The Wingham Times, 1907-11-14, Page 5TUE WING&ClMT TIMES, NOVEMBER 14, 1907 Y Warm Gomfortable Stylish is rhe double breasted Prussan UlsterA A splendid coat for cold weather Dressy and Serviceable Our Clothing gives you a dressy appearance, and will out wear any of the other makes. The chances are we have a perfect fit for you in stock, both in Suits and Overcoats, but if not we can have them made specially to your measure, by She best Tailors in Canada. McGee O. am Abell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS �.'HI.. .rt .li..b',:Aeu■w.eMNaa:wel,R1.;...wbtw.n.•.nxst,wn.. ..� . LOENTRAL HARDWARE WINGH AM. A full line of GOAL and WOOD RANGES, BUOR'S "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGES, RADIANT .HOME HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, GOAL HEATERS. Lot of SECOND HAND STOVES. Oa11 and SEE OUR STOCK and GET OUR PRICES, H. BISHOP. ifr++++++++++++++++++++++4+ +++4+++++++++++++++++++++4 ROYAL GROCERY.; + Big Slaughter in Dinner Sets We have taken into stock one crate Dinner Sets, shipped by Bishop'& Stonier, Staffordshire, addressed Wingbaai by mis- take, We were asked to accept them, as they only sell to us here.. We have done so less freight and duty—a saving from three to five dollars on each set. oaruessor Butter and Eggs wanted ; highest cash price. At GRIFIFIN' .4+444++4444+++++4+•¢,44++4 •d+•++++++++++4++++++++++40 411•Inmomning .M.,111111.1.• ANIAAAAMAAAAAANkAftra?j►4riNNA A wwwklu W,OWyyi/ViMVWiowte• Lehigh+ " Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and, c 1 clinkers. IT HAS NO EQUAL.' cc 1 itC j- C C AAAA AAAAAAAAAAW AAAAAAAAAA kelaAA YVIAA WWe/NWMb'MWYlite self'►••!♦+Al4al+•b4•43c4+4; +•,•#ae4+44+t0G 441,se.9c+t.or&R4i 4 +• We aro solo agents for the celebrated � H I��•�yON y a d ++, which Juan no equal. Also the beet grades of ,1 mithiug;, Cannel and + +Dornootic Coal, emu Wood o flit ki gas. ale.' y" s en hand. fullstxltoP I E 4.+14 ' �rr �J�!I + 4. (Dr..., orthzerc1se(1) j� yy t Cedar Posts, BarLo.�.s, Etc. ++ f>tllzllest Priee Ylt►itt for nil ti<iltlat+t or togs. 0+ + .i. ate A a 'cLeatial tte5ldenos peons Na. dT. Offices, Na. 64. Mill, No. 4, r • .4.0•444441.11.4....••••••••• •+14++4• :4*444.444.44e.* COAL COAL COAL.. I;LifIGVALIG Turnberry Township Connell will tweet in the Clerk's ofilee here on blas - day next. A very pleasant evening wee spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Erb, on Oat. 31st (Thanksgiving evening) wh"n they were at home to their (rimula namely: -Mrs. D. Geddes and Mrs. Bennett, of Lacknoro; Mr. and Mrs. J A. Geddes, of B ilgrave and Mr. tat d J. 0. Johnston of Bluevale and others t. f village. A.1 report a very enjoyable time, Aloti ars, flare it Is; A friend and comforter, an unceasing aid in every house for the hnn:lrbd add one ailments that d i turn up. N aesthete is ton valuable to be without. If some thing oaten causes trouble,if it's oralnua, indigestion or headache, Nerviline cures For cold on chest, seeing limbs or lame back rub on Nerviline and get ease r.t once. As a family safeguard nettuug is known to excel Poison's Nerviline. Get the large 25o. bottle from your dealer. CULROSS. Mr. S, D, A. Stobo has bought from Mr. John Gordon the 50 acre farm -back half of lot 26 eon. G. The price is $3,000. Oalross local optionists have secured the necessary number of signatures to a petitiou requesting the council to sub- mit a by-law to the township electors in January, and have filed the same with the olerk, The petition will be dealt with at the regular monthly meeting to be held on the eleventh. It is thought by some that local option petitions have to be dealt with before the fret of November, but it is not so. The require- ment is that a petition be filed with the municipal clerk before that date. The Council decided on Monday to deal with the natter on Saturday next. Shako Hands With Asthma. Awfully distressing is asthma. Bnt worse if possible, when combined with Bronchitis. Rslieved (nicker by Oa tarrhozoue than anything else -cured so thoroughly by "Oetarrhozene" that it doesn't return. Oatarrhoz ine'e heating vapor is breathed right iuto the lungs, destroying the cause of Asthma and stiooeeds in the most chrome oases, Try it Two sizes, 253, and $1.00, at all dealers. nELGGAV.E Mr, D. Sproat spent a few days last week in Senforth. Miss Bella Allison has returned home from Estevan, Mau. Mr, Garner Nicholson has been away with a hunting parte in the Parry Sound district. Damian Allison and Fred Soandrett are attending the Medical ()allege in Toronto. Mies Staples, of Seaforth has been visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Thos. Hill. David Cook has purchased the 75 acre farm on the 6th concession of East Wa- wanosh, from Mr: Goo. Taylor. The property is a very good one and the price $3,000. Rosy Cheeks For Pale Girls. Don't be debarred from str: ngth, and spirit, don't give 111 to illness and des- pair. Ferrozouo supplies tone end vigor through which all fauotions of womanly life are maintained and fortified. From Now Richmond, Que., comes the follow - mg statement from Mrs. Isidore Boisson- eault: "I take deep pleasure in testify- ing to the powerful influence of Ferro. nue. For years my daughter has been pale and sickly -showed signs of advan- ced anaemia. Her lips got so white and her cheeks so void of color I feared con• sumption. I can certify Ferrozonc made an excellent cure and toddy my daught- ter's health is the best.". 50o. per box at all dealers, IILYTH The new home of J. G. Moser is fast nearing completion and will add greatly to Dinsloy street. The new briok residence being erected by Wm. Stackhouse on Drummond .street is being pushed along as rapidly as possible. John W. Bell, one of the roost promi- nent residents of Blyth, died suddenly of heart failure, Friday, Nov,1, He was in his usual good health until Friday; Nov, 1st, when he was stricken and died instantly. He was an E. igiishman by g' birth,prominent oftho English a 1 o iuent member�, churoh, a Conservative in polities, a member of the 0. 0. F. and also of the A. 0. U. W. He leaves a wife, ono son and 3 .daughters to mourn his loss. His son is at present la Japan. IIs was a 31i31a1y sesceomcd citizen, for many years ably conducting the duties of tax collect. or. Ile conducted a harness business hero for the past 30 years, His funt;ritl lyse eonductod by the societies to 6.1pa:L• he was a raem\: er, AtOiILlS, 'Lotvsisip Connell 9',iit meet on Mons clay next. 'elle trustees of Anderson's soli° 1, 3rcl )lite, hews) engaged too seorvi,±is of ;.1iss Carrie'Mocrackora, of Droste -ale, ie:r next year. She is teaching mere Manistee et l:r:email aid doing well. (3 he Estovan (Seek) Lliesaiaa'y, of alit. 31st, e ntains the foil+. viug not of interest to thin locality 1 in the :;;pt that the bide is a t.angli; et of &.re. T. Maunders, of Morris township, and well and taverably known to many of our a eop dig 0 s 0000•1402,4404440411111,019414.5 Most people know that if they have been sick they need SScoit',r Esnul- j'aon to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scotit's Emul iron is that you don't have to be sick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete's. strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre. vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for aids and well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcol aoL ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND 51.00. toy 000410000404500004404140s140414 "SHOULD AULD ACOUA INTAINCE E3E FORGO T." T ®NI sINAL COMPANY Ernest Shipman I'd Wm. Covin resent Isn Ivlaolaren'e Beautiful. Scottieh Idyl 20 - MALE gi rt LA SCELLE PIEDUCTION Notable Cast of - 20 QUARTETTE, BAG PIPERS, Etc. WINO i IA!4� OPERA HOUSE OUSEL, Monday, November 25th AreigsstoN, • 75e, 503 end 23o. Plan at Mcliabbon's Drug Store. readers: -"The residence of hector and Mrs. McNeil was the scene of an inter- esting event hat sinning, 30th inst., be• tog tue marriage of Mrs. S. 13. Dobson, a sister of Mrs. McNeil to Lorne Stanley Taylor a well known baseiness man of ILdmiota. The bride and groom came down from Hamlets. en the evening train, and were mit by the immediate friends of the f>,iinily in whose presence the wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. B. Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Tay- lor will spend a few days with trieuds here before returnieg to roeido in Hamiota." L'TtIEL. Wednesday evening, Oct. 30111 Rev. Jno, Henderson tied the matrimonial knot between J. Wesley Boyd, a well - to do young gentleman from Atwood, f and Mies Linda E , daughter of David and Mrs, Milne, old residents of this locality. Ceremony was performed at the residence of A. E. McKee, brother - in law to the bride At -five o'cloek, as the strains of the Weddin,, March were played by the deft fingers of Miss Reid, of 'Wingham, the principals took their places b sforo a bank of beautitnl fiowers the bride entering the parlor oo the arm of her f)ath'-'r, unatly costutned iu cream Jap taffeeta. The mystic' words being seek .i, hearty congratulations were goissiatist df vJ11tr E,. CJ e\lo, eua3..aSesl.,a kx to k 141 pIl.,x :,i+ tesisses It tT (-e: Shaft td 1, to .J1 1.4! e �t 1 It n. , t �, t ie t l i t •`� 6 of tt t. T g t t1,2 7: .J. 1 1 E1:IF• 7 tl L•i ' .11:4 t) )t 2,3 tt 1 e( !C •,r�Gr 0 •• it tttC;t ti , T I r( t ( 'lily I..•f 0., ic..l, (si:xll. y offered after which the company sat down to an excellently prepared supper. Toasts were proposed to the bride and groom from the ofliciatin clergyman and err. Patterson in a very happy manner to which the groom replied very appropriately. The wedding gifts were i . dioative of the very high esteem in which Mre. Boyd was held by her many friends. When You Eat Too Fast yon have indigestion, perhaps cramps, or in any case tee sys'eln is overloaded with matter that should be eliminated Breath gets bad. eyes look dull, head- aches are frequent. Why not cleanse and parity the whole sysl efn,wn not strengtbea the stomach, enrich the bled and assist your over- taxed di_estivo organs? Easily done with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; their action is ram gratifying. In every case they s ave the exact assistance the ailing or- gans require. You'll feel fit and fine, eat with a relish, sleep like a top, have a clear color, and restful Bleep if you re• aulate your system with Dr. Hauiiltott's Pills. Price 253. per box, at all dealers. EAST WAWANOSil. A S.11(t'dth School entertainment will be heli In the school Manse of S S. No. 0, e'n Friday evening, 22nd inst. A gond programme is bons prepared, which will begin sharp at 8 o'e..lcck. The ndiulry:.ien fee wilt be 15 cents far adults, and 10 eerie) for ahi:cl;:e:l, MI-o;ianing; serve -tee will b° It 11 l.t Ellett Clwceli (;7-el;:rav:r tait'teait) on ;flan. d.ty and end tiY , Nov, 17th.:Ina nada. 0a Senday, I;. ;v. T. 1: T. t » of Imeistiow, wild preec?i of 11 a. i -n gni 7 p. will leo eutei,?1(-d by c:iint'i i (1'.e:r in the In naris. an l by the ' W.e9tfi 'T.d diteie i i t'i', e.^ taint; Oa 11Ianday t:•vet.t:i 1 :'n Ex:, :dwitt crater ] i tenement 96,.1 lei giant ill L,_ ,.,_inE'tSh. • LSTSTOO CK EST TIDE LEADING T LOWEST PB1G149 ISA RD'S For Bargains In Ray-Io-Waar O-ts, Baits, Reefers, Pants, Smacks, Noes, OoraIIs, FUR C DAT , ETC. We have just passed into stc k three ship - 1: meats of New Fall and �nTir lal.in prisinz all that's new in ✓anynte-to wearC1oGGarmentcarn- for Men and B��,s. Li1.a.oclerately prices for clunk selling. SPECIAL PRICED '`.D OVERCOATS. Men's heavy blank cloth Ov rcnate, well (na.le, stylish, Farmer Satin Laing, sizes 30 to 44. our special price ;$7.04 Pelota's Tweed Overcoa s 111 dark colors, our speoial price ro clear only ,...........$0A0 BOYS' PLAIN BLACK OSERO0.I.TS-Wtth astrachan collar, moue ltusuge, a very etyttrh coat, cur price ..... .... $510.40 /JOYS' REEFERS -I t plainnavy bine c'eth, nienly made. tweed !infuse tames.. ...... .. ... ....tLd`r.00 $2.50 $3.00, $3.50 OVERALLS -A large stook of the hest overalls, in grey, blank or bine, see oar /alder at 75c PANTS -5 doz. men's extra heavy strong winter Dante, nntear. able tweed,loar cut prion $1,50 rr_z11102911•10e, MEN'S SUIPS • • 10 suits, Rae dark tweed, made to fit and give good wear, $10 00 value for ... . . ... $8.00 BOYS' SUI US -A number of bey's 3•pieoe snits iu dark tweeds, webRued, oar speoial pride . . . .................$5.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS -A special hue of boys' dark flake tweed, a very et•ylish coat, a bargain $5A0 MEN'S PANTS -Ode duz men's gray striped pants, stroma cloth, well made, our out price ...... .. $2.00 BOYS' SUIN-Two piece anus, pretty patterns wets eta.:e, (nor 8tlaClal G'a'llic ........ . . .. . $2.419 1731 .N'S II1`ft l� 11)fA�i'ID'�t. We nen FAV, von Tnln,,v on nnCt;noft, in the line of Fla.' svioe►lbti. we ins, Furs in La,i't;e ll itntitiet on 1.4e. beat ;9R.1sAttfteasa - Q•1•N ter wee cassia ta.ree, zlnr•t n r rot:, beat /trace p , •. 1 + 1. will h., to -Onng udv,ilit esti to Vtsit oar el4tkki ss Liiejpitl°tUGAnsIt on srovud II tar thus 8e5 our stook of Far Lined. O.iers, 11.2.1 Pu: Joat•n Uar price° will interest yon. o G iia ta,;;rc::•'tl 1:i �;� �F. PHONE 68. WINGHAM. "".:.�r.r"a..• i':;r;'91',n""',•-<i'�_^,%t"""".3...5"as7•:su^, .q°"id,•x.."..'ar"-t.,..s.''.`"i':''..:T'"'...,..-,ti^y • #04" l#AAO4.rr_AA, IAIV #A#01,MAefi/1l\ Wit :o Then come here for your gel ai a033 cam. Sturdy, so'id, sensible. Boys and Girls are our particular hobby, and Wes buy to please them and their parents. REPAIRING DONE E N;l'ii rll'L AND PROMPTLY. LY. Shoe Dealer Tor \�� r• Ingham. Os Mr, Finlay preached an able and appro- oriate sermon. A meeting of the B'ttish and Foreign Bible Society was heldtia the Methodist Church on Monday evening. There was a good atteuiauce. Call and get nric.`s on en» Stoves an& Ranges. Young's Big Hardware. Fos quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new hag plugs of "Babe." "Stag." and "Currcn3y" ()hewing Ta- b i.'coes Mr. Jobel Rubinson, ex M. P., died at his resilience near St. Th imps. •444+4+•4+4+44++++44++++4+ 4 0 + + 4 0 0 4 + + OC) + til 0 ,A b 4t• o• 4' 4, 4 4) 4 t?: 4 b neo*e+430+4404+444+++0+++•• aciiles L,7;'1 95 8[9 t'9 Gnt'9ten. b. r. Iire+'.'or ui.:o .'i \ :it b 4'�{i,i la 11 .tiln� a � 1� �It��'� c mit 9vcall u;u3 r h;s bol st+. .+ rote rani) Edit ;,tilfl l(i:i th:ppt•(i fr__m this l'h:: re 3i1t1(n ;Iv ti, ' y e 1'V,• 1 £e•r the 5al'itB�hl:illi (r.,:ipt of ilia .d,.ilt;(ni:st church v° -an held hero on ` .en!l.av anorn• e iog 1st. M.'1u t'ie 'veto present Wien; . i ing to tho three appointments, and Env, ++++0♦� b+f t 1+6++t+P++4 �4 t+�► Z:j yc. r,•!t::t t,r ^. l;t•a.i , \ Ill;' Beset that neve): before 10 IL,: 01C. F!'.%7t -rlt•isee Lag!• Vt• lied elf' h 101. i'1:t7 { ,' x€�' £ fa i I.3.Ab21_7iS. Ov its.r A; t t.tioriui, has r,rtn- 1?r1-;44ni lw rlt a t:i' 1 , is + a; N tLI1 .'.(1t1t)vI,ill ,..:tt..",C'•.:le_k'ri.r,°t 1V-'1' wanto bay(.,.. a 1 x,t:' te.edy 1' ' went', tosseilater they get tis • it ig Ine`0.e art,_eet,'ty of ' (. ° i a�; v -Ii ' °i i t!1), '-.q ."ii 1 av, a t -a i it aes. Ire, laud tett c -::t nt e, as. '.e sten etsd U. l;d' ...2.t:t,.2C. .'.'aa,; rt' C.wll b:ylaYand tial .o. L1 Ono (low north of (?ll_ci 's Hot, 1. • e ass til 4'