The Huron Expositor, 1968-11-21, Page 74
rrEll BULK TEA, raisins and crackers In die old.
1 time grocery store have been superseded by
sanitary packaged goods backed by the good name •
of their maker. 'The sliced, wrapped loaf of bread
and the can of soap or ft.uit have eliminated hours or
O kitchen dkudgery. Modern bathrooms, furnaces, and
electric alipliatices, have swept,away inefficient,
laborious methods, The motor car has revolution-
ized our way of life.
Advertising has ilayed a part in these advances,
because advertisinglias Made mass production pos-
sible; and mass production has brought the can of
aoup„the electric washer and the motor car within
wary familysa.reach.
'This aewspaper looks on its display and classified
advertising as an .important part of its service to
O the commtrity.
PHONE 527-0240
iyth :been, noliblateti egmix01.0
oelieit xeurvi*Pert t Vie,telie en Deemtker,
g.40. 'Raving 1)a4 previeim eXPelielle0 QitQUfl"
eil, I agfAlAre yo'0 tpot 1 wi1i repAseni the OW11.
ship in an efficient manner, •
The espied MO4)0 Of the The lita*Otiette- 00-'17*Audav1 •
M., W*40 Wheran Ziet wae Pargu41.004 • WV*•lAtiegth ppot mrlio Letth: - Ybkk 474 °Mflerit .11*
the Qoougootitr lio$1 followjlog woOo)geg4 At the CrOdes*ht We. Aae, w
WePidetat Antonia' Siemon opeJi'e the eettnel feex the Aar. Well, with' eere, learauether at, laserriWer,
hnsiness Period. newLateof a guest of an4 mrs. Itaapht lievlembronce Day poem *S.. 0001140 WrgiQ04,;
0MoenS was elated under the Wider:Am followilmg the bol* god 1,044-140. Ferillotnee WON)),
dieeetien of the Chairmen, Fred * of her greed grancidengbtea; from Matelem# Denid4 PraMM; rs!"4711 MAR!, 04X. '
Veek; Secretay, Ken Eiligeeen meets `70 be Alive" wen .giVen FejltZ winvar,vio.Oxt_PitooM,Um
11;r43nyrs. "Shea falewed by ffelrea.4 Ilelger 04' 111.$* WO-Olg
-HubeinerbeTtBUuThelte, Cie P;I*Preektent'ent,CanBetel 3441)ile KaY 434 SundaY.
11W. N491)4 11°''iC1' °Wa'*. 4?f) 'i Tha 14114°44iuii $4CePelerPPCP *1149411400141MithteeelltiW P.M!,
and ItIWUmr' Nwrilan Conduct
.eu,„„. to the follewiing: Ment's epee at Vaalee Deported.
wept . • -
OWdnit B014* atehl6044.held at AdW 0n4„ SataFilaY le4"0610
diensr ferxect ni Ateletne, GeFoX Sheltdiee eeeveoeemak ,peried with liyMr UM, 1!,1!", 1120.0(1004 'MP' 'OP
. Ied the niedieg followed hy>the Mes. .Augnit Weet • tem 'plialVQ, Tiff reeeald Watson Denelfid Sfatelellele .Seer
airy and Beef
Phone 527-0770
'empties and Prizes were Pre-
• the 6'14mIth r411°1141 Q* *S, Oilet)tierienc,14 WiTs4 * '
high average, 'Newman Beene- Accident Mra Walter' Bewley tad- of a The reetieer leeeeetioh wee exe,
wies; Ladies+ high average Betty meeting at Ifensall, PetVed. Llineh ,wlae pereed by,
, .
Vock; Ledies high scare, Bettyhere
Me. ;der]) Tnaviee tdelt ever 'we, tfaeold etekee, We ,Timi
Voek; Men's high 643°It'ei allitailk nfeY _ the businese and °Peeled ed4 McDonald and the hoOttese,
Bede; Ladies low score, Elaine ing a potent "Tittle Rends to McKillop W. Veit Met at
Vanhevel; Men's low ecore, Bob ,,, It has been a •buy month for HaPPinees". Sh e exPressed the Woe of, Olfre NOVI Rack
Albums; Ladies low average, rimier Forms =vast Huron as thanks to the larlieseelio helPed Wed-Reel:1W evening •
with XS, Pre.
Elaine Vanbevel; Men% low thie raped hy Delia Aele,n in. with the devotional Peiled. Aleo sent Mrs. ChasMOCUtehetin pee.
Winning team, Vera H.Blebr- foe the groups. The secretary's ttlepont was niss 'Per* DellniS led in
average, Molbert Erten* dicates. She is press reporter the werkat73 el lbe FeWli•SuPPer. sidied Pin PevetiOtele.
echt, Enid Leenhardt, Betty The October meeting of the given by Mts. James Clark end Panel' and ineadl„an '1%-tMligtie
Vock, Velma, Leonthaedt, Roma Huron County Jr. Frs. opened the Roll Call was answered with Poem 'The' 14a011 Cempnene;"-
Smith and Kathleen Swint. with full attendance, The Pow a verse.ory "Remembrance". Mrs. Met Lav eene Godkin reed an
The emerging -closed With slides Wow on October 16th at Ben- Torrance Dundas reported the article on "Where Csnad4451. .
ondtrip winusw19676toomNew York City one of the mein events discuss- avAre. Don Achilles side was arePaY"11:7Thembellruism mad ..c:
ed. Everyone had a greet day wiener in the Copper Conteet. . _ e _.,,„,,,e„
'shown 'by -Linde Wolfe trom her miller Conservation Park was finances,
Friday eventing the Chamber even theatgleele rained and tor- It was decided 'the losing side 33 ,?,...Lal ,. vaum 7the47-trir.m,
Gordon r, dha. amounted
CosThe to- pie oat ree:::
MilleBrogen; Mrsman also reported that there to $303.7&be,
of Commerce held their annual eed to go to Auburn Hall. headed by Mrs. Wilberin Coats uvaw. 4-41F4'
Bingo and TurkeY Draw. Bingo Tickets w e r e distributed would have a Cheistmas Party in till'4;.---e °°111211enterY ol.-1-- -ePsaltneereet
vrkiruers were: Regular gamest, among members of each club to form of a supper Meeting with ( Tealfeel„.)b akaThustosititraealuly
- Wilfred Wolfe, RR 4 Mitchell; be sold at the Annual, Dance in a gift exchange.
Marien Mitegge, RR 4 Mitelyeel; Seaforth. The committee chair, pr Contet p r o c eeds eevete
led in PraYer.
W. Blanche, &marked; Mrs. Ed- would be w a s
eash draw of $20, $L5, Lunch was see.reee by mrs. Wheel -Chair Evangelist .
gar Elligsen, R. R. 4 Walton; $10. Carm Hamilton of Toronto Gerald weisoleens. Nelson givelzabboters. Nell presidied
Mrs. George Rock, RR 4 W-alion; is to be guest speaker and Don Reid and Mrs. Don Achilles!. busin .
Aristere Seaffeethi Robert Robertson and The Ranch Boys
1VIrs. Wm. Coats. presented Copper Contest leaders report_
Wietzel, Mitch; • N
ellee Dick would play forthe dance to fol-
• ...
' " Brink, Brodhageri„ ; LarrY•Schricle, low the banquet. • • the new slate of offieews for 1969. ect a total a $203.93.
amply ; Mrs. Herold Rock, are to be in by Nov. 30th. Clin- Past. President, Mrs. Herbert he patehes were opened in
Read the' Advertisements - It's a. Profitable Pctstime I
unlearn, Myrtle Stewart, Monk_ ton donated $50 and Howiek put .
Mite/mil; Ed ', &barterer Sr. All work Illitercy donations Travess• President, Mrs. Frank the money apron, the verses
avicto„,-; %Ire
WA,?al '; Vice Pnesiclent, 1Vers. read and money counted, then
uen McColl; Secretary, lens. the apron sold for e total of
...---------------- i4r:. Oribville 'Parrolite% two weeks aoscei. o
Don Achilles; Treasurer, Mfrs. $1'7.02. •
y i eld p p
Allan Koehler, Walton; Mrs.- With Toro,nto Conference com- Mac Sholdice; Pianist, 1VIrs. Ray Mrs. Stewart McCall gave the -
1 Ali Our
Earl. Rock, R. R. 4 Walton; Mrs. ing up all members are remind- Huether with assistant Mrs. W. repart a the nominating corn-
' Donl
Martin e
1Vtirr_aY, Dublin', g- ed that eertries for public eale C. Ha.ckwell; Quilt Coxnmittee; . mittee. Unit leaders, Mrs. Lav -
'lin, Mrs. Lone ing are to be in b December 2. Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. W. C. erne Godkire MM. Glen
as Dietz, 'Dub
Fullerton; George Flood, Dennis Passmore is to get a Hackwee, Mrs'. Leonard Leem- ol, Mrs. Don , Dennis and Mrs.
,-... Mentlitoie Mits. Quinn Harborn, folk singing group together and img, Mrs' Earl Watson' Mrs' Cee- CamPbell WeY; See'retarY' Mits.
Cremarty. • Jamieson Ribey a trio. Drama ji Lycliatf and MTS. Roy Bennett; George Love; Treasurer, Mre.
SPeelal Prize's went tie Mrs. Festival also is approaching. If Suppee Committee, ,Mrs. Allen Norman Schade; Pianists., Mrrs,
Searle .Mrs. Howard Haekwell, Neil 1V100avin, Mes. Merton. .
Used Cars
-Rill Austin 'Seaforth, Bill Auetin, any club intended on putting --, 1,
MTS. Belson Marks, Mrs. Alex Hackwell; 'Friendship and Visit ,
' Seaforth, Mrs- Wilfred Ahrens, on a play they were to ,give the Gulutzen; Press Reporters, 1VIes. leg; Mrs....Murray Dennie, Miss
,es s, Mrs. Torrance hl Dennis; Social Fence tions,
Brodhagen and Mrs. Harry Mue- name of their club and how
. gge, Bornholm. many plays to be entered to Dundas; Boxes, Mrs. D. e.nnis, Mrs. Wm. Roe, Mrs; Zahn Burro
••or imeo nt Dianne , e
Joen Black, by Dec. .1st. Also % eh Copper Contests Captains,
BDach,aBomrnholmwe, Bre to uding
iL- The &th end 16th UCW Mint ,
cia,„ Nir s . Murray Dennis, Mrs. Lyle
Square Dancing is on a zone
And Trucks
1966 Buick 4 -door Sedan, V-8, auto„ power
brakes, power• steering and electric win-
dows, cruise control, two tone.
i966 Pontiac 6-cyl. standard, radio
1966 Chev. Impala 2 -door �.P., A.T., power
'steering and brakes, radio.
1966 Pontiac Parisienne, 4 -door hardtop, P.S.,
and P.B., radio, V-8 auto. .. •
1966 Pontiac , Laurentian, 6 -cylinder-, auto.
19,66 Vauxhall Viva
1966 Pontiac Parisienne 2 -door II.T., St., rad-
io, white walls.
1965 'Falcon 2 -door, 6-cyl. •
1965 Porrtiac 4 -door sedan
1965 Chev._2-door hardtop
1965 ,Chev. Biscayne, V-8; auto., radio.
1964 Mercury 8, Standard, 352 cu. in.
1464 Vauxhall sedan
1963 Oldsmobile
1963 Ford
1963 Pontiac
1963 Buick 2 -door hardtop
Eight older models from 1962 Chevs., Corn-
ets, Mercurys, etc. '
1968 GMC V-8 1/2 -Ton, A.T. pick-up.
1967 GMC V-8 1/2 -Ton A.T: pick-up
' 1966 GMC .8 auto 1/2 -Ton picklsup
1965 Ford 750 Stake with 18 -ft. racks, 1000 x
1964-Mermy 1 -Ton stake
1964 GMC Y-8 1 -Ton stake, 7' x 9' rack, dual
1959 Ford cab over with 1§ -ft. racks.
0 0
• Pontiac Buick Dealer
MITCHELL • : PHONE 348-8932
Open Every Evening till 10 to Serve You
• and all Night if vie have to
IVIenkton and Cheryl ,Ben,„ instead of field:day and entra'es met at the home of Mfrs.
ewe marten; seeeorth wednee„, , Osborn; Nominating Comm.ittee
TURKEY WINNERS ember 2nd. , day evening. Mrs. Jack Bosnian, Mrs. John
" to this also are to be in by Dec-
nevvies, Brodhagery.
'Burch., -,
ibents renorts are slow in Mrs. Rae Houston opened with ,
Mrrs - George Love r
"Evelldng PraYer'' f°1- some 0If the .higlialights of
. Tiekets were '' citravvn for 50 '
_Teree,ye with., prizes .going , to coraing in, II there have been 4,
Lloyd eiemme Boenholm; 43.„._ ally accidents .. on your farm' lo
erley Benerman, R. R. 1 Dublin; eaesing injury, loss of time or Fri
Lyndta Seherharth, Brodlyagen; loss of money, `please contact M
Ed Leoeharee Bornhohne Hulda a member Of the Jr. Frs. so they "R
-Bauee, RR' 5 Mitchell, Fritz Gla- ,. can complefbe the forms and help T
user, Re R. 4 Mitchell; Orville the Ont... Accident- Survey. This mic
- -Sehalz, Mitc.liell; 'Darlene El- survey is to find out whet caus-
ligsen, R': R. 4 Walston; Peru es it and the time loss. the
Schneider, Milverton; Ralph Lambton Couety has inVited-
• Wiettersen, Bornholm; Jerome a team from our County to at.
• tend , their ' Broomball Tourna-
111 • t'Y 131.831er• Mira. /awes Regria/ meeting held in Varna
"s Plartisi Mrs' pang(' October 22nd.
.onald read an , article on
Mrs. Don ,Ilmmis closed with
embrance". PratYer.
topic 'Prejudice was Lunch was served Mrs.
n by Mrs. Rae Houston Glen McNichol, Mns„ David Wart -
Jan ,Van Vliet took over eon and the hoe -wee
business. lVfes. W. R. BrOadfoot has return-
ed home .after visitalig with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Farquharson, Lon-
don. e
Lehman, Stouffville; Frank Ban_ ment to be held on November
non, Gadshill; Mrs. Joe Smith, „, Mr. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. Kerb.
t. Murray, R. R. 4 Zetteltell„ is•
30th. Names are to be sent to ed by Fred Uhler .sta•nds as fel-' neth Ritchie and Mr. and M.
Walter McIwain of R. R. 2, God- lows: Seaforth 785, Clinton 467, Ross Cunningham 'attended the
- Mrs. Frank filar% Mitchell; Rev.
Seeforth; Wm. Hill, Mitchell;
erieh. • N257thHoHwuireokn126684 la
, Sough Huron funeral of the late Mks. Roy
Robert -Rock, Dartmouth Neva
Pzike in Toronto last Satur-
ton; -Ford Dickieen, Brodhagen; Della Allen reported on the
Scotia; Miss Connie Horn, Monk-
Drama Work Shop she attended Annual entertainment night day
at Guelph Little Theatre on Oct- put onby the Seaforth Club was Weekend guests at the lume of
O Timothy Rock, Dartmouth, Nova
ober 25, 26, and 27th weekend. !held on November 5th. All Mr. and MTS. Torr..ence Dundas
Scotia; R. Gross, Alma; „lifts. 'Cathy Obrien and Terry Doyle members of Huron County were iriclud,ed Mr. and Mrs. Clemerus
, both very teetive Guelph Little invited to, attend and bring a Staz, Golden Valley; Mr, and
Mitchell; .Bruce Nairn, Ceom arty;
• The club. point system report: meeting is on Noveler Wolfrom Stutz, Toronto and
• Mrs. W. Stutz, Waterloo; Mr.
George Rock, Walton; Dcirthy
Theatre members made the friend.
Drager, Seafeeth; R. Fortune,
weekend such a"success.
Roy MeEwen, 1Vl1tchell; Ratz, Miss Jeanne Dawson; Kitchener.
Milverton; BenNyland, Dublin;
1VLrs.. Wilfred Krauskopf, Dublin;
J. F. Fowler-rMitchell; Douglas
Dietz, Dublin; Clare WO odb urn,
Mitchell; Rutfianry Kemp, St:rat--
fond; Lawrence McLean, Monk -
ton; George Young,' Stratford;
.Frank Jarmuth, 'BOrnholth; Don
Stewart; Seaforth; Keith Steph-
an, St Marys, Harold Gaffney,
Monkton; Russell Smith, Dublin;
Don Pesteli, Guelph; Pat 1VIcCon,-
, neat, Seafotrth; Irene Kistner,
Bornholm; J. S. lluherington,,
Dover •Ceintre; Wm. Fraser, Mil-
vertorE; Milton Bode, Mitchell;
Jim Diegel, Bornholm, Helen
• Thirst, Listowel; Douglas Dietz,
DOM; Bob. Gamble, IVelverton.
Mr. and 1VIIrs. David Bender,
Kitchener - Were gueste of 1ln
and Mrs. Gary Sholdioe for the
Mrs. Lavern Wolle was moved
_from the Seaforth Community
Hospital, halving been a patient
there for over a week, to the
Stratford General Hospital on
Flowersi 'evene placed enthe
altar of St. Peter's . Luellen
Chorea on 4eunda7, in Memory
of the lateMes. Mary Buddea-
tagen. 'They were placed -there
O by tire amil". 'Commissioning of •
the teame in the "Every Mem-
ber Visitation." took place at this
service also two babies were bap-
tized. by Rev. 11. N. Lossing.
They were Joanne Kay Wider -
sen, imfarit daughter of M'tr. and
Mrs': Ralph Wieberseco with her
sponsors being Mit and Mrs. .Tfian
Cakehread, Hamilton and Mr.
and Ws. Ronald Ray, St. Paul's
-and Kevin George Beuxerman,
akit son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Beuerman with his sponsors
being. Mr. mind Mrs. Ronald
lMir,nnicl, Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifee
and Karl visited in London on
Sunday with Mtn and Mrs. Ross
White end family.
Mir.. and Mrs. Newman Benne.
titles were gttests of Mir andi IVIrs.
Dae Eickeneyier, Mitchell' on
A number of persons from -this
community attended the 25th
Wedding Anniversary Celebrat-
ion for Mr. atnd Mrs. Alvin Soh-
ellenberger nt IVIttohell, Safer -
day evening. •
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Brown vis-
ited Mr. and IVirs. Ray Kettlewell
and family, 6tnathrey, Mr. and
YIN. Al Brown, Melbourne and
Mrs. Aanistrong, Melbourne..
Doug Leonhaedt, son of Me.
and allirs, Mervyn Leonheett, took
the le'rist piny of the. season
Washable Viyellas, Terry Cloths,
Spuns, Brocades, Arnels arid
Suedenes! We have thein`all'iii
a wide range of plains, plaids
and figures. Sizes small to extra •
Priced 7.50 to 27.50 •
Popular ....Flannelettes, Broad-
cloths or Knitted Ski Pajamas
mak t a warm and sensible gift
for aby man, sizes A to E.
4.95 to 5.95
Compare at $8.00. Our best qual-
ity Forsyth Perma:Press shirts
come in white, blue, green, Ban -
O anaend sand, gift boxed. Special
Pullovers in -all styles, button
-Cardigans in all qualities and
sleeveless pullovers are here bi
a wide selection for Christmas
giving. Sizes 36 to 50.
8.95 to`15.95
Wool Scardigans (Vest Scarf)
Lined Gloves, all qualities
New Christmas Neckwear
Popular Knee -High Men's Sox
Car Coats & Jackets
1.95 to 7,95
1.50 to 2.50
13.95 to 35.00