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The Wingham Times, 1907-11-14, Page 4
THF WINGHAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 14, 1907 TQ ADVERTISERS N*ttee of changes must be left at this offloe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Oasual advertisements mooted nit to moon Wednesday of each week. EBTABLISHSD 1872 WINIIIA1I TIES. H . B. ELLIOT , Pataminnas AND PrROPRIETOR THURSDAY, NOV. 14, W07. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Mr, $, H. McIntyre, M P., was nom. Rutted for the Commons by the Liberals of South Perth, and the Legislative nomination was offered to Mr. Valentine Stook, who asked for time to consider. It is confidentall,• asserted that by next fall four hundred miles of the National Transcontinental Railway between Moncton and Winnipeg will be graded, and much of it ironed The com mission- ers are urging on this great work with the greateetenergy. The monthly reeert of Tracie and Commerce D pertinent for August, just publi•h d, gives time i'luminatina; figures as to the nharruiter of the devel- opment of Oein la's trade. During the twelve manths er.dine Autrust lasr the total trade of the D minion was $040,23$,157, tan innreese of $73.723 729 over the preceding twelve menthe. Under the fostering stare of the Min- ister of the Iaterur the very hest class of in migrants are cuwiug Into tae coon - try and settlement of the West slurs on apace. The rota' this year will exeerd 250,000, and they will become wealth- prodncdrs fur the D ,minion in due course. Tun revenue of this drip:art:tient is nearly twelve tin's what it was th.> last year of Cons•.rveti -e rale; so much for inii'll:gent management. The annual rep - t of the Minister of Railways ter the nine mouths endiug March 31 Was maned on Satur•lay. Oen ada has so far exi)en•ied on railways ,5329 2+10 947. ot watch over thirteen mific•us were spent prior to container. Mimi. Ter total revenue efiun•o lured- eratiou leeeivao On (, .v-rum•'nt rail. ways was $118 819 314. For the nine months. fis.'al pelmet the gross eart:lnas of Government roans were $it,5o9, lab. The I'iternattonal R at. way earned $6,- 704111, 11, the Windsor breech $45.440 and the Prince E sward Island Railway $215,414. Toe arose wuraing expenses were aei 328.895, leaving a uet surplus of $/83,41a NO TORIES WANTED. OHURCS/ NOTES. The Rev. A. L. Russell, B. D , will preaoh in the. Methodist Chureh next Sunday. The pastor, Rev. W. G How- son, will preach missionary sermons, on the Wroxeter Girouit. Bev. D. Peine purposes preaching a eeriest of Sunday eveuing sermo:is in St. Andrew's P esbyteriau Church on " Gambling " Thu filet sermon of the series will be preached on Snaday evun- iug, 24th inst. It was expected that Mr. A. W. Gif- ford, remedy of Wiughaea, wou.d be sent to West Chtua by the elethedist Mission Huard, bat tale Baird .telt that it would be unwise for httn to go tor the present, and sent him to New Dau - ver, B. 0. where he will epeud the whiter In 11'i,lBatOn wurk. A half million dollars for missions! A representative gathering of 'Reroute busi• nose men on S.tarday afteruooe not only expressed the oaluion that the Pro testant Chnroh, a of that city should le - crease their eentrahntions fur home and foreign missionary purp leas from abont $140,000 to $O0u,000 a year, but they pledged themselves to see tun tuing done during the ensuing eeoI siestical year. NEWS NOTES. The 0. P. R will shortly put on a new night train between Ottawa and Toronto. Daniel Mooney of Smith's Falls, fire- man, was killed in a collision at St. Gat, Quebec. Mr. Justice Mabee reserved judgment in the $2,250,000 snit ot Sprague et al. against Booth as Ottawa. Wnat n'se hese the people for a goy eminent that leads the country into debt and has not suffi=stent intelligence to develop the natural 1' B,nrcee ofothe Dominion? Wheat respect have the people for men who make blataot charges in the House under the privileged conditions that exempt them from responsibility, and who are 'mate as clams after the session, when, if honest, they should have repeated their charms before the publio of Canada and defied denial? It hes been estimated by Han Mr. Fielding, Finance Minister, that the revenne of the Dominion for the cur- rent fiscal year will be very close to $100 000,600. Compare this with the miserable sum of $30.000,000 whieu the Conservatives raised es a result of high taxation for which the people p=aid the piper. Even with the increased expen- ditures which come as a necessary an- compeniment of innrrased develm went the Liberals have been a'+le m produce a substantial snrpius each dear and decrease the public debt. The immense pub.io works now being constructed by that goiv.rnmettt ere a heavy draft upon the public purse, but as the people prov de the money it 18 proper that It should be txpevded in the public interest and not for Ilia ben- efit of favored politiciane. Lfe!Ji4d Faiihqv> 0.r: Thus cried the heir. And n kind neighbor came to the res. cue with a bottle of Ayer'. Hair Vigor. This hair WS$ saved! This was because 1• Ayer's Hair Vigor 13 a regular Vi hail' medicine. Falling hail' is eau bel by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, hes lthy hair. Tao brat. Ulna (-eat. +dim olaiat •-- t, 0ic,1 fir ever Beets, 70:1+3." WAIN 'MAC:. Welt or.e311. 1Ca_a red'. < k,, C ro ' zee:, Ace, A so:, In=ns act,.r,1' u or rreTsSete Mr, 0. Thompson, said to belong to Toronto, was killed at Sault Ste. Marie to attempting to board a street car. True bills were found against George Hodge, eugiueor, and Matthew Grimes, .•oudnctor, at Brampron Assiz3s, in con- necttou with the wreck at the horseshoe curve near C,atedun. A logging stain operated by the Che• m time Lumber Co of British Colum- bia, ran .way down a steep mountain grade and two men were killed. Dr Robinson of Guelph has been ap- pointed superintendent of the Landon Asylum sur toe Insane, to succeed Dr. lticCallnm, who has been transferred to the Penetang institution. Postmaster Jahn Davis, of ' Alton, died last Friday from the effects of in- juries received at Kelly's railway cross- ing Monday night, O.itober 28 He had suffered intensely. The vote on the liquor question in the four dist note of the State of Delaware snows that there was a majority in the State as a wuole for lioense from 2,000 2,200, but the actual result is that li- oeuse prevails in two districts and pro - Limnos). In the ether two. •••••111111411111.1111M. ..1100110.111011011.041.10•IMY aeeeetral BADLY RUN DAWN. Pr. Williams Pink Pills Came to the Rescue After Doctors Treatment Failed. The life of any constant traveller is always a hard cue, but those wbcse work compel them to take beg tiresome drives over rough roa'1s, exposed to all conditions of weetht•r, are in constant dange' of lasing their health. The ex treme heat of summee or the piercing winds of wiz+ter sap their strength, the kidneys be'ooule diseastd or rheumatism sets in What is needed to withstand this hardsbip le rich red Mood -the pnre blood thtit Dr Williame Pink Pills alone eau make. These pills are the travellers never failing friend, Conoerning them Mr George Dalpe, of St. Eloi, flue says: -"I ant a grain dealer and am obliged to make frequent trips, some. time very tiring I returned home from one of these tri,:s leet summer ver touch fatigued. I was over heated , d tried to cool and rest myself by, .tinging on the verandah till late at ni' . t I caught cold and the next day I '. not tees at all well I had a hes ae e, pains in my sromach and was v r •' weak, I went to see a doctor but . 'said I wouldThe al- right in a - day or so, so I started on an- other trip I had not gone far before I felt very ill and had to return home and go to bed I had ohi11B, headache, pains in my stomach and kidneys The doctor came to see me and he said I was over- worked. He treated me for several months but instead of improving I o.'n- tinually green worse. I wasted away almost to a skeleton and really thought I was going Le die 0.10 day my wife returned from the village with a supply of Dra William•• Pink Pills. She urgers me to take them as she said they had been very highly recommended to her. I did so and by the time I hal taken four boxes felt enough benefit to decide me to continue them and I took about a drzen boxes Thea fully cured me and to day I am able to go about my work without feeling fatigued " Fatigue on the least exertion is a sign that the blood is poor R •ptaoe the had blond with gond blood asd labor will he a pleasure, Dr. Wi Hams Pink Pills make pure, red blood That is why they cure anaemia, rheumatism, kidney trouble, indigestion, heart palpitation and the nerve-racking ills o° girlhood and womanhood Snl4 by all mcdirine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2 50 from the Dr. :Williams Co., Brockville, Oat. As a result of a rear end collision bet- ween two irelghts at at. Cast, twenty- live miles west of Montreal, fireman Daniel Mooney of Smith Falls, and P. t)uinus and S A. Mayhew slightly. A letter forwarded to Hon. J. J. Foy c,iutatueci the resignation of Dr. Beattie Nesbitt as Registrar of West Toronto. Dr. Nesbitt; clatuts that he. accepted this sinecure with its $9,000 a year for the purpose ot regainiag health and strength, autl nosy that his ot'j lot is accomplisned ue purpo es to chain enter puoltu lite, • Charles W xmau Hermit, a justice of the peace from Rayinuud, Alta., phased Ms faithlasa mite and her paramour, John Ouoper, 1600 mute across country and arrested tbem iu Ann Arbor, ➢itch• igen, - According' to the figures supplied by the Dominion Immigration Agent, Dr, 3t3uro, fully (5.000 of the Japanese ar- rivin;, in British Columbia since January 1,cru utiIl in the Pr ' 3 ov n Th figures i Ce. a fign e9 ot (Mental iniiliigrati3n are, Japanese 80;,0; Hindus 2,01;0; Oiliness 300. .IQP sw LONG ESBORO. Early Monday morning the G T R. depot and freisht shed at this plane, were totally destroyed by fire. The agent, Mr. P.iroy Carlyle, anted as cash- ier for Steep, Cantelon and Elliott, three apple buyers, and these men lose heavily as the money, vonohers and receipts were all destroyed in the small safe be- longing to the company, Mr. Steep lost about one carload of apples, and Mr. Elliott will lose two or more, which were stored in the freight shed. The cause of the fire is nnkbo wn. ().•run Cannel' of Ste t.:uryy, aged thir- t,, ei " yf aro, watt found dead iu the ee ttatoatay t,"" tali Windoor Hotel, King- ston. 113 lt.a<i fcllca in by accident, ware his their wos ©o twisted that he s.iffeeati cl. II.: two to have boon mar. cri.lsirt a 6- c el.. IPi conn eti)rI with the hones bestow. eel oil t.13 ltug"n birthday the name of See C;.ic:riee Tupper, the veteran est. Prank!! of Ga tc_dn, .wa° added to the f r_ t l l'•, era of the 'Privy Council. t ar:eci Mites, 'Cl.i;if Jactice of the Su- pr:tui3 blurt of Ontario, wr4 nn tolg { thc,sc who li ivc received lines bibs ozarl, id the order of 0. M. G. wee conferred upon R. M. Coulter Dc'plity fast;nod' ter. Uo eral o1' Canada. Live Stock Markets. FALL & W!NTER Suitings an 1 Overco atiogs rog=ta We have the best range of these for this season ever shown in this town. the style yo most prefer and know that it is al right. Come early and make your selection. FURNISHINGS -We have a full line of al. the latest furnishings, new and nifty goods arriving .every day. n 1 1 The fancy broad stripes are taking the lead. i suitings although a f' w overcheck are still in vogue land the style of make is varied so that you can have MAXWELL HILL Merchant Tailors and Alen's Furnishers. DRESS - MAKING BY MAIL. I will teach Sanders' Im,.roved Course in Dressmakin:' by mai. Or personal in• strnetion at Wieub.am in four days, commencing laluuday, Nov. 25th, 1907 All wishing to learn this nsetal and in- structive ooars A. 110 ant fail to see me at the Exchange Hotel, Wingham, on Nov. 23rd, from 1 to 6 only, when I will ex• plain all about model and how I teach, also enrol. pupils tor class. Member of C. 0. 0. F., Wingham. MISS KEITH, Teacher & Dressmaker. Toronto Nov, 12 -The run at the City Cattle Market for to -day was 98 loads, with 1,400 head of cattle, 2 000 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs, and 135 calves. There was rather a big run to -day, and the usual large proportion of poor quality cattle. Trade, however, was fair, and the market quite strong for anything really good in the botcher line. As a matter of fact, almost fancy prices are paid for the choicest butcher cattle, but these are very few and far between. One or two choice small lots of butcher cattle sold to -day around five cents, but these were the excep- tional prices, and cattle must be a good deal above the ordinary. -to fetch the very highest prides. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle - Choice $4 50 $4 75 Medinm 4 00 4 25 Bulls 3 50 3 75 Light 3 00 3 50 Cows 3 25 3 50 Per 100 lbs. Feeders - best 1000 pounds wards Stockers choice " bulls Butchers' - Picked Medium ()owe.-,. Balls Hogs- Best Lights Sheep - Export ewes Calls and up - 4 25 4 50 275 3 00 1 50 2 00 4 25 2 65 ..... 23 007G 4. 75 3 15 4 00 2 50 5 50 5 60 5 75 400 425 1 50 4 00 3 00 3 50 Spring Lambe each.. 4 00 5 50 Calves. each , ,.... 2 00 6 00 Lk1BEST AND BEST f.t ,a--; 1i `nr reale $ f,. i ;-' . " p pi )a°4.,t.Ul.! f... JJ/i/ C' •-t / ` >; ,.666666 sit't; "il"f'0flt),,0;47.e lap bring t'te best this school. hag br Colon the la.w>st burine0s training school in West : Ontario. Our eta rollinoit again etrec'-0 that Of a 9e a. ego. Why? ller,aueo oureonrseo aro thereat:1i awl prtetic l with rpri0ieal. i lute in i-lia:'go of ser Cor rdet,cial Shorthand and Telegraphy do. I . . rgraduates pants i ntd. All oar t;ra(iu,tes obtain • gond ]lea.rienh. You nicty enter now. Write for our fres catalogue. WIDISH iiiii NIAitK48T IL.MPOttl'ti Wingham, Nev. 18:h, 1907. Floor per 100 lbs.,,. 2 80 to 3 15 Fall Wheat ,,...... 0 93 to 0 93 Oats 0 45 to 0 51) Barky .... 0 55 to 0 6 ) Peas .......... 0'80 to 0 82 Butter 0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz 0 24 to 0 24 Wood per oord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay , per ton 15 00 to 17 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 50 to 0 60 Lard •. 0 15 to 0 15 Live Bogs, per owt. 5 00 to 6 00 Dried Apples 0G3 to 0 07 Turkeys, per lb 13 t3 0 13 Geese, per Ib „ 08 to 0 09 Danks, per lb. 07 to 0 08 Chickens, per lb•.., 07 'to 0 OE MEM MEM le nacinlimiliawidalarcliecileamOsceidia MITT & M&LACHI S PRINCIPALS. isbe !c x l ger .a. mtammasimstargimEnutzrammtatremtrverva,mattawatts6, DON'T MISS THIS GREAT li y Money-SavingOpporlunily1 3 3 jl $15,000.00 STOOK . 4 NEW GOODS Must he Reduced Rapidly. Get your share of the Bargains. 1111311.1110 Figure your saving on Clothing, Carpets, Dress Goods, &c. You buy $20.00 worth of Clothing for. 20 00 " Carpet tt 1000 "' 1.11. „ t/ .. t, I ,. H 14 ,. C 20,00 10 00 500 12 00 7.00 125 00. 55 00 38 00 28 00 17 00 12 00 12 00 10 00 7 00 12,00 5 50 32 00 1500 .20 .20 1 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 t1 ., .1 $13.33 a saving of $3 67 . 15.00 7.50 15.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 3.50 85.00 41.00 28.50 19.09 12.00 8.00 9.60 8.00 5.60 8.00 4.10 24.00 11.25 .15 .15 .70 8.00 7.50 13.33 Gents' Furnishings . House Furnishings New Underwear.... .,.,. New HosierS,. Fancy China Men's Ulster C tat " Ladies' Fur Jacket ., .. 4' ,. '1 „ CC „ ,. 11 ,. ., .i .4 11 u .. ., t, ., ,1 ,1 tl U ,. Cape 34 .. .. H Muff, Scarf or Stole Ladies' Tweed Coat (J .. t, Dinner Set. Porcelain China Tea Set Limoges China Dinner Set " " Tea Set... Linen Writing Pad. Bottle Mixed Pickles Red Bell Tea ............ New Boots Window Shades Rich Cut Glass u ,. ,t .t N .t 4 ., tt tt t, 5.00 2.50 5 00 200 1 00 4 00 3 50 40 00 14 00 9 50 9.00 6 00 4 00 2.40 2 00 1.40 4.00 1 40 8 00 3 75 .5 .30 2.00 2 50 6 67 This gives you an idea of the saving you Can make in every department in this store. The discount is just the same rate on a one dollar purchase as on a $5o.00 purchase. POHN KERB Wil ham. ,r, aiw:tgr• 7r• ' i ' T.1.'-tr , G l,.tir'ri, l" ."tr' -rr `t r 7r. iirl. , 'Cl7t3' ...;. 1'.tiC MEM 1. aren 'v Ids to aszszassre lei ear We are for the next 30 days going to sell our well -assorted stock of PARLOR SUITES, DINING ROOM SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, .COUCHES, EASY CHAIRS, FANCY CHAIRS, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES at the LOWEST .PRICES ever heard of in Wingham. THIS IS OUR FIRST BIG SALE., 1 11 Parlor Suites Two of the very best Moquette moth- proof 5 piece Rug Suites, spring edge, and all plash banded and silk corded. It is a dandy. The reg. price $50.00, sp:cial $38,50 Jaet two of these suits in stock. 1, 4 piece Wilton Rug Suite, assorted colors, spring edge, plush banded and silk oorded with heavy wool fringe, regular prioe $48 00. very special ' ...... $32.50 1, 3 piece suite the very newest polish- ed mahogany, frame upholstured in the very finest colored Verona or Silk, reg. $35, special $26.00 Wo have not room to quote special prices of all one suites but call and see forour- selves, y Dining Room Sures• We can jnet give ,you a few words about these as oar space is limited. We oau give you Dining Suites $22.00 up. 1 Dining Room Suite, consisting of: 1. Combination Sideboard, solid % out oak, 2 British plate mirors, large convex leaded glaes door,worth $4 ,00 1 Ext. Table Si cut oat, solid pedestal, centre opens 8 ft,weilpolished,worth $30:00 1 set SeS cut oat ,Dinners with • genuine leather uph. seats, worth . , , . $28.Q0 Bea. Room Suites We have all kindseranging in prioe from $[4.00 to $7G 00. • Special Suite -Royal Oak finish, 3 drawers in stand, 16820 British plate mirror, and large stand with drawer and' door, with wooien or iron bed to match, • regular $20.00; special as above, any number .c$' 14.00 Oar spaniel suite has a large dresser double top sb.xpadfront, 2 drawers very large Mirror British Plate, size 18 x 36, washstand, large doable top shaped front, drawers and door,with iron bed 43 in, high, . , §/ inch brass rod, heavy brags • nobs, 3tele reg. prioe 828 50; special rice; any number 2 .o Can't be beat. We're givibg spenial prices on all our suites, call in and be oonvino0d of the money you can save. 'n regular prioe and wortit $103.00 Special price to clear just one of thee() left, just thin!: the pr `ce is $82,00 ouches.,wovenwira We leave something good to ehow you in this line.. 16 Couches left, 6 feet long 20 inches Wide, uph, in the very best figuredAll velour, spring edge, spring head, 1 :row Of heavy copper springs, heavy wool fringe on bottoii,t•eg. price $10 00, special prise while /- they la3t c f .50 0 flood Conches uph, in best velour - assorted colors, heavy roll edge springs head and sides, a bargain at $16 00, but our selling price is . .. $11.50 We have b:Iter Conches with just as big reductions of price,our s05 00 oOuLh gcws tat .., .X20,00 A FEW WORDS ABour 1 Springs s a d • Mattresses. people know that it dolor not pay to buy a Shea article Os acially in a mattrets.pWe have the cheat but strongly advice you to buy the better. Just to convince the pee la of the high quality of mattresses we have decided to cut our prieas nearly as low as the cheap. Wo will for the n33tt S;0 days sell this mattress, guaran. teed byins and tho makers in town to be puce, Glean and sultry, SI:eeial price for 30 days....$3,C0 Ulises Mattresses ranging from to 815. Springs -We handle the very best springs, guarantied by factory for 5 years, smelts' price ... ..... $3.00 Whoa taking springs ani mattrolia we will give an extra Out of 50o. F Dan't fail to call an l see our r O3 x, it i5 a pleasure to show good9. Wat's1i per window'. ,c ,Ca r1 y'r y . E+GUa7 % . ILaiL3. " Wo aro giving big out in this lino , call and sac thein, tiph, all ovc)r with tho best of goods, jd"at ono nph. in tapestry, springs, Heat and . . back, t(pli l cou1ro 9, aulyr.5 v t'aais 1 s}Ir`ri'rs..Tartl1iner ;1tta f o tines 3 entrie VPtr lowe-tt Relics. t,"ndt-cta n ra. a °c t t1 n halir 1 r tnn.,a g r ciciyottriit it' 1t1ai,Iu,•u 1 li.air,_r•ae e i',tn ,t t t t n.lati, Collett Phone, NO, 100 i u-AU:nee Phone, No. 1'i. s?y HAni i •M1 JAS. WALK & CO. Plaines Paining a 'hrirelalty. ell ! oOd99 doiivere i fret,, Don't \walk into the Bank seller instead of our store. lE' hw lrq rr tr. SI