The Huron Expositor, 1968-12-12, Page 15• • • • .‘„ • Is 110001.130 CHROTAAS. TREES Select Scotch Pine Egmondville Rovers at Ken Smith's t (Beside Egmendville Store) AsS '1/4., • '1/4, 1/41 •1/4 ern'. ( I ,••••' re/I er.,4 Classified Ads pay dividends. Why The Christian Science Monitor recommends you read your local newspaper Your local newspaper Is a wide -range newspaper with many features. Its emphasis is on local news. It also reports the major national and inter- national news. THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER We specialize in analyzing and Inter- ,preting the important national and international news. Our jintention is to bring the news into sharper focus. The Monitor has a world-wide stall of correspondents --some oftliem rank among the world's finest. And the Monitor's Incisive, provocative edi- torials.are followed just as closely by the men on Capitol Hill as they are by, the intelligent, concerned adult on Main Street. WHY YOU SHOULD TRY THE MONITOR You probably know the Monitor's pro- fessional reputation as one of the world% finest newspapers. Try the Monitor; see how it will take you above the average newspaper reader. Just fill out the coupon below. The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston,. Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. I enclose $ (U S. funds). YEAR $24 U 6 months $12' p 3 months $6 Name Street ZIP Cods ronamimmrsoommantemormaisimi Classified Adis: Day dividends. 1 White Bean Growers Hold kwstru. m • Ict .• . .;. e.e.H At Zurich• Mr. and Mr,S.. H0014 nopot4 . . :Or. v of Lioncluill viSit‘gi On Sunday • with Kisses .Blanthe and Rhea and Mr i:Itigar Mills. Ms& Harry Ford is visiting far d, a few weeks. with Mr, and Mr: Clarence. Ford and family of e fot Clarencttkii'ls and Dc is attended tho christ:ening of the farmers gran4so11,, Dean • Chr...,tialir. A•renthals Lutain Un.:,ted Churai on Sunday and were guests followin.g with 'Mr. and Mrs. Martin Arenth.als, Beth, Barbara and Dean. -me. and Mrs. Wro. Whyte and family of Sar•nia, Mr. and Mr, Ralph Wa••:::bam, .and JeffreY ot Blyth, Mr. Douglas Webb. of Mr - onto .and Dennis Webb of Lon- don wcre Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and. famMtl.Y.and Mrs. Clifford Meta and Su..,on Lynn of Bowmanville were weekend• visitors with Mr. ar.d Arrold Henn,. They all were gue•sts Saturday evening - with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph. Horn and family of Lond•on. Mr. Edgar Mil•Is is a patient in St. Marys iMemorial Hospital at., 'time of vvriting. " Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerald. Lawson visited. with Mrs. Sadie Lawson and 11/1r. and MTS. Harold Beav- ers, ,of Exeter ori Sunday. The flowers in the church sanotti.ary Sunday trivning were in Memory of the late Mrs. Ray Miller of Listowel whose. tragic death sad41,?.ned. our communi•ty.. Otilr h•Ll a r tf el t sympathy goes out to Rev and h.> family. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Prin,gle, Wnyne and Tcrry Lord1 and and Mr. and Mrs, Ceorge Wheel- 11,;:re gite.-ts with Mr. atd Mrs, Glenn Copeland and gir IVIrs, Jahn Gais.e•r, of Sf. Marys the former Joyce Mills,. a recent Ontario white bean grOwerS ond payment would be made ean.eXpedt to receive an average about April, He said the board prige of about ,O0 cwt. from hoped it would be about $2. their 1968 crop bY the. time it He indicated the final pay - is all marketelliezt, August, ao- ment on the 1968 crop would cording to a marketing official. likely be made next October. Charles I3roadwell, sales man- Sales to Monday On the do - ager of the Ontario Rean Pro- mestic market amounted to ducers Marketing Board, told 123,260 bags . an average - Huron County growers at their price of $10.44. Export sales of anrival district meeting at Zurich 232,600 bags averaged 9.14 for that if everything could ean over-all average of $9.59. *slated up now the average Out, of this the board must would be about $8.10. However, pay dealers a handling charge with sales just starting in ear - of $1.25 per bag. That, plus ad - nest on the domestic market, ministrition costs of the agency prices should go up bringing scheme, should result in the both domestic and export price over-all $8.50 average to the averages up. grower, The board, operating this "Most of our business now is year for the first time under domestic so our over-all average an agency marketing system should go up," Mr. Broadwell which gives it control of all the said. beans, has already made' an ini- tial payment of $5.50 per bag Last year bean growers av- (100 pounds), when farmers eraged about $9 a bag but they sold their beans. received that on one of the Mr. Broadwell forecast a sec- lowest -yielding crops in history - 821,000 bags, The average for the three previous years was in the $7.20-$7.50 range. The '1968 crop is expected to yield just under 1,000,000 bags. The statistics branch of the Ontario department of Agricul- ture and Food came in for crit..• icisin •for 'forecasting a- crcip of 1,600,000 bags earlier this year while the board was looking for a 900,000 - bag crop. Mr. Broadwell said the offi- cial statistics of the department presented the board with dif- ficulty in selling beans at a reasonable price. INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Donal , G. Eaton d . Insurance Agency Limited Office in Massonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 : Seaforth "4 7•4/ t ttf '4 ' 4 vs. 41/4 41/4 11/4 4.4 -1/4 +1/4 •1/4 .4 -1/4 „,ra CHRISTMAS GIFTS Give A Centennial History Book of the - TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP $2.00 Available at the Township Office Winthrop, Phone 527-1916 (r, fr.„. f re)/ • 1.4,4 rrir .,""r , . ..s;„ , I .•••'.11 ' 1-•"' (14:44" ...I; L-' • I I ...J.,' • • .7-;" • • 4,4' • r" • ,4•I • • • '1/4 .4 • ``-• • FOR THE MEN Ties Socks Tie and Sock Sets Tie and Puff Sets 1.50 and 2.50 1.00 to 1.95 2.50 2.95 Scarves 2.95 to 4.50 Perma-Iron Dressing Gowns • • 12.95 Belts •1.25 to 2.50 Flannel and Cotton Pyjamas Viyella Shirts, plain Tartan Sport Shirts Regular and Perma-Iron Dress Shirts 5.50 to S.00 Cuff Links & Tie Tac Sets 2.50 to 4.00 Tie Racks 2.50 Pullovers and Cardigans Sweaters 8.95 to 19.95 Jackets, Car Coats • 11.95 to 29.50 All Weather Coats 19.95 Zip Lined 29.50 Hats by Stetson Gloves 3.95 to 5.95 14.00 16.00 3.95 .to 7.5b FOR THE BOYS Turtle Neck Sweaters, Perma-Iron • • , 2.95 , Sport Shirts Cardigan Sweaters Smits Gloves Toques Hockey Pants, NylocnstOct Coats, 8-18 12.95 Nylon e s 2.95 to 3.95 • 4.95 79c .• 1.00 to 1.95 1.00 to 3.95 4.50 and 7.50 9.95 - ALL ITEMS GIFT -BOXED FREE OF CHARGE s, 8.95 1.95 to 5.95 ;I BILL O'SHEA Men's Wear ; k:s ‘k. o Parkhill and 40$1, Wfarie 141110 "It was tough for US to ittetif , our price to dealers with tha high forecast," he said. However, the matter ha been corrected and the boar anticipates, a more adeurat forecast next year. ' Board chairman -Robert Allan of Brucefield said co-operation with the dealers has been excel lent under the agency scheme. He said the board was able to sell more beans 49,, the United Kingdom than ever before but domestic sales have been slow- er than usual. In a question from the floor on the cost of setting up the agency, Mr. Allen said, "It cost us the salary of the manager, no extra staff was hired." We also spent 30 cents apiece of your money to join the Ontar- io Federation of Agriculture. I represented the Bean Board and I feel you got value for your money. One of the benefits de- rived was doubling'the rate for every hydro pole across your farm." The Huron Board chair- man went on to *say, "When you vote today for your representa- tives, vote for the man that will work -.for you. This isn't a Union or Federation meeting,, fhis is a bean producers meet- ing and vote for the man that will work for the bean growers". Turning to recent farm unity talks, Mr. Allan referred to the apparent breakdown of unity following the Ontario Farmers Union convention last week in Kingston. "The only drawback there is their leader," said Mr, referring to OFU president Wal- ter Miller of Tara. He quoted Mr. Miller as writing in a union .paper that marketing boards were through. "Now I'm kind of glad we didn't give them a grant," he said. Last year, the board turned down a request for a grant to the union. Mr. Allan said Ontario needs a strong central organization before it can move to a nation- al body: Returned as diregtors to the marketing board fibin Huron were Mr. Allan, Charles Rau -and Philip Durand, both of Zur- ich, and Gordon Hill of Varna. The same four were named to the Huron County bean com- mittee along with Ted Jeffery and James Love of Zurich; Alex McBeath, Kippen; Malcolm Dav- idson and Donald Brodie, Bruce - field; Richard Erb, Bayfield; Lorne Luther,- Lucknow; and Joseph Miller, Dashwood. Ladies' Aid Has Meeting The Ladies Aid of First Pres- byterian Church met at the man se Tuesday afternoon with an , attendance of 35. Miss Jean Scott the president was in the chair .and conducted the business of the day. Mrs. Douglas 0. Fry opened the meetinig with a Christinas message. • "While Shepherds Watched ThedIr Flock by Night" was sung with 'Mrs. J. A. McGregor at the piano. .Mrs. Fry read the script- ure les -son and Mrs. Frank Kling led in prayer. -Mrs. Harrold Whyte read the scripture le,ssorn and Mrs.. James F. Scatt,„ gave the tre•asurers report. Irwas decided to send boxes to the shut ins ag- ain this year, Mrs. Lorne Law- son introduced the guest spetakt en Mrs. Russell Worden of Staf- fa demonstrated gift wrap ping..Mrs. W. A. Wright gave co-urtesy remarks. News of ZION Miss Joan Britton spent the weekend with her Parents, la% and Mrs. Herb Britton. Mrrs. Vera 'Moore Logan spent the weekend with Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Durst, Seeifoath on Sunday. Dr. and 'Mrs. Gordon MaKeni- zie, Stratford' visited Mrs. Mary Mialcolm on Tuesday. Mrs. Ross Gordon, Seeforth spent Wednesday with her mother Mrs. Atary Molcoltn, IVEr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, Mrs, Lawrence Hannon spent Wedatesday Landlon Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm were in London on Pkidey. MTS. Elmere ZIllalt.9 visit- ed her mother, Mrs. Rena Stac- ey and Mowet on Moinday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Fullerton ogled on Mrs. Mary Malcolm son Sunday afternoon. / k•r4m.•,44••••••ry.••••••m.4.•••••••••''kk•sw444,•,,••444 use Expositor ti Want -Ads 2 Phone 527.0240 PHONE 52/60995 _ -SEAFORTH 4;10.11114.001,40.16moomosisowrosowisem. K of C List Bingo Winners Father Stephen Eckert boon- cil No. -5289, Knights of Colum- bus, of Seaforth and District hield their annual Turkey Ringo at the Legion Ifa.11,, Thunsday December 5th. Following are the winners of regular games: Mrs. S. Hableirk, ,Charles Wood, Dora -Taylor, Mrs. F. lVfaloney, 1VIns. Langstaff, Jim Kelly, Seafoath; john Paul Rau, Patrick Flame - garb, IVIT.s. J. Regier, Gerald Reg ler, Zurich; Mns. W. a Wilson, Brian, Wilson; Denriiis Deruarnme, Toronto; Mns. C. Looby, Dublin; Share the wealth winnters were: Mary Oesch, Varna; Ferg Kelly, Dublin; Dora Tarylar,Win- Tide Nott, Mr.s. M. Melanson, Sea:forth Joanne Rau, Mrs. P. Durand, Lloyd Denomme, Z-ur,: ic•h; Mrs,. N. Baird, Rnucefield. Door prize winners were: Hazel 1VEcGanigle, Jim Watson., Seaforth. , 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 627-0150 - Iles. 527-1053 LIKE MAKING MONEY? CAN GROWTH -.a CANADIAN mutual fund itivesting in the dynamic growth through research hi- . dustries of the United States. A.G.F. Management Area Representative Fred (Ted) Savauge 77 John Sr. - 527-1522 For Complete INSURANCE on , your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE - JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527.0490 t Seaforth Office,plrectly Opposita Soinforth Motors "1 4'4 44 1414, rItti49,410 intilatY AO 4. 141.40/lanaoP ohow, os‘.sj .1,4,0 Chwoh Noe4vont girg '11/111Nda•Y ..0001441:411.4. • Mr, and Mrs. Claremool rprid anclt.famay o Icitgligner„ ad Ad atm.. Gerald Morley owl Danny of Exeter, and Ws. Louis Masao, of Creaton Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dickey and; family. TO! HP 4 ,!4411•5414 FUEL • PHONE 527.4870 "I, -4 4,44,fr".4 .4.'4 ;4.-4 eke:LP/4'4'1.4 .444' ,4,4 -4. 4 .,•4 .1/4 4 4 '4 4 4. , 4 • , , 7 Shop here for the best selection of gifts for everyone On your list this year. •,...s4s• -3ra,44 ' fr- • .4 ••.s. •••.," ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS PERSONALIZED GIFT' ITEMS --01.FORM-111,S Distinctly* Personal for Invilafiont, Thank -You and Notes. Perfect for Gifts 25 Informals and 25 Envelopes $2.25 to $6.00 • Giese kern thine few TYPIt SAN • . The name in raised black printing on fine qualify white Vellum paper with matching plain envelopes. Personalized Writing Paper with Matching _Envelopes - $3.40 up IC "4 11 11„1 "1 "4 I •,4`, •PLAYING CARDS For the person with every- thing, choose from our wide selection of styles and colors imprinted- name or initials. SERVIETTES Ideal accompaniment to any table . luncheon, tea or, dinner napkins in a linen or facial quality imprinted with your name in gold, silver or black. Choose from a wide assortment of colors and styles. 50 from 100 from $3.30 $4.15 • BOOK MATCHES wide range/of colors. Person- alized book matches in a GIFT DRUM Show your good taste . . . an attractive clear plastic drum containing 50 personal- ized book matches. Choice of colors $3.85 Single Deck Double Deck $2.95 $5.45 PENCIL PACK Yellow eraser -tipped pencils stamped with a full name in gold. Handy gift for the schol- ar. 12 Pencil .$1•45 Packt TREASURE PACK Cocktail napkins and matches both with name or initials imprinted. Delightful sbuven- ir of Your holiday parties or a thoughtful gift for" the hos- tess. 50 Facial Quality Napkins size matches and 45 regular $6.50 100 linen finish napkins with 45 regular gize matches $7.65 50 Facial Quality Napkins with 94 ten $8.40 strike matches 100 linen finish napkins with 94 ten strike go. s matches " "Ol• /v Phone 527=0040 • ?'•••.,•• ' MRS. DONALD PHILLIPS TYPE STYLE Al2 frivg. ID,w4I Rol:awn 'TYPE S'/YLX *19 Au. 'Mahe, .faMont TYPE STYLE A10 Sirs. Jahn #lmlersan TYPE STYLE AS V16 envelopes books • 41511 films preserves "46.1.0 phonograph rocords 300 labels $1.75 PuI your printed personat labels on all easy-to.lose Items such as MalionirY, cheques, cameras, toys. You'll find a thouiand uses for these gummed labels packed in a handy plastic reuseable box. ORDER NOW AT - genfort .1, „ 4; .4., 4 4, „; 4. 4. 4 4 4, 4 4, .„4. ,4, .4, 4. .4 r1/4 rt. its