The Huron Expositor, 1968-10-10, Page 5•
••REDUCED Pitten
las 44,tba .wrie,mh,w417,,,44.4,,w. nn f? .641,9**00.wiltboior,4
81844eli•SePteon*Or h
voa 1;30 de*. able -traits. A--lingetr. 4tjp
Mn. and q1404 Wiiljai 011.4sth
and igks egdred Mee Morrison,
44tuighbea, af Nr. and Wa a*Ot-.
deek Varrinon, 'Varna mEglirmig-
ed wedding vokr44 Rev.. AIANad
*CMlistealoI W106440a1E OffiC-
1966 ',Ford Galaxie 500, Ilardt0P, Loaded, Lic.
1146263 •
• $2395
1966 Ford Galaxie 500, 4 -door, fidly equipped,
Lic. 46674 $2295
1966 ChrYsier Windsor Hardtop, Loaqed,
1148650 • • . $2295
1967 Ford 4 -door, V-8auto., Radio, Lic.
1148156 ' $1995
1966 Ford Sedan, 6 auto., Radio, Lie. A78958
• $1495
1966 Pontiac 4 -door, 6 -stick, Lie. E19587
1965 Rambler Ambassador, V-8, auto., PS.,
and P.B., Waded, Lic. 1153571 • •'• $1395
1964- Pontiac Convertible, Lk. 1175685 $1395
1963 Chev. Bel -Air Sedan, auto., PS., Lie.
1157092 $995,00
1964 Ford 4 -door, Lic. 1110657 $945.00
1962 Pontiac Laurentian 4 -door, auto"- P.S.,
Lie. 1148792 $945,00
1967 BSA Motorcycle, L. 22858MC • • $595.00
1964 Studebaker Sedan, Lic. 1114419 . $495.00
1962 Studebaker Sedan, 6 auto., Lic. 1153595
1963 Studebaker Sedan, Lic. E10762 . $225.00
• 1960 Zephyr 4 -door, Lic 1150041 • • • • $195.00
1963 Ford F950, complete with 5th wheel, air
"lift, trail axle, Lic. 149689 •$3995
1966 Econoline Van, Lic. 17598V • • • • $1595
1967 Ford 3/4 -Ton Camper Special, Leaded,
including bucket seats, Lic. -66022C
• NEW FORD 620
with 2 -row Corn Head
No financing charges 'till Sept. Lst, 1969
Massey 22 and Scuffler — $400.00
1950 Oliver 7/ •$600.00
IHC B-250 1Diesel • $840.00
Super W6 with T.A. $1,100.00
•- • Oliver Super7-7, Gas $1,180.00
Ford 850 $1,200.00
Massey 444 Diesel, Overhauled • • • • $1,500.00
• LH. W400 with T.A. and Live P.T.O. $1,500.00
1961 Ford Super Major, L.P.T.O. • • $2,100.00
1966 Ford 3000, 10 -speed, gas, low hrs. $2,850
1966 Ford 4000 Diesel, 10 -speed • • • • $3,780.00
• 1964 Ford 6000 Diesel , $3,975.00
1959 Ford. Tractor Loader, Backhoe, coin- .
pletely overhauled -$4,000.00
John Deere 3 -section drag harrows • • • •-$50.00.
Bissel 3 -sec. Spring Tooth Harrows • • $65.00
11 -foot Massey -Harris wheel cultivator $135
10 -ft. I.H.C. light spring tooth cultivator $200
Case 3 -furrow lift plow, good as new . $425.00
J -F Forage Harvester, 1967 model, flail type,
complete with corn head •$790.00
Ford 5 -furrow 14" semi -mounted plow $800.00
• •
Massey No. 10 Baler •" $900.00
'Ford 4 -Furrow, 14" 130 semi -mounted plow
- $975.00
Ford 4 -furrow high Clearance semi -moun-
ted, plow• • $975.00
• With 2 -Row Corn Head
Phone 235-1640 Exeter
tated at the doub.le ring cue -
many. Mr. Floyd MeAsh, uncle
,of the groom played traditional
wedding music and accompant-
ded the soioist Miss Lorene
Douglas of London who sang
"The -Wedding Hymn"' and
"Here Lord We Meet".
The'bride,. given in marriage,
by herr father, wore a floor len-
gth gown of ' organza over ter -
feta fashioned on an empire
line with guipir hoe ,ontlintir
the neck and elbow length
liriAitd 0710,0 rwe
.4114P glakr TOPTIPri. ..$41.44
St" $.44* 14410 Of UMW, -040*
a Door length pea00* '.0/1006
peau de shenturig gown with
an l'emplire ',link A SonOle ,b9ki
vi.144 the heOPtere. "and site car.
ried one large brow. ram ,
mils, Boggy Murriser„ 14n:dm
sister ,O the groom and 4‘41r0.
Comdoni _Crabani, 1.0nidOn, WSie
bridsmaids, dressed: iden.tleall
41a the; moidi f hanor,-• •
Mn. a4'Y MeAih, bandon.
brother • of the . ROM
groornsman. The pests: We*
tiSheried bylVfn. Wayne Stcrl,_
Vainconpin of the -gloom and
_MinwayXeinr4011).), ,,locoden.
!mother of the bride.
A teception followed in 00
eironeh, mallow Where. .the halifa--
e's mother receivedth.e. guests
initett Pixie Ztinc 'Or.94sE
spate -Wing Jacket and atvOlt(h
black and a POMVP
eariltal#1049, ;71he grPOMS.
Mother received ina light
grelen ere.Pe. dt7e0s With math -
big Jacket and' hat with black -44.,
cessomies and yellow carnations'.
For a trip -to Eastern Canada
the bride 'chose a two piece
suit of brown and white Witis
brown accessories tend a oar -
On their retuLrin they will re -
sage a orange rose, buds.
side in Varma. •
Prior to her weddiing the
bride was feted to a linen
shower in London at the .htome
of Mrs.- Peggy ''Mortirtito.n. . and
Mrs,, Peggy Morrision and Mrs.
Corder' Graham we hostestes •
for a community shower in Var-
baskete YellOW And
brei40 uniMs, old Acfhinned
bouquets of dried frdwerg and
hem -laden boughs Of Melt
rtana ah- pdecorated the new Y
renovated sCheol room of North:.
Aide 'fruited Church for the fill
bazaar and tea held on satnr
,Rev. J. C. Britton opened the
. bazaar and reminded the large
crowd ' present fltat while, a
bazaar is to make money it is
pleasant diversion in the work
of the church, but it means
More than that. He Said the
fellowship of the church ex-
tends into the Immunity, oth.
er 'Countries and the world, and
•we niust not shut eur eyes to
the needs of the people in the
_ -Opx)vener of the tea tom,
where the tables were centred
with small pumpkins filled with
rearyolds, was WS. Jelin
lw.M.Hostesses were Mrs. Gar
Baker, Mrs. John Ball, 1Wrs. Rob-
ert ACM, Mrs, William It, Cmp,
bell, Mrs. Ted Savage, Mrs.
'Gordon Sallow, Misses Karen
• Henderson, Monica Mathis and
Mary Oke. •
ASsisting1/4 in the kitchen were
MrS. Ross Gordon, Mrs. George
Ribey, Mrs. Don Wood, Mrs.
Wesley Roe and Mrs, Alex
In charge of the various
boothwere: sewing, Mrs.
Lorne Dale, Mrs. Clifford Broad..
foot, Mrs. Milton Berger, Mrs.
J. M. Scott, Mrs. W. D. Steph-
enson and Mrs. Hilda Sellers;
home baking, Mrs. Ross Say-
auge, Mrs. Beverley Christie,
Mrs,. Harvey Travis, Mrs. Fred -
Short, Mrs. 'Ernest Williams,
Miss Gladys Thompson and Mrs.
Clarence Walden; produce, Mrs
Robert Uelteltheri 14M $*01
&Ott, Mrs, Leslie Oliver, Mrs:
Scott and MSS Vara
enng; -special tables, „WS: Wil.
liartl Oa, Mrs, Peter Prialux
Mrs, Lloyd ilmgoartii; 0401 and
take. Miss EmuVermeil; eaaltt
ler% Mrs. Wilmer .Cuthill, Mrs.
E. R. Closer Milk -Willis Dundas
and Mrs, Elva Ellis.
Co -conveners of the bazaar
were Mrs, Harold Connell and
Mrs; 'Frank Roberton. Mrs. Don-
ald Wood, Mrs. William Bali,
Mrs. George Addison and Mrs.
Orville Oke did the decorating
for the event.
Despite the advance in luber-
ctileSIS Control. Omit one and a
half billion People have been
infected with tubercttlosis
abut half the world's
*vitiation. In the • countries
with the highest populations
there is 100 per cent infected
by age 14.
Beef and
Booking • Progran.
Can Save You Mono
formerly Savauge's
PHONE 527-0270
Gifts for
Weddings - Birthdays
Showers - Anniversaries
and every occasion
Protect your mice on Beef and Dairy
reed requirementIna
MARCH. 28th, BY
Booking Now.
Watch .for the Seaforth
Fall Sale Coming Soon
Phone 527.0770
John A. Itislop passed away
in Seaforth Community Hospi-
tal on Thursday, October 3rd,
in his 88th year. Son of the late
Andrew Hislop and his wife,
the former Susan McNair, Mr.
Hislop was born on concession
16, Grey Township where he
farmed until retiring to Walton.
Surviving art his wife, the
former Frances Houston, one
sister, Mrs. James (Mary) Dick-
son, Atwood, two nieces and
, one nephew.
Funeral service, held from
the D. A. Rann Funeral Home,
Brussels at 2 -pan. on Saturday
was conducted by his minister,
Rev. Derwyn Docken of Wal-
ton United Church. Burial was
in Brussels cemetery.
Pallbears were Harvey Craig, -
Clifford Ritchie, Herb Traviss,
Ward Sellers, Roy Bennett and
Jake Hulzebos. Flowerbearers
.were Gordon ,Dickson and An -
(key Turnbull.
The Brodhegen Nifty Need-
lesmet at the home of Mrs,
Ken Elligsren.
The club members held a
discussion n their free choice
article discusFing fabric, cola"
and destign. The girls were in-
structed an the procedure .inP
doing the Roman and Fly Stit-
ches. Mr.s. BITO Wal gave the girls
a demonstration On making a
twisted cord.
La,st Wednesday evening the
LOCW of St. Peteir's .Luthern
Church held an opert meeting.
'rho executive of the group were
in eharge of devotions. They
had as the guest sp,eakier Rev.
Harold Brill of Conestoga who
gave a challenging talk on the
"I -Tall -way House" a home to
be pioneered for Alcoholics and
Drug Addicts at Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs.' Herb Metzger
of Owen SoundshOWted their
slides and gave a running com-
mentarcy on, their trip to the
North West Territories.
A, shower was held at the
Brodbagen Community Hall on
Friday evening 1 or Mr. and ,
Mrs. Richard Leonthandit (Mar-
lene. Davis) . The .newlywedi
were presented with a gift f
money by Mrs., Charles Scher -
berth. Mrs. Ifitgls Dietz read
the adtdress which w as written
by Phyllis Hinz,
World -Wide Communion Sun-
day was held Sunday at St.
Peter's Lab:ern Church. Rev,
Ir.. bossing administered the
communion. Flowers w err e
placed ont the altar and at thie
baptismal font from the • Tay -
tor - Beueritatt wedding on
.Mr. and tIVlirs. Lavern Wolf
were guets ef Mr. and iMrs.,
John Hinz and family, 'lVlitchetll
on Sunday.
Mrs. Leo Whetersen returned
to her hare here On Sunday
after spending some time with
her daughter end ,family Plitt
and Mao. Wm.. Gibb, •StratEard.
Mr. etid Mire. Wittlani Brown
spent The, imetfAtend with Mr.
and Mrsi. Ray ketttewell and
family at Strathroy and Mir.
and Mao. Al Brown at Mel-
Freshly Cut Young
Turkey Legs
Freshly Cut Young
Turkey Breasts.
Centre Cuts. or Slices
Bums' Campfire Sliced
Side Bacon ...
' Young Predressed
Government Inspected
Canada Grade "A" Broiler
Fresh Turkeys
(6.9 lb. Size)
Smoked Hams
Save 26e — (Special Pack)
Tomato or Vegetable
Top Yalu Soap ..
Del Monte Cli4ice
PEACHES acts or
Save 20c -- (Twin Pack)
pillip Liquid
P1111 Detergent
Save 59c — Anti -Freeze
Savo 30c — Westinghouse Budget
(25, 40, 60 or 100 Watt)
• Save 71c -- Antiperspirant
Shirley Gay Plain, Sugar or Cinnamon
Prices Effective Oct. 9-12 Inclusive
We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities .
U.S. No. 1 ;Ocean Spray Assed. Colour'
Cranberries ph. 390, anytaiithemunis pre: 1.9t1
Sava 20c Tall (Porch. Wrap.)
Top Valu J60it'd.
•COIESE SLICES ....... ....