The Huron Expositor, 1968-11-28, Page 1e, • • ria • • • Whole No. 5254 109th Year THURSDAY, NOVE1VIBR 28,1968 — Third Section, Page e 17 to 24 Paget; 45._ 4c0P,IrorieVAdvancenota •MicKiHop Votes Tcwo Acclamation For Three Seaforth electors acclaimed PUC Commissioners R. S. Box (left) and D. Sills (centre) and,also Deputy Reeve Wilmer Cuthill. There are contests for mayor; reeve and council with the names of 12 candidates on the ballots for v oting on Monday. Officials Present Reports • To Seaforth Ratepayers The largest attendance at a Reeve Dalton said this would nomination meeting in some change after elections. years greeted candidates as While the town had paid they reviewed town activities $5,000 to planning consultants, • following the close of nomina- the wirk which was carried out tions in the town hall on Mon- by the consultants and the plan - day evening. • ning board would be fitted- in Rev.,, Douglas 0. Fry was el- the countywide planning pro- ected chairman of the meeting. gram and it was expected that Mayor Frank Kling, reviewed the town's initial investment town business and said- that would be recovered from the during the year a planning county when county planning board had been appointed and gets underway. a zoning bylaw prepared which He said that since Everett was waiting municipal board ap- Smith of Egmondville had been provai. A recreational council appointed safety inspector by had been organized and had the county, there had been n� been instrumental 4n increasing construction accidents report - activity at the community cen- ed in Huron. • tre. The fact that there are 44 During the year West Wil- empty beds in Huronview is liam Street was rebuilt, the first good because it means that Sc - in a aeries of Seafortb streets, •comraodation can be provided that will be brought up to stan- as reqUired. _ dard as bisic work, such as •Reviewing work which had sewers is completed. Surfacing been carried out on Seafcith's work was carried out on other streets, he said that the cost streets acress town. He said the of laying chips had been $4,500 Silver Creek Dra9tproject which and that as a mann, streets were ' commenced a year ago, was in particularly good condition completed but for deepening and would stand up. In the end under the cNR tracki 'and ne- it would be a most economical gotiations leading to this work •operation. During the year had been completed during the $3,680 had been collected from past week. During the year parking meters and thp assess- -council had been- active in car- ment of the town had increased rying out a clean-up prograni by $60,982. ticross the town which had re- Deputy Reeve Wilmer Cuthill suited in the removal of a referred to a report of County number of eye -sores. Clerk John Berry who, he told • May Kling spoke of the the meeting, was doing an ex - or. . • 100thanniversary which the town had celebrated during the • past • summer and the great pleasure which the celebrations had brought to people in the town •as well aa' to visitors. He referred to the chairman of the committee responsible, Dr. J. C. AlacLennan and paid tribute to the „contribution which he had made to the success gf the ven- ture. He expressed on behalf of himself and council, the loss - which the community had suffer- ed in the sudden death of Dr. MacLennan. Looking to the future he said he 'hoped thet additional paving of streets would be carried out • and that work on main street was scheduled for next year. This wopic is the responsibility of Huron County. He .said the Year Itad been 'a most pleasant • and productive one and it was ithi hope- that members of the .present council would stay on to. complete the work in which they had become hivolved and with which they were familiar. Reeve Carl Dalton, who re- viewed his duties on the Huron County Council, put particular emphasis on the county assess- ing program which comes into being next year. There will be twelve assessors and under the county plan the salaries will amount to $111,300. He saidithat the town had tier alternative but to join in the cotnity assessing program which will take five years before the effects will be felt. He added that while the • basis of assessment will be the same across the county there will continuo' to be differencea in the mill rates of individual municipalities. Referring to eriticism that had arisen as a result of county council's appointment of a plan- ning board and the fact that the menibere Were all from the •'southern part of the county, cellent job. Mrs. Betty Cardno, a mem- ber of the present council, rep- resents the town on the Mid- western Ontario Development Association. She said particular emphasis had been placed a the need for additional doctors and dentists. • Councillor Junes Kelly, ch ir- man of the Court of Revisioti, referred •to the excellent -work which the Public Works com- mittee- had done. Councillor Robert Dinsmore, a members of the Recreation committee, told of the action which had been taken to clean, the town of unsightly structures and how this had contributed to a mere pleasant comniunity. Councillor L. F. Ford, who is completing' his first year on council, sad he had enjoyed the experience and found that thcre was lots to learn. Councillor Ronald McDonald, who served on the •Finance„ committee, Public Works and Protection to Persons commit- tees, briefly reviewed the work of these committees. Council*, Wm. Pinder refer- red:to hiswork with Council- lor Kelly in connection with police matters. Reports for School • Berf Moggach, who had been nominated for council and who this year was chairman of the (Continued on Page 21) :p.fididate ight..Seafort Question PerOd • Sparks Di,scUp' sion When Seaforth Officials had completed their reports at the ratepayers meeting which fol- lowed nominations Monday eve- ning the meeting was thrown open for questions. In a question period which followed Frank Sills enquired what would be done about re- placifig sidewalks during Main Street renovationg. Mayer Kli'ng said that a meeting is scheduled. for -Wednesday of this week, with county., officials, engineers and ' others concerned in the street program when questions concerning the entire project will be discussed. He did not know the answer at the moment. Robert Read ex4ressed con- cern about a possible loss of iness during renovations of Main Street and wondered what. merchants might do to encour- age having the business section done first. Mayor Kling said Exeter has come' threugh this and has had a lot" of -problems and hoped Seaforth won't have the same. He added this too would be discussed at the Wed- nesday meeting. He emphasized it was a development road for which the county is responsible, and that Seaforth can only hope suggestions are carried out. Mrs, W. E. Butt asked if asses- sment is td be based on 90 per.• of value of property what .would this:mean in taxes? Reeve Dalton replied it would likely be the 4ame amount of .money. Donald Kunder said he under- stood there was difficulty in • -raising money for minor hockey for children and asked what conneil intended to do about it. • Mayor Kling •suggested the Minor Hockey group shoillfi dis- cuss the problem with tile Rec. wit : 1111 reation council and irimarrrpr6eets posed budget. Harry Scott, chairman of the . recreational council discussed • the operation of the cause. The minor hockey committee. of which he also was chairman should go to the rec council and added how difficult it had been for him to be chairman of both groups at the same- time and 7' that he ,since had resigned from the Minor Hockey. Committee. He referred to added arena costs that had arisen this year. It had been necessary to spend money on a new roof for the Logan, Mornington x, 1 member; arena and some new pipes had City of Stratford x, 4 members. to be Put in the cooling system • An Canadian citizen not less ' Seaforth voters wiZ have six .ballots to mark When they go to the polls on Monday. When the period in which candidates could qualify had ex- pired Tuesday evening there were contests for all offices ex- cept deputy reeve and PUC commissioners. DeputY Reeve Wilmer Cuthill was returned by The owners- of the properties 'concerned were present and in- formed and further action is now in the hands of Water Re- sources who approved the wes- terly location. Mayor Kling said it was not exPected any paving will be done in town next year until after Main greet is paved as it comes first. He "sfiggested some streets crossing West Wil- liam and on which sewer work, is coMpleted need doing. Noth- ing can be done about sewers until the new lagoon is in oper- ation although engineers are at work on overall, study in, con- junction with the OWRC. . Reeve Dalton said a large col- lector storm sewer is required under- Main Street together with connections and it was planned this work would be done in cooperation with the county and coordinated with the Main Street . project. Frank Sills a candidate for - Mayor's chair " was invited to speak by the chairinan. He said he wanted to commend the pre- sent council and.added he didn't always agree with what they have done. If he is elected he promised to use common sense and Work to the best of his abil- ity. John Flannery nominated as reeve told about seeing an ad in the Expositor last_ week asking for experienced help and said that for reeve he feels he can • qualify here. He regretted to learn in liitening to nomination reports from other centres that about 50 percent were by accla- •L-;`f ontinued on Page 21) • Clear Details of School Elections Details of the election of Trus- tees by separate school support- ers to the Perth and 'Huron combined Roman Catholic seg.-- • orate school board are contained on a memorandum prepared by P.W. Franck, business adminis- trator of the corobined Stratford Separate School Board. Relevant excerpts from the memo follow: The election of Trustees for the new Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board, which will take over the adMini- .stration of ,all Separate Schools in both Huron and Perth Count- ies on January 1, 1969, is con- fusing man Y Separate School Supporters as to the procedure for the 'nomination of and the voting for their favourite can- didates. There will be 14 elected mem- bers on the new school board. They will be elected to represent the following areas: IN -HURON COUNTY: Municipalities. of:- Stephen x, Exeter, Usborne, 1 member; Hay Heesall, Zurich, 1 member; • Stanley, Bayfield, Seaforth, kersmith x, 1 member; Goderich, Colborne, Town of Goderich x, 1 member; McKillop x Hibbert, Clinton, 1 member; Ashfield x, Wawanosh W e s t, Wawanosh East, Turnberry, Wingham, Mor - HS; 1 Member. IN PERTH COUNTY Municipalities of:- Ellice x, North • Easthope, South East- hepe, 1 Member; St. Marys, Blarishard, Downie x, 1 mernber; Fullerton, Hibbert x, 1 member; than 21 years of age may be nominated as a candidate for election. The nomination meeting for each group of municipalitieg has been arranged by the Clerk of the Municipality having the largest Separate School •Farm and Residential assessment, in- dicated by an "x" on the fore- going list of municipalities. Election Procilduri December 2 Each munieipal clerk hi the two Counties will Ottblish a vote erelist and a list of polling loc- ations. It is the personal . res- ponsibility of each Roman Cath- olic Separate School Supporter to assure that his or her name as the old ones had deteriorated. "I suggest that 'the Miner Hockey Committee, -/under the new chairman, go to the Recrea- tion council, as I realize it is difficult to raise the necessary aindunt". he concluded. Robert Read asked Mr. Scott how much money had been spent on new -roller skates dur- ing the past year. W. D. Steph- enson secretary -treasurer re- plied $1248.80 had been spent. He said 118800.00 was taken in and $2884.1)0 had been spent during thuroller skating season. Referring to the problems fac- ing minor hockey Jack Eis- ler said it costs $100 to even en - is on the voters' lid. and to learn ..o..., I$ e;nn per hour for ice time, we teams. "If we have to pay at what poll . he is -entitled to ''''' vote: have to have help from some When entering the poll the place. The arena is vacant most Separate School Supporter will of the time. I don't think we be handed two ballots. One will should have to pay that much". list the candidates for the Hur- he added. • on -Perth Roman Catholic Sep. Mr. Damon Stannah enquired arate School Board; the other concerning work on William will list the candidates for the Street and asked how it^ was Separate School Supporters' being paid. Clerk Ernest Will- ' Representative on the County iams and Mayor Kling explain - Board of Education. ed it is paid out of the general In the past certain Roman account and . that half the cost Catholic Separate School Bards is recovered bY a provincial have had the 'authority to ap- grant. point a Separate School Repre- Frank Sills asked if anything sentative to the local Board bf had been finalized regarding Edtteation, felsecondary school the sewage system and Mayor purpose a only, or to the dist-, Kling replied that a public meet- riet High School Beard, • Ing had been held.hy the OWRC On the new County Boards of regarding the location of lagoons (Confirmed on Page 21) whether east or west of town. Group interim -^n • accla4itlon as were PVC com- mis1qJiers R. S. Box and D. • Mayor Frank Kling is being challenged by Frank Sillwho has been a member of the SDHS board and who is making his first bid for a seat on coun- cil. A former mayor, John F. Acclaim Three at Town Nominations FOR MAYOR — Frank Kling nominated by Caq....,Dalton and R. S. MacDonald. F. C J Sills nominated by Neil Bell and Jack Sinclair. FOR REEVE — John F. Flan- nery nominated by Harold Jack- son and W. T. O'Shea. Carl Dalton nominated by Joseph McConnel and Alice Mc- Connell. FOR DEPUTY REEVE — Wilmer Cuthill nominated by Harold Jackson and Neil Bell. FOR COUNCIL — George Hildebrand nothinated by Wil- mer Cuthill and L. F. Ford. Robert Dinsmore nominated by William Pinder and Brian Flannigan. • Mrs. N. C. Cardno nominated by R. Read and Robert Dins- more. - Gilbert Moggach nominated At a meeting of the Huron- , Perth Separate School interim organization committee Monday evening in St. James Separate School W. H. Bulger presented reports ,he had received from each secretary of the twenty separate schools in Huron and Perth giving complete informat- ion on each school for the new board. He also -presented a report on information received by him from the principals of the schools on matters that needed attention most in their schools. The remainder of the meet- ing was a question and answer period. The sixth and final meeting of the interim committee is to be held on December 6th, in St. James School .with the fourteen newly elected Trustees of the Huron -Perth Separate School Board and the three (one from Huron and two from Perth) el- ' ected members of the County Board of Education as guests. The agenda is be prepared at that meeting for the inaugural meeting December 9th. Name B. Tuckey by T. L. Habkirk and W: A. Hodgert. William Pinder nominated by Robert Dinsmore and Gordon Tyndall. ' Robert W. Newnhamnominr ated by Marilyn .,,under and D. G. Eaton, James Kelly nominated by Edward Taylor And W. T. O'Shea. L. F. Ford nominated by Don- ald Matthews and Wilmer Kelly. Ronald MacDonald nominated by Walter A. Scott, and Harold Jackson. Donald Kunder nominated by F. C. J. Sills and Robert Read. FOR •PUC — R. S. Box nom- inated by George Hildebrand and, D. G. Sills. _.D'Orlean 0. Sills nominated by Robert Read and D. G. Eat- on. _ 7 -rt' Flannery, is -0n13.0114f Carl. PSI - ton Whoooinploling Ilia AM*, term. MI members el the present' council except Councillor Jaines Kelly qualified as 'also did a . former councillor George' Hilde- brand and two newcomers, Bert- - MoggaQh and Robert Nevvnham. Moggach resigned as a member of the public school board to run. Mr. Newnham is on the staff of the vocational school at Clinton'. Members of the present council who quali- fied are Mrs. Betty Cardno, Ro- bert Dinsmore, L F. Ford, R. S. MacDonald and William Pinder. In addition to these three bal- lots, there will be ballots to ' mark to elect two trustees to the Huron County Board of Ed- ucation. Separate School sup- porters will vote for a trustee on the Huron board who will represent them across the coun- ty as well as a trustee on the Huroti-Perth Combined Separ- ate School Board. • Candidates for the Huron Board of Education nominated at a meeting in Stanley Town- • ship at Varna a week ago, are Vern Alderffiee and John Broad - foot of Tuckersmitb, Mrs. Molly Kunder of Seaforth; R. Peck of Stanley and Dr. laorgan Smith of Bayfield. Two trustees will be elected to the board which becomes responsible for all schools — public, district high and vocational — throughout Huron County as existing boards go out of existence on . January 1. McKillop, Hitllett, Clinton and Blyth have a choice of six can- didates. They are Art Bolton and John Henderson of MeKil- lop, John Lavis and N. Coun- ter of Clinton, Donald Young of Blyth and Kenneth }Wiley of This district also elects two trustees. There are two ,candidates, John Lansink of Seaforth. and Mike Connolly of Kippen run- ning in the elettion of a trus- tee to the combined Huron - Perth Separate School Board. In the race for the position on the Huron County board of Education representing separate school supporters across Huron are candidates D n Murphy, Goderich lawyer and John Mor- rissey of Crediton I/OS*4 In McKillop McKillop voters ao to the polls Monday; to (hoose a reeve •tlIct foul: councillors. Seeking the office of reeve are two morriliers i:f, the coun- cil Allart Campbell and Harold , Dodds. The race for council includes. ther rPmaining two present coun- cillorsRalph McNichol and W. J. Leeming together with new- comers Harvey Craig, Jack Bos-. man, and Arthur Anderson and a former councillor Jerry Doerr, err....oeete %rate, Irre-' MR. AND MRS. JOHN PETHICK Mr. and Mrs. John Pethick Winthrop Couple Wed 50 Years Ago ' Mr. and Mrs. John Pethick of Winthrop celebrated, their gol- den- wedding on Thursday. The couple was married by Rev. David Carswell at the McKillop manse on November 28, 1918. They reside in the Pethick homestead in, Winthrop where Mr. Pethick' was born, the son of the late Richard Pethick and Margaret Ann McSpadden. Mrs. c. Pethick was the former Margar- Oldfield, daughter of the late JoRn Oldfield and Mary Ann Green of Tuckersmith. It was a mild fall in 1918 and Mr. Pethick .-• recalls using a horse and -buggy to go to his wedding. It rained all through the wedding day and the open weather continued until well into December he said• . Mr. and Mrs. Pethick have a son, George and .two daugh- ters, Annie, Mrs. Harry Ranson • and Ruth, Mrs. Les Pepper of McKillop. There are nine grand- children. While the anniversary is on Thursday when friends expect to drop in to extend congratu- lations, the family observed the B. W. Tuckey, a former Huron • County ;Warden and president of Guenther -Tuckey Transports Ltd., Exeter, Tuesday was elect- ed president of the Automotive Transport Association of Ontar- Jo at its annual convention. Elected vice-president were II. G. Nickel, Listowel, and M.. W. Donnelly, Clarkson. Secre- tary is' L. E. Cooke of Barrie. A. T. Hume of Toronto, is treasur- er. event a few days in advance. Gathering, at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pepper they honored their parents at a dinner and with presentations. Smile of the Week Joe: "Did I get a surprise this morning. I put on a suit I hadn't worn since last fall and in one of the pockets I found a roll of bills 1 had forgotten." Moe: "Boy, how lucky can you get!" Joe: "Oh, I don't know. Not a one of them was paid!" r\ District Centres Pian for Votes Hay Township Reeve: Joseph Hoffman. Depu- ty reeve: Lloyd Hendrick. Coun- cil: (three needed): John J.- Tinney; Harold Campbell; Ly- onel Wilder. None have quali- fied but have until 9 p.m. today to do so. Stephen Township Reeve: James, C. Hayfer. Dep: uty reeve: Niseph Dietrich. Counell..,(three needed): Stephen Dundas; Ceoil Desjardine; Ger- ald Dearing; Joseph A. Rohl- chaud. All have qualified mak- ing it necessary for an eletir on Dec. 2. Zurich Reeve: Gordon Hess, iluali- fied; Leroy Thiel, the present reeve, didn't qualify. Council (four needed): Herb Turkheim, q.; Kenneth McCarter q.; Leroy Thiel; Milford Doer. Since only two qualified a further nomina- tion is nAcessary. Hensel, - Reeve: Mrs. Minnie Noakes, qualified; Oliver Jaques, qual- • ified. Council (four needed): John Baker, q; Harold Knight, q; George Beer, q; Hein Rods boom, q; Leonard Erb, q. Mr. (Continued, on Page 21)