The Huron Expositor, 1968-10-31, Page 29Seafo.rO ..4fiegicin Has :13eplet Street Changesillitory $etifice. Goderich Street West —1900 --Goderich StreetWest —1960 Goderich Street West —1968 West William Street — Recently " Reconstructed Seaford/ Branch 156 of the Men Canadian Legion of the Bri- tish ginpire Service League was organized at a meeting bel.q in the G. W. V. A. Hall on OetOber 15, 1929, following informal discussions that had been going un for some months. A charter was issued to the Branch on October 25, of the same )ear, the charter membe sarne year, the charter members being S. W. Archibald, Charles Adams, W. C. Bennett, Dr. J. A. Munn, George Scott, Charles Neely, Bert Muir, John H., Earle, Jcilin H. Best, Edward Brown, Fred Barlow, A. H. Douglas, A. M. Hill and H. D. Chesney. Officers of the new branch, elected at a meeting held in the Orange flail on D,-zeinber 12, 1929, were. President, S. W. Archibald; first vice-presid- ent, C. Adams; second vice-pre- siderit, W. C. Bennett; secretary, Dr. J. A. Munn; Treastmer, G. Scott; committee: J. 1;1', Earle, B. O. Muir and C. F. Neely. From 'its inception the ranch assumed responsibility for all matters connected with the welfare of Veterans and with the.perpetuating of the, memory of .those Veterans who had paid the supreme sacriffee. One of the first activ-ities of -the branch was, organizing a church parade and Armistice Day program a few weeks after it had been est- ablished. ThroubouLthe thirties the activities of the Branch were di- rected to assisting those who found themselves in need, and with the outbreak of the Secone War in 1939, members spared no effort to provide full support on the home front. Branch 156 participated throughout the war years in a series of even..0.,,a1one or with other organizations, which produced thousands of, dollars for the war effort. During this time accomm- odation was made available, in the Post Office building. How- ever, as Second In4ar Veterans began returning A t'became ne- cessary to seek larger quarters, and for several years the Branch made use of rooms in Cardno's Hall, pending the cOnstruction of a Legion HaU. In 1948 ah agreement was entered into with the 'Town of Seaforth to use fac- ilities being provided in the new Memorial Mena and Commun- ity Centre, ,and this served the Branch for twelve years. ' Whine the Branch was assur- ed of the long-tertn use of the quarters in the Community Cen- tre; there were many among the members who looked to the day when Branch 156 could occupy its own building. Discussions ex- tending over several years were translated into action in 1959, - when construction of a Legion Memorial Hall on South Main Street.was begun. While not en- tirely completed, it became possible to occupy the building early in 1960. in succeeding months, final work was carded out, and on June 2, 1961 Branch 156 Legion Memorial Hall was officially opened and dedicated. Too Many Valentines Even The Expositor can be wrong, occasionally; especially when it comes to matters of the heart. 1 "During the early part o f the vf,eek, the notaries of Cupid .reeklessly spent their money in prOcuring these emblematical missives for the objec ts o f their affections, and the post office Officials have handled more tender sentiment than they are likely to do for all the rest of the year put togeth- er. Valentines of all kinds, some boiling over with con- centrated emotion, others ex- pressive of a milder stage of lunacy, and others again al- most diabolical in their ugli- ness, have found their way to their respective destinations, carrying blissfulness or disgust, according to their character, to the hearts of the recipients. The fashion, however, seerris to be falling off to s,ome ex- tent, being confined chiefly to juveniles, and we should not be surprised to see our young people grow out of it altogeth- er before many years elapse". -The Expositor, F,eb. 19, 1875. 10011, Birthday Values at SHINEN' Ladies Fall and Winter Coats Ladies' Fall WINTER COATS ' All wool, camel hairs,boucles and tweeds, ,i,vith fur trim or untrimmed styles. All sizes to 241/4. 39.95 — 89.95 IMITATION% PERSIAN COATS in jackets, three-quarter and full lengths, some - with mink trim. 39.50 — 89.50 Also imitation Seals and Boma, all in high styles at LOW prices. Super Values in all car coats. The Most Fantastic Selection In • Mg HtiftQftg*Pomi ,Temptilorn .F0i0 -Settfet From reading the pages of old Expositors, one gets the idea that the settlers of old were somewhat pre- occupied with the 'demon rum'. In the • - 18'I0's and 80's Temperance Societies were flourishing in Seaforth and district. Several times The Expositor comments editorially on the harmful effeCts of alcoholic indulgence and directs its' readers to the temperance cause. The pre -occupation was • AO:MTH T. 04T. 31, po.thap,1 wariaate4; lag 4bput.001, of tt*'Colgt oa.;40'wt4o1 Wr pob1i4hpaoach -moth Pcp0SitOrt. InVO11/04 qconitriOn drunkellese. • AIMCI§t every wgeU ze isn issups .of the paper aeOfkitta, are given of temppranog gfitrtainal'ont at OA§ 41.1Ch gar'. ering 1110000 r,be-si1)g10g of two sons --"Father '6, A ,DrAnit- ar d and Ivioriiq is Dead" and "The spaiting Hand". ii:eaders are also told of a . It or-Appptnto occad vater cwmpittee" a yowls tornper- Apo otbiou,50 wbg Romeo ,tos of w4to QM •ombOr- :POW settiStbq pnymoitkoln Jo94.11aptels. • T4 cohtemOoraty ma.clet. Qf PIO newspapet get; 'A bit of A jolt at t4 fra.nittleSS with ,whickearly writcr$ exprcssed their Opinions. At the end of sad, factual obitilary, The Expositor mournfitily imett4Ibis short comment - "Another victim to interriperancel", ONTARIO J Paid On all Savings Accounts_ - c'minimum monthly balance Plus Cliequing Privileges , Your Sayings are Guaranteed by the Province of Ontario PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE SEAFORTH — ONTARIO HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Honourable Charles S. Mactlaughton Treasurer of Ontario R. S. MacDonald Manager, Seaforth Branch DRESSES Something For Everyone! Crimp knits, crepes, lurtexl etc, sizes 7-19, 12%- 321/2, all priced at 15.95 — 29.95 A complete line of hats, slims, gloves, bags, lingerie, foundation garments, cardigans, pull- overs, etc., all reasonably priced. Now 82, Sam. Shinen the oldest merchant on Main Street. He arrived in Seaforth in 1924, shortly before the Old Boys' Reunion of 'that year and now is beginning his 45th year in business on the street. "They have been good years," he said as he extended congratulations to his fellow citizens on the 100 year history of the town. • Men's Department .n Mtn' s and Boys' Ali Wool SUBURBAN COATS All sizes, newest materials, only 18.95 — 29.95 , BOYS' at 10.95 — 14,95 Men's All Weather COATS Qnly 16.95 — 2195 , Men's Parma Press SPORT SHIRTS in plains or patterns 4.95 — 6.95 Men's All Wool PULLOVKRS and CARDIGANS AIP sizes 6.95 — 14.95 mows HATS Fur, Felts ONLY 7.95 Men's DRESS PANTS Wools and. Perma Press 7.95 — 14.95 We are stocked with a full line of men's and boys' fall and ,winter underwear, including • fleece lined. A Odmplete line of work clothing with a large assortment of winter plaid flannel ' shirts. rm. .. ..