrsesAlvin McDonald, Torrance Dundas and Mrs. William Humphries. • • Mrs. Roy Williamson open- - eel With. the Institute Ode, Mary, Stewart Collect and a minute's silence was observed in memory of two members, Mrs. Andrew Coutts and Mrs. Edward McCreath- who had passed away during the year. Mrs. Jan Van Vliet welcoms ed a number (Anew members including Mrs. Laverne God - kin, Mrs. James Axtmann, Mrs. Larry Johnston Mrs Neil McGavin, Mrs: Graham Sholdice, Mrs. Lyle Osborne, Mrs. , John Bos, Mrs. Alex Gulutzen and Mrs. George Baker. The roll call Was answered with the payment cif fees after which a gift exchange was held when- the _Sunshine sis- ters revealed their identity. Three members ,who had moved away were presented with gifts by Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, Mrs. George Pols lard. to Monkton, Mrs. Wil- liam: Turnbull, to Brussels, Mrs. Donald Buchanan to Goderich. The secretary - treasurer Mrs. Gerald Watson gave re- ports,read a thank -you note and read the correspondence. The president,. Mrs. Roy Williamson thanked the mem- bers for their cooperation during the past two years and Mrs. William Humphries re- plied expressing her thanks to the president for the inter- est she had taken and the leadership given. Mrs. George Williamson,' convener of resolutions, took over the meeting. A solo was contributed by Mrs.. Jan Van Vliet Sr. with Mrs. Martin NEWS -'..$TAFIF Twenty-two members of the Staffa Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hog- garth on, Wednesday afternoon fee the annual Meeting. The President, Mrs. Carter Kerslake commented on , the niotto, `When an idea pops in- to your head, put it -to work, not to bed". Business was discussed with the short course and food for- ums for the coming year out- lined by the president. Final decision on this was left for the 1967-68 executive. Miss Ol- ive Speare gave a humorous reading on "a piece of cheese". Mrs. Wilbur Glanville display- ed her collection of coins as the special feature. All stand- ing committees repolted. Mrs. Lloyd -Miller presented the slate of officers on, behalf of the nominating committee. The officers for 1967-68 are: past president, Mrs. Carter Kers- lake; president, Mrs. Ed Chap- pel; first vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Johnny Miller; sec-- retarystreasuren Mrs. Russell Worden; • assistant secretary- treaeurer, „Mrs. Ross McPhail; diste•ict director, Mrs. Carter Kerslake; alternate, Mrs. • Torn Laing; directors, Mrs, John Mil- ler, Mrs. Roy MacDonald, Miss Vera Hamblen pianist, Mrs. Robert McCoughey; assistant pianist, Mrs. Ross Smale; audi- tors, Mrs. Wilbur Glanville, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; press repor- ter, Mrs. John Templeman; flowers and cards, Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth, Mrs. Garnet Taylor; curator, Mrs, Cecil Bowman; Tweedsmuir - committee, Miss Vera Hambley, -Mr. and Mrs, Tom Laing, Tom Scott, Lyle Worden, Leslie Butson, Alvin Barbour; standing committees, agrietiltUre and Canadian In- dustries, Mrs. Robert McCoughey and Mrs. Cecil *Nyman; citis zenship and education; Mrs. Tom Laing, Mrs. Frank Hamil- ton; historieal research and current events, Mil. George Mta.. John Tem/Aetna% tioniO ekohoinies and liealth, „ Mrs. G•arnet Taylor, Mrs. Cam- eron 'Vivian; resolutions, Mrs. Sam. Norris; public relatiOns, 'Mrs. Wilbur Glanville'," Thanks was extended to the WI , members Who had made and served) sandwiches and cof- fee to the tornado workers. Ed Chappel is to present the In- stitute's trophy to the winners of the triple trio rural) at the music festival. Miss Joanne Worden has com- pleted her year at Waterloo University and is home 'fOr the summer., Mr. and Mrs. Terry Daynard, Guelph 'visited this past week- end with Rev. and Mrs. Day - nerd and Heather. Alec Scott, Cromarty and Bob Templeman attended a sem- inar at; Guelph University this past weekend. Miss Linda Moore, visited over the weekend with Miss -Laurie Bell, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott and Ronnie, Mitchell visited Sun- day witlfsMr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong., Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and family, dr, emarty, me. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis and family, Mit- chell, visited Sunday evening With Mr: atie Mrs. John. Temple- man and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hern and Janice, Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ford, Exeter, called on friends in the tommunity on Sunday. • Seaforth W.I. The regular meeting of the Seaforth W.I. will be held on Tuesday, May 9, at 8:30 at the home of Mrs. Alex Pep- per. Citizenship and Educa- tion conveners Mrs. B. Cole- man and Mrs: F. Hunt will be in charge of the program, featuring Rev. D. Steven of EgrnondviIle as speaker. The roll can will be to name a father of Confederation,. _UM& will be convened by mtg. Otahatu Xerr. • Baan at the piano, . Mrs. Jemes Nolan reported for the Agriculture and Can- adian Industries committee.' Mrs, William Turnbull, Citi- zenship and Educations.1VIrs. George McCall; Home Econ- omics.and Health; Mrs. Allan McCall', Historical Research and Current Events; Mrs.' Nelson. Marks, Public Rela- tiors; Mrs. • Earl Watson, Sun- shine; Mrs. Donald Buchanan Resolutions; Mrs. Frank Wale ters introduced the District President for East Huron, Mrs. Ross Knight,- who gave a very interesting talk on the values of, the Women's Insti- tute, ' ending with • a poem"If you scatter seeds of kind ness". The convener of' the nomin ating committee, Mrs. Nelson Reid read the 'slate of offkers for the coming year including Past President, Mrs. Roy Wil- liamson, President, Mrs: Jan Van Vliet Jr., First Vice-Pre- ient, Mrs. Alvin McDonald... Second Vice -President,' Mrs. Harold Bolger, Secretary , - treasurer M. Gerald Watson, District Director, Mrs. Roy Williamson, Assistant District Director, Mrs, Ronald" Ben- nett, Branch Director 'Mrs_ Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Wm, ,HumphrieS and Mrs, .Clarence Martin; Press' reporter, Ms. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Douglas Ennis; Agriculture and Can- edian Industries. Mxs. Frank Walters, Mrs, David Watson: Citizenship and Education. Mrs, Stewart Humphries and Mrs. Ray kluether; Home Ec- onomics and Health, Mrs, Hsrold Bolger and Mrs. Jas. Clarke; Historical Research and Current Events,. Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs. Herbert Traviss; Resolutions Mrs. Geo. Williamson, Mrs. Allan Mc, Call; Public Relations, Mrs. Alvin McDonald, MrS. •Nelson Marks and Mrs. Ronald Was liamson; Sunshine Committee Mrs. Earl Watson. Those -were installed by Mrs. Ross Knight. Mrs, Donald Buchanan made courtesy' remarks and presen- ted the speaker witha gift on behalf of the Institute. , The Meeting was turned, over to Mrs. Jan Van Vlie the new president,. who solicited the help of all the, members. -The District Annual will be held in St. John's Angli- an Church Brussels Thursday May 18th. Voting Delegates are Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Mrs. Roy Williannote' Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull and 'Vex's. Kenneth McDonald. • At a meeting of the execu- ive Monday evening in the Walton Public School, it was decided to entei a float in the parade at the Grey Centen- nial in Ethel on June 17th. Achievement Day was an. ounced for Saturday in DHS with Mrs. Allan Mc- Call and Mrs. Gerald, Watson s leaders for the 4-H Girl's nurse entitled "A world ,of ood in Canada", Mrs.. Donald Buchanan poke on a `Resolution' and his will be presented to the istrict meeting. A number of members were ttired Centennial cfiSt.7 mess and had their pictures aken following the meeting. Miss Claire Hackwell of ondon spent 'the week end ith her mother Mrs. Thom-, s Hackwell. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan nd Rosemary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ryan f London- fast' Sunday. Mrs. Russell Marks spent - he week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marks, Exeter, Mr, Jan Van Vliet bag sold s farm to a neighbor, Mr. (Maki Lee.- c t n S a CF t d a u L w a a t 114 *IT FOJ THIE GREATIPEr wig014;40 TOOT4:0' ANO JEANS AND CASUAL $LIM$ TEE-KAYS • * G,W,G SLIM KINqs . *%COLLEGIATE -CAW:ALS- * ROVG4IES * WILD dATS , - v v Trim, Tight and Terrific The Best Shades Are Gold, Beige, Blacic, Thunder Blue, Burgandy, . Chili, Relish and Green • These "Swingin" pants come in denims,' cords, Koratrons and Terry, Blends in belt. ed or casual style, plus a good range of brushed denims and checked "Hop Sack" weaves: • Boys' Sizes .. , ... 8 to 18 year Teen-age Sizes' .. 28 to 34 waists Men's Sizes . 34 to 44 waists 'Assorted Lengths .. 28" to 34" Boys' Pants 3.95 to 7.95 Teen-agers ' 5.95 to 9.95 Men's Sizes '5.95 to -8.95 SHORT SLEEVE SPORT "SHIRTS • Choose from nice dressy, plain shades, neat stripes; Tattersal checks, Glen checks, plaids or wide stripes , . or "away -out" paisleys, polka dots, pastels, pas- tel stripes or "what have you". You'll find them all at Stewart's Men's Depai•tment in great profussion. Sizes S., M., L., XL., XXL. 2,95 to 5.95 - STEWART BROS. WEDDING INVITATIONS t. rmsTERs ,- GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES • DIAL 527-0240 SEAFORTH MITH'S ( -.SPECIAL* 'FOR . Thursday, Friday and Saturday AyCATSUP • lge. 1er 8 -oz.' bottle. 290, PrCBES, haives • • • • 2 14 -oz tins 450 .tilinir..:girg:113171.1. CORN 2 14 -oz. tins 390 Maxwell House COFFEE Libby's Deep Brown -BEANS ' 1 ib. bag 720 2 19 -oz. tins 490 Moderne Bathroom White or Colored' TISSUE •2 2 -roll pkgs. 450 Premium 'Fancy Red SOCKEYE SALMON • • 73/1-0z. tin 59 PRODUCE Sunshine Fancy French - FRIES 2 2-113. poly 'bags 89 WATERMELONS. each $1.29 New Crop Sunkist 'ORANGES,, size 138's doz. 49 Fresh GREEN BEANS r. • FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS T11UESDA Phone 52'0990 SUPERIOR ,POe'D'oi,SRIetTS. lzreelivet,