The Huron Expositor, 1979-12-20, Page 41
I*tE... P,H.E
.RpS w C�
..EQ THEIR: FLACKS—rTeri'y .Kelly, Jird
O'Reilly and friends were shepherds in, the nativitya lperformed by,
primary grades .during the S p y � Qrmet the
9t. tutriben school concert, held . in. the,
church on Tuesday afternoon, *•
Frank McQuaid, age 69
cIf Kitchener died on Dec. 9th
lir K,W hospital, Born in St
Col mba
o n. the son of the. late
Frank McQuaid and Mary
Hart he had been a resident
of Stratford. from 1928. ra
He was an employee of the
CNR shops, After moving to
Kitchener in 1963 he was:
employed at the Canadian
National Express until his
He is survived by hiswife
the former Dorothy Polrin
and one daughter Mrs. Jerry.
(Katherine) Qrmiston of
Toronto,two sisters Florence
McQuaid and !Ars. Ben
(Anne) Hamilton, both of
Whitby, two brothers James
of Seaforth and Thomas of
He was a= member of St..
Daniel's Roman Catholic
Church where his funeral
mus was celebrated at 10.
a.m. Wednesday by the Rev.
Father Bodner. pastor, Burial,
followed in {he woodland
The pallbearers were four
nephews Frank and Roy
McQuaid of Oshawa, Gerry
Power of Windsor and Frank
Bonfigli of Toronto and: two
. `friends Frank Baker and Jim
Kipper of Kitchener, •
The• second annual
Winthrop United Church
Christmas Concert was held
on Saturday, ; December 15
with a large crowd attending.:
Reverend Vanslyke was
master of ceremonies, . •
Don Dodd's class lead in
the, White Gift Service.
Teresa Campbell then did,
a recitation called.
"'Meteorite". . followed by 2
recitation by the primary
class. Jill Wheatley played a
piano solo consisting of 0
Holy Night and Star of the
• East Next Carol Hunt's class
sang Church in the. Wild=
wood, followed by a skit
'"Amahi and the Night
Visitors" by Ruth Axtmann's
Then Jane Schade's and
Gayle Glanville's class sang
the Little Drummer Boy Do
You See What I see? and
Nuttin' for Christmas.
Following was Marion
McClure's and Gayle
Campbell's class doing a skit
entitled "Christmas Bells".
Stege Schroeder then said a
recitation titled "Christmas
Thinking"'. Jingle Beefs` was,
hien bang. by Marion Hunt's
and Mrs. Stoll's class, Then
Chelene Glanville, Jacquie
McNichol and Connie
McClure step danced.. A
melody of Christmas songs,
was played by Tracy
Bosman. Then a ,skit called
"Christmas Oranges" was
put on by Carol Hunt's class.
Silent. Night Joy to the
World and Away in a Manger
44 /0. JOHN.TEM1i~ IIM,A,bi;
The Christmas and annual
Meeting of the Marion,
Ritchie Evening Auxiliary,
was held on Tuesday evening
Dec,; 11 at the home of Mrs-
Gordon Scott,
The president Mars, Dun-
can Scott opened with a.
Advent reading "Before The:
Darkness Cemes" 'lighting
the candles of joy, .hope.
courage., 'peace, grace= and
love, Mrs, Robert .Laing:
read the Christmas Story
(The Birth of Jesus) -Several
Christmas Carols were sung.
Mrs, Larry Gardiner had
bi.tua.i:jes, _..
WILLIAM J. ROUTLY Coming to Seaforth front, known cancer researcher,
A largely attended' Ottawa Mr. Mclindsey, t died at Baptist Hospital after
funeral was held Friday for pharmacist, purchases a heart attack,
the late William J. Routly Aberharts Drug Store at the The physician,, born in
long time Usb
o n•
e Township P corner QfMain
and John Vil
cod. N.1., . had been
road superintendent. He• was Streetin the early forties and involved in cancer research
in his 79th yeah,continued. to operate it until, at the John Hopkins Univer
The death occurred at St. 1966 when the business was sity School of Medicine, Bal -
Josephs Hospital, London on sold. and amalgamated with; timore, and: at Vanderbilt,
December 12th and; followed Keatings Pharmacy. Mr. "We are alt deeply indebt-
an accident he suffered a few McKindsey continued to live ed to Dr, Julian — no only as
days earlier when he was in retired here untilmoving to a colleague and as a waren
collision with a car near his, St. Catharines several years friend but for the insight,
home, • ago.
the seri tore reading; lam The Birth of Jesus. Roll ,Call
the. Mood News,` Matthew. - a Christmas verse - was
Lpp answered by 13 members,
egion and 2 visitors.
• Mrs. Jean, Carey gave .a
ow b
` ling` reading the::old, fashioned
Christmas Concerts Mrs..
High Standing, Ann Wood,.
265; Don Wood, 204,
High Triple, Ann Wo+4d„
606, Don Eaton, 689,
2 Buten.
3 Superstars 34
King Tut u
t 33
,Hi -Rollers 32
41Ippay Slx 3Q
6 N Name Brand"
expertise and compassion
The funeral serviceat the Her is survived by his that he brought to our midst
HopAer Hockey Funeral widow Helen and sons James and shared with us, every day
Home, Exeter was conducted of Brantaiea, Gordon. of we worked with him," said
by Pastor Ross Hargreaves Niagara on the Lake Dr. Lonnie. S. Burnett,,
and interment followed in and,: Donald of St. professor -and chairman of
Zion Cemetery, Catharines. He also ' is Vanderbilt's Department•, of.
He is survived by his survived by eight grand- Obstetrics,
widow the former Elva, Horne children and • by a sister Vice-president for Medical
and by daughters Mrs. Claire Mrs, W. Albert' Affairs Dr. Vernon E. Wilson
DonaldWilicox,. (Anna) . of Evans of Lambeth. A private said,. "In a comparatively
Kitchener*" and Mrs: Gerald funeral service was held at brief time, Dr. Julian became
Rannie (Grace) of Brantford, the Niagara on the ' Lake a major contributor to' nand
-, He is; also survived by 7 Chapel of the 'Gordon,S.. F erbilt, not only in his chosen
grandchildren, 3 sisters,, Morgan, funeral Home on; •profession but as a member
Mrs. Mildred Craigo . and Monday with Rev. Murray of the university family, His
Mrs; Ella Somers, both of St. Masecar officiating. deep concern for, others, arid.
Marys, and " Mrs. Vinetta, his dedication to excellence
:`ipgg; of Thorndale: DR. CONRAD GaULIAN made him a remarkable per,
' Services for Dr. Conrad G. son."
R.R. MCKINDSEY Julian,, 46, associate director A graduate of Johns Hop-
A Seaforth: businessmen of the Vanderbilt University kins, Dr. Julian served there
for ' more than 20 years Cancer Center, in .Nashville as a sociate professor of
Raphael. R. McKindsey died Tennesee were held recently. ' obstetrics and _gynecology
itr St, Catharines General, Burial followed inHayfield and director of gynecology.
Hospital on Friday December Cemetery, Ontario, Canada. He was president of the.
14. He was in :his 84th year. Dr. Julian a nationally Maryland . division • of the
Crowd at Winthrop Christmas cone
Co -Operatives of
Ontario Livestock
$hip your fhhesfrlck with
PlifMrrly Mike Doyle,,
i° Minipt service, 0171
by Monday ewning
� .. Imo...../,
was played by Lori McClure Marion and Gayle's class. and Gayle's class. To end the.
and Jane Anderson: Then Good King Wencelos -=evening Lisa McClure and:
The a • skit titled. and Have a Holly Jolly Mary Anderson ptaYed Santa
"Wisemen was put on by Christmas was sung by Jane Claus is Coming to town.
A.xnerican. Cancer 'Society
Dr. Julian, who had also
served in the U.S, Army
Medical cal CorP s, carne to
Nashville dein
a h 1976're
as director
of gynecologic oncology at,
Vanderbilt Hospital. In 1978
be became associate director
for clinical affairs of the
Vanderbilt Cancer Center,:
Dr. Julian was the author
of: -more than 30 scientific
publications and was a con-
tributing tributia author to ten text-
books about gynecology. He
had recently completed work
on a textbook soon to be
The doctor was a member
of severat protessional
societies including the
American Association; of
Obstetricians ::and.
Gynecologists and the.
American Medical
association. -
He was marriedto the late
Phyllis. Boxes Julian whop
died in 1978..The late Mrs.
Julian was a native of
Tuckers.Mith and := the
daughter of Mrs, Alec
(Ethel) Boyes.
Survivors include his
daughter, Anne, 15 and a son
Michael 13, both of Nashville
a sister, Mrs, Frank 3
Ficadenti; and a brother;
Romolo Julian, both: of
Northfield, N.J..
Then everyone,•joined in; to:
sing Jingle. Bells to welcome
Santa who gave candy to all
the little ones.
Gordon Scott gave a reading
"The Journey" and, a Contest
on; .Christmas was, enjoyed.
Several Christmas Carola,
were sung,
Mrs, Scott presided for the
annual meeting. Reports
were givenby all, committees.
Mrs. Laing gavethe slate of
officers ffers for 19$0 Which are,
Past President - Mrs. Dun-
can Schott; President Mrs.
Alec MitlerL list Vice I'resi
dent } Mrs Robert Laing;
2nd Vice-Freside!at Mrs,
Jean Carey, Secretary - Mrs„
Carter Kerslake; Assistant'
Secretor, - Mrs Duncan
goon: Treasurer * Mrs Larne
Elliott; Asatstant Treasurer •
Mrs, John :Templeman.
Pianist - Mrs. Ivan. Norris,
Assistant Pianist 'Mrs.
Robert Laing: Work Conntnit-
tee . Niro Pu,neas .3cotc,
Mrs. Loren Elliott, Mrs.
tarry Gardiner; Program
Committee - Mrs, Carter
MTS. Duncato-.
Kerslake,r _
Scott, Mrs, Alec Miller.
Associate Members- Mrs.
home frorn.
:,au :
Mr. and Mrs. Ron McCall
lum and son Chad visited
friends in Dayton, Ohio over
the weekend..
Recent visitors. with Mr,
and ;•Mrs. Ed Regele were
Mr: and Mrs. Eric Tippelt of
London, . 'Mr. and ..Mrs,
Clarence Regele N5,. Seaforth
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kistner of Brodhagen..
Wishing every one
Season's . Greetings and: a
Happy 1980,
Mrs, Herta Brodhagen: of.
Slabtown is a patient in;
Seaforth Community
Hosptial. We wish her a
speedy recovery,
Mrs. Stanley Mien : of
Seaford' formerly of .10th.
Concession McKillop: is not
as well as her many friends
would like to see: • •
Mr. and Mrs. Murray:
Hare, Angeline, Carrie,, and'..
Corey .of Stratford:
visited on Sunday at
the, home, of Mr, and. Mrs
Harold McCallum and Carl.
Mrs. Melinda Koehler has
'returned to herhome after
being a patient for past
couple weeks at Seaforth
Community Hospital.
Mrs. Carter
ers a", dpp y
Mrs.. Lorne Elliott;, Friend*
ship dr Service - Mrs. Lloyd
Miller; Glad Tidings, 4
„Literature Mrs Je44.
Carey; Flowers 8c Cards
Mps. Gordon Scott.. Mrs,.
NofmanHarburn, Mrs, Lloyd
Miller; Press Reporter - Mrs..
.1ohn Templeman; Re*
PreAeRtatile01Q Mali ,,.
Mrs, Jean Carey;.
,Nominating Committee
Mrs. i;'ranit Ralniitpm.. Mrs
Auditors - Mrs. .John:
Miller. Mrs, I"arry Gardiner.
After singing 'Silent Night
and grace a bountiful
Christmas luncheon, was en,
.toyed by all.
1 gives lifts to
nursing home
Mrs. John Miller hosted
the Christmas meetingof the
Staffa Women's Institute at
her home, Dec: 12..1011 Call
was answered by, naming
yostur Ch as
mostristm appreEve o e
ieatedrX .fit gift
contributed to the program'
wntcli, Was pot -iii&` W u'
Christmas: the Theme.
is Mille r
M , John ,.. r e,
sented .a interesting de-
monstration en plastic dip:
auc,; business n caro'
rty , plaJa1
inpaStaffawasHall withnned forCirclen.I in0
Secret pals were. revealed
and gifts exchanged with
names drawn for secret pals
in' 1980;ng
Everyone contributed gifts
for the patients in Riverside
Nursing Home Miteheil -
Mrs. John Miller rind :Mrs.
Cameron aYivian served
lunch.. -`
Mrs. John Templeman.
was a guest at the grand-
mother pot -luck dinner
meeting of the. W.I.4'ett 8 Kirlcton
onThursdaY. Dec. 13
Mr. and ms. Uert maynat
are spending the Christmas
holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
Gavin Quinney and Adam,
Victoria, British. Columbia..
Congratulations to Janice
Vivian, -she was crowed
'Snow Queen" at the High
School ;dance. in Mitchell,
Friday evening.,
music fills
the air as we
sing the praises
of our good patrons.
Men's -Wear
isami....„ DUBLIN
Holme HOME
345-2273 M J.McCreight, Proprietor Dublin
i hank you :at this holiday .season for your
friendship and understanding. May the Spirit of
Christmas llighe or way in peace and goodwill.
482-9811 4, Clinton
HOLIDAY BELLS ring out a message'
of happiness and joy and glad Christmas
tidings! Our special thanks.
07' W.1.41;,,,k.4441:k, till. the
.lir `13th il►+r( u.h('rint; in
thi..(',t.(irl lit i;ri',lt jlit ami
( lifll('ri1ru('flt. Thanks tli .ill•
ssi'h ( r.\
May.all your childhood drea»rs
happy season come truer
R.R Seaforth.
Listowel, Ontario
Tel. 291-3810
Store Hours:
Open daily Monday thin niftily.
9 ti"riU. to 9 p.m'.t Satur4aya
till 5 pan,
To all our customers; sincerest wishes for.
a Christmas that hums with complete
joy and happiness. And for the
pleasure of having served you, spur thanks,
The Special Hours which appeared in The
Huron Shopping News were incorrect, They
;should.have read: - • •
onday to Saturday, Dec. 11 to 22
Sunday; Dec. 2:3: 1 to 9, Monday, Dec. 24: 9 to 6
Closed Christmas Day
Open 1101(110,0 °y, Dec. 26: 9-6
Thursday, December 27:9.6
Friday, Dec. 28: 9 to 9, Saturday,, Dec, 29: 9 to 6
Sunday, December 30'; 1 to 6.
Monday, December 31 9 to 6
January 1, New 'Years•'Day, Closed
January 2 • Resume Regular Hours
:23.131.+1 A t The krilway Twit wit* l H4