The Huron Expositor, 1968-07-11, Page 7# For Complots INSURANCE • on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency "on. 5V-0490 ; Seaforth Office Directly Opposite &Worth Motors • W/Mitoli! .WOMeies, Institute. Name, Members Board The June tueeting of the Wal- ton Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall, Wednes- day evening with the president, Mrs. Jan VanVliet, in charge of the business. The roll call was affswered with "One way I could set an example of good citizen- ship". Two menabers from the Hall Board of the Community Hall, Mr. Mac Sholdice and Mr. Neil McGavin, attended the naeeting.Four institute members including, Mrs. Kenneth McDon- ald, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. Herbert Traviss, were appointed to the Hall Board. The curator, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, requested that mem- bers bring an article to the next meeting suitable for the Tweeds- muir History Bok. Correspondence was read by the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. • William M. Hart FUEL ETC. Phone 527-0870 Seaforth 10. 4 WiMan1 Humphries. A thank. you letter was read fron the residents of Huronview, Clinton, thanking the institUte for the birthday party and program they had presented there on June 19th. Miss Susan Heard of Acton has been apoittted Home Econo- mist for Huron succeeding Miss Sharon Carroll. Mrs. Nelsgn Marks, Mrs. Ge- orge McCall and Mrs. Margar- et Humphries will attend the Auxiliary meeting at Huronveiw, Clinton, on Mouday,,July 15. Mrs. Bay Huether and Mrs. Gerald Watson were onveners for Citizenship and Education. Miss Karen McDonald played two instrumentals on the piatuk and three contests were conduc- ted as the speaker who had been engaged was linable to attend through - illness. Lunch hostess- es included, Mrs, Herb William- son, Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. George Williamson and Mrs. Roy Williamson. McCall Clan Holds • Annual Reunion The annual McCall picnic was held last Sunday in the Bel - grave Arena. A smorgasbord dinner was held at noon when a- 21 pound salmon was served. This salmon'sent with the com- pliments of Torrey' and Graham McCall of Victoria, was caught by Allan McCall during their recent visit to the Island. Guests who 'attended were Mr. and Mrs. James McCall, Sus- an and David, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Young, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young and family of Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Walter‘,Bewley and Brett - Sometimes weekend drivers get a bonus. You know what it's. like when you take your- wife for a drive in the country. She las a nose' for auctions l4k6 you wouldn't believe. Stopl she'll cry. I bereve that brass bed would be perfect for.Jimmy's room! So you stop. • • And one brass bed, two dining room chairs, a drop-leaf table and a lampshade later, she thinks she's readyto go. Times like this, It's nice to have cash on hand. Use your Commerce Charming Account to cover your kno'wri expenses-. and keep a cushion In a Sayings Account Most times, both problems and oppor. tunities call for cash. And the family who can pay cash Is the family In control. Keep cash on hand at the Commerce. CANADIAN IMPERIAL _ BANK OF COMMERCE Boost Your secoridtut With Fertilizers. Your hay and pasture yields enjoy riatural growth In the Spans • iithe drier summer months they need the extra grow -power of C -I -L Fertilizers. Cut yourself in on higher second -cut yields with C-I-L'a crop -booster program. , Fertilizer Crop Rate pot acre • C44.0-20-20 Alfalfa and mixtures wills over 50% legume* C41. 10-2040 Mixed hay - mixtures wt. 25-50% legumes a , 044.15411-111 Grass end mixtures with Ian than 25% legumes 300 - 360s. 1100.350 $00- 350 be. Cal/ your C -I -L representative for complete details on money- saving bulk handling and spreading services. Canadian Industries Limited, Inkersoll, Ontario - Tel: 485-2830 GROW AND PROFIT 'WITH FERMIUM da, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Call, Jack and Muray of Wal- ton; Mr. and Mrs. John Petrie of Cranbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Har- tz!, Snell and Harris, Londesboro; Mrs. Gertie Bewley, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.Frank Burke, Shiela and Stephen of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter of Walton celebrated their 55th wetting anniversary on June. 25th. Sgt. and Mrs. Dick Watson, Douglas, Donald and Diane, and Mr, and Mrs. TAvern. Wolfe were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer and family on Sunday. Jgr, and Mrs. Gary Sholdice attended the wedding of Mrs. Sholdice's nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark (Diane Irwin) at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Windsor on Sattirday. They at- tended a• reception at the Knight's of Columbus Hall. Paul, Mark and Judy Sholidce spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Bev- erley at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Seymour, Larry, Cheryl, Stephen, Billy Joe and Robin moved into the former Prueter home here on Saturday from Forest. Mr. Sey- mour has resided with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe since March and is employed with D. C: Brown Milk Transport. Kevin Rttbert Ludington, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ludington, RR 1, Monkton, was baptised at ,St. Peter's Ixther- an Church here on Sunday. His sponsors aleng with his parents are Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bantle and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Luding- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kistner, of NEWS of ZION • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker,_ and Wendy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Balfour, Strat- ford, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and Alan in Kitchener on Mon- day. Mrs. Ross Gordon and Barry visited Mrs. Mary Malcolm' on Tuesday. Mr. Carl Alan and Jim Roney, George Lannin left on Tuesday for a trip to the west. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bush - field visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bushfield in London recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and Mary were in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Grant Pepper and friend were home from WhitbY,for the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roney from west, spent a few days With his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Par- sons, Sarnia last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and Rus- sell, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and Wendy were in Burford helping their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams move from the 'farm to their new home in Burford on Sat- urday. Mrs. Mary Malcolm received werd on Friday that her sister Mr. Albert H. Yeo had passed away in Toronto Hospital. Mrs. Neil Nairn and boys of Kitchener are spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roy and family, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and family, Saturday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper and Grant and. friend, Mr. and Mrs. Morley tannin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Blythe Lannin and family, all attended the Kemp reunion in Mitchell Park on Sunday. Mr. Fergus Lannin left on, Friday to attend a Shorthorn picnic at Prince Edward Island. Mr. and Mrs. Morle y Lannin attended the Potter reunion in Woodstock ,on Monday. MRS. ALBERT YE0 Mrs. Albert H. Yeo died June 26th at the Fudger Nursing Home in Toronto. She was the former Ellen (Nellie) Pepper an was born in Logan Town- ship 'on March 25, 1887. The third daughter of the late Wil- liam Pepper and Janet Stark. She. has been a resident of Tor - Onto since 1915 and was prede- ceaseeby her husband on July 13, 1961 and an infant son on February, 1918 and ,by two sis- ters. Surviving are two sons, Wil- liam, Richmond Hill and Robert, Fair Dates Acton, Sept. 20,21 Bayfield Sept. 24, 25 Blyth Sept. 17, 18 Brussels Sept. 26, 27 Dungannon Sept. 23, 24 Exeter ' Sept. 18, 19 Fergus Sept. 13, 14 Fordvtrich Oct. 4, 5 Hanover Aug. 29, 30, 31 Harriston Sept. 18, 19 Hderton Sept. 27, 28, Kincardine ... ..... Sept. 13, 14 Kirkton Septt. 26, 27 Listowel Sept. 3, 4 London Sept. 6 to 14 Lucknow Sept. 21 Markdale Sept. 13, 14 Mildmay 'Sept. 6, 7 Milverton Sept. 20, 21 Mitchell • Aug. 30, 31 Orangeville . Aug. 31, Sept. 2 Palmerston Sept. 23, 24 Port Elgin St. Marys Sept. 24, 25 SEAFORTH Sept. 144 20 Stratford Sept. 16, 17, 18 Tavistock Sept.. 6, 7 Teeswater • Sept. 27, 28 Walkerton. Oct 23, 24 Woodstock Aug. 20 to 24 Zurich Sept: 21, 22, 23 International Plowing Match, Wed., Oct. 16th to Sat., Oct 19th , Burlington an da daughter, Mar- garet, Mrs. Robert Mercer, Ald- erwood. Seven grandchildren, three brothers, William, New West Minster, James, Weyburn, Sask., George, Mitchell and one sister, (Mary) Mrs. James Mal- colm, RR 2, Dublin. The late Mrs. Yeo rested at the Elliott funeral home, Dover Court Rd., Toronto, until Mon- day morning when the body was brought to the Heath and Leslie funeral home, Mitc,hell, where the funeral service was ' conducted by Rev. A. H. Day- nard at 2 pm., July '1. Burial followed in the Woodland Cem- etery, Mitchell. Pallbearers were William Yeo, Robert Yeo, Burlington, Dalton Malcolm, Glenn Pepper, Ross Pepper, Lawrence Barker, ion community. Friends and relatives attend- ed the services from Richmond Hill, Burlington, Toronto, Staffa, Stratford, Seaforth, Dublin, Clin- ton, Exeter, Hensall, Mitchell and district. Lunch was served to relatives and friends at the home of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. News of St. Columban Mr. and IVIrs. Jim" Doyle and family, London, Francis Malon- ey, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cronin, Paul, Ricky and Ronnie, Wetas- kawin, Alberta and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and family, Acton, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cron- in. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McQuaid, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid. Idr;and Mrs. Robert Staple- ton, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray. • Use Expositor Want( -Ads Phone 527-0240 BURNS LEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 - Seaforth USBORNE & HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Martin Feeney s- R.R. 2, Dublin President Clayton Calquhoun R.R. 1, Vice -President • Science Hill Wm. 11. Chaffe - R.R. 4 Mitchell Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucan Raymond McCurdy R.R. Kirkton Robert Gardiner R.R. 1, Cromarty Agents: Hugh Benninger Dublin Ham Coates • - Exeter Clayton Harris • Mitchell Secretary-Treasureri Hugh Patterson - - Exeter _.N , $teffler, Alberta and Mrs. sop don Kistner called on lir, and Mrs. Lavern WOW onPahadaY: Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Heuer - man and Jeffrey, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Man- uel Beuerman, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and family spent Sunday at Am- berley with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas and Michael Hamilton with Mrs. Charles Ahrens on Sunday. Woodham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rebind - son were guests at the Mar-. shall - McCormick wedding in North Bay on Saturday, Miss Karen Scully of Halifax and Mr. David -King of Toronto were weekend visitors with Rev. and Mrs. John King and JIMe. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett and girLs and Mr. and Mrs. Witt McNeight and family of Baseline spent Sunday at Ip- perwash Beach 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 - Res. 527-1053 TIIE,111.1!RON EXPOS Toll, SENO/Mit OM utY 11 If4$".4 .ARNOLD TINNISSEN GROUP uIPACCIDENT' 40/4 SICKNESS ?AAA* MEDICAL, psusioNs ANNuITHES nopreoentins $un Life :AsSlifaliee COMPariT of Can,ada TELEPHONE 5274410. • 117 GODERICH ST, EAST SEAFORTII • Holiday Notice Seaforth Machine Shop will be closed for holiday, JULY 20 to AUG. 5 SEAFORTH MACHINE SHOP FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Dial 527-0240 NTED! • BEAN 8‘, SEED CONTRACTS AT MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES W. G. Thompson & Son LIMITED HENSALL - 262-2527 -• Specializing in Registered and • Certified Seed Grain If you were born in 1O2»' Youshould apply now tor your OLD AGE SECURITY PENSION By applying now, you will receive your Brit payment in January, 1969, when persons who have reached the age of 66 become eligible for Old Age Security. If you were born 111 1903 ... make application for your Old Age Security pension six months Before your 66th birthday. An application form for your Old Age Security pension is aN4ilable at your local Post Office, or you can write to the Regional Director of Old Age Security in the capital city Uf your Province. Along with your application form you will receive a pamphlet giving you full informatffin about the Old Age Security pension program. GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT As soon as your Old Age Security pension is approved, you will be sent information about the Guaranteed Income -Supplement and an application form. Von may be entitled to a supplement which, together with your Old Age Security pension, will guarantee you a monthly income of at least $107.10. ISSUED BY THE HON. ALLAN J. MacEACHEN, MINISTER THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE