The Huron Expositor, 1979-11-22, Page 17CLUB LEADERS HONOURED—Don Dodds of R.13, 1, Seaforth and
AIIan Haugh of R.R. 1, E3rucefield were honoured for 20 years of
voluntary service as 4-17I club leaders at the recent 4-H achievement night
in Clinton: Photo by Oke
Foresters mit Brantford
MRS. MART KERNER from Courts Constance and the weekend. Those at
482-7143 Constantine attended the tending were Sam and Mary
' A number of Foresters Assembly in Brantford ver McClure, Walter and Muriel
McClure, Don Buchanan,
• Eric and Marjorie Anderson,
Jim and Janice Preszcator
Nov. 27 --- Dec. 1 •
, .
Thls offer excludes Senior,' •
Clthens;15% 'reduction,
'THE filit10t4EXPOSITOPti it4OVIEMItOt A.,- IT
Reeve Harold Knight told; Hensall council
W Wednesday that if everything; went like
eleckwork, the Village could have a senior
citizens, ;Misted rental unit in Iwo.' ,4M ,
ated in the village and to ads in local papers
Mr, Knight and clerk Betty Oke recently
met with. David Cowan, housing analyst for
the Ontario Housing Corporation, to discuss
what steps.are needed n, reSearcbing if a
:need, exists for ministry -assisted housing in
the village. The assisted housing. could be
either for senior citizens or families with a
lower income.
Mr. Knight told council, it would likely be
senior citizens housing the village was
interested in.
In a survey completed recently by Mrs.
there is currently only one senior citizene
assisted housing unit available ler rent iitthe
whole of Huron Courity-
If the response to, questionnaire circle.
Sensali, the Village would receive 100 per
cent funding under a municipal eon -profit
corporation. The village would then have to•
form its own housing authority; to Oversee
construction of the rental units. The federal
government will provide 10 per cent of the.
total capital cost of the project, and rent* will
pay for the building's upkeep. .;
Reeve Knight said cons ruction of a senior=
citizens' apartment building shouldn't result
in any increase in taxes Hensall
indicate a need for assisted housing in
Irene Davis, 12 seniors living in Hensell
indicate d they were in urgent need of
housing accomodations. Mrs. Davis told
council many of these seniors were living in
homes, and finding they couldn't afford the
upkeep. She said however, they wanted to
stay in Hensall and needed apartment
Reeve Knight told council he understands
In an assisted housing complex, there
can't be more than 50 per ixnt of the units
which are subsidized renta units.
-"Works superintendent Bill McLaren was
given permission by council' to proceed with
construction of a catch basin in the Hensall
arena parking lot. Council agreed if the
flooding problem is solved. by the catch
basin, this should also cut down on arena
I ,
users parking rer the fire tonic.
Reeve Harold Knight suggested that
council should consider reviewing the village*
Parking bylaw at a future meeting of the
streets committee. Mr. McLaren has been
earned bylaw enforcement officer by council
and it now authorized to ticket cars parked*
no, parking zones around the village.
Mi. McLaren told council; tickets are
definitely being ;OM out for parking
"No Parking between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m."
signs have been installed by Mr. McLaren at
the four entrances to the village. Also„ more
'new signs have :been ordered for areas
designated as "no parking' in the Parking
Building, inspector Herman; Van Wieren
reported he issued a building permit to
Hurondale Dairy, 174 Queen Street, for
renevation, of a building. He also issued a
demolition permit to James Taylor of 165
Queen Street for an old building •
Council received a letter from the Town-
ship of West Carletonasking, that each
municipality in the; province appeal their
equalization factors to the Ontario Municipal
Board with a request that the province
establish one method of assessing properties
within each region, county or other juris-
diction containing more than one member
• Under the new equalization factors intro-
duced by the provincialgovernment, taxes in
rural municipalities in the province are
expected to increase in the future
Hensall council decided to note and Ale
;the request.
Councillor Harry Klungel said, "We
couldn't find too much wrong with our factor
and Carolynn MileyThompson, Oddfellows
Betty and Ke, John
Leslie, Delphine and Verne
Dolmage .
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomp-
son, Leisa and Cheryl visited
Over the weekend with 'Mr. .
and Mrs. Andy Thompson
and Jeffrey of Oakville.
Every week more and
more people discover what
mighty jobs are . ac
complished by low cost
Huron Expositor Want Ads.
Dial 527-0240:
Oarreepondent •
MES. 9. mAcGkEGoit
A reception -and dance
honouring Major General
Ernie Chipchase,
Departrnent Commander,
Department of Ontario
Patriarchs Militant
• Independent .; Order of
. •
at all." 'Henna coundl; later' deelded
request 'that Section 146 be holgenaltatod
got rid of inequities in Pluses of issatiolL
Clerk Betty Oke said assessment bases
change only within classes, based oat truethnt.
value of hornets or property, •
C°unell approved a request from the RAP
Townallip council that the village of Hensall
accept 'the responsibilitY for all cos*
incurred by the township in the Ilay(flensallt
alkeeiatiOn, PrOCeedingS__ •
Reeve_Harold Knight Said the request was
oertainlY fair- Councillor PauI Nellands told
council all the matters in the annexation bid
have been resolved, except the question of
busing students in the annexed area to
Hensall school.
if the Village annexes the area, busing by
the Huron County board a education will be
discontinued, and the students will have to
walk to the school along Hwy, 114,
Reeve Knight told council Huron County
planner Roman Dzus' is writing another
;letter to the Huron County board of
education asking that the board reconsider
its stand on busing urban children, since the
situation was different than in average urban
areas. •
Council approved raising interest rates on
unpaid village taxes by one and one-quarter
per cent per month..
Council also approved a grant ens to the
War Memorial Children's Hospi+al ani a
grant of $200 to South Huron and District
Association for the Mentally Retarded.
Council also approved reservations for Paul
Neilancls, Harry Klungel, and one other
member of council to attend the annual
Rural Ontario Municipal Association
(ROMA) conference which will be held in
Toronto for three days in February.
Oddfellows was held in
Hensall Community Centre
on Saturday evening and was
attended by some 300
members from the Patriarch
Militant, Ladies Auxiliary,
Past Grand ,Masters, Past
District Deputy Presidents,
and friends.also Oddfellows
and Rehekahs. Garnet Hicks
was Master of Ceremonies.
Children's safety considered
Four families south of the
village of Hensall are con
cerned about the future
safety of their children.
The families live on a
70 -acre parcel of land in Hay
Township south of the vil-
lage, land that Hensall
council wants to annex. If
annexation goes through,
then the land is officially part
•!, of the village, which means
the Huron County board of
education will stop busing
the school children living
there to Hensall Public
The householders •
objecting to the, annexation
bid due to' the • ' busing`
situation are Bill and Theresa
Freeth, Bill and Beverley
Simpson, Campbell and
Grace Eyre and Harold and
Mary Elliott.
Although Hensall Public
School isn't a great distance
away, the children in these
families will have to . walk
about one-quarter of a mile
along Highway #4, before
reaching the village streets.
The parents are particularly
onall models7new.ond used
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concerned about their
children's safety in the
winter when high drifts and
• poor • visibility make the
highway particularly
Huron County board of
education is concerned if
they continue busing the
children should annexation
be approved, then this would
set a precedent in busing
urban children to school.
Huron County board of
education director John
Cochrane said the situation
right now is "up in the air."
A suggestion that the pro
perty owned by the four
families be left out of
annexation, so busing could
continue, hasn't been
greeted with much en
thusiasm by planners,
opposed to leaving a finger of
Hay Township jutting into
the village of Hensall.
Reeve Harold Knight said
the village has asked for a
three -to -five year busing
commitment from the board
and despite the prOblems
involved, hopes something
If the problem isn't solved,
and the families continue to
object to the annexation bid,
then the whole matter could
go before an Ontario
Municipal Board (OMB)
hearing. Reeve Knight said if
this happens, then
• annexation may not be com-
pleted until 1981.
U.C.W. of St. Andrews
Church, Kippen held a very
successful supper in Bruce -
field Church November 14.
Some 600 plus hungry diners
were fed.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Gackstetter, Gualph, visited
last weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Jones.
• The exodus to Florida for
the winter has begun,
Mrs. M. Barnard, Hensall;
Mrs. Eva Smith, Ridgetown
Visited Sunday with Mr. and .
Mrs. W. L. Mellis.
canb w e workcd out.
Soles, Service 8 installation of
pipeliAes &
milking pal -lours
887-6063 wRitiON
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am so ow ion mai On mou um mow in,
Rev. Harley Moore of Grand
Bend said the Grace after
which dinner was served by
the Units of the Hensel!
United. Church.
Lieutenant Colonel John
Broadfoot P G M Captain
Watford Canton 12
introduced the head table.
Congratulations and best
wishes were brought by Elth,
Don Murdock, Grand Master
of the Grand Lodge of
Ontario, Grand Patriarch of
the Grand Encampment of
Ontario, Sister Connie
Humby, President of the
Rebekah Assembly of
Ontario, Lady Dorothy Teri();
President of the Ladies
Auxiliary; Patriarchs Militant'
Major . General Lewis
MeKee, 1st Vice-president
General Military Council,
Lady Evelyn Teft, Ist Vice
President International
Assoc. of Ladies'. Auxiliary,
Lieut Colonel John Broadfoot
P.G.M. Captain of Watford
Canton: • 12, General
Commanding, • (Rer't)
General Military Council
Either Teft, greetings from
Bob Heywood of Exeter
played Ernie's Theme Hymn
"In the Garden" and also
played "A Closer Walk with
Thee" dedicating it to Lady
Lieut. Colonel John
•Broadfoot P.G.M. made the
Toast to • the Patriarch
Militant and Major General'
Ernie Chipchase replied, and
introduced many members
and his family. His daughter
rlene Stiles from Thunder
Bay made the programs
which were a Wink. Of art.
Presentations,. were made
by Col. Bill Johnston of
Watford and Alex McBeath
froth the Exeter
Encampment. Dancing was
enjoyed to music by the Foot.,
Rev. Kenneth Knight •
conducted worship in Carmel
Presbyterian • Church on
Sunday speaking • on
"Christian Stewardship''.
Mrs. Robert Taylor Presiaed
at the organ and led the choir
in the anthem, "The Bible
Tells Me So". Choir practice
will be held on Wednesday
evening also the
Communicants Class at 800
Mrs. Don Volland
presided at the November
meeting of the Arnold Circle
evening Auxiliary on
Wednesday ev,ening. The
Worship wastaken by Mrs.
• R. Mellenger on "Peace".
Following the meeting a
work party was held to make
Christm# decorations for
the Church. Refreshments
were served at the close.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Holland, Gwen and Michael
of Clinton were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
James Sangster and Brad.
Mrs. Edgar Munn
returned home after
spending a few days visiting
with het daughter and son -in.
law Mr.. .and Mrs. Don
Gooding and Dale in
Parkhill. •
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