The Huron Expositor, 1979-11-29, Page 5WAITING FOR THAT LUCKY NUMBER -An Were all hoping for a lucky number in the
Unidentified bingo player, Leo Hagan, Mrs. Knights of Columbus bingo held at St.
Irene Flanagan and Madeline and Charles Rowe Columban Church last Friday. (Expositor photo)
"...* 4, goe.6
4. p.
,=-• 1"
Bayfield was one of the lucky winners of a
turkey in last Sunday's Knights of Columbus
bingo held in St.:Colurnban. (Expositor Photo)
Super Gift Ideas
While the selection Is at Its best choose now!
5-20, 12'/i 321/2, Classic Styles
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• ,,,
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All winter coats, Jackets at
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We also carry a full line In lace
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Shirts, dress and work shirts
stripes, plains and plaids , •
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In velours acrylic and Wools,,
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In flannels and perm press
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Best selection in Underwear,
gloVes starves, sox, bathrobes,
and work clothing etc. "
34:01t t
Staffa news
The Father Stephen Eckert
Countil •of the Knights: of
Columbus held their fourth
annual Christmas Turkey
Bingo on SundaY evening in
St Colttrnbatt Parish Hall
With a large attendance.
John Paul Rau. CoOttAii
Activity Chairman, was in,
charge of the bingo while
Rene Etrochu, Program
Director, gailectIbe number*
. • BrocItiageq.
The Brodhagen corre-
spondent Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
is a patient in .Seaforth
Community Hospital, so the
Brodhagen news column,
isn't available this week,
wish her a speedy recovery,
Auxiliary reading 'How to live
Correspondent home of Mrs. Gordon Scott
345-2346 A Life Membership was
The November meeting of presented to Mrs, . John
the Marion Ritchie Evening iller, a former member by
Auxiliary was held in the, Mrs. John Templeman and
Cromarty Church basement Mrs • Carter Kerslake. Mrs,
on Tuesday evening Nov. 20 Carter Kerslake read a poem
at 8:30 p.m. entitled, "How Do We
Mrs. Ivan Morris presided Know.' The, meeting closed
and opened with a poem on with Hymn 709 and the
burdens followed by hymn Lord's Prayer in unision,
599. Mrs. Lloyd Miller had Following the meeting a very
the scripture reading from successful talent sale was
Psalms 25, verses 1-10, Mrsheld with over $70 being
Norris led in prayer. Mrsrealized for the AuxiliarY.
Eldon Allen had the topic
reading an interesting article 4-H news
on "How To Live Without
Your Nerves' Roll Call was
Achievement night for the
by 11 members
Ganudidlanvciesi,,tor wNeedlepoint ith a verse on 4-11 Homemaking aking Club on
was held Thurs-
day evening Nov. 24 at
The secretary Mrs. Carter
Upper Thames Elementary
Kerslake read the minutes School in Mitchell. Staffa #1
and correspondence and Mrs
4-H Homemaking club pre
Lorne Elliott gave the trea- seMed a skit "More About
Stitches" with all members
ausiliarY had d a very participating. Their leaders
successful. Year. Mrs. Lloyd are Mrs. Spencer Jeffery and
Miller recorded the cards Mrs. George Vivian. Staffa
and visits. #2 4.H Homemaking dub
In the absence of the presented a demonstration,
President the Vice president "Lets Bargello" with all
Mrs, Alec Miller presided for members participating.
the business when members
were asked to lunch at the Their leaders are Mrs. Char -
church un.pcc. lst at 8 p.m. les Douglas and Mrs'. John
John Templeman were nam-
ed a committee in charge. A Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kil
letter of thanks was read patrick, Edmonton, Mr. and
from The Ritz Villa. The Dec. Mrs Ken Laidlaw, Atwood,'
meeting will be held at the and Mary Jane Templeman
surers report saying that the
were guests of Mr. and Mrs -
Gordon Parsons and family,
Saturday. evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Rob Temple.
man and Carrah visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Hap Swatridge and Jill,
PETER JOSEPHHICRINIELI, sons Michael, Paul, Joseph,
Peter J. Hi▪ cknell of 106 Larry Hicknell, Peter and Joe
Boehmer St. Kitchener died flallahan,•
on Nov. 25, 1979 in St Marys --- .1
McKillop Twp., ion of the Inflation - a time when
Srn I i es
Hospital, Kitchener. He was
born on April 1, 1890 in
late August Hicknell and money talks but doesn't have
Teresa McLaughlinenough cents to say anything
He farmed all his life in worthwhile
McKillop until retiring toA magician found out that
' •
He is• •• • there was an agent in the
e by his wife,
el ,
Kitchener in 1967.
'rner Matilda Nigh, 3 "dieOce• so he decided to
the f
sons Leo & Peter, Kitchener, perform all of his best tricks,
Francis, ., Ile began pulling 200 scarves
McKillop Twp2
ry, Mrs. Maur_ out of a hat, then he
daughters Ma
ice Haltahan, , produeed 150 playing cards
Agnes Mrs Clive 0,Neu : he threw a blanket
the air, one at a time.
Kirklad Lake, 20 grand ..
Finally , n
children, 2 great grand . aover himself . and dis
children and one brother fThpeneredr;est morning, he
Leo, New Liskeard• He was
called the agent and asked,
predeceased by
Joseph in 1944, also four ..
.one son
"What do you think?"
I'd only. make one
sisters and two brothers, change,„ said the agent.
The body rested at the ..
Schreiter Sandrock Funeral That trick where you van-
ish. You should do that
home.51 Benton St Kitch first... . .
whenenert i removall lW
;2to 8. psych jotririp*Psychiatrist
.Does your
St. Teresa Roman Catholic son present a behaviour
church at 11:00 a.m for the pbl 9 "
funeral mass. Burial later in Exasperated mother: "I
St. Columban cemetery. don't know. I've never seen
Pallbearers were 6 grand hi b ha "
New principal in. Goderic
The Huron Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
Scheel board confirmed the
appointment of Jim McDade
of Stratford as acting
principal :at St. Mary's
School, Goderich for the
period . November 19 to
December 31, 1979. Prior to
the appointment he had been
working out of the board
He replaces Betty L. Clark,
who had been the principal,
' but had asked for reassign
ment to other thine's. Her
new duties will be in the area
of curriculum 'deiteloptnent
with special emphasis on the
revision and development of
a French program for grades
4 to 8. ' '
The position of principal at
St. Mary's has been
advertised and the appoint
ment of a principal vvillbe
made effective January 1,
The board will hold its
inaugural meeting for the
1980 term on December 3
when a chairman and vice-
chairman will be elected', and
the next regular meeting will
be held on December 10.
There was a presentation
made by John McCauley,
Superintendent of:
.Education and Mary'
Flannery; a special education
resource teacher, ' on the
special education for ex-
ceptional students. „
Miss. Flannery explained
that exceptional students are
those who have 'behavioural,
communication, intellectual,
ot physical exceptionalities
to ..,snch,, a degree that
changes !' in the regular
curriculum must be made
and/Or special services pro-
vided for them in scheol.
Special education. is the pro-
gram made available to such
for tile games. Four door
prf4e,s, were boxes of
Winners of games wcre:
drinual b;ingoi
Regier, R.R.2* Zurich; him
Lou DenomMe; Leen
Maloney, R.R,i, Dublin;
Roland Murray, Dehlitti
Seaforth, ad
Publin; Gwen' Flynn,
tendeabor_ 1.,0 Leo Hallani,
Sertfertkirs. Joe
Gloria, Glanville, Ellen Irene Flanagan, R.R,2,
Murphy, Egmondville; Jean Zurich; Jerry Murray,
Maloney, Seaforth; Rose Dublin.
Regier, R.R.2, Zurich; Mrs. Share -the -Wealth winners
John Wilds, Hayfield; Susan were: Pat Glavin, Mount
Rau, R.R.2, Zurich; Clem Came!, Norma Riehl,
.From Queen 's Park
R,R.2, Dublin; Susan Rau,
R.112, Zurich.
Proceeds go towards
Council Charities and other
projects covered by COUIlleil
Work within the area. •
Iluge.0,e7.1and for
conversion to gas
BY MURRAY GAUNT, ment should plan for a hydro
M.P.P. Toad growth of two to three
The Minister of Energy per cent annually rather than
has announced that many the average of five percent to
homeowners wishing to con, .1985 and four per cent there
vert from heating oil to after forecast by Ontario
natural gas may have to wait Hydro last spring.
until next spring or summer, The Minister of Health has
due to an overwhelming de- stated that he'll use 'public
mand for conversions. By the money to respond to people
end of September this year, identifiable on the 274,852 -
the three major natural gas name petitions presented by
utilities had converted 19,650 the NDP which denounce the
homes to natural gas, tom- Province's health-care
pared to 8,600 last year, The system. It will cost about
change from heating based S40,000 to send letters to
on uncertain oil supplies to these people, but the
more plentiful and cheaper Minister stated it wouldn't
naturalgas has left come from government funds
manufacturers of furnace for the operaton of hospitals
conversion kits unable to or the Ontario Health
meet the demand. Insurance Plan, but from his
The Legislature Commit- Ministry's administrative
tee, on Hydro Affairs is budget. The Minister said,
recommending that no more "I am 'ping - to tell them the
construction contracts be fact tha. since 1972 the per
awarded for the Darlington capita spending on 'health -
nuclear site until Hydro pre- care has gone up from S205
sents the Legislature with a to $500, and even when one. •
new construction program allows for inflation that's a
based on drastically lowered big increase. . .1 think it is
projections for electricity e- in the interests of public
mand. .The Committee's information and the
draft report says the Govern- democratic system that the
• • ,
I • •
• .
.. . .
• •
• 1
• .
. •
• I
people have the in-
formation." The Ministry
budget of S4.25 billion equals
the entire provincial budget
when Mr. Davis became
premier in 1971.
About fifty per cent of the
inanufacturers who
answered a survey by the
Ontario Labour Ministry are
having trouble filling jobs in
skilled trades. The positions
which employers are trying
to fill are for machine
operators, machinists, tool,
die and mold makers,
engineers; welders and
electricians Employers said
many"applicants lacked skills
.and on experience,
The Labour Minister said he
would use the information to
address the problents-
through manpower policies.
The Government has in- .
troduced legislation that
ge, 20)71d
illegal to refuse to hire the
the Legislature: . To make it
would ban discrimination
against the disabled. The
proposed new act has tvao
main • purposes, Labour
Shecutlined the role of the
resource teacher, . whose
major responsibility is to
diagnose, plan a teaching
program and implement this
teaching plan for children
with special needs,
Miss Flannery concluded
with the statement that all
records for exceptional
pupils are treated with a
professional attitude of
confidentiality by all staff
The General Meeting ad
journed at 1050 p.m. wh‘n
board met .as committee -of -
the -whole.
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