The Huron Expositor, 1979-02-01, Page 21• • • I . • 4b • " • 'THE 'HURON! EXPOSITOR fEBRUARY SELL Tfig$E. ..UNUSED ITEMS QUICKLYITH LO • Classified puts your message before the eyes of thousands of readers of The Huron Expositor weekly And at a remarkably lowcost to you. If you have an item you no longer need, now is the time to tell readers about it. The illustrations on this page are just a few of the examples of items that are sold in classified. You reach nearly 3000 families in Seaforth and area when you place your ciasiTfied in the The Huron Expositor. A friendly ad -taker is ready to assist you when you • • • . • If you have an item around the house you want to turn into cash, just write your ad in this form and mail it to The Huron Expositor Box 69 Seaforth, NOK IWO or dial 527-0240 and read it to. a friendly od-taker1.-- My ad roads: 1 . 1. . • • • 11 12 13 . 11 17 ".ko • INSERT AD THURSDAY 19_UNDER HEADING NAME ADDRESS 1' • • 00.0.000.P 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 • ).( - I • 1 1 .1 1 1 11 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 . 4