The Huron Expositor, 1979-05-03, Page 17THE, MEATCUTTER - ,Ross. Veal' is; pre:-
re=paring to cut another of The generous roasts
served during. Hensall. United Church's roast
beef dinner last Wednesday, Almost :500, people
ate -a• delicious buffet supper at the church,.
(Expositor Photo)
A YOUNGER' :DINER -Jamie Bowman of
Hensall, son of Denise and Brian Bowman, was
one, of the:. younger diners attending Hensall
United Church's roast beef dinner and 'he
obviously enjoyed the meal. (Expositor photo)
and Betty Simmons of Hensall United Church
re -stock the tables, for the six p,m, shift of
diners at the church supper held Iasi
Wednesday: Almost 500 people came out for
meat of roast beet, saladsand homemade pie.
A succe;'01 Beef $arbeque
was held at Hensall.•
Church on Wednesday. April;
25. In three sittings, .over 5t1Q,
people were served, a;
sumptions meal of beef',
• vegetable., salads and,
mouth-watering, pie- of their
choice. The money raised:
will go towards various pro-
jects of the United Church:
Womenof,1 ensall.
Farewell; services were
held for the Rev. Garnett
;Hussey. and Mrs, Husser on
Sunday, April 29 by both
Chislehurst and Hensall
congregations. Rev- Nasser
conducted the services and
spoke pn, "And Finally
Srethen' •
He spoke on the final
words of prominent people in
the bible Moses proclaimed
the Name of the Lord, David!
exhorted the people to hold.
fast to the vision of the future,
with God; Paul proclaimed
rejoice ever more and. Jesus
sent 1.1isfollower to go into,
all the world: and preach the
Following the service, 4,
reception was held in .the
Fellowship Halt when .Rev.
Hussey waspresented with.
an antique flock and Mrs.
Husser with :some reeks 'rot
their rock collection, M:rs..,
Grace Drummond madee
the presentation speech.
Floral arrangements in the
church Were from the
Sararas Mills, wedding.' also
the .cake Was displayed:
Spring; flowers were,. placed;
in the church;by the family of
the late Mrs. Daisy Ivey.
induction of the new
minister to Henson United
Church will take place on
Wednesday, May 15 when;
Rev,: Stanley MacDonald,:
previously of Londesboro will
takeover the ministry,,
Mrs:. Pearl - Shaddiclr.
returned. to her horse after
spending the winter months
In Florida. She reports.
having a very good winter
bat is happy to be home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Phiipott.
Rochester. New York, Mr, anti
Mrs. Bill Scrabuik, of
Napanee and Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Amerlick and Cheryl.
Stratford, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, over
the weekend.
Mr, Oliver Bedaird• of
Sarnia• visited with; Mr, and
Mrs, Sam Oesch: oft
Saturday and Mr. and Mrs.
011, MAY 'B,
Rev. ' A.C.Young of
'C.roderich conducted serviee
apt Cartnet044Church on Sunday while Rev;
Kenneth Knight is attending'
a stewardship workshop tn:
London this. weelcen4. "Rev.
Young delivered an inspiring
message on "God's Abiding
Presence" The :choir under
• the direction, of Mrs. Taylor
e from FtorlClC sang "I Need .Thee Every
Hour The Service +nest
Ray McNull and :Stevie of
Fergus visited on Sunday,
The . Hensall Women's;
Institute will hold their May
meeting on Wednesday. May
9 at the United Church. This
will ,be' grandmother"s.
meeting and the speaker will
be :Mrs. Margaret Burkhart
of Wingham.
Prices Were stronger at the
Hensall Livestock Sales last
week with active demand;
supply.4ronsisted mainly of
heifers and steers, Fat cattle;
steers, 579.50-$86.50; top to,
88& heifers, ' $78.00-586.50,
top to $89,50, Pigs, $32.00-
Jack's Jottings
The owners of land
BY JACK RIDDELL, M.R.P. contributuion to the
My article this week is agricultural industry in this
not` about farmers going ,, country. What, I do object to
broke „and selling; out, not isthe foreign capital being.
' about drought or hard••times, transferred to this country to
but it is about Ontario Farm- purchase the prime farm-
land Beingsold for record .land: 'which causes me a
prices, In many cases, at great deal of worry in that
prices far above the going large amounts of foreign
rates and being bought by investment frequently con -
foreign investors. Next to centrated in sizable blocks of
rain it has . `become the holdings, . raise • questions
leading topic. of conversation : about future controlof
and concern, not only in rural, Canadian resources and
areas but in the. urban areas' communities.
as ;well, which was obvious' i don't think there is any
from the calls which i re question. that enough non
ceived during a CBC Radio` resident foreign ownership in.
talk show •1 : was asked to any one area, can affect the
participate in. This came whole social structure of a
about:• after i raised the community and hi this con-
matterin the' Legislature and nection I may offer such.
urging an investigation; of examples as lack of
foreign investment. 1 have
been contacted by many
people, of whom 'a ` good
number were farmers, con-
cerned that we are selling out
Ontario; Small
cat scalefarmers
maintenance of buildings..
usage of • 'schools and
hospitals, ` limited '.buying
support for local. businesses
and lack of support ort for
are complaining that they are projects such ` as community"
• bcin riccd out of. the arenas,
decreased • o ulation ' for
g,. p
market. and larger scale Apart from; this,local re
farmers say they simply, can- sidents, simply cannot corn• -
not compete with the.
special pete 'with foreign capital
tax ,advantage that foreign under the present economic
investors have. Yet no •one circumstances, The devalued ..
knows how much land dollarin this country and
foreigners have bought and lower interest rates, offered
are buying.. ' in other countries, put
`Let me make it perfectly • Ontario buyers at a distinct
clear that by disadvantage,
"Foreign-owned" I am refer- We could argue; 1 sup -
ring to people non-resident pose, that the foreign in-
. in Canada. I certainly have vestors are considered
no objections to foreign, people who often lease the
people coming to this land back to . Canadians and
Province and competing with pour in development money
our own farmers in the,, • to introduce modern small
purchase and operation qf farm techniques. I am more
the farmland. For many Of inclined; to think that foreign
these people and 1 may use investment will accelerate the
the Dutch for an .example,; . demise of the farm family
have, made a very great . unit and 1 do know that the
' /J/ '
in Area Churches
59 Goderkh St:, W., Seaforth
Minister: Rev T.A.A. Duke Organist: Mrs. D. Carter
Bible Society Sunday .
11:15 Worship Service and Church School
Nursery provided
5T.: THOMAS Anglican Church
Seaforth ..
Bev. James R. Broadtoot B.A., M .Div.
3rd Sunday after Easter
11:30 am:. Holy Communion
Sermon "Your sorrow shallbe turned to joy'
• 8 p.m. "Road td the.isles"
Ayslidc presentation by Gordon Wright
NORTHSIDE United Church'
54 Goderich Si: West, Seaforth
MAY, 6
11 A.M. ChurchServlee'
10 st it Sunday School`s
Rev. J.G. Vandyke, Minister
Drganist-Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader
'MttrguretWhitmore - Audrey.Mcllwaln
Area congregations are invited to take advantage of
the, church directOryto announce their church services
catch week. Church directory announcements are',
• available for a minimum of 26 consecutive weeks in
units of two colunin inches at 52, per unit. Changes in,
copy MaybeMade h week but must be received'
before noon on Tuesday.
rent being charged in most young people from entering
cases for the land 'which is farming or expanding in the
foreign., controlled` is un- business, What thatreally
justifiably high from 'the means then is :' .that the
standpoint of ever hoping tri . younger generation of
make a profit on that land. potential farmers would be
The foreign investors would reduced to nothing more
like to think that they could than tenant farmers. Surely:
make five percent on their we do not want history to
investment, which means a repeat itself in this regard.
rental charge of $100 an acre Some farmers feel that their
and that is .$40,00 an acre , land is their pension. and they
more than the tenantfarmers would like to be able to sell it
could pay in a general for the top dotiar; regardless
farming areaand: hope to of who will eventually. own
make a profit. Foreign in- the land, Their point is well
vestors will say that their aim taken if we choose to disre-
is; not necessarily to make a gird the future of this
profit but rather to preserve country and .if our Agri -
capital from the ravages of • cultural industry becomes
inflation and the spectre of . foreign controlled', we can
creeping socialism in their find ourselvesat the mercy of
own countries, All :see such other countries for the food
countries as Canada and the which we need for our own
United as States i work t a bu a r
k domestic ,consumption. '.
of political ' 'stability 'in - a Should foreign investment
changing • world, The , main -- continue to escalate, we
objection from farmers is could conceivably end up ' ,
that foreign buyers arc growing cros totally un --
paying excessively
high suited to'our domestic needs
prices for the •land. That in but.. entirely suitable to . l
turn pushes up the value of foreign interest for their own
land owned and prevents (Continued on Page 21)
17;9 It' Aci
'Sunday 'w bo bobi 0f, to
boor of 11:30.
;Miss Avon .Cc 4 i
Patient IR
Hospital. F.Setanwhose she is
:receiving trsatrnent
A number of IrleatherS of
the "Three Links" Senior,
Citizen's. attended the 40h:
-Annual Spring Rally Zone 8:
held at. $t;, John's t''axtslt
:Hall, Grand Scall on:
• i-) o` I I1,i1
Open .Fri., niter
tilt ,S p.m.
On all in stock
Taking . orders•. on.
•'TRA .,K
Street Matra tr'� Seaforth
..34t offi*` •"0
Phone> �JZ%
t 1NAI 1 Af- 1 t
Cut flower arrangements
• P.
arge green houseplants
Mixed pots
Potted: mums
Green 'planters •
Sick flower arrangements
Dried flower. arrangements
Order•your floral arrangements early::ant".tivo d disappointment .
Mitchel 4$-9406 Seaforth 527,19
Closed Wednesdays Open Mon. to Sat- 9-6
Daily deliveries frottt Seaforth t+ fratiorr