The Huron Expositor, 1968-07-11, Page 4NAITO IDY HIT If WS ot NSET riY0,1e ,H.•GOderish Ratting Sunday, July 14 0'10.30 p.m. . ACMOt$ FEATURE SHOWS ShOWing Sunday, July 14 HORROR CASTLE (Adult Entertainment) — AND — 'SPACE SHIP' CHICKEN BARBEQUE CAVAN CHURCH WINTHROP Thurs., July llth 5:00 to 8:00 P-m- Adufts $1,50; Children (6 to 12) 75c; under 6, free (Please bring containers for carry out dinners). 4 Tickets available from UCW Members - CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth 815 p.m. Friday, July 12th 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games 05.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 1 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON • Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. First Show At Dusk ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SNOWS THURS. & FRI. July 11 & 72 'The Liquidator' Showing at 11.00 pm. ROD TAYLOR - TREVOR HOWARD .. and JILL ST. JOHN - In Color -2. AND _ Toctort, You've' • Got To Be Kidding!' Showing at 9.15 p.m, Sandra Gee and George Hamilton Color Cartobn - - - - — - - SAT., MON., TUES. July 13, 15 & 16 "The War Wagon" Showing at 11.00 p.m. John Wayne and. Kirk Douglas And Howard Keel - In Color — AND — 'Tammy and The Millionaire' Debbie Watson & Frank McGrath • Sliciwing at 9.15, p.m. '- Color Cartoon WED., THURS., FRI. July 17, 18 & 19 Yours, Mine •and Ours Stowing 'at 9.15 p.m. - Starring LUCILLE BALL HENRY FONDA & VAN JOHNSON A Zany Comedy About a Family • 1N1th 18 Children — In Color — SECONp FEATURE — 'A Fistful of Dollars/ (Adult Entertainment) Showing at 11:00 p.m. antlag .CtiNT FANWOOD' :tato • daimon SEAFORTH, ONT., 41411.X. 11, 196$ greenshit s NEWS Of Huron -District No.8 Install New Officers Defeat BRODHIAGEN London Installation of the officers ter Huron District No. 8 IOOF, was held Wednesday of last week in Brucefield Hall with a large at- tendance of Oddfellows and,Reb- ekahs and friends present. Past Grand Master R. K. Wil- liamson and staff of London, in- stalled: PastDistrict Deputy, Charlie Hay, Hensall; District WALTON Walton UCW The UCVV of Duff'il United Church met Wednesday even- ing with the iTtlf and, Boun- dary Unit in charge. Mrs. Mar- tin Baan chose as bier -theme "The Supreme value be Life" and opened with hymn "I Love Thy Kingdom Later. Mrs, ,Har- vey Craig led in pra,yee and the scripture frem Mark 8:34- • 38 was read by Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Mrs. Ba,axi gave the Bible sue dy on the scripture "What Vi- tal, Christiamity MeLs". "Faith of our Fathers Living Still" was sung. Mrs. Alvin McDonalds the president took over for busin- ess reading Acts 16:26. Min- utes were read by Mrs. Al- lan McCalL It was decided to send a do- , nation of $25.00 to defray the. cost of sending a bale. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Kenetth McDon- ald. The sum of $25.00 will be sent. to the Children's Aid at Goderich to help send child- ren to camp. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and family of London spent Sunday with Mrs. W. C. Hack - well. Mrs. Roy Bennett has been returned from Orillia after spending tbe last three months , with her'late sister, Mrs, Belle . Co u sins. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose and :t family of Emo, on the Mani- toba border were Sunday guests • 1 Deputy Grand Master John Broadfoot; District Deputy . Grand Warden, Ralph McNich- ol, Seaforth; and John Moffatt, District Secretary, into their of- fices in a capable manner. Sister Mary Lowe, Brussels„ newly installed District Deputy President of Huron District 23 of the Rebekahs was present. Jack Calvert Stratford, Grand Master of Ontario, spoke on his program for the coming year which is the 150th year of the Order. Lunch was served by the 13rucefield Oddfellows, Murray. St. Columban Green Shiite de- - feated London Dutch canadiaa B by a score of 7-1 at St, co, umban Saturday afternoon, It was the best team effort 0 the season. Goals for St. Cohenban were scored by G. Ryan, four and singles to. O'Reilly, B. Mel- ady and Steve Murray.' Line up: St. C., go, Costello; P. Backs, O'Connor, T. IlleladY1 H. Backs, Moylan, Malone; B. Melady; Forwerds, G. Ryan, Mc- Nally, O'Reilly, Young, Steve Murray; subs, K. Flanagan, Don • NEWS of HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Bo h Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd- Mousseau left for the Calgary Stampede where Mr. and Mrs. •Mouseeau will celebrate their 22nd wed- ding anniversary in the weste July 6th, • Bliper Line Picnic The eighth annual Blind Line picnic was held at the Zurich Park on Sunday, June 30th, 1968 with fifty-one people in, attendance. , Families present were McBride, Deichert, Claus- ius, Neuschwanger, Schwalm and Reichert. Sports were con- vened by Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Han,sen, Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Hara, London. A picnic supper was enjoyed by all. The 1969 picnic 'swill be held the last Sunday in Tune at the Zurich Park and it is hoped the attendance will be as fine. Bicycle Inspection Approximately fifty boys and girls, pupils of Hensall Public School, met at the Hensall Are- na Thursday night and had their bicycles taped and safety inspec- ted by 0.P.P. John Wright of the Exeter Detachment, follow- ed with a bike rodeo to test heir riding, skill and know. edge. This project was sponsor d by the Hensall Kinsmen Club, Sunday School Picnic The anual Sunday School and ongregational picnic of Chisel- urst United Church was held riday evening, June 28th and n spite of weather conditions, as well attended andnnuch en- oyed. A delicious picnic supper servedvas • ay School roms. The follovving sports un- der the direction of Mrs. Alvin ' Cole and Mrs. Jack Brintnell, g were run off and the winners - were: Races; girls 6-7-8, Jane Ross; boys 6-7-8, Alf Ross; girls 9-10-11, Joanne Ross; boys 9-10- 11, Randy Glenn; girls 12-13-14, Jean Cole; ladies graceful walk - a ing, Mrs. R. Taylor; men step- ping 12 yards, Dick Taylor; la- dies kick the slipper, Miss Mary Kinsman; men's kick the slip- per, Dick Taylor; elimination contest, Miss Jean Cole and fa- ther Alvin Cole; guessing jelly beans in jar, Jack Kinsman. Sev- eral relays were held. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Orr, Hen- sall, attended the Gilbert Res Union held at Canatara Park, Sarnia, Ont. Larry Gilbert, Lon - was in •charge of sports. Convenors for 1960 are Mr and Mrs. Wm. McEachsere Sae- . nia. Family members attended from Flint, Drayton Plains, Sombra, London, Arkona, Wind- sor, Sarnia and Hensall. The Misses Pauline and Troy- . ann Bell are attending St. Thomas Figure Skating School. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr visi- td with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shepherd, Sombre for the Do- minion. Day holiday, and also visited at Mitchell's Bay and Wallaceiburg. Misses Hazel and Flom Mac- Donald and Mrs. White, Goder- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. e Neil IVIcGavin. 'Mr. and "Mrs. Forest McKay c have purchased the Steles house h on West Street and expect to F move in the neer future. •j Mr. and Mts. David Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Godkin returned home last Sunday af- ter a two week tour by train d bus to the west coast. Miss Karen Coutts returned me Saturday after spendin e past week with her grand' arents M.r. and Mrs. James mitts, Seaforth. Miss Karen lVfcDonald is at- nding the Junior GirLs Camp Goderich this week as amp counsellor.. MTS. Fred IL Miller will ce.- brate her 95th birthday next aturday, July 13th at the home her daughtssr, Mrs. Douglas -anis, an ho th te a le of 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marks Of Exeter visited with Mrs. Russel Marks last Sunday. Miss Pearl Thamer of Strat- ford visited over the weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Thames-. • Mr. and Mrs. William Mur- ray attended the Thompson— LeGeuf wedding at St. Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Saturday. , • Boy Scouts, Cubs and thsir leaders attended the service in Duff's United Church Sun- day morning when Tom teem- ing was presented with the Queer's Scout Badge by Larry McIntosh, Perth District Corn- mission-, Robert McKinley, M.P. presented the certificates and a gift on behalf of the Walton Group Committee was presented by chairman eames Smith. Rev. D. E. Docked/ also took part in thescenemone. Mrs. Lina MorroW, Regina, Sask., and Mrs. Hazel Ross, Nia- gara Falls, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Michael. Mrs. Florence Cornick and Mr. William Chatham of End - well, New York, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. George Fox of Walton. ich, called on Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell last week. Miss Dianne Bedard of London re- turned to Goderich with them s for a holiday after 'vacationing with her grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. It A. Orr at- tended the Orr Reunion held at Wingham on Sunday last. Ricky Bedard of London, is holidiaying with his grandpar- ents,- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ore, Ra -r - bare and Kathryn attended the Orr Reunion at Wingham Sun- day, July 7th. Mr .and Mrs. Keith Hillier of London 'were guests Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle Misses Amy and Greta Lara- mie attended the Hunter re- union at Centralia on Sunday. Grant McClinchey, 31, who re- ceived neck injuries. in a car accident over the weekend is hospitalized. in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital and is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Alberta McBeatli was at , home to friends and relatives. Sunday, the occasion of her 80th birthday. The guest list includ- ed her two great-grahdchildren Julie and Gerald McBeath. of Kippen. A- lace cloth covered the tea table which. centred a s birthday cake, flanked with white tapers in sliver holders and a floral arrangement of roses. Pouring tea in the after- e noon were ,Miss Ellis and Miss4, Cassie eDougall; evening, v Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. Esth- er Moffatt. Serving in the after- u . • noon were Mrs. Jerry Moffatt, ' Mrs. Hugh Hendrick and daugh- r • ters Karen and Kathy; in the W evening, Mrs. Garnet Mousseau t of Ridgetown, Mrs. Allen Arm- a. strong, Mrs. Floyd, Armstrong, Mrs. Leslie Armstrong. Receiv- na ing guests were Mr. and Mrs.' . of Alex McBeath of Kippen. Bill Gibson will leave next b Sunday for England and the in Continent by jet for a summer fa vacation. vi Miss Janice Moore, Mitchell, is holidaying with her grand- h mother Mrs. Harry Caldwell. • an The Canadian Farmers and la. Ranchers Tour led by Roy Jew- an ell in 1966 held their reunion M picnic at the home of Mr. and fe Mrs. Cecil Kemp, Forest, 'on Sunday, July 7th. Mrs. Harry Caldwell of Hensall and Mrs. Sterling Craham of Cromarty, attended. Ws. MOYd ?Wee visi. wiaolth r zeNcholrgallresSeaSi4"54rWIWA • w celebrating her !birthdAY grf4174: PfAIXI*Straan'clittorr rtrgewitilmillg WMr. DielegelOn Sundaytteveneteinr. • xt,idiviirstuoy.p and Karl visited on Sunday with ans„,weid Iars. and aafalaVir7Marks and C1ifforci, la\ IVLairka, BMW's, in- .• Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and and Mr. and 1VIrs. Diet Watson 153.9 and Until visited with Mr. and s' 111.1. and Mrs._ Martin :Mrs lVlich el C-onnolly, Sebring. Diegel ShalaesPeare, IVIr••and Sunday. Other vasitorsi et t same home were Mr, and Harold spotto4.4 Wi4004n. and Air& Andrrew Nichol; and Mrs. Clayton Nioltel, dy and Shemin, Port Hu,ron Me. and Mase David Marke Rose Marie, Miss. Stanley Mar and Steven and avIr. and Mr Jack Clark, Brussels. CpL and Mrs. Vernie Lea who lett for Germany, last wee end and Mr. and Mrs. Pa McCool and Danny, , Mitch visited last Tuesday. with Mr -and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe .Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wetson an family. Mae Diegel spent a t days last week with Rev. an Mrs. Calvin Diegel and famil at their cottage at Saub Beach. Mrs. Les . Wietersen, Borns holm visited last week vvith her mother, Mrs. August Mlle- breVeishittons' with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on Sunday to celebrate Dick Watson's birth- day were Mi. and Mrs. Graham Truernnen Janice and eJeffrey of Parkhill; Mee. Les .Sim, Heather and Patricia, London; Mrs. Mickey McCloY, Stratford; Mr. and liVfrs. John Hinz Kit- chener; Mr. and IVIrs. Wilfred Cole, Mixia.m and Susan and Miss Edna Cole, Waterkiti. Mr, Wm. Diegel• .sent Friday and Saturday with • Mr. and Mrs. Don McLaughlth and fam- ily in Stratford. Mrs. John L. Bennewies Mr and Mrs. Fred Scherbath, 11/12r. and Mrs. Ernie Hiard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scherbarth and child- ren, Detroit; and .Mr. and Mrs•, Irvin Bennewies, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. plareno6 Benne- wies, Mitchell and Mr. antd Mrs. Edwin Bennewies, Se af or th 'were at the farmer Ben,newies home over the • weekend. • We are pleased to report that Mr. Robert Gilbert returnied to h is home on Monday after being a patient at the Seaforth Community , Hospital' far the pasMtic.fhive.elle, Michael, Scott and weeks. Randy Beuerman, Kitchener are Pending the week with their gran,dparnts, IVIr, and Mrs. IVIanuel Beuermann, Mrs. Bud Lockridge and Pet- r, Watford, and IVhs. Kathy 0 Quinn and Sandra, Toronto I:sited with tIVIr. and 1VIrs. Har- ey Ahrens and family an Sat- rday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahs ens attended the wedding of ilbert Bach to Donna Wal - on on Saturday at the Chapel t Storybook Gardens, London. The sympathy of the cams nity is extended to the family the late Everett Beller/nen ho passed away suddenly. A asket flowers was placed St. Peter's Lutheran Church r the Sunday morning .512r- ce from his funieeat Me. and Mrs. Hem,. Leons ardt and family, Tharnesford d Miss Marlene Davis,' Fuls rton, spent Sunday with Mr. d Mrs. Herman Leonhardt. r. Henan' Leonhardt spent a w hours at the same homt'. der its 1VIrs. liouglap Hinz, St. Thomas, ' ul Mrs Eanma Rock, Stratford and - en Mr. Clifford Watson, Zurich, during last week and; iVirs. neither' , Buuck, Mrs. d Robert French and Mrs. Ge- orge Mogk were in charge of aw devotions at the monthly UCW d meeting last Wednesday even - Y Mg. It was decided to again. le sponser. the Adoption Child this " year. A thank -You, note was read from Mrs. Edward, Ben- newies. Church. Vacation School is being held at St: Peter's Luth- eran Ohuralf•this week %tr. and Ma•s. Henry Scher- baeth of Detroit and Frank Scherbert, Trenton' spent the weekend with etr. and 1Vers. August Scherbarth and atten- ded the Scherbartr Reunion here on. Sunday. 1VIrs, Tom Tomknson, Palmev ston and Mae. Henry Sehellen. berger and Bruce Stratioid visited with Mrs. August }Lille- brecht Sunday evening, Mogk Reunion The annual Mogk reunion was held at the Brodhigen Com- munity Centre last weekend with 150 attending from Toron- to, Holmesville, Stratford, Ros- tock, Brunneor, Kitchener,• St.' Thomas, . Brussels ,and sur rounding district. There was a minutes saes -ice honoreng those who had passed away, 'Mrs. Clarence Mogk Ca- rol Rohrer, George Mogk, and, Dalton Hinz. , Races were held with prizes going to girls 4 years and un- der, Linda Bauer and Kimber- ley Bauer; boys 4 years, and under, Shawn Leasa and Randy Ward; girls 5 and 6 years, Cheryl Bauer and Susan Wicke; boys 5 and 6 years, Stephen Lease, and ',John 'Mogk; -girls 7 and 8 y,sars, Debbie Bauer and Beverly Ward; boys 7 and 8 years, Brian Wicke 'and Greg- ory Wicke. Girls 9 and 10 years, IVIarleen Mogk and.Kathy Magic.; boys 9 and 10 yrs., Doug Bauer and Randy Wick; girls 11 and 12 years, Sharon Smith and Eleanor Magic; boys 11 and 12 years, bon, Wittig; girls 13 to 15 years, Sherri Mogk and 'Sheila Smith; bays 13 to 15, Jim .Mogk and Allan Schenk; men 16 and over Dennis Smith and, Wayne Mogk; kick the slipper, Elaine Beluzic; 'men's luck the slipper, Ralph Bauer. 0 • Special prizes went to: .old- est person attending, Orland Rahrer;• youngest baby, Kerry Bauer, Brussels; person coming "the farthest distance, Mr, and eirs. Norman Mogk and family, New Jersey; longeet .married couple attending, • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young, most recently mar- ried couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Reis; guessing the candy in the jar, .111.rs. Glenn Mogk. . The e.:LIecutive for the follow - leg year are as follows; presi- dent, Lorne Dittmer, Toronto; vice-president, Harold aVlogk, Brodhagen and secretary, Clar- ence Qnseen,gesser, Stratford. CROMARTV Mrs. Adun Ferris, .Mrs. Brian Walehuk and Paul, Mrs. Wal- ter Toomey, Kevin and Sherie of St, Catharines, spent the hol- iday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chappel and their families also visited with friends, Bride -Elect Honored Prior to her marriage t� Michael Gertkp Soldan in Lu - can United hurch, Barbara Sue Ready was honored with a trousseau tea and miscellene- OUS showers. The tea was held • Calling All Amateur Talent CONCERTS IN THE PARK - TO BE HELD AT • Victoria Park, Seaforth Any Amateur Taletit Interested In Perform-, ing In Summer Concerts, Should Write To: T. F. PROMOTIONS 63 VICTORIA St, BOX 811, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO STATE: Name Address Telephone Talent 4 When Available at the home of Mrs. Don Urb- shott of Ildaion. Receiving guests were thesbrideelect and her mother Mrs. J.. B. Ready. Kathy Hearn of Lucart in charge of the guest book. At a heirloom embroidered linen covered table, centered) with white candles ari.d an ar- rangement of snapdragons, daisies, carnations and baby breath, IVIrs. Lola Walker, Mrs. Kenneth Endall, Mrs. Ivan • Hearn and Mrs, Mary Carter poured tea. •Setving in the tea room were Mies Joan Goddard, Miss Barbara Park, Miss Sharon Lightfoot a n d Miss Ingrid Theander. Miss Mary Shipley and Miss Norma Grieve, displayed, the wedding gifts, , Miss Jean Loft and' Miss Margaret eircGregor the shower gifts and person. al& The following were hostesses for miscellaneous presentations; Mrs. .Marguerite Woodhouse, held a surprise shower for Miss. Ready's fellow teachers at the Lorne Ave. School, at her London home; IVtiss Norma Grieve, asaLsted by Miss EU= MacRae and Miss Margaret Mc- Gregor .at her. home; Mrs. Ivan Hearn, Mrs. Les Kennedy and Mrs. Bert Thompson of ,Locan at the Lucan Shillelagh; Mrs. Kennett Endall at her London time; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beady, St. Marys held a famly luncheon and shower at 'their home. • • The grooms parents, Mr. and •IM's. John Soldan, RBI, Zurich, entertained the, bridal party following the rehearsal. He is a patient at the Seaforth -Community Hospital. • Stephen Wesley Ahrens, in. fent son of Mir. and Mrs. Har- vey Ahrens arrived at his home here, on Friday, having gained enough weight to be releaeed 'from the hospital, after birth. Karl Pfeifer spent a Lew weeks holidays With 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pfeifer, RR2, Monkton. RECEPTION for Mr. and'Mrs. Jerome Manley Cele:mote Friday, July 12th 25th. Wedding Mr. and Mrs, John Sanderson were guests of honor, at a soc- ial evening arranged by Sylvia and Elmer, 'members of their family, at their home in Hullett on Saturday evening, June 29th, when about 70 relatives, neigh- bors and frieeds gathered to honor them on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. An interesting Program was presented with Kenneth Stewart cousin of the bride, as master of ceremonies. The prograni op- ened with a sing -song led by Harry Lear accompanied by Mrs. Lear, followed by a meek wed- ding. Other musical numbers were given by Aubrey Toll, Har- ry Lear and Mrs. Viola VanEg- mond favored with several numbers on her aecordian. A contest was led by Miss Sylvia Sanderson. Humorous readings were given by Mrs. Isabel Stew- art and Jack Tamblyn. The bride and groom of 25 years ago were called forward and Kenneth Stewart congrat- ulated them on behalf of the family, neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson ti4anked everyone for the gifts and the evening planned for them. Guests were present from Woodstock, Mt. Forest, Hanov- er, Leantington, Goderich, sur- rounding district and St. John, N.B. Mrs. Stanley Ball, sister of the bride, who was bridesmaid, Lloyd Stewart, who was best man, Mrs. Wm. Dawson, who was flower girl and Miss Lillian Ad- ams, aunt of the bride, -who was organist' at the wedding 25 years ago,"all attended. Broahagen Community Centre Lunch will be served Everyone Welcome London and District SOCCER London Celtic Canadians vs. St. Columban St. Columban Field' Sat., July 13th 4:00 p.m. smiumeausimasnamsommareare DUBLIN Sister Stephanie Holland luis returned to Chatham after vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs, 3Plin Flynn and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, Detroit, Mich., Mrs, Peter Dill Rochester, Mich., with Miss Monica Byrne. Miss Mary Evans and Miss Madeline Pechi, Windsor, with Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kraus- kopf and family in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. John MacDon- ald, Windsor, with Mrs. Joseph RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blake (formerly Carol Doimage) Walton Community Hall .Friday, July 19th Scott's Orchestra Ladies please bring lunch DANCE' UGLY DUCKLINGS Tues., July 16th 8:30 - 11:30 $1.50 SEAFORTH • ARENA rilONE,524,9101-1-0P015 AT AO 1111. SUNSET DRIVE.INI THEATRE 'MY. 8 GODERICli AT CONCESSION RD. 4 Thurs., Fri., Sot. July 11, 12, 1$ 2a1, Cn•tury-rox pnands THE MO DE LA-URENT11$ Produdion In The miri In D-150° Color by DcLuxe ONE SHOWING EACH NITE Every Thursday Is "FAMILY 'NIGHT" At The Sunset Theatre Come By. The Corked, Truckload or Busload All for the Price of One Ticket $1.25 Per Vehicle Mon., Tues.. Wed. July 15, 16, 17 *47,4";7 ROMANCE AL tins / 49W A HIGH ta KVA mons 1 ANTROCOtOlt - PLUS / ° 0/15MTACY0 R 1110ACV— Watch. for "GIMMICK NIGHTS"' on a Monday, Tuesday or Wed. COMING NEXT: 'THE SOUND OF MUSIC' One Showing Each Hite Entertainment in the - Red Knight Room FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT COUNTRY CLASSICS COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth Final Week for BERNIE EARLY Starting Monday The Bobby Tinson Show UEEN'S 0 EL Seaforth 24th ANNUAL • GARDEN PARTY a Kirkton Communit Nssociation Fair Grounds KIRKTQN, ONTARIO Highway 23 Wednesday, July 17ih, 1968 Softball Game —'6:00 p.m. Little Stars Juvenile Programme — 7:30 p.m. Sparkling Professional Programme — 9:00 p.m. , Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating Free Supervised Parking on Grounds Police Protedtio: Adults - $1.00 • Children - 25c Attendance — 4,000 - 5,000 Comeand Bring Your Friends Treasurer, Eldon' Robinson, Kirkton — Ann Wilson, Secretary al.........••••••;•••••••••••••••••••••••••*ory..........••••••••••••••*sway.....*••••••••• The Huron County Historical Society will hold a Condueted Tour of ') FIVE -HISTORIC GODERiCH HOUSES WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th Tears start at 2:00 — 2:20 — 2:40 pen. From Colbourg and Welleiley Streets, Gioderich Thur and Tea $1.50 per pehon Tickets on pale at Galbraith's of Clinton, and The Coach House, 29 East Street, Goderich • • a tr • 1. • a- • •