The Huron Expositor, 1968-07-11, Page 10. • 110.....11E HURON PXPOSITOR., Area V HULLETT COUPICk, Meetnig ia Loadesbero Com- Xatintin Hall, 'ruesdaninett Council named Reeve Hugh Flynn to represent 'the tewnship On the Seaforth • Fire Area In- quiry Board. The petition for drainage works, lot 25, cou. 11, Hu'lett, was accepte& and referred to Burns Ross Associates for a re- port. The clerk was instructed to Prepare a debenture by-law for the M. Hully drain. Council agreed to asstune responsibility for ownership of Londesboro Cemetery. Roa-d° accounts .of $a,167.47 and general accounts of $9,151.- 98 were approved. USBORNE With the proposed $117,925 addition to Central Public School, Township of Usborne Condi * their • regular July meeting agreed to make an ap- plication to the Ontario Edu- EGMONDVILLE Miss Grade Stephenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. En mer StePhensan was feted with a bridal shower in the basement of the Egmendville United Church. Many relatives and friends attended ;bringing gifts and best wishes. •• Mrs. Aimde Sallows was visi- ted over the, holiday weekend by Mr. and MTS. Ronald Plum - steel And son Timmy of Whit- by. Debbie and David Sallows returned with Mr. and Mrs. Plumsteel. Mrs. Phyllis- Volclimann and children, sister "of Mrs Ron- ald Brady have left for Sud'• bury after spending a weeks holiday. . • Mrs.- Bill Smith is a patient in S,eaforth hospital. We hope she will, have a speedy recov- ery, Mrs., Chas ,•Ge,ddies has re- turned home after spending a week in Sarnia with her par- ents.' LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. Jeseph Sills, Baltimore, Mrs. Frank Devereaux and Miss Joan Devereaux, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carpenter, Toronto, were visitors with Mrs, Fr Sills, Sr., for the homec weekend. George A. Soole of Winnipeg with his daughter, Mrs. E. M. Jones of Chatham and Mr. Jones were in Seaforth, Monday. Mr Soole who in nearing 90 Is a native of Seaforth and last visited here more than 30 years ago. He was sorry he wasn't able to be here for Seaforth's 100th ' birthday party but hadn't learn- ed of the event in time to make arrangements. PgAFORTKI ONTewtx111 190 11: nc eat.0vital: Aid Corporation for t1 4.1.e o debentures to 041Jailee the eranntrtietican T'he 0011901 board in their an- plinatien also asked for a 10.5 Miloveleratniugtate, 'it3eurncovemposz9. the, lloard's Cotineil discussed innirance elainin for losses Under ...the warble fly control program and a representative from Hodgson' Limited told council the best eoverage would require a pre- ,mium. of $1 per head for ac- cident insurance. The residence portion of the library was leased to the lib - reline Mr. Robert Marshall, for $25 per month. The treasuner reported to council a receipt Of $2,700 from the province in lieu of re- pairs to township roads after the rebuilding of highway 4 and one half of the Per Capi- tal • grant for the year of $3,845. Four tile drainage loan ap- plications were accepted and by,laws for seven tile drain debentures were submitted to the Ontario Treasury. Depart- ment amounting to $22,600. The road suprintenidant was instructed to charge rate pay - ars $1.35 per yard for gravel supplied to them during rood gravelling operations and was also asked to advertise for ten- ders for the supply of a new road, maintainer .and closing on August 20. Council 'Agreed to purchase a new calculator for $647.33. General accounts totalling $31,500,14 and road. accounts of $25,026.47 were ordered Paid. GREY Grey Township .at the July meeting passed a by-law. pro- viding for biennial elections for council. Council • also ap- wend the building of the pro- posed addition to the Listowel District Secondary School at an estimated cost af $1,167,625 of which $1,097,625 has received tentative Approval from the De- partment of Education. Colman gave first and second reading to a bjelaw calling or the construction of Silver Cor- ners Drain subject to the ex- tension in Let 33, Concession 12. Two tile drainage loans in the amounts of $Z500 and $700 wene accepted and four cone missioners- were • ,appointed on drains: Charles Thomas on the Fraser, Melville Lamont on the Meehan, Kenneth, Bray on the McKee and Clifford Dmvbar on the Silver Corners. Brussels Centennial Com- mittee was granted. $75 for drftrsinrg rooms in the park. Accounts totalling $17,151,55 were ordered•-paide• -•• LOGAN A request from a delegation from the Logan Federation, of Agric,ulture to erect yield signs - at all sideroad crossjngs of COT1, cessions met Logan Township CLASSIFIED ADS Too Late • SOUND INVESTMENT 4% aer6s of choice building area in heart of -village of Eg- m'ondville. Butts onto three street; Main_ and two back streets, Priced away -dawn, for quick sale and eash. A real bargain for the person who wants to get big returns for his outlay. Teachers coming to 'Seaforth; ask about houses — new or modernized. 4 WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Brokfat • t1-354 FOR SALE — Eleven pigs ten weeks old; 18 pigs, eight weeks old. Maurice Ryan, RR2., Dub- lin, phone 345-2383. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbors for the floral tributes, donations, cards and nieSSageS of sympathy extended to tis Lnthe passing away of a dear hasbandand father. Special thanks to the nursirig staff of Seaforth Community liortnital; Dr. alloy°, Rev. J. C. Britton, the pallbearers, flow- e,rbreareri and the ladies of UCW of Cavan Church who Served lunch after the fimeral and the Whitney Funeral Home. Your kindness was appreciated and will long be 'remembered. — Mrs. Wm. McSpadden and family. FOR SALE — Seven cm ft. used refrigerator, • reasonably prieed. 24" wide, height 40", depth 28". Special this week. Dublin electric, phew Dublin, 345-2842, . t1-35-1 PO—R-- SALE — One only, 12 cu. ft. freezer, new, slightly mark, ed. Redline& for quick sale. Oa, pacify 492 lbs. Pull *twenty, width 45 5/8", depth 24 1/16" height 35 44," Dublin Mettle, phone 345434., t1-85-1 FOR RENT .- Vive room fig tithed aPartinent Min •Netth Mein Stneekgas heated and ether idenveniente1., tinidiI- flt pioiteasion. Carl Dpiten, 52/4t62. 0454 Too Late Man Needed For general elevator work, Contact: Cook Bros. Mill g Co. Ltd., Phone Hensall,. 262-2605 t1-35-1 FOR SALE — Twenty acres of standing hay. Martin Maloney, R.R5, Seaforth, phone 345-2778. ' t1 -35x1 FOB SALE — Good Cockshut wagon with flat rack; McCor- mick 5LW siderake, Wilfred McQuaid, North Mein Street. tI-35-1 • Wet Oeuncirs approv* at their reg. ular meeting. " Council .agreed to have the clerk look into the matter and report back to bath parties. A cheque to cover full pur, chase price in 1966 of the town -shin gravel • truck which, was completely demolished in an accident was received from FranIOCampbell 01 F A. Gamin bell and San Insurance Agency. In other bu.shvess, counc.il pro- visionally adopted reports of the Balin Drain in Mina Town- ship an.d the Horn Drain and called for tenders on the Van' Meisel and Horn Drains for their next meeting. Council received two petit- ions for drainage work and approved six tile drainage le.ans amounting to $17,400. Road accounts amounting to, $24,034.15 and general accounts totalling' $41401148 were or, dered paid. McGREGOR — In Stratford General Hospital, on July 8, , to Mn and Mrs. John A. McGregor, RR2, Kiprpee, - a son. FEENEY -= In Seaforth Com, munity Hospital, on July 4, to Mr. andlars. Fergus Feen- ey; a son,. ArlIMANN — If Seaforth Com- 'munity Hospital, bn July 5th,, to Mr. ,and Mrs. James Axt. 'name R.R2, Walton. ' MOIR — I Seaforth Celtmun, ity Hospital, on July 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Muir; Seaforth, a sea,. KOLIMAN — In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on July 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kolk- man, RR2, Monkton,, a darugh- ter. YOUNG — In Seaforth Com- numity Hospital, on July yth, to Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Mitchell, a daughter. l'EDFOAD — In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on -July. 8th, to MT. and Mrs. 13ruce Ted, ford, ahrbon, a daughter. FOR SALE One vacant lot, ToUtrisbip, of Hibbert, drilled well. One stucco resident*. on Main Street in, Egmondville. Three bedroom house, treed lot south 1ViairiStreet. Looking for a farm, busin- ess, cottage?.. Contact: BRUCE ?APPLE Representing •DOUG vrixsoN, REALTOR, 154 Laurentian Drive, (ffiees: Seafertli 527-1616 LOND()N 451-3782 Member London Real estate beard. 14-314 EAST WAWANOSH East Wawauesh Township council passed a by-law at their regular July meeting Fal- ling for the adoption of Mean nial elections instead of yearly elections. Council also adopted a by- law to raise $100,000, to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. In other bushvess, council ag- reed to ,accept the tender of S & S Tile Drainage Works and also accepted a tile drain loan application subject to the approval of the Treasury de- partment. Township Drain Inspector, John Gaunt, was authorized to receive $2.50 per hour 'plus 10 cents per mile mileage. Council agreed to give $200 to the Belgrave, Commtmity Centre to the cost on a nen' fence. Council' also movedi to adopt the budget ;estimates for the year .1968 and waned the roads and ,general accounts be paid. FUNERAL ALBERT J. (BERT) ALLAN ,On Tuesday, June 11, 1968, at the , St. Bonifaee 'Hoepital, Albert J. (Bert) Allan, aged 81 years, of 3279 Henderson High- way. • Interment was in Elm- wood Cemetery with Rev. W. N. Iligham officiating. BOtTII in Seaforth Ontario, Mr. Allan came to Winnipeg • in, 1902 and had been a longtime resident of Elmwood and East St. Paul. He had been with the Winnipeg Fire Department for 36 Years; retiring as Captain' in 1952. He was a member a the Fire Fightere Association., and the Forresters. Predeceas- ed by his wife, Alice in 1961, and a son, Herbert, in 1967, Mr. Allan, is survived by a son, Chester of West St. Paul a daughter, Mrs J. J. (Mary) of Beet St. Paul; six grand- children and five great-grand- children; two brothers, Wilson Allan and Arthur Nich,olsOn, both of Seaforth; three sisters, Mrs. Florence Waugh of Port Arthur, Mrs. Violet Green of V'entouver and Mrs. Olive Mc- Lennan .pf East Kildanan.' Pall- bearers were nephews, Orville, Thomas,, Allan 'and MeLenean and Prank De - Buns. WALKER Shasta daisies and whirtO. gIa dioli adorned Northside United Church,June 22nd, as Joan Eileen Hoover of Seaforth ex- changed wedding- vows with Gary Walker of Farmington. Michigan,. Rev. J. C. Britton - officiated. , The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. -Hoover of Seaforth and the groom is the son of Mr. and tairs-Ken Wal ker of Farmington, Michigan The bride, given in, marriag1c by her father Dave Hoover, chose a. floor '-ifength semi -fit - DUBLIN Mrs. Violet Crawford and David, Toronto; Miss Mary , Crawford, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leppard, Stratford with Mrs. Ann Crawford and Alvin. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitzpat- rick and family, Detroit, at - their farm. . • Lawn Bowling News — HOOVER Congratulations to Dave Simm who last week won the Seaforth men's club singles championship defeating Neil Bell in the final game.- In a men's doubles tournament, Mon- day night at Seaforth, winners were: first, Mr. Snell of Exeter, with three wins, plus of 30, ag- gregate 55; second ,Jack Mc- Donald of Lucknow, three wins plus of 15, aggregate 29; third, Tom Kydd of Stratford, two wins plus of 14, aggregate 36; fourth, George Hildebrand, Sea - forth, two wins, plus 12, aggre- gate 38. The weather was ideal and nine greens were in play. Wed- nesday, July 10th will be a ladies' trebles tournament and we hope for a good turnout at it. Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day nights are local jitneys, op- en 'to new and old members alike. Several rinks from Sea - forth took part in the Mitchell M and M trebles tournament, Saturday and all came home with prizes. Two local bowlers were successful inwinningthe Victoria, Grey Trust silver dol- lars this year at Go9lerich, July lst. Sunday afternoon the next round in the Provincial Lawn Bowling- playdowns for men was held in Seaforth. Bill Brown of Seaforth was successful in win- ning the men's singles and Bob Doig, and Jack Patterson, the men's doubles. They will com- pete later in London this month. ARE NOW BUYING' (MURK) 'OATS 'AND BARLEY At Competitive Prices A GOOD SUPPLY OF BALER TWINE STILL IN STOCK e OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 027.1910 diWeia Seaforth ted A-line own of Brussels lace with pearleseent sequins and lily point sleeves. The gown also had a matehing cha- pel length lace mantilla veil. She carried white stephanotis and yellow roses. Bridesmaids, Linda Hoover of Seaforth and Cheryl Walker of Farmington wore shalt sleeved gowns of maize yellow and nile green with a ruffle at the neck and a tiny button detail from the '--neckline to the hem. The g9wIls Idso' consisted cf Brus- sels lace to match the bride's Costume. They carried white shasta daisies. • Maid of honer was, Barbara Biggar of .Windsoo. Gary Et- , tig of Farmington was grooms- man end Carl ,Leanard of Far- mington and Ken Brocklehurst of Islinton ushered guests. . — Mrs. J. A. Stewart provided organ .music for the ceremony. Soloist, IVIrs Cleave Combs, sang "Oh Perfect Lave" and "The Wedding Prayer." 1, ilhe groom's gift to the bride was a heart -shaped locket A reception was held at the Seaforth Curling Club. The couple 'will reside .at Hunter's Air Force Base in Georgia, where the groom is stationed. Nen ITeee GrXimoldby return:, ed 1191110 on Saturday evening after sPencling the past week with Mr and Mrs. Russell Flenn inn of Seaforth- Kevin Oreelet viSititig his grandparents Mr, and • Mrs. George Mellwain and Mary. Mrs, Bob Woocla,--Debbie and Michele of Gananoque spent the weekend with Mr. •and. Mrs. Frank Riley. Patsy and Jackie Cook of Clinton visited Mr. and IVIrs Ken ,Preszeator. Mt. and Mrs, George Fla# of Brussels visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. Saturday visitors with , Mr. and Mrs. George -11/1e/1wain and Mary were Mr. Bob McIlWain of Bayfield, Mr. Sam Mellwain of Goderich, -Mr. Jack Crozier of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Mrs. Bob Woods Debbie and Mi- chele, spent Saturday in Kinear- dine. Mr. and Mrs. Baden Osborn, MelodY and Leona visited' Mr. and Mrs. liqvvard Osborn and girls -of Monkton. Paul, David and Jane Reid and Brian Krupa of London are spending holidays with Mr. and - Mrs. Luther Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth attended , -family nienic held at Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lawson's, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan' visited Mrs. Alfred Buchanan in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynold e at their cottage in Forest. 4,. Mr. and Mrs. AlYmer Hart of SEAFORTH JEWELLERS (Formerly Savausges) PHONE 527-0276 for ' Diamonds. - Watches Clocks - Jewellery and' Repairs New Merchandise arriving daily Drgssels visited Mr, and mre. Basilan. Osborn, ' Melody and Leona. and.Mrs- pave DUllimore and family of Aim; are visiting Mr. and Mrs._ Donald Auchapan and Mrs. Dellinlere. Mrs, Annie 1VIecJ4 returned hone after spending a few weeks with M. and Mrs. Bob Johnston "and Bruce of Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson and Joan are spending holidays touring Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snell of Myth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Dale, Kathy and Cheryl. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale anent the weekend with Mr. and - Mrs; Erik Fogt and Carol of Streetsville. TAW Pricea,, QaalitY and Srvic • JACK THOMPSON Family ShOl4p.„9ad Repairs mahi st. An Expositer classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 541C0 SAY SHE 14AD A WAGGING TONGUE . • 0 LOCAL TRAMMARK% rriAA i•ee=. when it came to discussing the wonderful values at VINCENT'S Now everyone who can hear knows about our service, too. " `BUY THE BEST ! ! INTERNATIONAL .HARVESTER COMBINES INTEREST FREE TILL SPRING ON ALL MODELS * Specializing in corn and bean equipment * Rasp, spring tooth and spike cylinders * 2 - 3 - 4 -row corn heads, wide and narrow * With top of the industry features such as top driven elevators ' ' * Heavy duty I.H. engines * Creep ledge platforms * Straw walkers, etc. INCENT •v FARM EQUIPMENT `3.afanithly „9.ohn Narh AYR-GALT-SEAFORTH Phone 527-0120 SCOTT TISSUES - - 8 for 88c DEVON or SCHNEIDERS BACON 7 lb.- 79c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE, 48 -oz. 3 for 88c MIRACLE WHIP — Reg. 69e , SALAD DRESSING 32 -oz. RED & WHITE • APPLE PIE, reg. 49c RISE 'N SHINE — Reg. 2 for 49C ORANGE -CRYSTALS FRESHIE RED & WHITE BREAD, 24 -oz. loaf IN - SPECIAL 53c .01 NM 39c - -2 for 39c 26 for si.qo 4 for 89c .• • • • • • • • MAXWELL HOUSE Fresh Ground COFFEE 1 lb.., bag 77c MAXWELL HOUSE, INSTANT COFFEE 12 oz jar • $ 1, 59 BOOK Y.01JR ORDERS NOW Montmorency Red and Blacic CHERRIES 22-1b. Pails Attractive Prices TLER S DUBLIN PHONE 34242.0 * 11* :WPA to 'r 1 11