The Huron Expositor, 1968-07-11, Page 1..;
Whole No. 5235
109th Year
Seaforth Public School
Pupils who graduated from the Seaforth Public \School
Kindergarten class this year were: Back Row, from left, Scott
Moggach, Jeff Janes, Vern Sawyer, Sandra Neil, Kevin Young,
Bre„d Rice, Sandra Staffen, Dennis, Nielsen, Angelee
Atdressi, Kathy Maloney, Michael Scott; Middie Row, Paul
Johns, Gerry McLaughlin, JoAnne Czerwinski, Stepheri Dra-
DND School Principal Retires
C. A. Trott, (left) principal of the DND School at CFB
Clinton since 1950, was presented with a gift at a Mess Dinner
.held recently in honor of retiring members. Doing the honors
is CFB Clinton's new Administrative Officer, Major F. Gold-
ing formerly of Seaforth. (Canadian Forces Photo).
•Two Area Men Injured
In Area Auto Mishaps
Condition of. Grant McClin-
chey, 31, of Hensall, injured ear-
ly Sunday in an accident on the
Kippen Road, was satisfactory
a Seaforth Community Hospital
spokesman said Wednesday.
A passenger in a car driven
by William Park MacKinnon, 25,
of 1500 Beckwortla Ave., London
he suffered undetermined neck
and possible internal injuries,
when the MacKinnon car ran in-
to a ditch along Huron County
Road 12, between Seaforth and
Kippen, and overturned.
The late- model convertible
was completely wrecked.
'Treated At Hospital
Leo Cronin, 19, of RR 1, Dub-
lin, was treated for head iniur-
At Scott's Farms
les at Seaforth Community Hos-
pital early Saturday after the
ear he was driving left Highway
8 east of Seaforth and ran into
a ditch.
Damage Totals $1,050
A collision at the intersection
of Huron Road 32- and conces-
sion 5 Tuckersmith, Friday af-
ternoon, resulted in damage to-
talling $1,050 to two vehicles.
Involved was a car driven by
James Doig, 62,' RR 4, Seaforth
with Oliver MacKay, RR 2, Kip -
pen as a passenger and a pick-
up truck driven by Dirk Toonk,
63, RR 2, Kippen. Damage to
the Doig car was $600 and to
the Toonk truck $450, accord-
ing to OPP constable Ray Prim -
Kindergarten Class
ger, Terry Marshall, Cori .Habkirk, Bradley Schenck, David
Stocker, Bradley Sallows; Front Row, Joanne Trapnell, Dougie
Scott, Karen Bennewies, Brian McCowan, Timmy Woerlen,
Chris Fry, Stephen Hildebrand, Dwight Minnell, Anne Ribey.
(Photo by Phillips).
•Suggest Farmers Have
Inadequate Incomes
There are farmers in Huron
County who are doing fairly
well, but personally I feel that,
in general, the farmer does not
have an adequate income," Gor-
don Hill, Varna, a member of
'the Ontario Farm Income Com-
mittee, commented on the dis-
cussions held at Centralia Col-
lege of Agriculture, and Tech-
nology last week.
Mr. Hill was of the opinion
that in some cases management
was involved, but in many oth-
ers circumstances were not con-
ducive to a success,ful farm op-
From his obserilltion as a
member of the committee,
which has been touring the
province, Mr. Hill was willing
to admit that the County of
Huron was in a much better
position than most of the coun-
ties which the ceramittee had
Malcolm Davidson, Brucefield,
another member of the Farm
–Income Committee, pointed out
that farmers had many prob-
lems and the committee was
seeking the opinions of farmers
and others *1th a view to rec-
ommending various programs to
the Ontario Government. He
said it was primarily an econ-
omic and social study. There
must be some reason why the
return to capital,. labour and
financial risk, was lower in On.
We're Sorry
In a story in connection with
Seaforth's 100th birthday par-
ade on JulY 1st which appeared
in last week's paper, reference
was made to the parade having
included the ' Brussels Pipe
This of course was in error.
The pipe band was the well
known Bannockburn Band which
was specially brought together
for this event by long-time
member Watson Webster of
tario in argriculture than
other industries not nearly so
important. He asked: "Why is
this? Whit shall we do? Mint
changes should be made?"
Thomas Robson, Leamington,
a big' tomato grower and Mrs.
Kenneth Macintosh, a Kitchen-
er alderman, vice-president of
the Consumers' Association id
Canada, are also members of the
V'arm Income Committee, while
the executive secretary is Ed-
ward O'Meara, agriculttira econ-
omist of the Ontario 'Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
Periodically, the committee
has been meeting in 'yarious
parts of the province with farm-
ers and agricultural representa-
tives' in ah attempt to get sug-
gestions for solutions of farm
who recently was elected the
43rd president of the Seaforth
Lions Club.
ouncH Bids
Single Coptp4, -Coal
$5,00 A Year in Advance
'or:Birthday Succes
"It was remarkable how the
whole town went to work," said
Mayor Frank Kling as council
said4thanks" to the officials.
and c,ommittees and the people -
of SeafOtth for .the success of
the 100th Birthday Party and
Homecoming Weekend.
• Council took a few moments
from their regular business on
Monday night to give words of
appreciation to all groups or in-
dividuals from outside Seaforth
who had donated time to the
celebrations. Councillors, led by
the 100th Birthday committee
chairman, J. C. MacLennan,
agreed they would have liked to
send letters of appreciation 'to
all, including those in Seaforth
who had helped.
• The Seaforth PUC in a, let-
ter to council asked approval
of preliminary plans covering
necessary hydrant and pole re-
moval due to the redevelopment.
of West William St.
Because the PUC hadn,t sub-
mitted any, figures on relocat-
ing the hydrants and poles,
'council decided to defer a de-
cision to a later date.
Council also disCussed changes
underway on the street. Walter
Scott, manager of the PUC, ask-
ed council to look into the pos-
sibilities of a boulevatd on each
side of the street.
Council also received a letter
frem the PUC for a request for
out-of-town water service to
Among grade Kill students
across the province who will
receive Ontario scholarships
are four from Seaforth District
High School.
They are Joanne Elligsen and
Monica McCurdy who plan to
attend University of Waterloo,
Vida Malkus who is going to
University of Toronto and Shar-
yn Burke who will enter either
Western at London Or Varsity
at Toronto.
The scholarships are awarded
to students who obtain over
80% on the seven credits re-
quired for graduation.
In announcing the winners,
principal L. P. Plumsteei said
there had net been an oppor-
tunity to complete a list of
promotions for publication.
These, however, were announc-
ed last week and were sent to
students individually.
Smiles .
A father, putting a 50 -foot ex-
tension cord on the family tele-
phone, explained, "Now that
the weather is nice I want my
daughter to stay outdoors more.
Korean Vet Makes Study of Poultry Business
(By Brian Canqey)
farm in Seaforth ay hold the
For a young Kiein man, a
key for his and Kolea's future.
The trebling which Eui -Saing
Han receives in modern meth-
ods of farm practice and man-
agement at the James M. Scott
fazxns in Seaforth will be taken
back to hik country in Novem-
ber. With the use of these
methods, he hopes the agricul-
tural problems of the Korean
people -of whom 60 per cent are
farmers, will be reduced.
Dr. Han, who is a Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine, is one of
25 Koreans sent over as part
of the Canadian External Aid
Program of placement of Kor-
ean students of farm % It is the
first time for Korea.
While some of his fellow
countrymen chose to go into
• the horticultural and veterin-
ary fields, Dr. Han decided on
livestock. As a veterinarian, he.
specialized in cattle, specifical-
ly animal obstetrics.
Now he's spending four
months at the Scott farms and
learning about the management
of big chicken farms and the
hatchery. "After they come out
of the incubator, we cut the
comb and begke and they are
shipped," he said. "Chicks are
highly insensitive," he added as
he tossed the chicks into theo
can't see any mistake in
their fent. They Inallage it
very well," he ;added. "In the
case of Korea, sometimes in-
fectous diseases kill chicks
very quickly and here I can
learn from Mr. Scott how to
prevent this."
Dr. Han has been in Seaforth
for eleven weeks and he speaks
highly of the town. "It's a
lovely town and very quiet," he
• The 26 -year-old man works at
the farm from 7:30 a.m. to 6
p.m. in a work period which he'
describes as "not too strenuous".
Sundays after church services
at First Presbyterian attach he
Spends "enjoyable" afternoons
at the Seaforth Veterinary Clin-
ic with Dr. W. H. Patterson.
Here he is able to help with
the ppctice due to his veterin-
ary knowledge.
Just last week Dr. Han had
the pleasure of meeting the
Korean Ambassador to Canada,
Mr. Paik. For Dr. Han, this was
quite a thrill as Mr. Paik is a
four-star general and is very
famous in Korea. "He was a
Tiger in the war; a man who
never knew how to retreat,"
said Dr. Han.
This is the first time for Kor-
ean students but it is not the
first time that Mr. Scott has
taken students at his farm. He
started it just after the war and
since -then has ta en in students
from Hungary, Deninark and
other countries. He is especial-
ly proud of his Danish protege
who went west to Saskatchewan
and is now s ductor.rvAll have
done extremely well," said Mr.
Dr. Han is from Seoul and re-
sides at an address which- would
raise haVoc with letter writers.
2 -tong, 4 -ban San '75 Sam-
yang-dong, Sung bukka, Seoul,
He graduated from Han Yang
1959 with a diploma n mach-
ines in Soul but decided to o into ag-
riculture because "I have a
growing interest in agricultural
In 1966 he graduated from
the National University College
of Agriculture with his D.V.M.
One of his professors was a
Canadian born man, Dr. Scho-
field, who assiSted in preparing
' the young veterinarian for his
stay in Canada.
Before applying to come to
Canada, he worked as an artifi-
cial insemination technician in
breeding milk cows and the
studying of fattening the tradi-
tional Korean cows — the ones
used for beef and sometimes for
farm work in the rice fields.
He is unmarried and has three
sisters and one brother. His
father died when he was seven
years old.
When he came to Canada last
September, he received a one-
month orientation period at Cen-
tralia where he learned Eng-
lish composition and studied
Canadian customs. His English
is halting but he is a very plea-
sant chap who loves to make
friends and talk. After his stay
-at. the Scott farms ending in,
Steptember, he will go to
Guelph for two months of
schooling and then return to
The knowledge in farm man.
hopefully contribute to Korea's
agricultural- production, i, "Not
very much balance is an econo-
mic problem," he said. "The old
people are trying to learn. This
has contributed, to progress in
agricultural production."
"Livestock is not developed
as much as here but it is simi-
lar in some ways nowadays," he
"The land is very, very good
and the season is good for
cows," he remarked in adding
that rice and milk are Korea's
main staple foods.
"We have many chicken farms
and most eggs are sold to Un-
ited States troops. in Korea. We
sometimes worry about that be-
cause the U.S. troops may go
home," he laughed. With his
training at the Scott farms he
is hoping to develop poultry
farms even further and increase
the country's exports and econ-
As a student he is provided
with room and board. Ile re-
ceives $25 per month for ex-
pense money aS well as a cloth-
ing allourance from the program. -
For a young man so far from
his own country and in a sttange
land, life would tend to become
lonely but Dr. Han is a happy
man. Ile has met some wonder-
fully helpful people in tffe past
year and knows that what he is
doing will help so niany people
out. "Pm happy to come here,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott have been
agement that he takes back will very nice," he said.
Mery Nott's • property on
the south side of George St.
They agreed to take immediate
action in the matter.
A report from an insurance
investigator informed council
that the boiler in the
town hall was badly in need of
repairs and this brought con-
siderable discussion as to the
possibilities of purchasing a
new boiler. Clerk Ernie Wil-
liams said conciftion of the boil-
er 'caused heating problems iu
the winter. "There was never
enough steam, to heat all the
rads," he said, •
Since there is no control over
the amount of, heat to some
rooms in the town hall and coal
is being wasted, council decided
to set up a committee irf mem-
bers of the Public Works and
Sanitation committee to look
into the costs of a new gas or
oil installation. "There are val-
ves that don't work, nothing
that works properly on it," said
Mayor Kling.
The Seaforth volunteer fire
department requested consid-
eration of raising the hourly rate
to three dollars from two dol-
lars and increasing manpower
to eight from six. The previous
standards had been set in 1951.
Council said the new contract
is already under renewal.
St. James' Separate School re-
quested some • improvements
along the frontage of the school.
Because the school's demands
were not explicit enough, coun-
cil referred the matter to the
works committee:
Councillor Betty Cardno re-
ported on the meeting for reg-
ional developanent She said of-
ficials asked representatives to
choose the three most crucial
areas. Mrs. Cardno 'objected be-
cause she felt regional develop -
ment should be widespread to
all towns not Nat certain towns
"because all towns have to of-
fer something.", •
Reeve Carl Dalton repinted
oiling, repairing of street and
clean-up campaigns were.Ming
completed without any prob-
lems except it would be nege-Pr
sary to purchase more oil -
Clerk Williams presentedAlie
semi-annual financial statement
for Seaforth. It showed eash on
hand at $43,830.81. Total reven-
ue was $188,092.81, while ex-
penditures totalled $144,261.36.
Council order all accounts
paid with the exception of $4,-
000 to the Robert Nicholson and
Construction Ltd. They agreed
to pay $2,400 as ,progress pay-
ment to the el:papally.
A letter .of thanks was re-
ceived from the National Mu-
seum for a copy of "The Story
of Seaforth."
Queen's Scout At -Walton
Tom Leeming of Walton received -his Queen's Scout certificate, the highest award in
scouting, for his long and -meritous service in,scout activities at a ceremony during the Sun-
day morning ,service at Duff's Church, Walton. (left) Jim Sinith, chairman Walton Scout
committee, Bab Campbell, Walton Scout leader, Queen's Scout Tom Leeming, Jim Axtmaon,
Walton Scout leader and Larry Mcrntosh, district scout commissioner of St. Marys'. (Photo
by Cantley).
Study. 13.eatffic tion .of •
cK11.1.9p • T wnship. Native.
The Vatican Congregation of
Rites Tuesday discussed the
beatification cause of a priest
born in McKillop Township.
" The congregation approved
the writings of Stephen Eckert,
a Capuchin monk who, entered
the order in 1891. He died in
1923 after a life of missionary
service among United States
Approval • of the writing is
one of the several steps of be -
fire Destroys
Morris Barn
Fire destroyed a Morris 3'wp,
barn two miles west of Brussels
after it was struck by lightning
during a storm Tuesday after-
A barn belonging to Mr. and
Mrs. Watsga Sholdicewas burn-
ed to the ground.
About 30 pigs were killed in
thg blaze. The fire also destroy-
ed "'several farm , implements
stored in the: barn as well as
a quantityofhay. Several calves
were led from , the burning
Fire brigades from Brussels,
Blyth, Wingham and Ethel were
unable to save the barn. Dam-
age was estimated by a witness
at about $10,000.
atification causes and possibly
Father Eckert was horn April
28, 1869. He finished his classi-
cal studies at St Jerome's Col-
lege, Kitchener and entered the
Capuchin Order at Detroit, May
21, 1891. He -was ordained July
2, 1896.
-Father Eckert spent the first
years of his priesthood in New
York. He soon won esteem as a
zealous missionary and able re-
treat -master, but this did not sat-
Seaforth Pacer
Dividends for
Ylou often hear of these "shot -
in -the -dark" bargain horse buys
which suddenly begin to pay div-
idends. This is happening to two
Seaforth horsemen.
Gord Pullman and his broth-
er•in-law Jack McLlwain claim-
ed a pacer known as Royal Wil-
son a month ago at the Western
Fair Raceway in London and
since then the five-year-old geld-
ed son of Edgewood Royal-Trin-
iket Wilson has pulled off two
first-plaee finishes and one sec-
ond in just 'three starts. The
horse cost $2,000 and already
has made $700 towards that to-
P ys
WilerS •
Mr. Pullman indicated the
horse was "racing well", with
a few minor changes since he
bought him. It showed in Royal
Wilson's last victory when Mr.
Pullman , took his horse from
well back in the seven -horse
field to tinisha hail -length in
Bettors apparently have been
reluctint to place their money
on Royal Wilson and consequen-
tly his last, tWo wins have paid
off in the double figures for a
single two -dollar wager. Ile paid
$16.90 in his.lastwin and $18.20
the win previous.
isfy his zeal. He longed to. do
missionary work for neglected
This led to his appointment
to St. Benedict's Mission for the
Colored in Milwaukee. Here
Father Eckert found his life's
work — and his death. -
He devoted his health, abili-
ties, and time unreservedly to
the welfare of the mission. He
also continued preaching mis-
sions and conducting' retreats,
which gave him an opportuni-
ty to make known the cause of
the Negro and to collect funds
for the institutions he had plan-
ned for them. •
While giving a mission in
Iowa, Father Eckert contracted
pneumonia which proved fatal
Feb. 16, 1923.
One of his last utterances was:
"Here I lie idle, while thousands
of souls perish."
As his sanctity • had not re-
mained hidden in life, it be
came more manifest after his
death by many favors attribut-
ed to his intercession.
On Feb. 16, 1948, his body was
tranferred to the mission
grounds in Milwaukee, where
it now rests beneath ,a large
monument bearing the inscrip-
tion Apostle and Champion of
the Colored Race.
.New Lights
At. Brucefield
The Village of Brucefield is
,getting new street lights.
At the regular July Tucker -
'Council meeting, council
entered intb an agreement with
Stanley and agreed to go ahead
with installing new fluorescent
street lights throughout Bruce.
field. The fluorescent lights re.
place the old lighting system
now in existence.
Council granted $9,600 in tile
drainage loans and provisionally
adopte0 the report on the Geary
Creek Drairrin Hibbert Town-
Reeve- Elgin Thompson was
appointed Tuckersmith• repre-
sentative on a committee to di's.
cuss changes in the fire area
agreement with Seaforth and
other townshipk The meeting
18 tonight.