The Huron Expositor, 1979-04-26, Page 6THE HURON, EXPQSITOR, APRR ea SURE TASTES who's eight years old United Church's ham G000: Barbara enj;oye..d her meal supper 'Wed n es.da ; 4 Glanville at Cavan night. AllII1 IIIM1111NLIIIiIM1l1ll1111ffi11ll��1LII11mI��ILllll� 11111.1111111111I I.1II11r� u.1 Iu 1 II1 11 u w .--; Iowa: _. mom NM, NM, amm Wm. em, Mrs Slink _ UMW ,11111111011, W▪ ES N r: NEW _MOM. _ 0 AM• R AIM OMB 111111111111, Salk AMR _ now C IMO NOM B IM _: AIM SIM _ OMRAIM Min MIA SALAD ANYONE? Thelma Pryce, left and Annie Rapson served cabbage and jellied salads to the 400 hungrey people who attended Cavan. . • United Church's .harri supper in Winthrop last.• Wednesday.. (Expos.to.r Photo) • MOO ISMS • UMW WAITING TD EAT .— Danny and Pam Hoggart waited', With' kits. of other kids'and their parents 10 go downstairs.and. eat'at Cavan Cnuroh's ham supper. This is. our grandma's church,?' the kids; who are. from LondeSboro; said. onstance :otres tern pro ng CarrespOndcnt MRS. MARY'MERNER'. 482-7143 The Canadian Foresters of Constance: held their •spring dance on Saturday April 14th in the Seaforth Legion with the Music Makers providiing. the music. The evening, proved 'to be successful. Court. Constantic L1842. ^mat Td their dessert euchre on•. uesday evening 'April 1-th 'in the hall. {Many delicious dessort_s • were . • sc rl•cd: folloy'ed by euchre. 14 tables`" played, with . the following winners: Ladies High, Sadie Mact)onald, Lone hands Mrs, Lou Bolton Lotl. Mrs. Russell Bolton: Mens High: Victtu Hoggart tplar ing as a man) Lone' Hands:. Sant., McClure Loss Ann';:Storey (play as a •mate) 'Pot Piirc )vas won by Ann 4toies Debbie Patterson and Rdbir) Friel of London visatcd with Mr and.' Mrs. •Frank :Riley from Monday till' • Wednesday. • Mr. • and' Mrs, Gary ''res,eator .R.3. Clinton. were Friday evening visitors With Mr.. and Mrs. Dave;. Preszt ator Christine. Lisa. • Chrlstnpher and Gregory, Betty. An Herman and Paul Bairs of Shakespeare were Sunday supper guests with Mr: and Mrs. Paul a� S rel.ensnn ,1).ts•t.1 : L)wrrc n .iii Luanne. • Mr. and 'Mrs. kbit Sttl.rxw`.. .E tidied an •Sttndaw k`!rynrintt = wall; 41r. arta' 'Mrs t Write ' • Hctukkttcen,rt 1i�Rtl>.,�.; •. • �.' �m s •Stokely • . .. • Mt r. and Mrs 1ta44t Brad!: .,41 � — . ,y �. i'.1.; miyncls tilt'.. At R'r4 Snftt.iag :. "� ,v•.:..- - 7 _ _ slipper t;tttr t. With 1r .Lige . : • VEGETABLE_ S Mrs. : •L);trc t'rl.�a.ttctr �,• 5`. peas, 14 oz. Cr, corn, Kernel Corn 12 oz. t MOP _ Prices Effective Until CIo$ingl Tuesday..May 1/79, evccepi Mesa & .Produce; Schneiders Side BACON ENDS New phone number for your meat. orders 527*1631. 1 Lb. Pkg. Schneiders Cello: STE .K_ ETTES fig; 59 A _ Schneiders BOLOGNA 16 Oz. `Pkp; Schneiders. Bucket of CHICKEN 2Lb. Schneiders 'Broken HAM SLICES Pkoz. •99 1.2:9 3.59 • i 1 Nook IMMO _ IMO n order. to serve you better in the future —mow—, WE,ARE EXPA...DING!mow Sorry for any inconvenience we May cause.. Lean Fresh . Meaty Pork SPARERIBS Ideal for the Barbeque Lb. Schneiders 1/2 or Whole Old: 'Fashion sur Homernad� Pure, 2.95th k Sausage' Schneiders' WIENERS Schneiders Cooked MEATS 0r' l2'.aricties. Pkg. Schneiders. MINI SIZZLERS int Schneiders Smoked SAUSAGE Schneiders Thuringer SAUSAG Ewr 1, the4piece 2' V am or Garl is rift Van 'Camp � Ant w/PARK. 19 Oz. —I, its tit‘k Back A Winner In Huron -Bruce Elect GRAEME c R A 1 th Published by the Official Agent for Graeme Craig. Welton. Ontario ALM CONSTRUCTION Falrm, 'aornmerciab & Residentli&i Const. Framing, Roofing, Aiutninum'Si'ding, Renovations Dave Sim 52Myth, Ort �-964� y .59 _ komml • • _ NNW INNIS 44444 it t! l t y% \Milt 110 • ;a Fleecy Fabric SOFTENER 12 9 Oz.04. ■'. it MIN ijuhIIa111111iIIIIIHhlIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIII11111IIIIIiII1111I11 GARDEN FRESH PR Prod. USA Can. No. Vineripened ,TOMATOES' Prod. USA Can:. No. 1 6 CUCUMBERS Ont: Grown Spartan APPL`ES� Prod: USACa;n:.No.:: fl RANGES 3 Lb. Bap :•. 89 Lb. = _ _ _ MIMS Dor. IIIIIIIIIIIIII;IiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111II111IIII1IIIIl1Il1l ..~ � nniIMMIIU1111111I11I1111i1IIiIhII1gIhIIIIIIII�IIII �11lIIIIII • Carnival Laundry DETERGENT. 2kg !Budget Bathroom TISSUE GladGarbage • _ BAGS _ Royale Si Paper . • TOWELSBoli Pkg. IIII;III IIIIIIIIIIIi111111iii111111111111I111ii1111II1i11111li1i111r. 10 Roll Pkg. PKG.OF 1.0 : .: 9 Lb. 01101 IM• O N▪ OW _: IMO INNER • _ AIM Crisco AIM 001. OIL I.5 hire 2 Carnival' as Tomato JUICE _ _ NEMNMI Swanson`s.�i ti' Hungry Man Jam. Joilu PIZZAS • • cheese 20 oz. Combination 22 oz. 11111 littt SEAFORTH OMNI NMI Iitr11I1111111111011I.I1111 .0110$01111011111011111111110011111IIIh11111111110rlllr11N1irirr101I111I1u111010011 111111 ir1-I4111 rlr1011 ll 1011 lr - . I�Ir1111Ir1111I111oollie