The Huron Expositor, 1979-02-08, Page 5r;
Ready to roll at the 'Bradhagen C of C. winter carnival
CHECKPOINT #1 --Matt McCrei9 ht of Dublin and Tim Alce from the
B.rxdhagen area handed, out cards at the first checkpoint on the:2814 mile
poker rallycourse at Saturday's Winter Carnival festivttues in Brodha9en:
(Exposiitor photo)
HEY, THESE BEANS...; ARE ALRIGHT—Dean Glanville and Mark
McClure of Winthrop decided the homemade beans served up by the,';
Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce ladies at Saturday's winter Carnival
:weren't all that bad!(Expositor photo).
HERE THEY -- was stead stream of snowmobiles
AND E E COME Thera . a , y
sk'im`ming across the fields outside Brodhagen in Saturday's poker rally:.
Over 230 snowmobilers entered the rally, and ihere Were over 40 prizes
for participants. (Expositor photo)
At Perth's Ag Week
The four day Ag Week
program '(Feb. 13 to 10th)
offers a number trt`interesting
topics. Bruce Murray of St,
Monti ii til' speak to they
e autle men tett '1'1.'4204y
M rkctint: Board {han•nran.
Ken Me.Kinnon. will discuss
' marketing with the dairyin en
on the sa he d.ty, Federation`
Day on Wednesday features
.yakcrs 'itn Credit, Farm
taxation And Record Keep-
ing, On Thursday, the fork
progr;int hill feature :t pattcl
of far'n)ei's and •cntitrae'iurs
talking about different build -
Ing csigos for hog barns,
Thi lay' alsts .r'eatitres a
tt io. in for lite ladies a n ti a
t.litirdlt, n eeting' for
aiid Fowl Producers. Crops.
Day on Friday feattires a
mooting Itrt)T;raiii On Sor•-
beans and an inte.'restina;,
nftcniooit session on Spray
Ors and tterbicidos, • '
(lie sessions will be hello
at the C'olise'.tult in Stratford
with the agribusiness display
open from. Irl' a.m'. until
p.m. each day. The t' itiw-
ationalpIogal'rrtstarsat 1:T5
p.m. with the `exception tof'
the dairy program which
starts at 12:45 p.m. •
Mitelmtl 441 Oohs organ-
rgani e Saturday. February 17th,
I1 am. • at the •Mitchell
District 1-ligh Schietl; Cat-
. etcria,
Kirkton 4-H 'C'lttlis nrgArk,
Lir haturdaj, t•claetat• i "tit
at tali) pine. at the Kii kton
'onintittitr Cctitre.
For further details call the.
4.11 co-ordinator, 11a1
Thompstoa. at the .1g• office
Milk M;ukr:titig Board
Pi( ,tloaii. r :, \LI oo l` .it i11.
be t,,i, n .Im ,rtt..'e dtl_
W(41'1 .,l.n 1.1,1• .1 nth
1v71!k 11t ii,t'in oio(.0.% ti Call'
arrange an ai)litytntoten t to
discuss 'cluot1 big lalling
21141280, t:ric expects 10
l) t t nlat• appoint inetit
.'' at tear office on the
St .0 Wednesday of...cath
tYtutttlt .1It''ll also be avail,
able At_the Milk Committee's
Ag program Week ole `lift"*•,
;day l ettrttary 'l.ltli.
Staffaa #1 a,H.;Homemaking;
;club •held their first meeting;
at the 'homeof Mrs, Doris:
Jeffery on Monday January
a 7 p.m. We named our
club ''$taffa. Stylists"' to.
represent , our 'project
"Accessories,..., The float
Fifteen mernbers opened:
the rneetfng'i; wttlr•`'tht "'4H
Pledge then proceeded, to.
nominate the .officers which.
are" a*. follows: President-
Janice Vivian; Vice Pres,-
•Kar`en Finlayson;' 'Secretary -
Barb Templeman; Ass. Sec. -
Shirley Miller,; Treasurer -
Marianne Vanderv,lietr Tele-
phone girls -Jill Norris, Kathy
Finlayson and Sarah Brill.
Achievement Day Com-
mittee=Marlon: Smale, Barb,
Templetnan, :Sarah Brill and.
Katie Kerslake. Press Rep-
orter ncy Templeman, The
leaders Mrs. Doris Jeffery
Logan to help' pay
APO 'M4s JQ'v+re Vivian then
intlr«teit=cd t s to the Pro-
The next ,meeting, is to be
held of Mrs. Joyce Vivian*,
home on February 8th off the
bps, The meeting was, ad-
journed. •
Michell and Jtilie'Martyn.
Russeldale visited with their ,
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
John Templeman for a few
Mrs. Orpha Noris, Miss
Ethel-Balkwell, Roy Balkyveii
and Ken Scott, attended the
funeral of their cousin, Mrs,
Elizabeth Marlatt of Tilson-
burg on Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris
visited with Mr, and Mrs.
,Harold Longman, Londes-
borough on Friday.
Mrs, Dave Caping. Mis-
sissauga visited -Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple-
man and family,
Miss Jill N orris was a
weekend guest of Miss De-
lores Poppe,Dublin,
For reconstructio
tchell street
Reeve Ray, Robinson and
Clerk -Administrator Currie
McVicar of the Town of
Mitchell and Engineer Stan
Telford of.B.M, Ross Associ-
ates. Ltd. attended the Logan
Township Council meeting.
on February 1 to discuss
plans and estimates for, re-
construction :of Frances:
Street from St. George Street
to a point approximately 100
feet from Wellington Street
where it Is already recon,
structed. The .estimated cost,
of this project is $63,933.00.
Since Frances Street is on the
boundary, the: costsof up
keep are. shared equally by
both municipalities. The
Town of Mitchell would like
to include this street. in their
road program in 1979. This ss
a very busy street with the
school buses and it is used as
a bypass to Stratford', :The
engineer proposes that. the
roadway will;; be widened to
have a paved width of 24 feet
and gravel shoulders of 5 feet
on each side. This will, enable
the buses to parkalong the
shoulder at bothschools
while loading and unloading
and allow for traffic to cont-
inue to use the road without
blocking traffic. After much
discussion; Logan 'Tewnship
Council decided to accept'.
half 'the cost of reconstruct-
ing this part of Frances
Street. .
The first February meeting•
of Council was held • on
February 1 to allow several
councillors to attend the
rural Municipalities .Associ-
ation ' convdntion in Toronto
Feb. 4 to 7- The Clerk oft:tee
will beclosed from Feb. 5 to
21. The second, regular meet-
ing will be held on February
23 at 1 pm
The clerk was instructed to
advertise appraxirnately : 8
acres of land for rent at the
sanitary 'landfill site. The
Road .Superintendent was
instruetcd:to call tenders for.
hauling ''approximately
18,600 c• yds', of gravel Tor -
township roads. Monteith .
and , Monteith & Co. of
Stratford were appointed
Perth form news
Stress causes
ALAN scot".
iN Tilt 110G BARN
At a recent short course
at Centralia ,College. 1)r.
aohit Sankey. a London Vet.
(.1111(11ier 'Outlined heat
stu:5s is related to diseases
. encountered i1t today's hog
.boots.' ;Stress was ticsi.i ibctl
as th.e effect of subjecting,
ana7ials to "unnatural- con-
ditions. Ike:hist• of a hog's
;poor protective coat,. poor
Rsin ltdit tract mai been nse
of the Alto dull challenges
taint; hogs in tiic tornt of•
tOotli autl tail cutting, cast-
ration: weaning. movements
etc. the effect's :ofstress s h ow
tip readily..
Tr. Sankey outlined .the
nittst.conmion and import ant
factors contributing to stress
Its: 11 I"•.xit'emes of ycntper• •
attire. 2) Cit ercrottdiit;,;, 3)
Wean in o 1) ln, dcclu itc
cntil:ltititi',5) Feeding lilt.r
iil:tiities and. deficiencies, 6)
1110ttnient from place' to
Plow ..•and "II stern tl..•para.,
ittscitscs initiiit,I,etl by
stress are mainly tilos,
cuttscd b} orgaetisnts which
call be carried by the lnl;a't•
all times. : liealtlty pig is
,Mile. to "contend tyitli these
0111llisl1is liCCM' 'iii*
fetise leen a111' 411S are wotrk•
Ing at full ss;How.
ciel`,'under •stress eon(1410115
the 'body's defenses can the
t1 c;thcnco. about ing, for tl iS-
vase oft.tbic;ik ,
Sttcl' 0pliot•ltenist diseases,
include hltxidy scours, lit yco.
t)lasiiosis and other Brno, 5• of
I tietimpnia, snln)one11esis,
to order to. reduce tire.
%ttt'SS ce)liditions, air attempt,
lie multi to reams e 114
roomy of the in tiatittg factors
as possible ;ind 'generally
ca511111 the pig's passilge
from One part` of the open.
,ltki t to atwitter
e in ba rr
auditors. Mrs, Arthur Hitnz,
Charles Smith ' and Gordon
Young were appointed to the
Monkton Community Centre
' Road accounts in the
amount of $14,446.74 were
ordered paid: General ac-
counts ' of $18,384.23 were
also approved for payment,
On. January 22, Logan
Township Council opened
tenders for a new pick-u°p
truck•' to be used on the
township roads and for, pull-
ing the new weed' ;sprayer
purchased by the. Township
last year.. • Council accepted.
the tender of .Mitchell
Chrysler Plymouth 1976 Ltd,'
for the, purchase of .a 3/4 ton
truck', with a trade-in of the
1975:G.M.C,'h ton truck, for
theprice of 54,900:00 plus'
applicabletax and licence:'"
Frank Campbell of F.A.
Campbell & Son Insurance'
Agency Ltd, attended that
meeting to discuss the insur-
ance coverage for the town-
ship for the next year;
Edward. Scherbarth was
given approvalto send in an.
application to attend a Farm
Drainage • Course in Guelph
April 2 to.6',' A by-law was
passed restricting the weight
,of vehicles passing over the
Watt Bridge at Lot 2, Con -
Cession 1, to 30;000 pounds
or 13,61 tonnes.
The Miliititrt of Industry
atll°ourisill ac interested
in hearing from ranne1s and
dealers who ;lir interested d in
exlxtrtiitg'.Chitgn•io.h:iy to the.
United States. on.. ti cont-
inions basis. We are cur-
tcntly. exporting 5 million
dollars Bourn of Ontario hat
to the ill :i. aniivalid and the'.
ni:u•kt`t is gt•od ing.
Interested` parties can
t:Ut1 more information1 by
co1111(ting 0llr.offiee.
• • the Slum.Course program
t•�, � lir
0.0.1 tt•. ,
1!�.•,, • ,4. t, t �:., r &1..: r, t. t at
niton. .. .r., fhe
Soil and ..Crop Improycn1ent
Ittioti is to -operating.•
with the Stratford district
Co -tits on this cunt. hater in
thc Month, the Mitchell
Tow 11111m al ly the sit e for.
i ship „ . t:1 root;
As t' solo,, 1:. .t 401 P11
. tv c'lsn,tt 'Ili'' 1'111 t
Solt. Operating •\wR. n... ,Its'
-Thursday., march 1st.:.
Interested p.trttis should
register at oat; office toi, 600`11 :
is 1xts5ibk',
your lives oC .
t k
"I'iiesd;t i 'Shipping't)atr
,1-ronr Dublin
CA11,110110 34S-2656
• 7t.'RlC'I! 236.4080
Tui SUM,* XPOStTQrt; f
The Dublin Leo Club held
ai successful' Dance in St.
Patrick's Community School,
.cgdig 'Leo esid,
:3arbararin Kt oramersPr- Further
projects of the Leo's • will be
Roller Skating at St.. Patrick's
Gym jmore details later.
Winners of the Dublin and'
Mitchell and District 1. ion's
TV ;Home Bingo channel 12
were as •follows; Mrs. Tom
Carter, Seaforth; Gene
Spence, Mitchell; Barney
Pritchard, Mitchell and.
Vernon Dale, Elmer Keller,
St. Columban
• Mr, Tom Ducharrne,
Thunder Fiat/ visited ; With his. •,
mother over the weekend.
Mr. and. Mrs. Dave Regier
and family, Kitchener ,and.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and.
family, Acton visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ab .:'Cronin- over the
Mr. and _Mrs. Jack Malone
were in Toronto two days this
past week.
Jinn and Mildred Cronin
have purchased the former
Hunt: home here.' Their plans
are to finish the construction
of the house and move in
Mr. W. Swarf, Mr'. K.
Swart and Miss J. Swart of
Akersloot, Rolland are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Swart.
Mr: ' Frank Woods; better
known to me.°as Dad: is a
patient in Wi.ngham
All this snow has brought
out some skiers in cur hamlet
or should I' say • would be
skiers. It certainly is a new
trend and a.good one.
Repair & Cleaning
24 Hour Service
Clinton Campus
Classes are now being held at the Clinton
Campus of Conestoga College in the
following ',subjects:
Home Study [Mathematics & English)':
Bookkeeping - Bask
p . to Advanced .
Bartending Techniques
There' is still room available in these classes.
For further information and for registration,
please telephone 482-3458 or visit our
,: ... ,
Clanton Campus at Vanastra Road, Clinton,
Ontario between 7:00.m. and
p -0:00
p»111. y
Monday, and Tuesday.
nst( and led foked
R tlpi.41d tY
Dublin and Mrs, Isabel Rau,
Seaforth: Carol . Paton,
Mitchell; Geo Rock. Mitchell
and Dora Taylor. Seaforth
The Village of Dublin and:
Community were deeply
shocked on Sat. morning, to
The sudden death occur-
red in Dublin. on Saturday,
February 3, 1979 of Rev. C.
Francis Sullivan C:SS R.
Well known in the'area for
a number, of years where
he had assisted in St. James
in Seaforth, St: Columban
and St. Patricks ' in. Dublin,
Father Sullivan was in his
78th year.
He is st'rvived by a,brother
learn; of the sadden passing;
of CSS. ';it. Rev.. Father" C.
Francis Sullivan. He has
been assisting in Dublin on
several occasions and was
held in high regard by all
who knew himt,.
George and sister Kathleen,.
Mrs. J, Cowles.
The remains rested at the
Rosar and Morrison Funeral
Horne, 467 Sherbourne St..
Toronto until Tuesday even-
ing when a funeral mass was
held in St. Patticks Church,•:
Toronto at 8 p.n.:Interment
followed,. Wednesday morn-
ing at 10 a.m. in Mt. Hope
Cemetery, Toronto,
Insurance Agency
Auto - Fire - Casualty :-.Lifer
Murray Siddall
Glen Ronnenberg
Guaranteed Investment Certificates
Income Averaging in Annuities
Maitland Valley financial Consultants Ltd.
A Store Full of Quality Brand Name Furniture':
"At prices that' save: you money"
•Cedar :chests.
*Magazine racks
• Lamps
•& much more
Ourlow overhead assures you of better than
average low prices. Drop ;n and browse around.
Main; St. Dublin',
Open Tues Wed. - Thurs. - Sat- 9;30 - 6:00
Fri. 9.30.9:00 Closed gun & Mon:
Come in and see the
1978 Scorpion' Range Whip p400
2=1977 Little Whip 290
1976 Little Whip 290' .
1974 Scorpion 290
3-1973 Scorpion Stinger 340
1972 Scorpion Stinger_ Wide. Track
1974 John Deere JIA6
Huron St„