The Wingham Times, 1907-03-28, Page 66 , Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Gossips never secure jobs." Happiness ie found only when we look within, not without. "permanent 1 Afflicted 'With Rheumatism. "I was and am yet etilieted with sbeumatism," says Mr. J. 0. Bayne, editor ot the Herald, Addington, Ind an Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's Pain Balm ant able once more to attend act business. It is the best of liniments." If troubled with rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial and you aro certain to be more thou pleased with the prompt re- lief which it affords. One application relieves the pain. For sale by all drug- gists. Love may be ever se great, but must also be wise, to grow. A fool is never so foolish but that he may teaoh another fool something. For Over Sixty Years. An old and Well -Tried -Remedy -Mrs . ,t'�%fVinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the :child, softens the gums, allays all pain, onres wind colic, and is the best remedy 'for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty'\rove Dents a bottle. Its valve is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, Jane 30th, ACC. Serial Number 1098. To be poor without losing self-ro• epect or a sense of enjoyment is a fine art. Kindness of any true Bort must be expressed in terms of the recipient, not of the donor. A Favorite Remedy for Rabies Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy a favorite with the mothers of small ohildreu. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequenc- es. It not only cures croup, hut when given as soon as the croupy cough ap- pears will prevent the attac't. For sale by all druggists. Capability marks some men, and im- portance others, but that indispensa- bility attaches to none. Friendship which is genuine may in- variably be recognised in that it is .neither jealous nor selfish. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. :The Kind You Have Always Bought tt Bears the allgignature of ia. Indolence among the rich is more to be condemned than ignorance among she poor. The rich know better. -Intellectual worth 18 most clearly Shown in the complete and accurate 3Snowldge of one's own abilities. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- aaioves all hard, soft or calloused lumps skid blemishes from horses, blood spavin, irbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and sweollen throat,conghs, etc.. Save $50 by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by A. L. Hamil- ton. • Mediocrity, provided it be persever- ing, accomplishes more than fitful talent. Hares and tortoises still run races. --Sitcom. • Her husband -If a man steals -no matter what is -he will live to regret it. His Wife -Daring our courtship you rised`to steal kisses from me. Her hus- band -Well, you heard what I said, - Chicago Newt. INFERSOSSIIIMINIVIAMEWELtatittreZaq Tour Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, hut -- why . go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, arid then of havinghisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SIHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent mottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? Why not -do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four . years: let SHILOH be your dot. Tot' whenever a Cough or 'Cold appears'. SHILOH will euro your, and all druggists back up this ataternent with it positiveguarantee.. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with UTI octor THE ll1 JtA THIES MARCH 28, 11►u7 A pretty girl in Chicago has obtained 810 from a number of ministers by tell. iuga hard -luck story which has proved to be false. Sleeplessness, Disorders of the stomach prodace a nervous condition and often prevent sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv- er Tab'ets stimulate the digestive organs restore the system to a healthy condi. tion and make sleep possible. for sale by all druggists. There aie 2,C0CO3CC0 cycles in use in the United Kingdom, or one for every 20 of the population. Although South America has about twic the area of the United States it has only half the population. Pill -Price -Tho days of 25 cents a box for pills are numbered, Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills at 10 cents a vial are surer, safer and pleasanter to take. Cure Con- stipation, Siek and Nervous Headaches, Dizzineee, Lassitude, Heartburn, Dy- spepsia, Loss of Appetite, and all troubl- es arising from liver disorder. -133 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. "Doctor, how can I ever repay you for your kindness to me?" "Doesn't matter, old man. Check, money order, or oash." -Milwaukee Sentinel. C7,°5L"free Mat =lam. Dern the Thr Kind You Have Always Bought signature ` of There are more than 120 India rubber manufacturers in the United States, em- ploying more than 13,000 operatives. How Long Have YourKidneys been Sick? -Here's South American Kidney Cure evidence that's convincing; "1 never expected to be cured of Bright's Disease, but half a dozen bottles did it." "1 tbought my days were numbered,but this great remedy cured me. It never fails. -134 Sold by A. L, Hamilton. . No matter bow poor a man's mem3ry is about other things,he never forgets,the time and place where lie once found money on the street. D.. Chase's Oint nient is a certain and guaranteed cure for each and ovary form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. Sco testimonials in the press and ase: your neighbors about it. You can use it and get your coney back if not satisfied. 00c, at all dealers cr ED:.tisO V, DATES &Co., Toronto. ®R. CHati, lE'3 O@NITREkk n. The Rev. Dr. Clifford, the noted Eng- lish olivine, who has just celebrated his seventieth birthday, says he thinks that at that age a man is just approaching his best. Doctored Nine years for Tetter. - Mr. James Gaston, merobant,of Wilkes- barre, Pa , writes: "For nine years I have been disfigured with Tetter on my hands and fade. At last I have found a cure in Dr. Agnew's Ointment. It help- ed me from the first application and now I am permanently cared." -135 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Forty years ago artificial teeth wore often made of hippopotamus ivory. Elephant's foot takes longer to cook than any other dish. It must be bake3 for three hours. For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove its merit, a Trial size Box of Dr Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white, creamy. healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Wylie, near Amberley has been deeply bereaved by the death of their daughter, Jennie, at the age of 19 years. Cure the Nerves and you will control almost every disease that flesh is heir to. The foundation of health is a perfect stomach and good digestion -these right and you are insured plenty of nerve forco,porfect circulation and pure blood. South American Nervine is a wonder - worker -gives nerve force -makes rich blood. It's a veritable "Elixir of Life" 132 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Mr. F. J. Williams was awarded a verdict for $6,500 and costs against Pigott & Co., railway contractors, at the Goderich Assizes for injuries sustained, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring 1Vorui, Herpes, Ilarbers' itch. Alt of these diseases are attended by intense itching, which is almost instant- ly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Salve and by its continued use a per- manent core may be effected. It has, in fact, cured many cases that had resisted all other treatment. Price 25 cents per box: For sale by all druggists. On friday, the 18th inst. the death of Mr's; Wm.ltobertson coonrred at the fam- ily residence, lot 12, con,9, Huron town- ship. The deceased was 68 years of age and was well known and highly esteem- ed by ail who knew her, She and her husband were among the early settlers sad a large family consisting of five boys and three girls, beipiele the husband sur- ' viva and Mourn ter less. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch McLean of the 801 con , Baron, wa'i the a lent± of a pleasant event on Wednesday, March 20th, when their daughter, Cath- erine was united in marriage to Mr. Bert Vansickle of Ktneardine, No Heart too Had to be Cured - Testimony could be piled high in com- mendation ot the wonderful cures wrought by Dr Agnew'e Cure for the Heart. No case stands Ewalt -at this great remedy where it olid nut relieve the most acute heart sufferings inside of thirty minutes. It attacks the disease i i an instant after being taken. 121. Sold by A. L. Hamiltou. The reduction works of Cause, Nova Scotia, handled 1,300 tons ot do„ fish last year and produce therefrom 9.000 gel - loos of fish oil, besides 200 roue of fish scrap which makes a good fertilizer. "Preventles" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage" Prevt+t,tica cure seated colds as well. Prevent -ice are little candy cold cure tatlets, and Dr :hoop, RRacine, Wis , tivill gladly mail you samples and a book on Oalds fret,. if you will write him The samples prove their merit. Check early colds with Preventics and stop pneumonia. Sulcl in 5 and 23o box's at Walley's Drug Store. Ioasmuoh as ncthing does so much to threaten the men of France as absinthe drinking, some little comfort is found in the fact that the sales of it have de- creased nearly 3 per cent within a year. The amount drunk last year was, how- ever, still 4,557.52:! gallons. Tao Nows-No Pare Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if toll Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is -and has been for 20 years. The National Law now requires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture, it must be printed on the lsoel or package. For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough (aur,a, No poison marks on Dr. Shoop's label. And none in the medicine, else it must by law be on the label. And it's not only safe, but it is said to be by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance, particularly with your chil- dren. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr Shoop package with others a vi o •see. No and e poison marks there! You can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold at Welley's Drug Store. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fish- er, of the Maitland Concession,Colborne was the scene of a pretty and interest- ing event, on Wednesday March 20th, when their daughter Elva Pearl, was married to Mr. John W. Graham, of Meaford, Ont. "500 People badly Bent" have in effect used these words it, speaking of the curative qualities of South Ameri- can Rheumatic Care -"My legs wore crippled" -"My hands were distorted" -"My joints were swollen" -"My back was bent double" -"My pain was ex- cruciating" - "Bedridden for years." This great remedy has been the heaven- sent agent that worked a permanent onre.-130. Sold by A, L Hamilton. A very interesting event occurred at the home of Mr. Alex. Mitohell, Thorn Iiedge Farm, Varna, on Thursday, Mar. 14, when his niece, Miss Margaret Hem- ilton, of Varna, was united in marriage to Mr. Samuel Hamilton, of Shabbona, Mich., Rev. Thomas Davidson being the officiating clergyman. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect oough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction., Price 25 cents. What is known as the Weir farm on the Bayfield road, a short distance from Clinton, has been sold to Mr. S. H. Smith, the well known cattle buyer, for the sum of x;11,330, It contains 235 acres, has good out buildings, and is a desirable property by reason of its ex- cellent location. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and everp form of contagious Itch on human or animals oured in 80 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. A couple of years ago Mr. Dunlop, who resided near Constance, sold out and went west, where other members of his family were residing. A few days since he returned and bought the farm of Mr. Atmstrong, admitting that the west was all right for young men, but it was not the place for those of advanced years. THE LADIES' I:A'VOItXTE. Lasa -Liver Pills aro the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or siokening. In Huron, on Friday, March 15th, Christen McLennan, beloved wife of the late Wm. Robertson and mother of Mr. Richard Robertson, Ex -Reeve of Huron, passed away at the age of 68 years. The deceased was a most respect- ed citizen and dearly loved by all her acquaintances, Tho Kind You Have Always 8ouatt Beare the llignatnreof legase A survey is to be made for the north- ern outlet of the Trent Valley Canal to see the possibility of a tante from Nottawaaaga Bay to Lake Simcoe. This route, if found possible and not too costly) would be considerably shorter than the Severn River route. HOW TO TE . YOUR KIDNEYS. If any of your family have been trout,. led with kidney disease rush° a test of the uriuo and satisfy yourself whether you need a good remedy before the dis- ease has caused serroes cowplietitions. To•utorrow mort,tug; put some urine in a glass er bottle and let it stand for twenty•lour hones. If it shows partioles or germs floating about, Is malty or cloudy, or contains a reddish sediumet, then your kidneys are diseased. Commence at once to take Perrozouo to arrest these unnatural oonditious. Fere, zone is Nowt:rally intended for the imutediete relief and ours of kidney and bladder troubles and its health -giv- ing properties will be telt at once in new blood. healthy circulation, and general streugtheniug of the system. Ferrozoue quickly currents urinal dis- orders, headache, and pain in the haat. It improves the appetite, digests the food, makes it nourieh the nerves, niches them strong and enduring;, and fits ono for lots of our work Don't be misled by cheap, so called kidney cures offered by dealers for the bake of extra profits. There is only one sane and reliable specific for Kidney, Bled der, Liver and urinal troubles, and its naive is Ferrezone. Refuse point blank to accept a substi- tute, and resist en your druggist supply. ing "Ferrozoue" ; price 50e. per bux at all dealers. Jas. Tipling, of Detroit, formerly of Clinton, aged 21, was found dead in bed by hid father, Thomas Tipling, the cause being escaping coal gas from the inrn- ace. Last winter aura was a defect in the furnace, and the whole family had a narrow escape from death, but it had bean repaired and it was thought to be all right. Bow's This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case at Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J, CHENEY s; Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheuney for the last 15 years, and be, lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDINl., KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. There is likely tot be some trouble in Ottawa for a saloon -keeper who is in the habit of setting his chubby son, aged five. on the bar as a human advertisement. There the child challenges contests in beer drinking with the oldest topers in the city. Under encouragement from bis father, the boy will drink some twen- ty beers on an afternoon, surrounded by a crowd of degraded admirers. If there's a Hint of Catarrh Taint apply Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder without delay. It will save you suffer- ing. heal you quickly whether you have been a slave one month or fifty years. It relieves cold inthe head and catarrhal headaches in ten minutes. The Hon. David Mills, Minister of Justice for the Dominion of Canada. endorses it. 50 cents, -129 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. The immigration into Canada for the eight months from July to February. inolusive, was 95,635, as compared with 65,190 for the same period. of last year, an increase of 47 per Dent. The arrivals by ocean ports wore 67,686, and from the United States 27,969, as compared with 43,014 by ocean ports and 22,156 from the United States for the same period last year. The percentage of in- crease via ocean ports was 57 per cent., and from the United States 26 per cent. CATARRH ESCAPED A DAI10E3009 SURGICAL OFEES.TIC).. Pre Brunswick Aro., Toronto, Can. ;ax OXYGENATOR Co., Toronto, Canada. Gentlemen,—I am moat pleased to certify to die curative proportien of "Oxygenator.' I limt began using it for Catarrh fn the head. having subdued tits loathsome dlseaee. I then tweed my attention to a large Polypus that existed in my right nostril, which was successfully removed by ike local application of "Oxygenator" thereby oaring much pain, danger lead expose had it boon removed by surgical process. I have need sour remedy In my family (of 8) for a number ofears, and can highly recommend it for fevers, colds and throat troubles—as a gargle, when warmed, It fs invaluable. 1 remain, yoare truly, 0. D. nonINeaN, OXYGENATOR A GERM KILLER sold by - 0 OXYGENATOR 00. 52 tl-isnrtlord Eft. - Toronto T HE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE A Piano Organ on Violin IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purchaser. • In Roc kvall , 1dsryland, each year there is held a series '1 races "for all comers " On one ocoasiou the sun was blazing down on a field of hot, exoited home and nem, all waiting n tall, raw- boned beast to yield to the importuni- ties of the tatarter and get into lino The patience of the starter was nearly ex. batiste,/, ' Bring up thee horse!" lie shouted, "hang up that horse! You'll .05 into trouble pretty soon if you don't! The rider of the retraotory beast, n youthful Irishman yelled bank: "I can't help it This hero's been a cab• horse and he won't start until the door shuts, an't got no door!" SUDDENIS ATTACHED. Children aro often attacked suddenly by pait,Ynl and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Inftrutu n, etc. Dr. Fowler's l;xtraot ot Wild Strawberry is a prompt acid sure sure which should always be kept in the ;louse. A pendent peasant insured his proper- ty against fire and his wite'e li.o at the same time. One day a small hut on his laud was burned dowp, and ho set such an enormous valve on it that the insur- surance company found it cheaper to build him a new one. The next day the man went to their office and aaid that he wished to discontinue the insurance on his wi e's life. "But why?" he was asked, "Because," he replied, "since you have just given me a new hut in- stead of money, I suppose when the time comes you will want to give a new wife instead of money," Try This for our Cough. To relieve a cough or break up a cold in twenty-four hours, the following simple formula, the ingredients of which can be obtained of any good prescription druggist at small Dost, is all that will be required: Virgin 011 of Pine (Pare), one-half ounce; Glycerine, two ounces; good Whiskey, a half pint. Shake well and take it, teaspoonful doses every four hours. The desired results can not be obtained unless the ingredients are pure. It is therefore batter to purchase the in- gredients separately and prepare the mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased in the origin- al half-ounoe vials, which druggists buy is securely Each vial for dispensing. sealed in a round wooden case which protects the Oil from exposure to light. Around the wooden case is an engraved wrapper with the name -"Virgin Oil of Pine (Pare)" -plainly written thereon. There are many imitations and cheap productions of Pine, but these only create neveea, and never effect the de- sired results. Almost all the icebergs seen in the north Atlantic during June are products of the coast of Labrador, formed from the ice fields that had filled the indenta- tions of icebergs that come from farther north, in the vicinity of a Bffiu Land: those of August come from still farther north, and though fewer in nnmber than those of the earlier summer, are larger individually. From the coast of Labrador may be seen au endless pro- cession of these ice mountains corning out of the north and taking their way majestically southward until they lose their being it, the warmer waters and o.imate of the south Atlantic. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They ouro backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder, The report of the Minister of Educa- tion for 1906 shows there are 98 High Schools and 42 Collegiate Institutes in Ontario. The increase in legislative grants for secondary education this year as compared with 1906 amount to $13,000 which 1s an average of $92 for each school. SPRING DIEDICINE. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. -Samuel Houston, who was recently committed to the county jail by Police Magistrate Morton, of Wingham, under sentence of forty-five days for vagrancy, is to be deported under the Dominion Immigration Act, which provides for deportation of any immigrant who with. in two years of his arrival in this coun- try comes within the custody of the 14 w. Many people say they are "all nerves,' easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. The Ontario Department of Agricnl- tare has issued a small bulletin by E. J. Zavitz, B. A., on Farm Forestry, for the instruction of farmers who are interest- ed in cultivating timber on their wood lots and waste portions of their farms, The bulletin gives a list of names of 87 different kinds of trees native to Canada and of 25 kinds that have been introduc- ed from other countries. To those who know something about our forest trees these lists are quite interesting as the local, or vernacular, names as well as the proper names of the trees are given. Together with a great deal of informs- tion about the planting and oulti-tation of trees, the bulletin eontains a number of illustrations showing the results of careful forestry, 111.rs Janie Gwinu, of Atlanfa, abased a man whom she found in her haus,/ to street at the point of a pistol. Mrs Featherstone Osler of Toronto died on Monday, aged 100 years. Her husband was a pioneer missionary of the Cburoh of England in Western Canada, Hor sons include the lata B 13 Osler., Q C„ Dr Wm Osler, 01 the University of Oxford; Justice Osler, of the Court of Appeal; E. 13 Osler, M. P Jackson, Tenn., has deelared-atself prohibition town by a vote.4R-11� tQ,, C�.41.. T© .x,A.. .,}. Dears the 'rho Kind You Nano ihridfs Signature ' a 1•' Mr. Lindsay Malcolm, M. A has beef appointed City Engineer of Stratford plane ot Mr Parsons, who has resignec•t ,••0•i'•.•Q400••••••••0••••• ••••v0•QO••00.0•'PO.1a •10*! 1,.: COAL COAL COA. 4We are sole agents for. the celebrated SCRANTON CQ'?Ai_ i�''' i':: O which has no equal. Also the best grades o1 Smithing, Cannel. Wad ; j,j * Domestic Coai, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.4. „.. j, '+ 1Va carry a ,a ♦ full stook of I LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH:.: 4- (Dressed or [Undressed) O 'Nr', o Cedar Pasts, Barrels, Etc. , ,, �+:J t ,R Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs, 71244. !�`jj; 1 SI n itit'+ +; tit y4 '4: • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No, 64. Mill, No. 44. ..ee •••••••O••••0•••••••••••o!r ee...*•O.0.004•0••00.004®*', Y;t, ia; AM MICA MIME.. ��t� .ate: aaeaa .C; v�lg''t,.g �tl �� 1. ,e-- i l,' (' - n1j'_ivrb" a \',,' ,,bp ... .27.:.t; \-ft .yf+ Jr.,iSt '0,-,',741,,n7,-4 �x. if+�a/!!t%1� //,...Rirr;''.orti,St('r�,Aft.i; rpt ry"- `�,�t'( �dll9iye4in tI hZ' 14 E �,q: a/,r{/(��f.l,n.;) °;R a"ISg:ilf!?�✓" it:yl'. ylS.lw 1�:,qp, X YLn .- /,`� , 1, i l 11.14M11'i F:f A`i ny,,}i et et a new ,>r Pk F..QEn" ®F- tG CIUTL.EEFV FREE 11`© ^.tet E104 I3:JYEP�S Our 1£07 Catalogue will tell you how to get, Abtolu!e!y Free, ) fa'• a beautiful Carving Set of SHEFFIELD STEEL, with Ccltuloid Handles and Sterling Silver Mounts, enclosed in a handsome plush and silk lined case. The outside be- ing leatherette. with covered t Our handsome Catalogue and �. Guide Book is richly illustrated and is free to everyone who asks for it and contains details of other special offers, etc., also gives full details of new and standard varieties of Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. Writ° to -clay. DARCC-i1 & HUNTER SEED CO.,Linitad IOC) N , Canada. ASE Yo PE ARE? XX4i14t 00069069000•600900fid•®Slfirreee m • • • • • 9 • • as • • • • • • • • • • 19 • • • • • • • • to meseeesssssssssesea sssesssseeess An Advertisemei in THE TIMES Brings Good Results The Wingham Times reaches the homes of most of the people of Wingham and surrounding country. It keeps its subscribers posted on all the news of the day—local, political and foreign. If you have anything to sell, or want anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on application. We Think PrivIing That's our business. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance. It's no trouble fOr us to give you intornlation—to write or call—it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest something you can profit by. Prices right. Quality ever the talisman. —ear • • 50 • 9, g • va(• ••• toi• • • • w • • • • • •' • • 1 •. •. • • • • • • • • w•' • • •' 10001.10161100110~1.0.1M1" * 11,H $P 'H .SM' The Wingham Times WINGHAM, ONTARIO.