The Wingham Times, 1907-03-28, Page 88 ll THE WINGIIAM TIMES MARCH 28, 1907 MINOR t.00ALS. —Neat Sunday will be Easter. —Soon be timeto have book yards cleaned. —TIMES and Weekly Globe for One year, --Good Friday --a public holiday on Friday of this week. —It is said that Lake Huron fa already practically clear of ice. —The latest in weeding invitations and visiting cards at the TIMES ofiloe. —Next meeting of Morris Towaship Council will be held on M, nday, April 8th. —Regular monthly meeting of the Town Counoii will be held next Monday evening. —Turnberry Township Council meets iu the Clerk's shine at Blaevale next Monday. —A new sign has been placed on the front of Mr. J. B. Swarts' livery and sale stable. —Mr J. P. Tisdale for twenty-seven years in the banking business at Clinton has sold out to the Molsons Bank. Dr. Butler, Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. 370 Queen's Aveune, London, Srd door Eaat of St. Andrew's Church, —A number of farmers around Wing - ham have been making maple syrup that spring and report that there hoe been a ,,.poor run of sap. —Tho opening chapter of our new -The population of Wiunipeg is now said to be 110,000. —Mr. Richard Anderson has the ex- cavating completed for his new dwelling ou Victoria street. --Mr Robt. J. Day is able to be about the house ap,ain after a very serious ills nese from pneumonia, —Twenty-two immigrants were de- ported from Winnipeg thie week, They included criminals, insane persons and invalids. —Mr. John Wilson, is preparing to move the buildings off his front street property so as to mako room for his new block of stores. Mr. J. W. Hower has moved his barber shop to the stand next to A- L. Hamilton's drug store where ho will be pleased to attend to the wants of the people in his line. —The Ontario Farmers' Weather In. sureties Mutual Company insures dwell inns and outbuilding against loss or damage from windstorms, cyclones or tornadoes. Mr. Peter Campbell, Wing - ham, is the general agent of the Com- pany for this district. Look up the advertisement in another column of this paper. MERE OPINION. ((lhicago Record -Herald.) Wen water begins to Row uphill Jeal- ousy may listen to Reason. To a man who is worth while, loafing is the hardest work in the world, If you wish to pay a woman the high- est compliment possible, make a fool of yourself on her account. When a girl answers "No,"it is pretty certain that she has good reasons for ex peoting the man to ask again, • The hardest lesson to be learued in this world is that poverty is a blessing A man can't afford to hold his head very high if be isn't talked about, nor a •roman if she is. WfITECUt.CII. Sawing wood and pruning trees are taking he attention of farmers just ROW. Rev. Mr. Duncan has had a sight attack of la grippe, but was able to preach on Sunday. Mr. John MoCreight is suffering with la grippe, this being his second attack story, "Sweet Revenge" by Captain. F. this winter. A. Mitchell, will be found on another page of this issue. —An editor died in Prussia leaving an estate of about $$32,000,000. There must be good money in the newspaper busi- ness in that country. —Mr and Mrs David Rush are return ing to town from Toronto. Wingham- ites are always pleased to hear of form- er residents returning to town. —In speaking of the weather the other day a Winghamite said, "The wind be- ing from the south on the 21st we are to have six weeks of fine, warm weather." —A piece of sidewalk opposite the Union factory needs repairing. The tile under the walk has given away and left a clangorous hole which has beem tem- porarily repaired. —Mr. Thos. Hallam, for nearly twenty years an employee at the union factory is leaving town to take up farming, hav- ing some time ago pnrohaseci a farm near Clandeboye. Miss Myrtle Sharp has gone to Chi- cago to accept a position. She has a sister residing in that city. Mr. Geo. °onites, Mr. J. A. McKay, Mr. Geo. 'Gillies and Miss Lizzie Gillies left for the West on Tuesday morning. A happy event took place at the home of Mr. Johnston on Friday evening Last, when hie daughter, Miss Kate was mar- ried to Mr. Samuel Hutchison, our vil- lage blacksmith. Both bride and groom are very popular and will have the very best wishes of a large circle of friends. List Sunday evening in the Methodist church, Rev. Mr Finlay preached the strongest temperance sermon we have ever had the privilege of hearing. His text was the 12th verse of the second chapter of Habakkuk. The temperance question, he said, was a live issue and wculd continue to be such while such terrible evil and crime resulted from the liquor traffic. The present Government had given us retrograde legislation in claiming sixty temperance votes to equal forty non -temperance. "If strong drink was abolished now about the revenue?" He said that in 1^01 Ontario paid out for liquor, $18,84'3,7'70; revenue from same $557,158; cost of collecting, $18,257,1121, or $33 for every $1 of revenue. The liquor traffic is well organized and has a financial backing and the political parties show favor to it. If the temperance poople were well organized and true to their principles, they could got what they asked for from either political party. Mrs. Finlay sang a temperance solo, the choir joining in the chorus. Next Sunday Mr. Finlay will preach a sermon appropriate for Easter and the choir will furnish special music. DOliN, D.�sttr•.-In Winehatn, on 3fai'ch 22nd, the wife of Mr. R..1. Dobie; a daul;htnr. TAN.41,ry—In Wingham, on Marsh the wife of Mr P. N. Tansley ; a daughter. RnrlsnTsov-In Morris, on March 23rd, the wife of Mr. Wm. Robertson ; a on. MCEWWFN—In 'Dorris on 1.)81'(.2 send, the wife of Mr J. D. McEwen; a daughter. Tan'.cn-TuTeeswater, on March 7th, the wife of Mr. Robert Trench; a son. C 4ntrnFLT.-At Westfield, en March lith, the wife of Mr. Frank Campbell: a su. DIED Wr:I.sis—In Wingham Town Plot, on March 22nd. (rove lamrine, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welsh, aged five mantle; and 21 days. HAYTLTni1-In Grey, on March 1:,, Geargo Willner, infant son of \Pm.und Mrs. Hamilton, aged 2 months and 10 days. DOUGLAS—In Blytli, on March. 16th, Robert R. Douglas, aged 50 years, 10 months and 17 days. (.'t'NNIN(.HA;11—Tr. Clinton, on March 17th, Mrs. Sarah Cunningham, formerly of Morris township, aged 74 years. —In the rural schools of Ontario the average salary of mals teachers increa- sed from $385 iu 1004 to $402 iu 1005, and for female teachers from $294 in 1904 to $+311 in 1005. —April 4th is the date set for the Stock Exhibition at Clinton. The promoters are offering tip-top prizes covering nu- merous classes and are leaving nothing undone to aatmakepp paST� s+uccess..F�+ q pq C ES0LENE tll6 riSEP 8 39, 1 ABLLT5 A simple and effective remedy for SORT: THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Crsolene Kith the soothing properties of slippery elm and l;co. rice. Your druggist or from us, 10, in stamps. T e,o,vto, Maas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. . os —On Monday Mr. Jas. G Fyfe, of tic 1st line of Morris delivered a bull to Messrs. Wynn and McDonald that tip- ped the scales at 2020 pounds. This is an extra good weight for ons animal, —We were last week misinformed when we reported the death of Mr. S. B. McKelvivio, of Cbesley. Mr. MoKelvie is still hale and hearty and the TIOIEs wishes him many years of a happy life. —Mr. W. H. Davidson this week re- ceived a new engine to be used in driv- ing his well.drilling machinery and also received a new en- gineRintoule gine to be used m driving his threshing machine. —You cannot spend a dollar on any of your family in a more appreciative way, that is if they are away from home, than by sending them the Tmius. It carries the news of one hundred letters to them weekly. —C. Jones, fireman and H. Howes, brakeman were killed and S. Binns and 0. Heise were injured and two freight trains wrecked in a head on collision on the C. P. R. two miles east of Myrtle station on Monday morning. —At Toronto on Saturday, Joseph Phillips, former President of the York CountyLoan and Saving, Co. was sen- tenced to five years in Kingston penitentiary by Judge Winchester, for making false returns to the Government, —A severe electrical storm passed over Clinton section on Saturday night. The barn of Mr. Wilts°, on the London -road was struck by lightning and burned, twentynine head of cattle being cre- mated. Another barn on the Huron - road was destroyed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. BOOMIN LIME WORKS. The undersigned will be prepared to supply line in any quantities during the coming summer.. Parties requiring sane should call en m• wrlto to A. NICHOLSON & FON S, 13elgrave. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 12, Con. 12, East Wawanosh, containing 108 acres, is offered for sale or rent. The farm is mostly cleared ; soil. good clay loam, and In e good state of ibankibarngt with sthere able ing n i• derneath; a gond frame house. Plenty of good spring water; about 13 acres of good bearing orohc rd. 1f not sold at once, will be rented for a term of years. roar term* and particulars apply to In the matter of the estate of George E. King, late of the town of Winglian. in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1597, Chap 125, Sec. 3i. that all persons flaying elaims against the estate of the said George L King. wlio died on or before the 10th day of March, 1907, are required on or about the 25th ray of April, 1907, to send by post prepaid or deliver to .7 A. Morton, of the town of Wing - ham, Solicitor for thExecutor ss of the said de- ceased, their Christie and surnames, address- es and descriptious, t lullparticulars of their claims, the statementof their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by ihem ; and. that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Datedthis 25th day of March, A. D. 1007. J. A. MORTON, Solicitor for the Executors of George E. King, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. JAMES DONLEY, Whitechurch, P. O. Central Business College oP TORO TO rr invites you to clip out this card and Bend it as a request for iufor- J� oration about the best way to get ioto line for earning a good sal- ary 77 Name f W.T. Cr In the matter of the estate of ,Tames Coch- rane, late of the Township of Morns, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased'. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.',. O. 159„ Chap 1211, Sec. ;18, that all persons having Maims against the esrj•ite of toe said James Cochrane, who died o February, 1907, are r, 271111 day of Aprrr, L9U1 or deliver to J A. Ill Winghnm, Solicitor for the executors of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by then; and that alter the said last mention- ed date the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties. entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which theyshall then have notice. Dated this 25th day of March, A. D. 1907. .7. A. MORTON, Solicitor for the Executors of James Cochrane, ' deceased. or about the 2?ncl day of mired., on or before the t' send by post prepaid 'ton, of the Town of Address THE BUSINESS OF THE MUTUAL LIE Assurance Co. of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. For 1900 shows substantial increases over the previous year, as may be seen from the following figures: ITEMS 1905 1900 gains ooa er Assets 5 9,296.0t2 510,886,559 51,089,447 Income 1.056.515 2,073,423 115.905 Surplus 952,001 1.'203 978 249,377 lnsurancentforce 44,107,'.154 40,912,407 2,712,463 Expense ratio to Income 17.S p.o. 16.34 p.c. 1.46 p.c ABNER OOSENB Agent, Winghani. Hon Mr Emmerson on Friday stated that $93,879,702 82 had been expended on the canals of Canada from 1896 to 190G. During the period $'.3,760,000 had been spent on the Trent Valley Canal alone. The approximate cost of com- pleting the Trent Valley with an eight foot level from Lake Simooe to Georgian Bay, would be about 21,550,000, and from Healy's Falls to Trenton $3,000,- 000. Regarding Canadian railways the Minister said that in 1006 the total mile- age was 21,5111, au increase of 5,131 miles over 18:16. The Kingston Whig says :-Every daily newspaper office has more or less diffi- culty with anonymous correspondence. We believe that not only are unsigned communicationa practically valueless from the stand point of influence, but they are practically annoying if they contain anything which could be con- structed into a personal attack. We are thoroughly convinced that the man who has anything to write worth writ- ing, should append his name to what he has written, and if he does not think it worth putting his name, why should he expect a paper to think it worth publish. ing: Pittsburg has a minister who says strong things. On a recent Sunday be said: "Once the parent, then the teacher, then the preacher was the world's great mentor; now the editor is more potent than them all. We want a purified press. We want honest editors. People generally desire newspapers that are clean and newsy. Papers are gradu- ally growing better. The clergy can do its part towards educating the pablio to patronize the clean, the pure, the in- structive, the best papers." "Here is a pointer for ministers everywhere. No class of professional men owe more to the newspapers than do the ministate yet bow rare it is to hear them cont - mending the newspapers.- Some of them do not even aubaoribo for their local paper, but are willing to take All they can get and ire nothing in return. Of course, we are not referring to min• ieterd in the eonnty. Hut as the editor is the running; mate of the preacher there should be reciprocity in a buds. near sense and mutual helpfulness bet. "teen theta," —Mr. A. Cameron, of Orangeville, road master on this division of the C.P.R. has been transferred to the London divi• lion. The workmen made a present- ation to Mr. Cameron at Orangeville on Monday evening. Mr. W. J. Neil was in attendance from Wingham. —Ur. George 0. Hanna haspnrehaeed the corner store property from Mrs. J. room for o will no o w 1 Hanna and w 'tV have stores. He will commence building operations at Once and will build the cors net etoare this Beason, leaving the frame building ou the other lot until next 114141f. VA q, 4P/ Ci BALED TENDERS address to the under - i.3 signed, and endorsed "Tender for Comple- tion of Goderich Breakwater" will be received at this office until Thursday, April 18 1907, in- clusively, for the completion of Brearewater at Goderich, Huron County, Ontario, according to plan and specification to be seen at the rflices of J. G. Sing, Esq., Resident Engineer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Ont , H. J. Lamb, Esq., Resident,Engineer, London, Ont., on application t this_ Postmaser at (lode - rich, and at the Depa ti ent of Public Works, Ottawa. '.enders will not b considered unless matte on the printed form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. An accepted cheque on a chartered hank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, for seven thousand five hundred dollars (57,500.00), must accom- pany' each tender. The cheque will be for- feited if the party tendering decline the con- tract or fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned in case of non-ao- eel tanto of tender. The department does not bind ifself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. by Order FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 18, 1907. Newspapers will not be paid for this ad•rerti- sement if they insert it without authority from the Department. The Ontario Farmers' Weather insurance Mutual Company. The first Company of its kind in Ontario HEAD OFFICE, - GRAND VALLEY, ONT. Organized May, 1904. Incorporated August 18, 1904. PRESIDENT, — William Park. VICE-PRES . - W' A. Wansbrongh. MANAGING DIRECTOR - • - - - John W. Rounding. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. C taital paid .up, . Reserve Fund and iindivided profits Total Assets, over $3,000,000 $3,928,198 49,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly— end of March, June, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. R Vomiters., Solicitor, Policies in force, - - 2,200 Assets, - - - $75,000.00 lusurance in force, over $2,500,000.00 Farm Labourers and. ]Domestics. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov- ernment to place emigrants from the United IC•ngdom in positions as farm. laborers or do- ne esti() servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the hind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The number ar- riving may nut be sufficient to supply all re- quests but every effort will be made to pro- vide each applicant with help required. PETER CAMPBELL, Canadian Government Employment Agent Wingham, Ont. This Company insures dwellings and out- buildings against Ines or damage by wind storms, cyclones and tornadoes. Vehicles, farm implements and live stock are held insured against loss or damage by the blowing clown or partly blowing down of any building insured by this Company, the same being in or around any of the buildings insured by this Company, without being specially mentioned. Purely a Farmers' Company. PETER, CAN.P ELE, General Agent, - Wingham, Ont. all Paper Opening THE BIG BOOK STORE A grand display of new Wall Paper of various designs and color- ings will be on exhibition Wednesday and Thursday, Aptil 3rd and 4th. Yon are invited to take a look; it will not cost yon anything, and will give you an idea of the different com. binations to be in vogue this season. We can only give the room for this display, for two days. Sold by the roll. odea ae wall, )Borders same K. M. FISHER Easier ,r liday Rates Lowest One -Way Fare for Round Trip Between all statiora in Canada; also to Detroit, Port Huron, Susp. Bridge, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Goole Going March 28th, 29th, 301h, 31st, and April 1st. Returning until Tuesday April 2nd. For full information as to rates and tickets, call on L. HAROLD, Dopot Agent. J. D. MoDoNALn, D. P. A., Toronto. SPITING TERM OPENS TUESDAY APPAL 2nd CETOAL.,i fTRATFORDe ONT. This school which is the largest and most progressive commercial and shorthand school in Western Ontario enjoys the reputation of do- ing the best work in Business Edu- cation in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as commercial teach- ers and office assistants. Write for our free catalogue and you will get full information concerning our schopi. ELLIOTT & MoLACIILAN I PRINCIPALS. • VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvvva/ Chnsties at 1 Read to Eat HAMS Each ham is carefully selected 5 —well cured, and boiled to a nicety. A trial order always g brings a customer back. MES For Seit lers IN WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA now Made and How Reached Write for tree copies of SETTLERS' GUIDE giving fnll partic- ulars of special train service foe settlers travelling with live stock and effects to the Northwestin March and April, with passenger and freight rates, WESTERN CANADA tip-to-datedes- wcstand western conditions. 80 pa es of information invaluablo to settlers. !9eful maps and st^ilistics. TIME TABLES showing double daily to Winnipeg and Calgary. cription of tho passenger train service TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Toronto daily. Comfortable, roomy bertha at moderato rates. Pully equipped with bedding cooking range mid every ton - vont, ce.. 1 'sit • bedding, ahoy d bo reserved. e1i nearestC.P.R. Agent) ntD at loasttwOweks before departure. Write today for free hooka and anything you want to know about the west and hOW to reach it. Address C. S. FOSTEl. Dist. Pass. Agt., C.l'.it.,'faiotuds 1 DRINK JELLIED HOCKS A regular treat. Always fresh. Makes a first-class lunch or d supper. HEADCHEESE A most welcome bite at any time. Very nicely spiced. JUST TRY IT. Also other Cooked and Smoked Meats on hand. my special blends Teas and Coffees. Always refreshing. i 11 PRODUCE TAKEN. 1 1 Henryi i 0 Christie Grocer and China Merchant y WINGHAM, ONT. OAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WINQHAI"[ BRANCH C. P. SMITH, - AGENT. ,.+x,�)ry{iy', t f +t'lr 1!..1,111,',-;•,,,, n r,I% ;. r i'` S11 i�,� �} %:zH�:�Lfl nr 4-LiiY et Y.�k rh,..'1k(44 /4..51_ 7 . P l.l., fIY... t,**4$1, P.24,..5 THE CA TAIAN B K. F Ck 'F,i_ ME HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of . Branches ESTAJSLISUIED 1807 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $5 and undera 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " " $3010 cents 87 " $30 IS 4t$50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank. (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.go to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay at any office of the Bank WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER,. SPRING AND SUMMER FOOTWEAR Shoos are a very important part of the Spring outfit. Not only mast your shoes be of good appearance ; they must also be of A 1 quality, perfect in fit, and of first-class workmanship, so as to give the best satisfaction. The shoes we handle have all these qualities, and what's more, they are very moderate in price. See our Spring and Summer Footwear before purchasing When your shoes need repairing bring them here and we'll fix them right. R. Johnston SHOE DEALER WINGHAM T4. e e e Stores WINGHAM. We reached out, and the consequences have been revealed.. Our sale has been beyond our expectations. The way people from far and near responded to our invitation was gratifying to us and, we believe, profitable to the buyers as well. WINGHAM FARMERS Have your Wheat gristed and get 78e, a bushel for it, in Flour, Bran and Shorts, as follows : 33 lbs Star Flour at $2 • .66. 10 lbs Bran at $1 • - • .10 2 lbs Shorts at $1 • • .02 .78 HOWSON, HARVEY & BRUCKLEBANKI WE OPEN UP NO O WITH A New and llp'to - date Stock of Merchandise. "Quality " our motto. Dry Goods and Clothing. Our Dry Goods and Clothing departments have only to be seen to convince the public that the goods are A I. Groceries. Watch for our Grocery window. And those who got. goods at the sale, tell your neighbors how suited you were ; we will do the rest, and we are quite sanguine of results. GORRIE BRANCH.—Those who are contemplating the purchase of a new Hat would do well to attend our Millinery Opening, March 27th and following days, for the newest and most up-to-date assortment to choose from. Bring along your produce ,• we will pay the highest prices for any quantity. To RINT.---Six rooms, suitable for millinery or living; rooms. The BEE gIYE STORES.. WINGHAM (2 stores) and GOBIIE.