The Huron Expositor, 1983-09-07, Page 5E HURON E:XP,OgTO�� $EPTEMBEA 1,.`19e3'7!._... ._.L. nch box N CRb141N 34$4772 L*11our Day weekend is over again for another year. !PO ,Awaana' that the most fabutoua weather anyone could want, Tliat last fling at the beach" was perfect. For those who<attended the local fairs,, the CNE or other surrounding. exhibitions ' or for those"}vhowound up their ;ball season, you certainly had the choicest of weekends. The 'highways were extra busy with campers and holi- dayers heading home to get the young folk ready for first day back at the books. The college and university stu- dents were busy getting set- tled into their 'few living to school quarters The lunch jtpx that was Melted away into the back.of the closet at the end of Juni must now be dusted off and packed each day with all the goodies in the refrigerator that it will hold in order to satisfy the ever growing ap- petite of the younger genera- tion. But when these young- sters go to school we not only feed the body but we fill the mind with learning and help it grow. Through the constant nur- turing of these young minds we help to carefully mold and structure fhe citizens and leaders of the future. To the students the learning process is considered a long, hard road before reaching their final goal. Remember, great knowledge is acquired over a long period of time, and with many lung hours•of study. He who perseveres will succeed. 441 GIRLS CLUB The Dublin 4-H Girls CIO will begin in early Oct. this year. Any young lady be- tween the age of 12 to 26 may join. This years club is called Ontario Heritage which is a cooking club. The girls meet one night per week. The club leaders are Mrs. Heather Bennewies, Mrs. Charlene Delaney and Mrs. Mary Lou Scott. This club is being sponsored by the Dub- lin C.W.L. All interested girls please call Mrs. Heather Bennewies as soon as possible at 345- 2862. There is no charge to join. Staffa residents at. wedding MR$. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 The Chiselhurst commun- ity honored Sheila Riley (bride -elect) with a bridal shower on Monday Adg. 29. Maureen Cole read an ad- dress of good wishes. After opening her gifts, Sheila expressed her thanks to all. Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Auburn, Mrs. Eric Mollard, Parkhill, Mrs. Robert Rat- cliffe, St. Marys and Mrs. John1Templeman represent- ed the Federated Womens' Institutes of Ontario at the C.N.E. on Tuesday. Congratulations to Janice Vivian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian who was crowned Queen of Mitchell Fair on Friday evening. Bill Smale is returning to classes at Brock University for his second year and Richard Templeman is begin- ning classes at Brock Univer- sity, St. Catherines. Jill Norris is returning to Western University, London, for her second year and Janice Vivian is beginning classes at the University of Guelph. Paul Mahan is returning to classes at the University of Guelph and Doug Mahon is beginning classes at Western University, London. Grant Drost is returning to classes at Ridgetown. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Orpha Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family .were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris and family, Bale 'd' Urfe' Quebec, and Mrs. Ethel Stanzak and David, Ottawa. Quite a number from this community were guests at the Templeman-Ulch wedding at the United Church, Mitchell on Saturday evening. At time of writing, Mr. Bert Daynard is a 'patient in Stratford General Hospital. M . n,' i!isMilli.N t.'l 1 MI !i1Il C+ L. N[sI '1 Cs 1 .. 1 A I i Tor. T'^ Ltyperien - MEAT QUALITY •Ip rri•r Mrs. Mary Rossi, Sam, Orpha Norris attended the Michelle and Launa, Etobi- christening of Kristin Leanne coke, visited for a few days and Courtney Elizabeth, twin with Mr. and Mrs. John daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Drake and Murray. Jim Skinner, at St. John's Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris, . Lutheran Church at Seebach Jill and Robert and Mrs. Hill, on Sunday. St. Columban has Nigeria visitor CECILIA RYAN 345-2028 Mrs. Bea Chapin of Brand- on, Manitoba spent the past two weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chapin and son and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meladv. Mr. Thomas of Nigeria spent last week visiting with Don Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Regier and family of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. •and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Kevin and Marleen Crow- ley of Sarnia spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Crowley and Mr. Joe Claesse s of Ken - ora spent the holi y week- end with his parents Mr. a ' d Mrs. Matt Claessens and 1 so Mr. and Mrs. Al Burgess •nd baby of London. Mr. Mrs. Frank Claessens of Milton, Mr. and Mts. Don Diegel and family of Walton and Martha Claessens of London visited on the week- end at the Claessen home. Mark Ryan spent theeek- end in Kitchener witl)Mr. and Mrs. Jim Subject and family, Quebec visitor in McKillop MRS. ED REGELE Mr^ and Mrs. Ed Ellis of Malton visited the latter's cousin Mrs. Ed Regele on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nevers. of Goderich visited on Satur- day at the home of Larry, Marsha and Randy Nevers. Mr. Gerald Stoskopf and Mrs. Adeline Stoskopf of R.R. 2 Mitchell and Miss Shirley Stoskopf of Fort Wayne. Indiana. U.S.A. vis- "FRESH" CENTRE CUT ONLY LOIN . PORK CHOPS X8. KG 4.39 LB 1.99 "FRESH" FAMILY ^ SIZE PACKAGES 1/4 LOIN PORK CHOPS BURNS "PRIDE OF CANADA" BONELESS & READY TO SERVE DINNER, HAMS CAMPPIRE BRAND BAKERY SPECIALS BONUS WHITE SLICED SIDE BACON 500 G -- 675 G LOAF • BREAD .49 KG 3.95 LB^ 1.79 BURNS • PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED BURNS (BY THE PIECE ONLY) PEAMEALED BACK BACON BURNS LINK OR FARM STYLE BEEF & PORK SAUSAGE BURNS "PRIDE OF CANADA" COOKED HAMSTORE SLICED AS YOU LIKE IT AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE ited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dallison of Chataugay Que- bec and Mrs. Grant Leonard and son of Georgetown visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. Norman Hubley and also called on Mrs. Ed Regele. Recent visitors with Mr. Norman Hubley were Mr. and Mrs. L. Frost and sons of Ottawa, Ont. .79 KG5.05 LB.2.29 KG5.27 LB.2.39 KG3.28 LB.1.49 KG 4.83 LB.2.19 DEMPSTER'S 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 4NEA�S 372 G PKG. 875 6 'LOAF . •1.69 (SELECTED VARIETIES) BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE OR STORE SLICED KG 2.40' L. 1.09 WESTON'S RASPBERRY SWISS ROLLS PKG. ■99 • OF 4 FROZEN FOODS SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER BURNS PRIDE of CANADA WIENERS 450 G PKG^ w T , FAMILY H LISI E HIGNER FISH & CHIPS FROZEN CONCENTRATE 32 OZ. PKG. 2.79 KENT ORANGE JUICE PIECES $ STEMS LEAVER MUSHROOMS ROWDS ARE JAMMING- THEIR WAY IN FOR THIS GREAT SALE NOW GOING ON! THANKS FOLKS! Ws Deeply Appndate Tow T.edMe Aegean T. Tide OAT SALT. LARONE - SPITTAL Department Store PRICE CUTTER'S AX FALLS AGAIN C0L 0''c' AL , TERRIFC, NERVE-T/NCL/NG, PRICE-SMASH/NG VALUES! 500 G JAR 1.49 BETTY CROCKER ASSORTED SUPER MOIST CAKE MIXES BETTY CROCKER ASSORTeD FROSTING MIXES ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELL-O POWDERS 510 G PK G. REG. PKG 10 OZ. TIN .63 1.29 1.19 85G ■39 PKG. PRODUCE 12 OZ. TIN .79 MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAM. 1Yr'LB. TIN WHITE SWAN WHITEORCOLOURED BATHROOM TISSUE: 4 ROLL PKG. 1.39AYLMER2a DZ: TOMATOES TIN .99 CHIQUITA BANANAS 38 LB. 14' KG. MANY ITEMS PRICED FAR BELOW 60 X OFF REMEMBER Our Bonus Buy Is Still In Effet:t Buy any 5 yards of fabric at 60% off and get any 3 patterns of your choice for only $1.00 Patterns alone - 70% off LARONE - SPITTAL REGULAR OR BUTTER FLAVOUR OLD TYME TABLE SYRUP WHITE HEINZ VINEGAR ORCHRIEOST•IE'S COOKIES 750 ML JUG 4 L. JUG 450 G PKG. 1.99 1.79 CAN. NO. 1 ONTARIO CELERY EACH 49 4 BUNSMASTER BAKERY PRODUCTS arriving daily COCA COLA 1.89 CAN. NO. 1 ONTARIO 750 ml. bottles COOKING orh d ONIONS =LB.BAG7 ASSORTED FLAVOURS ONTARIO NCH 613 SPINACH CRYSTALS2.691ao:-RAG FOR A CLEAN BRIGHT WASH OXYDOL DETERGENT 6 BOX FABRIC SOFTENER FLEECY LIQUID 51 JUG Store Hours Department Store Dally 9-5:30 ice; 55-57 Main St. Seaforth Thurs. - Fri. 9 9 v��i 527-1960 Y REFILL BOTTLE WINDEX 900 ML CLUSCWAR sit. 4.79 4.29 1.49 Willi COLOURED WHITE Darn°. SERVIETTES °Fa0 ■ PERSONAL SIZE IVORY 4 BAR SOAP BOLE. REGULAR SIZE DEODORANT ZEST 48AR BOLE. 1.33 1.99 tan 15 L DETERGENT jD° 3.29 DRY BLEACH P D=. 4.1 lcG 3899 PLUS DEPOSIT SEAFORTH STORE ONLY P',1ICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, SEPT. 10. 1983 IN MOST SUPERIOR STORES We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements 1 SEAFORTH' SUPERIOR MARKET DRAIN CLEANER LIQUID 32 02 PL MR BTL. 1.69 "Serving You Better - Saving You More" Supplied and Serviced by Elliott Merr & Co. Ltd. 4.,