The Huron Expositor, 1979-05-31, Page 7VG
iT'S CIRCUSTIME AGAIN — Itisn't just kids
who love the circus, as you canse+04from the
expression of some of the adults in this. picture.
Grade 1 at SPS writes storie
Once a, week, Mr. Soldan's
grade 7 students have
printed the stories dictated
by a grade one partner to
build a collection of stories
that the primary pupils can
read. These stories are typed)
by a parent volunteer on a
primary typewriter, and
added to a class book.
Here are .their ideas about
the forthcoming circus.
Here is a. clown at the
circus This clown is looking
for Seaforth on the globe. He
found Seaforth on the big red
island, so he decided to
come: When he carne, he
brought his funny clothes
and his pet dog. The funny
clown put on a funny show
and made.eyeryone taught,
Nada Farag,
The circus is fun You like
to see yourself in the mirror
at the claw n's house, I like
going into the skeleton's
house, The people swinging
on the bars are fun to watch.
There are lots of rides you
can ride on. You can buy
candy. You can eat candy:
floss. You can seethe clowns.
and horses. Lions will scratch.
at you and roar. i will enjoy
the circus.
Troy MacLeod
I like going to the circus, .It
is fun at the circus- I like
seeing the baby monkeys and
the elephants. We are going
next Tuesday. 1 like the
funny. clowns. I like the
swings that the clowns swing
on. At the Circus, 1 eat
hotdogs.` They have old
patched clothes. 1 like going;
on the rides too. My dad and
mom and sister and 1 are
going to the circus. I'll be
excited when i go.
Cathy Carter
Seaforth is. a town •very
interested in sports. espeeial:-
%y to summer- There are
many teams and organiza-
tons that acids and teens can
'belong to. There are baseball:
and soccer teams for almost
all ages. These teams, are
well organized by ova rnen
and women.
Maybe running around
bases or chasing a ball down
a field isn't your idea of fun.
If this is the cast: you can,
alwaysjoin the team
which practises once or twice
a week in Seaforth kions...
Pool's Yeu don't have oto• be
good in. tiport$, 'yeti last bave
to be a good sport.
Other organtations in-
clude swimming lessons,
summer schools. craft days,
geld tripsand other reecrea.
ponat events. Swimming les-
sans are taught .to kids four
years old and up in the
Seaforth Lions Pool, Going to
swimming lessons doesn't
Mean that you don't• know
how to swim, it just means
that you want to improve.
The :recreation office in.
Seaforth provides us with
".many recreational events,
Patricia Rimmer
THE GARBAGE BAG, BRIGADE Seaforth District High School.
students found a new use for heavy green garbage bags as they braved.
the•rain to take part in the school's waikathon on Tuesday.
(Expositor Photo)
SPS 'Grade 8's
,Have-, you ever... had the
opportunity to' see how your
daily news paper is made?
Well we :.grade eight
students at Seaforth Public
school visited the London
Free Press on May twenty-
second, While being assisted'
by a tour guide, we were able
to learn that. this building is
very large and has many
interesting departments:
' To start our enjoyable trip
"off we were shown the many
typists, reporters and editors
who were: busy with their
work. We, watched machines
and . computers ' worth
millions of dollars at work.
As we toured through the
building we enteredangisy
room where we saw the
paper being put to press
After climbing a flights, of
stairs we looked through a
window where we saw the
paper being printed. Two
and a:half hours is the time in
which it takes• to have the
daily newspaper, The
London Free. Press printed,
Entering a very large room
we saw an area in which any
inserts are ` added: to the
paper and the papers
themselves are counted and
packaged for the delivery
We found this trip
interesting, enjoyable but
most of all very educating.
Tammy Driscoll
Maria Gomes
At the beginning of May
8B of Seaforth Public School,
began their newspaper unit.
We watched a film about how
the newspaper employees
work,We received the London
Frere Press every morning for
two .Weeks.' Also, we got
assignment papers to work
on in class time and in our
spare time. This booklet was
.YVspa pars
to be completed by May
May 22nd our class
went to London to tour the
Free Press. building.
o e din
We sw'
a many modernized •'
ways of making and
distributing the paper. We.
thought that it was
Susan White, editor of the
Seaforth Expositor, came to
our class to tell us how a
weekly paper is put together,
We learned alot about how'.
many different newspapers
Work. We found it enjoyable.
wooden tubs full 'of
ge•aniunrs on the main street
of Seaforth. Grade 7C are
going to paint and repair Vie
Stora a room ;and •r
g _ ga age:.
The wholeschool
participated in a garbage
grab. The class that had the
heaviest amount of garbage
received ten extra minutes of
recess. The whole school has.
done: an excellent job of
spring cleaning..
• By Bruce Scott ,
Tim Front
Study other
Done by: Jeanne McDonald •
Penny Taylor, 8B
Spring cleaning•
In the last few weeks,
students and .»teachers at
S.P.S. have been busy
clean. ing up around the
school. With the excellent
weather conditions we've
had a good chance to get out
.and dojobs around,: the
school. .
Kindergarten and grades
1,2,4 and 6 planted annuals.
in the front flowerueda' and
around the flagpole at the
frontof the School. ' Grade
three had :the tedious job of
hoeing, and planting new
flower beds at the side of the
school: The class 4/5
cleaned up all the grass and
rocks around the senior fence
Other classesincluding,
grades 5/6 and the 2 grade 8,
classes planted trees
and shrubs for the Ministry
of Natural Resources, The
7D class is going to .'put
The junior grades at
Seaforth Public School did a
Presentation. The
presentation was related to
1979. The International Year
of the Child, the grades4,5;6
put on a presentation called
Children Around the World:
The studentsrotated from
room to room. Some of the
children stayed to tell others
about what they researched:
It started at 13:30 (1:30) and
lasted till 15:30 (330). There
were four classrooms
involved Grade 4/5. Mrs.
van den Akker's room, .:did
their presentation on
Scandinavia, Mr. ' Carter's!
grade 4 did their project on
the jungle.
Mrs. Thomas's grade 5/6.
class did the Incas and
Thailand.. Mrs. Reynold's
grade five class did. Italy. The
rotation system sounds
complicated and difficult. It
was really easy once the
students got the hang of it.
By June. Rivers
Room 3 Grade 5
• Maureen H
singing but
take part in
THE- RAIN Betsy St. Marieand'
utchinson may not exactly , be
they did brave Tuesday's :rain to
Seaforth District High School's
(Expositor Photo)
Guaranteed Investment.
visits farm
In early May the
scranibeld out of the cars to
visit Don Watson's barn. We
were allowed to hold the
squealing week old . piglets
and try to straighten their
-curly tails We felt and patted
the little woolly lamb and
saw the cracked egg that the
When laid. A cow was soon to
give birth to her baby calf,
but it didn't happen while we
were there: ` Mr. and Mrs.
Watson gave us a treat
before we left,which Was a
reall••.nice thing for them to
do Some of us would like to+�
live on a farm: but the rest of
us didn't like the smells on a
MAY Vit,. Ism
Last year some ,of the athle'
from Seaforth had an
oppot;tuntty .to explore our
sister town. WestBranch,.
Michigan Thia Year we are
hoping to return the favour
anct:have some WestBrancit;
athletes come to• Seorth:
There are also oyafer night.•.
quips, field: trips and other
fun events- for kids twelve
and under, There are many
craft days at the .Lions Park,
field days at the Seaford,,
District Highschool, pet
shows at the Seaforth'. Pubiic:
School and field trips to,
towns in our area.
Summer School is taught
the Clinton highschool for
teens.This gives teenagers a
chance to learn more about
subjects that they are inter,.
ested in beforet
going back to
high school. If you are
interested, the .registeration,•
is on June 8, It costs SS per
course, for elementary eour.
ses anti 510 for highschool:
There are also a couple of
summer schools: for younger
kids. One of these isfor kids
seven to thirteen, the other is
for kids three to seven. These
summer schools let kids meet
more friends and remember
school ways. These summer
schools will be taught by
hired students sponsored by
the Seaforth rec department-
During the summer mon-
ths, many students get invol-
ved in summer jobs. These
jobs may be anything from
cutting lawns to working: in,
drive-ins. Many girls babysit
teach ;summer school, pick
cucumbers at local farms,
work in factories, teach swim-
ming lessons, work at the
Lion's Pool and work at local
restaurants. Boys cut lawns,
work at the Lion's Pool, work.
as box boys in local grocery.
stores, help local farmers
with their' farming, pick
tobacco near St Thomas.
This puts a bit of money in
your pocket and keeps you:,
busy through the summer. If
you are interesstedin a
summer job, turn - to the
classified• pages. of the Expos=
There -are so many . oth ;er
things tb do in the summer.`
You can ride around the five
mile ;block, go to the beach,
'go swimming at Lion's Park,
play tennis atthe highschool, enol
go fishing at the Maitland
River or just stay home and.
help: your another plan; ner
vegetable garden. Well,
You'd' better ;get ,ready to do,
some of these thing'cause,
If you have any sugges-
dons for the neW column
"Kids, Tom, maid W Be.
tarreertr" ply write to
.Patricia Rimmer
Box 278
Seaforth; NOKIWO.
sales, $ervfke it installation of
pipelines &
milking parlours
in Area Churches
59 Goderkh St., W:. Seaforth
Minister: Rev. T.A,A, Duke Organist:: Mrs. D: Carter
11:15 Worship Service and Chstreh School,
Nursery Provided.
You will be welcome.
T. THOMAS Anglican Church
Rev. James R. Broadfoot. B.A., M. Div,
The Day of Pentecost
10 a.m. - Holy Communion
Sermon: He shall teach you all.things
NORTHSIDE United 'Church
54 Goderich.St. West. Seaforth
Sunday, June 3, 1979
10 &'11 arm. Sunday Schools
11 a.m. - Sncr n' .rt of the Lord's Supper
Rev. J.G..Vanslyke, Minister
Organist -Choir Director Jr, Choir Leader
Margaret Whltgtore AudreyMCLlwaln
Area congregations are invited to take advantage of
the church directoryto announce theirchurch services
each week. Church directory announcements are
available for a minimum of 26 consecutive weeks in
units of two column inches at 52 per unit, Changes in
copy may be made each weekbut must be received
before noon on Tuesday.
Annual Interest for Five Years
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Matii'l'ei1 Cen ds DY peifl tndOreate C4)050l'ali6in i
against disease.
Diseases like polio; diphtheria, tetanus
and whooping cough are as much Of a
thrcatto yourchild's health today as.
they %Nero years ago. They're very conta-
gious: and can cause serious 'illness` or
even death. It's up to you to protect your
child against them, 'and we can help you.
The Ontario Ministry of Health
provides vaccines to imnlunize children'
against polio, diphtheria, whooping
cough, tetanus, measles, mutrtps and
rubella (German measles)
Those Vaccines are, free, and your
Ontario F1ottlth insurance Plan (OH111.
pays a fee to the doctor for admiinistering
them to yroiir child,
if you have children 2 months or over,
Make stare they're protected. Take them
to your (at ily physician now, or have
them immunized by your local health
unit. And while you're there, find out if
you need a booster shot yourself,
It takes More than one visit to have
your child•im"munized Completely. To
help you remember when to take your
child back to the doctor we've prepdrdd a
handy pamphlet. It tvi11 tell you which
diseases your children should be
immunized against and at wrages;
Write today for your free corty: f
"lulliunization is Your Respo sibility"•
to: Health Resource Centre \
Communications Branch;
Ontano Ministry of Health fi, )
flepburri Block, Queen's Park it
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1S2
Dennis Timbrell,
Minister of Health
William Davis, Preen er