The Huron Expositor, 1968-08-08, Page 1Whole NG!. 0239
109th Year
11 11
Tree Blocks Main Street Traffic
• .
Workinen 'are busy removing a tree on Main St. in front of Jack Ungarian's home after
the tree was felled by the high winds which struck Seaforth Monday night. The tree forced
rerouting of traffic and played considerable havoc with hy ro lines and street lights which
came down when,the huge tree fell. Town foreman Harold Maloney (left) and Alf Price (hid-
den in the tree) aid in the clean-up. (Photo by Cantley). , ,
McKillop Barn :Damaged by Wind
A fierce twister brought on by Monday night's storm lashed at the barn olGordon Pryce
just east of Winthrop and tore gaping holes 'in the walls and lifted the .steel portion of the
roo reading it far into the fields. The barn contained considerable grain which- had to be re-
rnov4to dry storage before additional rains caused further harm. (Photo by Cantley).
100th Birthday Party
Reports Indicate Success
Seaforth's Homecoming Week-
end and Centennial celebration
over the July lst weekend at-
tracted home hundreds of for-
mer residents and thousands Of
area people for the festivities.
Now there hievery indication
that the celebration wfll, be a
financial success as well and
, will show astneil profit.
The coma:ghee ,in charge it`a,
meeting Thursday evening le,
viewed the threellay .eyetit and
heard reports from. committee
chairmen. •
While most of the accounts
are in, some are held up in the
mail and as well costs involved
in use of the arena and of the
Lions Park haye not been
worked out, treasurer R. S. Mac-
Donald said. Estimating out-
standing items' heti taking into
consideration a quantity of
wooden nickels that remain to
be 'sold, he suggested theevent
would show a small profit.
Nickels on Sate "
The committee agreed there
was a continuing demand ,for
wooden nickels. These will con-
tinue to be available in Sea -
forth and area stores.
Dr. J. C. MacLehnan, general
chairman, expressed apprecia-
tion to all committee chairmen
and methbers of individual corn-
mittees for, the time and do -op-
eration which each had extend-
"It was a splendid success" he
said, echoing comments heard
-following the event, "but this
was possible only because eVery-
body. Worked together."
Mayor Frank Kling added his
congratulations to the members
of the general committee as well
' as to all others who participat-
ed iii planning and carrying out
the celebration. He recalled the
extent to which perfect Weather
the success of th eve
Members of the general or-
ganization responsible for the
celebration were: Chairman:
Dr. J. C. MacLennan; vice-chair-
man: A. Y. McLean; secretary
, Mrs. William Box; Treasurer,
• R. S. MacDonald; committees:
invitations, Mrs. J. McConnell;
decoratioes, D. Sills, W. Scott;
ministerial, Rev. J. C. Britton;
cue, Reeve Cart Dalton; adver-
publicity, Mrs. O. Olce; barbe- Five Hospital.
, .
tising, W. D. Stephenson; birth -
mer Larone; SDHS reunion, L.
day ball, R. S. Box; parade, El- In Area Auto 114 isha
had contributed to the enjoy
anent compared to the over 100
degree weather that had existed
during the previotts ,Old Boys
Relation in'1955.
Hear Reports
Reports presented indicated
the birthday ball produced 'the
most revenue with a net of
$1,773.34. The reunion event was
financed initially with a grant
of $500 from the town and in -
addition the committee received
a donatiOn of $5. Other revenue
included the old time ball game
$203, regisfratiom $208 barbe-
cue $200, wooden nickels, $301.-
76 and rides $79.00.
• Expenditures 'included par- •
ade bands and prizes $638; street
decorating $116; advertising, ar-
ea weeklies, TV and radio, $484.-
65; printing and stationery $134;
invitations, registration and pos-
tage $284; wooden nickels $518.-
95; Sunday evening bandconcert
$258; miscellaneous $62.22.
There were little ,costs invol-
ved in the Sunday afternoon
drumhead service, in the school
reunion nor in the windup cere-
monies. There was a small Toss
on the Sunday raidnight street
Dr. MacLennan said' he had
written letters to organizations
and individuals outside the Nun.
munity wile had contributed to
Two successive nights of high
Winds, lightning and rain had:
Seaforth POD, Dell .TeIPP119000,4
Pollee and street crews reeling
in the Walt(' Of, power-
tions and. limb littered streets
resulting from the steams.
Power was disrupted In netir.
M.:, SirEcti.
and Rains Sib/
ly all parts of Seaforth fer
most eight hours late Tuesday
night and early Wednesday as
falling trees and iightnin8
knocked out poWer units. The
entire east side of the town's.
business section was without
power and telephone serirlee as
Tour of 'Area Thieves
Spreads to' Seaforth
Seaforth was one of the corn- • abandoned on the 10th Conees-
munities in the area involved Sion in McKillop Township. The
by a series of thefts and break- car was owned by James Ban -
ins over the weekend. non 6f Stratford.
Robberies were reported early
Saturday at the Thomas G. But-
ters hardware store in Dublin.
Three rifles and a shotgun as
Well as a large amount of am-
munition were taken in the theft
along with two radios, an elec-
Thieves broke a front wind-
ow oY the liquor store and were
believed to have entered the
store by the window. However,,
Jim Kelly, an employee at the
store, said, after a stock was
'taken, "Nothing was stolen.
They just broke in."
Gord Seaforth pollee
chief, said thieves were unable
to enter by way of the door be-
cause all Ontario liquor stores
are equipped with door locks
which eannot be opened from
either the outside or the inside
without a key.' ,
The Boyes Farm. Supply preA
mises were also . broken into
early Saturday morning. Thieves two from Stephen Murray and
made off with a tool box con- Mervyn Bodkin of McKillop
taining about $2,000 worth of Township were stolen and lat-
er recovered.
Two youths, Michael Staple-
ton, 18, Dublin, and 'Thomas
Krautkopf, 19, Stratford and
formerly of Dublin, --were ar-
rested in Milverton Saturday af-
ternoon in connection with the
incidents. Both were remanded
in Stratford Court Tuesday un-
til Thursday.
,tric drill, skill saw and a small
amount of change from the till.
Following the theft thieves
fired four rifle bullets and two
shotgun shells at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown,
Dublin and at the car of their
son, John. Gunshots were later
heard in Hibbert Township.
+ Four motor vehicles, one each
from Stratford, Monkton and
oo s. e tool box was owned
by a Seaforth mechanic, Wayne
Scott. Loose change was also
taken from the till and from the
soft drink machine. The thieves
also damaged an adding mach-
ine and spread papers around
the office.
The tools were later recovered
in a stolen car which was found
In Tuckersmith
Council Considers
Paving Problem
Paved driveways which a num-
ber of Tuckersmith residents
have inhtalled while adding to
Defers *
Meleillop Council has agreed
to defer appointment of a road
superintendent until later this
year. The position became vac-
ant with the resignation of Wil-
son Little who recently was ap-
pointed clerk -treasurer.
Council at the August meet-
ing on Tuesday agreed direction
for the road program would be
t e responsibility of Reeve Ken
Ste and council until Nov-
ember. The arrangement is sub-
ject to departmental approval.
Council agreed with a recom-
mendation of the twp auditors
to seek approval fordhe destruc-
tion of vouchers, etc., up to and
including December, 1963. Sign-
ing authority was given the
reeve and clerk -treasurer.
Councillor Allan Campbell
(continued on page 4)
the ' neatness of the properties,
could cause trouble in the fu-
ture Tuckersmith council was
told at its August meeting Tues-
day evening.
Road superintendent Allan
Nicholson said the problem
arises because -some of the
driveways are. extended into the
road allowance. The paving
fails to conform to existing
grades and could cause drain-
age problems he said and sug-
gested that where any work of
this nature was contemplated
the road department be noti-
fied so that proper grade could
be established and necessary
drainage determined. In this
way disruption to the paving,
with resulting ,costs to the ow-
ners, could be avoided.
Council gave final reading to'
a . by-law covering the Geary '
Creek Drain installed by Mb-
bert Township.
'Approval has been received.
from the department of High-
ways for the acceptance of road
construction at the perimeter of
CFB Clinton as a special pro-
ject for neg. Council is now
awaiting formal appreval from
DND Ottawa on a grant of
$22,000 to apply on the $70,000
Project. ,
P. Plumsteel; Le on Ch I
, ar
Wood; Police, Traffic, Chief G.
Hulley; reception, Mayor F.
Kling; old timers' game, F. Phil -
ilia, W. R. Smith; street frolic,
Mrs. N. C. Cardno; windup pro-
gram, Thomas Wilbee.
_Smiles .
The judge was examining a
man accused ot theft. .
"DM you steel the man's over-
coat?" he deartanded.
"No sir," said the accused. ."I
was just playing a joke on hirn."
"What did you do with the
coat?" asked the judge.
al took it off the oat rack
in tale restaurant and carried it A
home .with nte," •
Fifty dam% and ten days.hi.
Jail, "for carrying the take too
Three residents of tbe Brun-
ner Nursing Home and a
year-old boy and his babysitter
were taken to Seaforth Commun-
ity Hospital Tuesday afternoon
after the ear in which they were
riding went out of control and
rolled on Huron County Road
25, four miles east of Walton.
Mrs. Jonas jantzie, 56 of
Brunner, driver of the ear, was
taking four residents of the
home and the boy she baby-sits
for an affernoon drive when the
aceident occurred around 4
- Mrs. Jantzie suffered a frac-
tured left arna and lacerations.
She was taken to Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, then transfer-
red to St. Joseph's Hospital,
London. 0 She was reported in
satisfactory "ndition Tuesday
The boy, Kevin Henry, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry of
13runner, suffered lacerations to
the head. Ile was treated at Sea -
forth Hospital .and released,
Mrs, him Leis, -79, 6f the
Brunner Nursing Home, suffer- w
ed a fractured right elbow. She
was taken ti) the Seaforth hos-
pital and then transferred to
St. Joseph's in London where
she was reported in satisfactory
Also in the car were Mrs.
Leis' husband, 02, Peter Nefzi-
ger, 82, and Miss.Mary Nefziger,
66, e nursing home.
They were treated and released.
a huge, tree fell in a lanewaY
at the rear of ,Gingerich Sales
and Service' and pulled down
wires. The tree narrowly missed
taking down, le We- earrying a
transformer and .connecting ar-
ray. PVC crews had restored
power.b3r,`;,-early Wednesday
morning to most users.
Traffic lights at the intersec-
tion of Main and Highway 8
also, W:e.ra irggeired out of coin -
mission and town Constable Jelin
Sinnemon used the polico ! ear
with its flashing red light to
control traffic.
Another tree fell at the inter-
section of East William and
Franklin Streets and blocked
traffic along East William. •A
large branch also overhung the
entrance to West St. ,off Goder-
ich St. A large tree on the Beat-
ty Property on Church, Street
was uprooted.
Power lines were down at Wil -
Dr. J. C. MacLennan
SlnglePOP1eel,22 CezP
.0.00 A 7!e$4' in 4411/44!0`
Sen and James Streets as well
as parts of the eat side, of
Gederich Street past 'Where
some residents were still with-
out power late. WechleadaY mor.
ning. Telephone service was
still lacking to many businesses
and homes at the east side for
the better part of Wednesday.
Phones Out
Huron Expositor employees
arrived at work early Wednes-
day morning ready to go .to
press but discovered the
presses ran backwards. They
had to wait until workmen
could .reconnect the lines and
restore normal operations. The
Expositor was without telephone
service throughout Wednesday.
The hour and a half display,
•by the elements Tuesday, was
only an anti -climax, according
to many residents; of the storm
and high winds which beset the
Councillor Dies
While Driving Car
Dr. John Clarence MacLen-
nan, a member of Seaforth
Council, died shortly before
noon Saturday raorning as he
was driving his car north along
Main Street. He was, 60.
Dr. MacLennan was sub -dis-
trict veterinarian in charge of
the Federal Department of Ag-
riculture Health .ef Ankaals
branch which he opened here
20 years ago. He had returned
from a cell te Dashwood and
had completed some reports in
the office 'in the Pot Office
'building_ He was on his way to
his Centre Street home when
he was stricket0
His car glanced off a car
near the Main and John Street
intersection anli. sideswiped a
car owned by William Bennett
parked in front of Crich's Res-
taurant. Donald Etue, 14, ran
for the car and managed to
bring it to a stop before it en-
tered the busy intersection of
Main Street and No. 8 Highway.
During the years he haf been
a resident of Seaforth, Dr. Mac-
Lennan had taken an active part
in the -community., He had been
a member and was a fornier
chairman of 'the Public School
board. As a member of the
town council since 1966 he Was
chairman of the protection to
persons committee. Ile was an
active member of Seaforth's
Funeral services were held
here "Tuesday afternoon for
Mrs. Earl Deans, 368 Calgary
St., London.
Mrs, • Deans, 32, the former
Verna Kathleen Forbes of Sea -
forth, was killed early Sunday
morning on Highway 22, one
and a half miles ,south of Lobo.
...The accident occurred as Mrs.
Deans stepped from the ear in
which she was riding with her
husband. She was struck by a
car which police say was' driven
by Leonard E. Smith of RR,‘
Mrs. 'Deans was born in Sea-.
forth, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Adin Forbes and attended
public school and Seaforth Dis-
trict High School.
She is survived by her hus-
band to whom she was married
in Strathroy„Nov. 9, 1964, by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adin
Forbes, Seaforth; seven sisters,
Mrs. Kenneth (Thelma) Coolebs;
Mrs. Wesley (Phyllis) COombs;
Miss Lynda, all of Seaforth; Mrs.
Ross (Gladys) Theull, Phoenix,
Ariz., Miss Leona, • Kitchener;
Mrs. Arthur (Avis) Parker,. Lon-
don; Mrs, Clarence (Marlene)'
Robinson, Collingwbod; one bro-
ther, Kenneth, Kitchener. .
wins Moore She was a member of the Un-
ted Church and services were
onducted by Rev. D. Stelen of
gmondville United Church at
p.m. Tuesday at the R. S. Box
uneral home, Seaforth, Burial
as in Maitlafidbank cemetery,
Pallbearers were Cann Hogg,
Norman MacLean, Norman Wil-
iatlason, John Hendereo11, Har -
Id Warner and Leo Blair. Floee
rbearers were Robert Doig,
ill Eisler, Ron Williamson and
Leroy Felker.
A Seaforth rink, skipped by f
George. Hildebrand, won the w
Moore Trophy Tournament at
the Stratford Lawn BbWling
Club Monday afternoon, with a
score of three wins and a plus 1
of 20.
Other members of the win- e
ning team Were W J. Neely and 13
Mrs. deerge
Planning board. -
Dr. MacLennan headed the
general committee which was
responsible i for the Seaforth
100th birthday party and hemp -
coming weekend. Just last
Thursday evening he presided
over a meeting of the commit-
tee during a wind-up review of
the event.
He was a member of Brit-
annia Lodge and of. Malloch
Chapter and a masonic service
was held Monday evening. A
member of Northside United
Church he, served as an elder
and was secretary of the Board
of Stewards. His minister, Rev.
J. C. Britton, in reciting his con-
tribution to his church and his
community, paid tribute to him
adding "never was tribute more
Dr. MacLennan was born in
Gladstone, Man., the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mac-
Lennan,arid following atten-
'dance'aschool there graduated
from the Ontario Veterinary
College at Guelph.
He is survived by his Wife,
the former Dorothy Drake, two
sons, Robert of Mont Pelier, Ver-
'ment, William of Guelph and a
(Continued ap Page 4)
town and surrounding :area let
tw7erne ta:eie414trIle7tetais;:tio::.'
they, claim it was one Qt,04
'Two Itochei o#
• Over twO 'inches of rein was
dumped on the area flooding -
age arre..11enaree4")4onmat S4eRailwlyt74:
front of Jack Ungarian!s home,
ed gale proportions downed a
across the roadway and forced'
the rerouting of traffic while
workmen straggled until noon
Tuesday removing it.
Power lines and street lights
were torn down with the falling
tree in the neighborhood and
wires lay tangled 'along the side-
walk and roadways. Employees
of Bell Telephone and Ontario
Hydro quickly made certain the
live wires would not cause any
At other spots, the lightning,
which flashed brilliantly for al-
most three hours, struck pow-
er units at the Toronto -Domin-
ion Bank, Huron Canadian -Fab-
ricators, Righland Shoes, Town
Sewer Pumping Station, MC
Pumping Station and Clark's
Garage as well as the Don Mc-
Lean, Louis Maloney, Jack Pat-
terson and Leo Hagan resi-
Firemen were called out to
brief skirmishes with lightning
caused fires at the homes of
Louis Maloney and Don McLean.
A twister swept through an
area just north of Seaforth and
left a path of damage through
farmers' fields and also ripped
a gaping hole in the side of
Gordon Pryce's barn just east .
of Winthrop.: The• twister also•
removed the new steel portion
of -the barn roof which Mr.
Pryge was in the midst of re-
pairing. The twister left the old
shingledpartunscathed. '
The Tuesday night storm also
removed many of the shingles
from the roof of the residence
and barn at the former Little
property at. Roxboro. Massive
trees lay steen around the
home and one branch was im-
bedded into the peak of the
Branches littered streets, side- ,
walks and lawns across Seaforth.
One large limb fell across the
railway tracks on Main St. mid -
Tuesday morning after giving
way to the strain. It just missed
(Continued on Page 4)
O Expositar
Has Problems
A week in which Monde is
a holiday is always the ver -
e bial pain. in the neck . for Ex-
positor employees who,. must
struggle to get the paper 0out
on time.
Add to this the problems
created by the storms of Mon-
day and Tuesday.
There was something wrong
with hydro and phones wouldn't.
work when the office was open-
ed Wednesday. The phones still
aren't working but despite the
O difficulties the Expositor will
be out as usual even if a little
Oh yes — we forgot the mail
strike. Papers aonce more will
be driven to those area ..pbst
offices that.are open.
, SO Year Members -
Reading over the by -Taws of the Masonic Order brings
fond memories to Ma/coin:1 McKellar (left) and Andrew Fettle
of Seaforth of their 50 Yiar aseaciation with the order, Both
recently received 50 -year jeteels recogniling their hake*,
tury nIembersbip in Britannia Lodge, Seaforth. oth ,sald ther
still remain in closetouth with Britannia but admit they are
58 active as in the early Years. (14mti) b datatley).